
What Is Feminism?

30/10/2013 16:12

What Is Feminism?

The equality of man and woman is often given as the definitive description of feminist ambitions, whereas those described by anti-feminists as `rabid` feminists believe women are superior to men, which would require some grounds of verifiability before agreeing with such an assertion. In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, which suggests women have penis` semen of their own, and they do as `futanarian` women. In feminist terms, if women can sexually reproduce as `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed`, the human species doesn`t need men for fertilization, which defines women as superior to men by virtue of women`s not needing men`s servicings. In the Bible God tells Eve she will:
`...crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 If the `futanarian` is the foot of the `woman`s seed`, because she doesn`t need men`s sexual services, male technology is what`s required, or she`ll be kept upon the Earth without access to spaceflight and the planets and stars of the cosmos. Her potential socio-economic independence from men due to her own capacity to produce her own brains` power through sexual reproduction with herself by means of her own penis` semen can only be thwarted by men`s continuing to breed with her and refusing technological advancements that would ease her progress.
 If she isn`t able to reproduce sexually with her own `futanarian` penis` semen, woman has to accept the brains of her breeders, which means her human brain is damaged. Jesus Christ`s birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, is the archetype of `woman`s seed`, that is, his brain is undamaged, because not bred by the `serpent`s seed`, which prefigures the emergence of the human species of woman bred by her own penis` seed and so without brain damage.
 In the Bible it is written, `let he that has wisdom understand, the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six,` because women who`re bred by men won`t have their own human brains unless their contribution to the human species reaches 66.6%, that is, 33% women without a penis, but with a vagina, and 33% women with penis and vagina. Men would constitute an ever-dwindling 33% as the humans reproduced and needed male muscle and technology in proportionate decrease to women`s own increasing brains` power and rising level of technological development through their sexually reproducing with each other.
 Unless the proportion of women reaches 66.6% as the minimum requirement for the rise of the human race of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and capacity for self-production, that is, 66.6, `the beast` will have won. Maintaining 50/50 male and female equality gives the human race of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for self-reproducing her own brains` power, less than a 50/50 chance of survival, because the human species requires 33% futanarian woman and 33% woman (66.6%), without even considering whether men belong in the human equation or not.
 In Greece pederasty was institutionalized to the extent that `Greek` became a eupemism for homosexuality. In the 20th century the `Trojan horse` became a euphemism for computer viruses, while `Trojan` was the name of a brand of condom used extensively as a prophylactic defense against the HIV/AIDS` virus known to have derived from homosexuals` mixing blood, shit and male semen in their anuses during sterile female rejecting sexual intercourse there. 
 The concept of the `Trojan` and the `Trojan horse` derived from the ancient Greeks` siege of the city of Troy, which fell after they left a gift of a huge hollow wooden horse, thereafter known as the `Trojan horse`. The horse was taken into the city by the Trojan defenders and the Greeks emerged from inside to enslave the host wombs of the women for pederasty and the further spread of war`s contagions. By the 20th century the `Greek` contagions were the computer viruses adminstered to the future helping brains of `woman`s seed` by `geeks` opposed to her development, and the HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` deployed by the `serpent`s seed` as a `biological weapon` to keep women in monogamous faithful fear of the human brains` enslaving by her male virus` persistence.
 In psychological terms, the woman with sexual feelings for other women is defined as `lesbian` and abnormal, but equal with homosexual men, in feminism, who are perceived as not able to help themselves from wanting to be sterile, while constituting a major source of plague. Because women have their own penis` `seed` as `futanarian` humans, species` sexuality is normal between women, which means those who`re defined as homosexuals because they`re lesbians, that is, normal women, are branded with the label `schizophrenic` by clinical psychology.
 Feminism is definable as `political correctness`, based on tolerance for breeding a woman as an animal in order to define her as an abnormal schizophrenic lesbian and make a complaint, HIV/AIDS. Because, if feminism didn`t accept the label `lesbian`, as identifying women as `homosexual`, and therefore homosexuality as a criteria of normality, rather than disseminate the truth that normally women are a separate and independent species from men with her own penis` semen, homosexuality mightn`t exist at all, or the brain damaging virality of the `serpent`s seed` of men either.

Sixty Six Point Six Percent Is The Number Of The Beast

29/10/2013 10:32

Sixty Six Point Six Percent Is The Number Of The Beast

The basic theme of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is `woman`s seed`. In Eden Eve is told by the Old Testament God that her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, while in the New Testament Jesus Christ was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary. At the `Last Supper`, before his torture and murder upon the cross of his crucifixion, Jesus Christ was the host betrayed. Judas Iscariot, the treacherous disciple, betrays the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth to the persecutors of the Roman Empire in Palestine because, born as `the first of woman`s seed`, that is, as the child of the host womb of the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and his mother represent the new host of the human species.
 Because women have penis semen of their own to sexually reproduce her own brains` technological power for the future host of humanity, she`s `futanarian`, and that means she`s potentially 66.6% of the humans on the planet Earth. The builder of the house of God requires muscles, that is, men, or their equivalent, for example, robot technology, to perform the heavy labour, and when the work is done the women breed themselves until their males` reincarnation and resurrection through their host wombs improves the species from 50/50 to somewhere approaching 100% `futanarian` woman, whereas in enslavement to men the numbers of `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` are so reduced as to make it virtually impossible for the human race of woman to run; although God tells Eve her seed will:
`... crush the head of the serpent as she leaves.` (Gen: 3.15)
 In Revelation the `number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six` because 66.6% woman, that is, penised women and non-penised women, is the demographic percentage of woman to be anticipated under those circumstances obtaining when the human race is under attack from parasites endeavouring to take over her host womb. If men are perceived as viral and the story of the late 20th century`s `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS, described as the `blood plage` in Revelation, says that they are, because of their homosexuality`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in their own anuses to produce the STD, then pederasty and war is a viral contagion:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
 According to Revelation there`ll be `war in heaven`, which is inevitable if men refuse to accept human development based on the 66.6% demographic principle that women should outnumber men 2 to 1 as a matter of nature. In species` terms Jesus Christ is described as the `Logos`, that is, the `Word` of God, and the beginnings of technological advancement, but it`s in men`s interests to keep women on a low level of technology so they can`t breed their own brains` power to leave the Earth after escape velocity has been achieved:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 Men are abominations not simply because they go a-bombing nations, while employing such ridiculous euphemisms as `carpet bombing` with `Agent Orange`, which `domestic cleaning` terms the USA used to describe their `ethnic cleansing` activities during attempts to destroy and defoliate the women from the Earth in Indo-China during the Vietnam war (1955-75), but because they`re engaged in pogroming the human species, after giving her their brain damaging virus from her own womb using her own penis` `seed`, she`s more tractable now because men are her abominations. Men are increasingly becoming physically very impotent, because they`re spiritually and intellectually redundant with a dwindling average penis size of 5.8 inches that, as the rock band 10CC observed, only emits an average ten cubic centimetres of sperm, according to medical studies:
`Load up, load up, load up with rubber bullets.`1
 The `playing field` has been levelled at 50/50, because men weren`t loading up `with rubber bullets`, that is, their `seed` was contaminated with the HIV/AIDS virus by the end of the 20th century and they weren`t using rubber condoms to ensure that their `bullets` bounced off rather than gave the human species of woman with her own `futanarian` penis` semen their bullet in the head brain damage she wouldn`t have had if she`d been sexually active with her own species` semen. The more copious bags of sperm possessed by the far more important `futanarian` woman with her own much larger penis and `seed` sac has been pogromed out of the equation by the homosexual pederastical elite of the increasingly ever more very impotent but uninvited parasitical guests of their hostess` womb:
`To do the Wall Street shuffle; let your money hustle. Bet you`d sell your mother: you can buy another.`2
 In the Bible it is written that `no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name,` (Rev: 13. 16-17) because women have lost their own penis and so are marked by `the beast`, which has given her brain damage to accept it by breeding with her. With 50% `beast` and 50% women the human race has far less than a 50/50 chance of surviving, which is why it is written in the Bible, `let he that has wisdom understand, the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six` (Rev: 13. 18), that is, 666, because 66.6% is the percentage of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen that should be on the planet Earth as a breeding pair in contradistinction to men who would constitute only 33.3% of the equation; if they hadn`t killed her so much already: and they aren`t even preferred as sex partners by her, or God. HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` would suggest men are attempting to reproduce their virality even without women`s host wombs. The 50/50 male-female equation has been falsely devised by `the beast`, for whichever single male has currently decided to be he. The `beast` wants to further the extinction of the human `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` `seed` and her average of above 66.6 cubic centimetres per ejaculation, because her more potent capacity to produce her own brains` power threatens men`s enslaving of her through their brain damaging of her human race and so prevent her from progressing.
1 Creme, Lol and Kevin Godley 10CC `Rubber Bullets`, UK #1 , June 1973 from the album 10CC, released July 1973.
2 Creme, Lol and Kevin Godley 10CC `Wall Street Shuffle`, from the album Sheet Music, 1974.

The Penis Is Interfering With Human Enslavement

08/10/2013 09:20

The Penis Is Interfering With Human Enslavement

 In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), building on the work of the psychoanalytical theorist, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), who suggested that `penis envy` was the basis of men`s psychopathology, instinctual sexual libido undergoes a transformation into spiritual, that is, intelellectual endeavour, because of the human species` desire to progress and live by means of an inventiveness resulting in technology and the construction of labour saving devices conferring freedom upon the individual. Freud described what was repressed into the unocnscious of men as the `id` which contained what the collective consciousness didn`t want to remember or have known by others about themselves. Because women as `futanarian` humans with their own penis` `seed` and capacity for self-reproduction represent the brains` power of the socio-economic species independent of men, Freud`s theories of men`s `penis envy` are true but directed at woman as the race which men have enslaved by invading  what we know as woman`s host womb as parasites. By removing the woman`s penis from view through their various taboos against sex, which is but one of two physical activities the human body is capable of, the other being to intake sustenance, men have prevented the human species of woman from recovering from the in-bred brain damage men have given her by breeding her own brains` power for technological progress and development independently of her enslavers:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 Described as `a woman` in the Bible, Babylon is a representative of a species enslaved by a devouring parasite that wants her to produce civilization, culture and art for it to wage war upon in its hatred of the host womb from which she has been able to create despite the depredations of her malien invaders. God tells Eve she`ll have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` before her` seed` will:
`... crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen as `the first of `woman`s seed` from his mother, the Virgin Mary, prefigures the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen who can self-reproduce her own species` brains and decontaminate herself so that she is no longer handicappped by the brain damaging `seprent`s seed` of men who don`t want her to develop but want to keep her as a host womb for its parasitical devouring of the human race in the `perpetusal enmity` of its wars against her upon the Earth. Jesus` cup at the `Last Supper` before his betrayal to the Romans as a dissident preacher, is a symbol of the host womb of his mother, the Virgin Mary, because men want the womb but don`t want the cup of her species` friendship. Jesus` taught in the deserts of Palestine, where water is precious, so the cup is a symbol of what humans need to maintain in order to live in art, civilization and culture. If the cup is broken, Mohammed has to go to the water, because the water cannot be brought to Mohammed without a cup. The enslaving maliens perceive the womb is needed but the cup isn`t, that is, if the woman develops technology through breeding her own brains` power, she`ll leave Earth, so the cup is a symbol of technological advancement that needs to be maintained. But men want the host womb of their parasitism, and not the cup, which is a symbol of everything that the human brain can create to give freedom from drudgery and enslavement, and so the cup of Jesus` `Last Supper` is the Holy Grail of knightly legends, because the cup needs the spear of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` so that the human brains` powers can be bred to free her, but men have made woman`s penis extinct and replaced it with the paucity of their own malien stories of war.
 In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved by men for the purpose of spreading their contagion of institutionalized homosexuality and pederasty in worship of Ares, god of war. Before the walls of Troy, the ancient Greeks left a huge wooden horse inside which they hid until the Trojans took the horse into the city and the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women because that`s how the virus spreads. In the 20th century the `Trojan` was a condom because it worked to prevent the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS from spreading from men mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in rejection of human women. The paradigm is of men`s virality not wanting women`s virility to breed her own mental powers with her own penis` semen and avoid men`s contaminating her mind to give her race brain damage. In the 21st century the Greeks were replaced by the `geeks`, who contaminated thinking machines with `bad code`. By brain damaging the labour saving machine, the `computer geek` lost the labour of humans, which couldn`t be saved, that is, the `geek` was the equivalent of the `bad cold` that prevents humans from functioning.
 Geeks were `circus freaks` that ate the heads of chickens, but the term came to be applied to those who gave human thinking machines viruses, which is what maliens in homosexual pederasty and war worship do. Because the Arabian terrorist group, Al Qaeda, broke through the United States of America`s defence system by hijacking `civil` airliners to betray their trust as guests and crash the planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre, the terrorists were the `flu` equivalent of a computer virus attacking the brain`s immune system. The terrorist act precipitated the Gulf War (2001-11), because global `rough trade`, which is a slang term for `brutality and violence`, amongst homosexual pederasts engaged in their `conventional war` of `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed`,  saw the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre as its twinned penis` homosexual symbol, while their `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS, the `blood plague` of Revelation, reamined a `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to the enslaving malien breeders with their brain damaging false penis` `seed` of repression.
 Because `geeks` were originally the `circus freaks` that ate chickens` heads, `circus` must be part of the equation and it`s the word used to describe the activities of spy rings, which mainly prevent people from being able to see, rather than attempting to see what others are doing. If women don`t know that they are the human species with their own penis` `seed`  and capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` power, they`re blind. Spy rings are for keeping her ignorant and unconscious of the truth, which is where `geeks` come into the equation.  Computer `geeks` prevent  women from seeing through the internet and devise ways of preventing her from using technologies` brains as an enhanced peripheral awareness of her potentially independent species` socio-economic situation, mainly by making the penis taboo which, because she has her own, is the basis of her `futanarian` power. Without conscious awareness of her dispossessed status as the human ex-species, women correspond to `headless chickens`, whose minds have been devoured by `geeks` who want her to remain a brain damaged victim of being bred as a `circus` animal of men`s `serpent`s seed` that, depicting itself in Hollywood, Babylon, as her science fiction movie monster, has taken over the host wombs of woman to enslave and devour her as a malien parasite eating her chickens` heads, because she can never function as a human brained women if the products of her womb remain contaminated by the virulent strain of men`s computing virus.
 Although competing is given out as the basis for capitalist socio-economic theory, men couldn`t compete with women`s own penis` `seed` and its sexual desire for the production of her own brains` power, because the human species recognizes itself as sexually attractive, which men can`t. It doesn`t compute that men compete, so they have to compute their survival as a virus, which necessitates keeping women in unconscious blindness and ignorance, and ensuring her ephemerality so she doesn`t have a memory long enough to remember her own self, that is, low level technological development, based on the denial of her own penis` capacity to transform her instinctual libidic energy into intellectual work and technological advancements in medical science, to prolong youth and longevity, as well as space travel to escape from the maliens upon the planet Earth. The penis is interfering with the maliens` enslavement of the human species` endeavour to reach the planets and stars of God`s own heaven and the maliens want to reestablish the taboo against the woman`s penis` `seed`.
 9/11, 2001`s terrorist attack by Al Qaeda, `the base`, by crashing planes into New York`s World Trade Centre, was a diversion to restore deflation of the penis, which is the basis of transformed spiritual and intellectual power. By diverting activity into war, the spirit of God upon the Earth would be lost. Homosexual pederasty would prevent the `hidden` woman with her own penis` `seed`, and capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` intellectual power, from inflating her own penis` desire to change the course of history and rid herself of the maliens.  Her power would be deflated in a ratio proportionate to the numbers of women extant upon the surface of the planet with penis` `seed` capable of reproducing her own developed brains` intellect, so men would have to find her `hidden` selves and kill her, which is what homosexual pederasty intended the Gulf war (2001-11) to be. The Great Seal of the United States of America and her navy seals, especially Navy Seal Team Six, who killed the terrorist leader, Osama Ben Ladan, represent the forces of God arrayed to defend the hymen of the `hidden` woman of Arabia in her traditional unseeable guide beneath the one pice coverall of the abiyah from which only her eyes can be seen in public:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
 The `eagle` is the United States of America`s Great Seal, symbol of the power and authority of the office of the President of the USA, and so the Gulf war to depose Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, as a supporter of Al Qaeda, `the base`, helped by Arabian nations like Saudi Arabia, was the US` navy seals` defence of the sealed hymen of the `hidden` woman of the `futanarian` human species with her own penis` `seed`, in accordance with God`s word, as related in the Bible, according to which the `serpent`s seed` shall have eternal unendurable pain as a punishment for not repenting of their enslaving and devouring of humanity`s `seed`, while the `woman`s seed` shall have a `new heaven and Earth`:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
 The `blood plague` of Revelation is the contamination of the `serpent` of `woman`s seed` in the form of the `killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, created in men`mixing of blood, shit and semen together in each others anuses in rejection of the host womb of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` pure thoughts. Jesus` teachings of Redemption insist on repentance for sin, which is necessary if men are to receive God`s forgiveness. Reincarnation is a means of keeping the human race in a slave cycle of rebirth and blind gropings towards what woman was, or could be. Jesus` teachings of Resurrection for `woman`s seed` are of those who were `futanarian` human with her own penis` semen killed by men, which is why they have to beg God for forgiveness in repentance for a sin compounded by maintaining the human species in blindness and ignorance, by the simplest of expediences; making the penis of the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` taboo. Introducing consumption as the only human activity permissible:
`Deflation occurred in the U.S. during most of the 19th century ... caused by technological progress that created significant economic growth.`1 
In economic terms, inflation is where goods cost more, so workers are paid more, and the result is a general improvement, so governments favour an inflation rate of around 2% per annum, but deflation is the lowering of the value of the currency so the workers can`t afford the goods, which can result in a lowering of prices, but the tendency is for the prices of goods to remain high and so the employed have to find a way of affording the higher valued items, and that results in improvement of the workforce, while research and development slows because of less financial investment due to goods not being purchased and so the goods remain undeveloped. Technological progress would cause deflation where goods cost less, but what`s applied in a slave economy is deflation through lack of technological development, that is, inferior goods that are affordable for an inflated cost.
 After food, sex is what drives human endeavour but, if women are unaffordable, that`s  deflation, which intereferes with sexual libido. More energy than is affordable by the individual human is channeled into obtaining a human woman as a partner. Slave economics is based on sex-starvation by the maliens of `woman`s seed`, where women have their own penis` semen as `futanarian` humans, and so represent socio-economic independence in potentiam, if she can breed her own brains` economic power, but if her penis isn`t visible, deflation has gone too far, as it were, because the human economy can`t be restarted.
 The unaffordability of women is the basis of a deflationist economy, because sexual desire represented by the inflated penis` urge to reproduce in the safety of a home environment can`t be fulfilled and so the other function of which the body is physically capable, eating, is elevated to the false position of superiority. Consumption, in the sense of a `hand to mouth` economy, and what the early doctors described as `consumption`, that is, killer diseases like HIV/AIDS, results from the attack upon the body of human society by the parasites of homosexual pederasty. Poor medicine, deriving from the maliens` need to keep women as ephemeral brainless `butterflies` without penis` semen of their own, so they`re incapable of breeding their own brains` power for technological advances to retain memory and knowledge of their species through bodily longevity, encourages consumption by `killer diseases` such as HIV/AIDS. This is `deflationary`, because women are kept in fear and faithfulness to the brain damaging `serpent`s seed` of men`s penis, in the absence of what are `normal`, but defined societally as `schizophrenic`, feelings of sexual desire for her own brains` reproducing through her own missing penis` shadow-inflated desire for herself, which is necessary for a growing human economy. Women`s schizophrenia is an example of the brain damage inflicted by the `serpent`s seed` because she doesn`t value herself highly and to homosexual pederasty she`s a host womb for its parasitical consumption of her. To combat malien deflation `woman`s seed` has to correlate sexual libidic activity with socio-economic development, that is, women have to be affordable, and their own penis` `seed` has to be known to be available to herself, which requires education and not penis taboo.
 The deflationary economy is where the goods are cheaper because they have less value, but not in real terms, that is, they cost less but may be of great value, which is what women represent. Because women are seemingly valued at a premium by malien society, the assumption is their species has been killed to raise the price higher for the `rubes` and make the enslaved `woman`s seed` work harder in a slave economy based on the transformation of spirituality into intellectual endeavour supported by religion. Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, is the economic recipe for human socio-economic growth, because `the first of woman`s seed` isn`t brain damaged by the enslaving and devouring `serpent`s seed`, but represents the `futanarian` human species with her own penis` `seed` that wants progress and escape from the maliens to the planets and stars of `heaven` through the developed technolgy of starships. Jesus` birth `star` over Bethlehem two thousand years ago prefigured the escape of `woman`s seed` from the Earth in starships, and the Bible says there`ll be war in heaven between the `serpent`s seed` and `woman`s seed`,  because the woman`s penis has to be very small before men can`t get it in.

It`s A Girl Trying To Escape From Its Killer

23/09/2013 09:41

It`s A Girl Trying To Escape From Its Killer


Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, which meant he was `woman`s seed`. God had told Eve in Paradise that her `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` with the evil, which suggests she`ll have penis` semen of her own. Before Jesus` death he gave `bread and wine` as symbols of the host at his `Last Supper` before the Roman authorities crucified him after he was betrayed as the host by the false disciple, Judas Iscariot, and tortured to death as a dissident in occupied Palestine. Jesus` teaching was of the sacrosanctity of the host, which his birth mother, the Virgin Mary, represents. Because God foretold to Eve the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` would emerge from her daughters own host wombs, the absence of `woman`s seed` from the picture painted by men means they`re the killer that`s stalking her:
`... [she] will crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 Eve`s `futanarian` heel may well crush the `serpent`s seed` as she escapes to the `new heaven and Earth` God promises her `seed` but she needs to breed her own brains` power to develop her own technology in the form of starships before she can leave, which suggests men`s plan is to keep her in enslavement and media censored blindness to her own species` self-reproductive potential for socio-economic independence. Her host womb will remain a producer of art, civilization and culture for men`s devouring in their wars of `perpetual enmity` against her, if the worship of the god of war in pederasty and homosexuality continues. Because women`s `seed` isn`t breeding her own brains` power, from her own `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, she doesn`t have her own brains, so is contaminated by the `serpent`s seed`, which is why Jesus is described as `the first of woman`s seed` in scripture. He was born uncontaminated by male semen. Asked about heaven, Jesus said that, in the Resurrection, there`d be neither giving nor taking in marriage. Because women are a single biune species that doesn`t marry.
 In the late 20th century, homosexuality`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses created what the Bible calls the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS` `killer disease`, which effectively kept women in fearful faithfulness to her enslavers, men, and constituted the `biological weapon` deployed against her. The `brutality and violence` of homosexuality is called `rough trade`. On 9/11, 2001, Arabian terrorists hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Centre of New York to precipitate the global `rough trade` of the homosexual worship of pederasty in war. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese `sneak attack` on the aircraft carriers of the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, resulted in a similar precipitation of the United States of America into a World War (1939-45). On each occasion the `pearl of great price`, which is `heaven on Earth`, (Matt: 13. 45-6) was at stake, that is, `woman`s seed` pearl. According to Revelation, `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, who `will rule the nations with an iron scepter`. In New York harbor the torch bearing statue of Liberty is the woman after her defeat of the red sun of Japan`s flag and with the moon of the flag of the terrorist organization, Al Qaeda, `the base`, at her feet, while `the pearl of great price`, the pearl moon of the first step of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` to heaven, shines beneath her own base in her birth waters at New York harbor.
 Although the child of `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is described as male, he`s Jesus in his `Second Coming` and so is `woman`s seed`, which suggests he`s resurrected `futanarian` human with her penis` `seed`. Jesus` `Second Coming` results in eternal unendurable pain as a punishment for woman`s evil enslavers and devourers, that is, perdition. The `woman`s seed` pearl of `futanarian` woman with her own penis, that is, `the pearl of great price`, because it`s the silver moon of woman`s first `futanarian` step alone to the planets and stars, is the end of the contaminating `serpent`s seed` upon woman`s brains. The `red dragon` of devouring war, and pederasty`s `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS` `killer disease`, enslaving woman`s host womb in fearful faithfulness, is depicted in the Bible as waiting to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming`, but waits in vain because woman can`t be stayed:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 Because `woman`s seed` is to have Resurrection, `new woman` is in her infancy, which means she has a killer who is stalking her as a girl, and that`s what mainstream Babylon Hollywood `pictures` depict. The woman is either attacked or defended by a man or men, but neither defender nor attacker is needed if the woman doesn`t have the disease. In the period of the history of the United States of America known as the `Wild West` men with guns were the firers, that is, the virus. In Hollywood Babylon `Westerns` set in the 1880s a hero would face the villain in a main street gunfight while the woman, for example, Grace Kelly in High Noon (1952) would await the outcome, but without the gunfirers, that is, the gun virus, the woman wouldn`t be endangered. Consequently, men are women`s virus and, because `woman`s seed` will have Resurrection, she`ll have `life eternal` when she leaves Earth and the `serpent`s seed` of men behind with their `love guns` still spitting seeds of death down each others` anuses from their penis` brain debilitating semen in rejection of salvation, that is, being saved from `the wages of sin [which] is death` (Rom: 6. 23), while the host wombs of the women that could have been theirs have Resurrection as `woman`s seed` in the `futanarian` heaven of humans with their own clean penis` semen and unhandicapped brains` development:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
 Jesus` teaching was of Redemption which required repentance from sin, but men have obfuscated what sin is in order to feign an innocence they don`t possess and so fool `woman`s seed` into accepting demons` `seed` as human, whereas it`s the `serpent`s seed` of men that debilitates the brains of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own clean penis` `seed`, and that`s men`s sin; blinding through media censorship.
 In Hollywood Babylon from the 1930s onward it was the `foot on the floor rule` in bedroom scenes that prevented the `futanarian` penis of the woman from even being hinted at and prevented her from impregnating her own human species with her own penis` semen to produce her own human brains and get her `futanarian` foot off the floor of the Earth to crush the alien head of the serpent with her heel as she left in the starships she`d built with her own brains` developed technology.
 By the late 20th century men were so desperate to prevent the woman from escaping, most of their Hollywood Babylon propoganda featured young girls being stalked and murdered as entertainment. The protoypical psychopathic killer was actor Anthony Perkins` character, Norman Bates at the Bates Motel, who kills actress Janet Leigh in the infamous Psycho (1960) shower scene where only the shadow of the knife is seen.
In the late 20th century`s Sliver (1993) actress Sharon Stone`s a young woman watched in her apartment on CCTV by a security guard who becomes her stalker. At the beginning of the 21st century, movies like Scream (1996), in which a knife wielding attacker is cheered on by excited male audiences as he bloodily and explicitly murders young female victims, gave way to `spoof` films like Scarey Movie (2000) in which the same knife wielding attacker is cheered on by laughing male audiences, who are no longer even excited:
`Get outta the car, bitch, or I`m gonna blow your brains out!`1
 The United States of America has often been criticized for being a society that produces only garbage but, as the centre of the world`s automobile industry, it`s contribution is the car bitch, who is persuaded somehow to enter into the dubious safety of the car interior by the male demon driver, who represents the cabbage society, because women without their own penis` `seed`, as the `futanarian` human species, can`t self-reproduce her own brains` power through sexual fertilization, gestation, and developed growth of her own species by means of education and the dissemination of information because of media blinding. Woman remains a cabbage and a car bitch in the gab bitch society where the woman whose speech isn`t articulated by her own bred brains is excommunicated from herselves` `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed`, so she can`t breed the linguistic virus of men out of her and escape the demon drivers` willing her on to unintelligibility by making it impossible for her to apply her own penis` `seed` for the breeding of her own brains` intelligent voice, which is God`s Word:
`So, tell me something, Miss Thelma. How is it you ain`t got any kids?`2
 The women in the movie Thelma And Louise (1991) are accused implicitly and explicitly throughout as `lesbians`, but the functionality of the feelings known as `lesbianisn` simply represent the desire of the human species of woman to have and breed her own driving brainpower, which is normal in woman`s desire for socio-economic independence from the brain damage and schizophrenia she`s enduring because of the `serpent`s seed` of men`s breeding with her. Thelma fields the question about her breeding by referring to her husband, Daryl, who is the latest in the line of `serpent`s seed` that breeds itself into the woman`s gene pool and cretinizes her brain:
`He says he`s still too much of a kid himself. He kinda prides himself on being infantile.`
 Thelma and Louise become desperate enough to escape from their men and the police that are alerted to make pursuit. The film ends with the pair, who have been bred with the `serpent`s seed` of men, so that their brains are damaged and infantile, like Daryl`s, driving over a cliff and into the Grand Canyon, a symbol of the huge hole at the heart of humanity`s relationship with mom. The human `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` can`t hope to develop unless she breeds her own brains, which means the Greek Kore, that is, the mythological Demeter-Persephone goddess relationship between the Earth mother and her growing daughter, is the basic human unit. Otherwise the human `futrace` of the `futanarian` woman can`t `run`, which is what `fut` means in Hungarian while `tanar` means `teacher` in the Central European matriarchy of the Magyar and `futanaria` is the Japanese term for manga cartoons featuring women with their own penis` semen. Because Jesus is the teacher, `futanar` is what he is, which is why Hungary is a Christian country and Japanese manga features pictures of `woman`s seed`, where most countries in the world don`t give credence to the existence of the woman`s penis` semen and actively enforce taboos against the penis per se to prevent the woman from remembering her own `seed` so as to maintain `futanarian` humanity in womb slavery to the `serpent`s seed` of men.
 Thelma is correct when she says Daryl`s problem is infantilism, but it`s hers too. Because woman as a `futanarian` species with her own penis` `seed` is an infant, men are her `boy sons`, that is, her brain becomes less `futanarian` human and more `serpent`s seed` alien as the `poisons` take hold. Despite men`s breeding of woman as the host womb for their parasitical devouring of the civilization, culture and art she`s able to produce through God`s spirit in her, her soul is ceaselessly devoured in men`s wars of `perpetual enmity` upon the Earth. Without her `futanarian` penis` `seed` fertilizing her own host wombs, women will remain infantile because her brain is contaminated by reproduction with men`s `serpent`s seed`, whereas Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, teaches `woman`s seed` is the decontaminant of her own penis` semen she needs to breed her own intelligent system independent of her poisoner:
`You stutter again and I will shoot your [...] legs off, all right?`3
Jesus was the host betrayed by Judas, that is, the `futanar` or travelling teacher of the `futanarian` penis` `seed` of woman. Early 21st century popstar, Lady Gaga, recognized this teaching in her CD single and video, `Judas`(2011), because men in the centuries before had been `shooters` betraying the growth and development of the roots of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`; lest she put forth leaves and bear fruit. Men were her Judas, that is, the `shooters` of her, where `shooters` is English slang for guns. God`s `futrace` can`t run to escape from its killers, while the girl of the human race is in her infancy and vulnerable to her male stalkers, because she`s disabled mentally due to her breeding with the `serpent`s seed`:
`I wanna love you,
But something’s pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue,
Judas is the demon I cling to
I cling to.`4
 The most supported world religion in the 20th century was Judaism, that is, `shooterism`. It isn`t possible to be born in Judaism unless born from a woman, which means men are her Judas` betrayal, or `shooters` in `shooterism`, because her `futanarian` penis has been killed by them, so she can`t, as a parasite`s host with a damaged brain, walk the path of her gunned down and hunted species, whereas if Jesus` teachings are accepted, she`s us:
`Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Matt: 22. 39)
 Because your neighbour is yourself, especially if Jesus says she`s us. In `shooterism`, where `shooters`, that is, those who follow the path of Judas, betray `woman`s seed`, she`s us, that is, Jesus, because the host womb of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` has her capacity for breeding her own brains to escape from `shooterism`, which is Judaism and `shooters`, that is, Judas` betrayal of `woman`s seed`, in starships and other technologies of her own brains` devising, to take her away from her devouring parasite, so she can live amongst the planets and stars of God`s heaven forever. If not, men will kill the little girl that is humanity again, because they`ve done it before.
 In ancient Greece men institutionalized homosexual pederasty and the enslavement of women`s host wombs to spread their contagion of war, while the more famous of the Greek dramatists, Sophocles, wrote of the Egyptian city of Thebes in Oedipus Rex, and Oedipus, `slow foot`, who thought he understood why `Man` walked on three legs, because he didn`t know that the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed was the `foot` the human race lacked. Oedipus` perception was that a man walked with a cane in old age, which is biblical insofar as Cain, the murderer, killed his brother Abel for being able, and so he`d disabled the human race in blindness. When Oedipus discovers he`s married  his mother, Jocasta, he succumbs to men`s incest taboo, which is designed to prevent `woman`s seed` from realizing that it`s `futanarian`, that is, women are a species` family biunity with its own penis` `seed` independent of men. Blinding himself, Oedipus` name, `slow foot`, is revealed in meaning. Men kill women`s `seed` to prevent her `futrace` from running away, but Oedipus` marriage with Jocasta means that the `futrace` is slow but sure because it knows its own family and will run, but the race of Cain will walk in blindness, because it`d only kill the little girl again if it could see.
1 Punk Gone In 60 Seconds, Touchstone Pictures, 2000.
2 J. D. Thelma and Louise, Metro Goldwyn Mayer, 1991.
3 Jackie Junior Shooters, Suspect Device Films, 2001.
4 Lady Gaga `Judas` from Born This Way, Interscope Records, April 15, 2011.

TV Is A Gay Chaperone

16/09/2013 10:34

TV Is A Gay Chaperone

Because Jesus was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, Christ is described as `the first of woman`s seed`, which prefigures the emergence of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, although Jesus` teachings are of the Resurrection, before Ascension to heaven after the `Last Judgement` of God that punishes the unconverted, that is, those who do not accept the host womb of woman as the human species, with eternal unendurable pain. In the Resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage but will be as the angelic host, which means that the human `futanarian` race of `woman`s seed` shall no longer be sundered from itself in what `TV` presents as a form of transvestism where the humans wear each others` clothes as a `TV`, that is, as transvestite `futanarian` humanity. A woman with her own penis `seed` is taught by the television that she can`t have a woman to reproduce her human `futanarian` species because the demons have hold of her.
 A `lesbian` woman is taught her feelings for her own species are abnormal and abherrant, while they`re normal for a woman without a penis who desires the penis of her own species or is simply experiencing love for the human race or self-love. The resultant schizophrenia is euphemistically known as `losing your marbles`, which is what the glass marbles of television are for. The woman who watches herselves being chaperoned by the `gay demons`, who don`t have an `on screen` penis, doesn`t see that she can`t reproduce with her own `futanarian` penis` semen, because she`s living in occlusion, blind from even the intimation of the possibility of `woman`s seed`. The `TV demons` preclude the human species from reproducing, which means that there are very few known humans inhabiting the Earth and that the gay chaperones have made her extinct for plague gaymes of enslavement of the host womb of woman to produce the civilization, culture and art the spirit of God makes her capable of so that the `serpent`s seed` can devour her in its wars of `perpetual enmity` against her `seed`; although God says she:
`... will crush the head of the serpent as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 Hollywood is often known as `Babylon`, after the biblical `mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth` (Rev: 17. 5), who is described as `a woman`, `Mystery, Babylon the great`, because it`s a `mystery` how she allowed her host womb to be enslaved by the `serpent`s seed`, whereas Hollywood Babylon produces film entertainments from it. Because there`s no sign of the female penis in mainstream Hollywood movies, `woman`s seed` is being chaperoned by gay demons.
 In the movie The Chaperone (2011), Ray Bradstone, a `getaway driver` for armed robbers, chaperones a `school trip` for his daughter, Sally, and her classmates, and the killers pursue the party. Although it isn`t presented as a `gay movie`, The Chaperone is typical of Hollywood`s `gay plague` of false heroes. The `demon driver` and the pursuing gang are what gay chaperones do. They pretend to shepherd the woman while preventing her from sexually reproducing with her own `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen. Menacing her with gay demons, the `demon driver` masquerades as a heroic figure and the humans species of `woman`s seed` is driven to extinction by the demons:
`I at least deserve a second chance to get to know my own daughter.`1
 Ray Bradstone`s bleat is stereotypical of the gay demon who is described in Revelation, `... [a] beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon.` The voice is of a lamb but the words are those of a `dragon` grown since its days as the `serpent` in Eden.  The dragon `waits in vain` to devour the child who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` and who is the `New Redeemer`. The gay chaperones mightn`t deserve a second chance from Jesus in his `Second Coming`, (Rev: 13. 11) who represents `woman`s seed` and not the `serpent`s seed` of the gay demons.
 In Hollywood Babylon the `one foot on the floor rule`2 was enforced in bedroom scenes from the 1930s until the 1960s, because the gay chaperones didn`t want the `futanarian` human `futrace` of `woman`s seed` to get off the floor and run its species` program to escape from the eternal unendurable pain that the gay demons of Hollywood Babylon have programed for her human race:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
 The Bible describes the `blood plague` of Revelation, which corresponds to HIV/AIDS. Made in the mixing of blood, shit and semen in the anuses of the gay demons as an incurable killer`s disease and `biological weapon` to instill fear and faithfulness in acceptance of the gay chaperones` enslaving of `woman`s seed` so they can watch the transvestite `TV` of the human species` dying on screen and stage sets in sundered ignorance of herself, HIV/AIDS is the demons` virality. The `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed`  with her own penis` semen can`t see the demon`s `seed` on her television because she hasn`t been told he`s a demon acting as a gay chaperone to prevent her from sexually reproducing with herself. The `gay plague` of HIV/AIDS is visible everywhere. The alien has taken control of the host womb of the human species and is chaperoning her to extinction by possessing her.
 Politically correct feminism says that gays are lesbians, which isn`t demonstrably true. Homosexuals engage in acts of sterile mockery of sexual reproduction, which result in nothing but the `blood plague` of the HIV/AIDS` gay demons` virality, whereas lesbian women are human from the point of view of `futanarian` women with penis` `seed` of their own. Feminists are `PC` from a `TV` perspective, which says televisions and personal computers (PCs) are for censoring or policing women, so they`re murdered, blind and occluded from knowledge of the gay demons` plague gaymes of war worship in pederasty, which is the virus from the host womb of the enslaved human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`:
`I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 Eve`s desire for her own penis` `seed` is depicted in Genesis as the `serpent` and the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which God tells her is `death`, because the gay chaperone will spread like a virus and kill her human species as a demon seeking a host womb for its depravity, which is what Hollywood Babylon `shoot `em up` movies, television `action` dramas and children, or cowardly adults, who play gaymes of detachment from carnage on personal computers represent.
 Jesus is the `Second Adam`, born uncontaminated by male semen, because he`s `the first of woman`s seed`, birthed by the `futanarian` human host womb of his mother, the Virgin Mary, while Eve`s `seed` is the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` after Redemption through the teachings of Jesus. Because HIV/AIDS is the `blood plague` of Revelation, the gay demon corresponds to what God tells Eve, `the wages of sin is death` as the gay chaperone wants the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` to die in ephemerality and ignorance, whereas a cure for the `killer disease` is exactly that. When the gay chaperone of women`s demons are erased from the Hollywood Babylon `epic` of the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` seed`s plotted murder, she`ll be alone and in heaven without the virus that tried to kill her.
1 Triple H The Chaperone WEE Studios, 2011.
2 The Production Code of the Motion Picture Industry (1930-1967), Part II Sex (2b), `Scenes of passion`; `Excessive and lustful kissing, lustful embraces, suggestive postures and gestures are not to be shown.`


Jesus Is The Son Of Man Because Oedipus Couldn`t Tell His Mother She Had A Penis

10/09/2013 10:49

Jesus Is The Son of Man Because Oedipus Couldn`t Tell His Mother She Had A Penis

The Bible begins with Eve`s being tempted by the serpent in Eden, which is Paradise or heaven on Earth. The serpent is Eve`s own penis, which she desires to have so she can be socio-economically and spiritually and intellectualy independent of Adam as a self-reproductive species with her own brains` power and capacity to develop her own labour-saving technology. Women with their own penis` `seed` are called `futanarian` and God tells Eve `woman`s seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` before hers:
`.... will crush the head of the serpent with her foot.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 When her `futanarian` human race raises her `foot` from the Earth and goes to the `new heaven and Earth` God promises to her, she will be grateful to Jesus, the Redeemer who, born uncontaminated by male semen, from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was `the first of `woman`s seed`, and before his death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, gave `bread and wine` as tokens of his `body and blood` in fellowship, rather than betrayal of the host by the guest, which is what the parasite of man upon women`s host womb had become:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (17. 5)
 The disciple of Jesus` teachings, Judas, betrayed Jesus to the authorities of Imperial Rome in Palestine, who crucified him on the cross as a dissident. In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved in pederasty`s worship of war by institutionalized homosexuality, which Sophocles` Oedipus Rex, a drama about the blindness of men, comments upon. Oedipus kills his father, Laius, after an argument, but doesn`t know who he`s killed, while afterwards he marries his mother, Jocasta, but blinds himself because of the strength of men`s incest taboo, when he discovers he`s broken the taboo.
 The incest taboo is designed to prevent the woman from having sexual intercourse, in reproduction of her own species` family, that is, the genus `futanarian` human, because liberation from the parasite that has invaded her host womb and attached itself to her penis will free her from the death and slavery God tells her will be the consequence of accepting the forbidden `fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent in Eden, which results in her expulsion with Adam from Eden, where the pair had the `tree of life`, that is, `the fruit of the tree of immortality`, because Eve`s `seed` wasn`t yet at war with men, but she would be when her own penis` `seed` of `futanarian` woman was born from her womb.
 In Sophocles` Oedipus Rex, Oedipus is `slow foot` because he`s the `futanarian` penis` `seed` slow to understand what the incest taboo means. Before Oedipus enters the Egyptian city of Thebes to marry Jocasta he has to solve the `riddle of the Sphinx`, a female analogy of the importance of understanding instinct and spirit, who is `half lioness and half human`, with `the breasts and face of a woman` and `the wings of an eagle`:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12, 14)
 Oedipus answers `Man` to the `riddle`, which is, `What goes on all fours in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?` A baby who needs a stick to walk with in old age. But the third in the equation is the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, because `Man` has a third `foot` if she`s there, but she needs to be protected, which is why Arabian Moslem women cover themselves in public, after the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed from the Koran (610-30 CE) dictated by the angels, and in accordance with the meaning of the `Great Seal` of the eagle of the United States of America, which is the defender of the hymen of the human species` `seed` of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen.
 The woman of the Bible gives birth to Jesus, in his `Second Coming`, as the `New Redeemer` who `will rule the nations with an iron sceptre`, and is born while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him from the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, because liberation is for `woman`s seed` defended by the wings of the eagle of the United States of America, who`s statue of Liberty, in New York harbor, saw the yelllow moon of Al Qaeda`s flag of terrorism crash their hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of New York state`s World Trade Centre before their leader, Osama ben Ladan, was killed by Navy Team Six on May 2, 2011 to effectively end the war to depose Iraq`s dictator and President, Saddam Hussein, who had offered bases in Iraq to Al Qaeda, `the base`, from which to attack the United States of America.
 On 7 December, 1941, Japanese mitsubishi `zero` planes with `kamikaze` suicide pilots crashed into the decks of the carriers of the US Pacific fleet unannounced, which began the USA`s involvement in World War II (1939-45) before the power of the sun was unleased on the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima to destroy them with atomic bombs, so ending Japan`s Empire of the red sun and clothing `Liberty` in the first of the captured flags of her triumph. Although the A-bombs were called `Little Boy` and `Fat Man`, the destruction of the two cities, which reflected upon God`s destruction of the cities of the plains, Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible for homosexuality and pederasty, that is, `sodomy` (Gen: 16, 19), made Nagasaki and Hiroshima the cities of the planes, while the September 11, 2001, attack by Al Qaeda, `the base`, on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, to reestablish  the `rough trade` of the homosexual `brutality and violence` of war worship in enslaving pederasty, made New York, New York state, the city of the planes.
 Baghdad wasn`t destroyed by men even though the US carriers carried Tomahawk cruise missiles with nuclear warheads, which is symbolic because the United States declares war with the `warhammer`, a relic of the `civil` war between the original North American aboriginal Plains Indian tribes, the Sioux and the other nations, and the European settlers who fought to steal their lands.
 The `war hatchet` axe is an Indian tomahawk and its appearance signals the United States` declaring war on its enemies, but Baghdad wasn`t destroyed, by Tomahawk cruise missiles, but captured, after an arduous assault by land, which meant that `Little Boy` and `Fat Man` were no longer perceived as heroes of the USA, while the plains of Iraq weren`t the plains of the North American Indians, and the city of Baghdad wasn`t a city of the plains, or a Japanese city of the planes, but New York had been a city of the planes, and had foreborne to make of Baghdad a plain rather than a city, which was plain to `Liberty` clothed with the red sun of the flag of her victory over Japan after Pearl harbor, to win the `pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 45-46), the `kingdom of God` on the Earth, and with the moon of the flag of Al Qaeda, `the base`, at her feet.
 Manhattan island, where the Twin Towers were, was bought by the European white settlers for a few worthless `glass beads` from the Mohawk Indians, and the terrorist attack by Al Qaeda`s hijackers was watched `Live on CNN`, and other reporting news television channels, on the `glass beads` of `TV sets` by the newer population, who`d been trained by Hollywood Babylon`s movie industry in the false belief that the `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` was a `TV`, that is, a transvestite, wearing each others` clothes, so the remnants of the `futanarian` human race would be seen to be dying for the sake of `a few glass beads`, separated from their essential human selves in an `action movie` of schizophrenic madness, where humans were viewed as `cannon fodder` for axe wielding maniacs, whose psychopathic desire to `snuff` out the human `futrace` with their tomahawks, before it could walk, amounted to fear of the woman `running out` on them because, as any parasitologist could observe, men would find it difficult to make themselves scarce.

Jewing A Cassete

29/08/2013 12:57
Jewing A Cassette
The virgin cassette prior to a recording leaves the owner with two options. Either the tape can be recorded as permanent, which requires the removal of the tabs at the edge of the cassette opposite the tape itself where the magnetic recording heads transmit their tiny messages to the tape, or the cassete can remain re-recordable by leaving the tabs untouched. When the tape passes over the recording heads, it expands slightly due to generated heat, which can result in distorted sound during playback, and that`s the main reason why cassettes were largely replaced by recordable compact disk (CD) technology late in the 20th century.
If cassette tape expands too much during playback this can result in `chewing`,1 which is the mangling of taped recordings because of old or worn tape material unable to contract after expansion. At the Hit Gyulakazet, that is, the Faith Church, in Budapest and other cities in Hungary, the process is known as `jewing` Akh, Asset, where `Akh` is ancient Egyptian for `magical personality` and `Asset` is the goddess of rememberment, often called Isis.
Christianity doesn`t acknowledge its indebtedness to Egyptian mythology, it owes much to the concept of the `magical personality`,2 as the combined `Ba` or personality, and `Ka`, the spirit, which is the individual`s asset, and where `Asset` is therefore the goddess of the Resurrection of the individual`s `magical personality`.
 Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary, his mother, as the `perfect man`, which suggests he was a `magical personality` to begin with. Unfertilized by male semen in her birthing of the `Messiah`, Jesus` mother corresponds to the Egyptian goddess, Asset, and Jesus is the `Akh`, which appears after death in Egyptian mythology, because the `Ba` or `soul personality` conjoins with the `Ka`, that is, the spirit, in its continuing journey as a `magical personality`, the `Akh`, to heaven.
 For the Hit Gyulakazet, the Virgin Mary represents a `lock` to be `jewed`, and the `magical personality` of Jesus, that is, the `Akh`, is a Christian `Asset` insofar as Jesus` mother produced a `jewel`. For Christians it`s about how the `jewel` was made, so the Virgin mother is viewed as a cassette recording, that is, she gives birth, but the child will be reincarnated, and so the infant can be `played` with again.
 Jewing a lock is what the Hit Gyulakazet do, that is, the woman`s lock will be picked, and the tape of the individual`s life will run its course, before reincarnation and the `jewing of the lock` begins a new `recording session` using the same cassette. The recorded material is the life of the person on the tape, which is `thieved` after death, and in preparation for a re-recording, which is what reincarnation is; for the Hit Gyulakazet.
 Although Hit means `faith` in Hungarian and Gyulakazet means `church`, reincarnation and slavery is all that`s offered. Sometimes the tape is `chewed`, which means permanent damage, but thoughtfully so, because the individual knows too much, and so they`re `chewed` over. Because Jesus` birth was uncontaminated by male semen, knowing too much about `woman`s seed`, that is, the penis` semen of women, is enough to be `chewed`. In the Bible God tells Eve she`ll:
`... crush the head of the serpent as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 Because it`s the magnetic tape head which won`t let go of her. God warns Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, because `futanarian` women have their own penis` `seed`, and so constitute the human species` desired independence from men, which Jesus` birth without the Virgin Mary, his mother, being fertilized by male semen, prefigures. Taught that lesbianism is `abnormal`, women exist in a state of schizophrenia, believing that their own species can`t fertilize herselves to self-produce her own brains` power and escape Earth and men as `woman`s seed` through technology of  her own devising.
 The Hit Gyulakazet is `gender pending` because, if virgins are recorded, knowledgeable `futanarian` women can be removed from the tape by `mafia hit men`, and so the picture presented by mass media entertainment, such as Hollywood provides, is of woman as a species either dead, or dying through exposure of her video cassette to the `snuff` movie industry of not-so-well-publicized Babylon, Los Angeles, CA.
 Young women often go to the Hit Gyulakazet to ask about their sexuality, sometimes openly enquiring if the church accepts lesbian congregational members? As a lay preacher, my own experience of the notion that women are a single spirit, because a single biunity as a `futanarian` family, is to be labelled as encouraging `multiple personality disorder` or `schizophrenia`, despite the pastor`s exhorting churchgoers to adopt Jesus` teachings of : `Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31)
 Because you are your neighbour. The basic `schizophrenic` tenet of Christianity is that, if it doesn`t accept the single spirit, single body of the human `futanarian` family of woman with her own penis` `seed`, because it interferes with men`s design of imposing a schizophrenic lifestyle upon women who don`t know the sexual drive of their own species` self-reproductive nature, the church is psychologically unhealthy and damaging to humans.
 If women are taught that they`re a CD that can be replayed to reproduce a virus for herself, that is, a reincarnated parasite upon her host womb, corresponding to the men who don`t want her, rather than the possibility of exclusively female relationships involving `woman`s seed` extending human familial love to her own `futanarian` selves, the ultimate goal of the CD virus must be to erase what`s already been of the `woman`s seed`, which is what episodes of de ja vu are concerned with.
 In reincarnated lives without woman with her own penis` `seed` visible before us, the scene is that of a CD the virus has already attacked to remove the previously recorded woman, which explains the many people who experience that feeling of what the French call de ja vu, or `having been here before`. My experience is that the music from a Sony Mp3 player worn as a personal stereo gives the individual sufficient autonomy within the environment to rid oneself of false conditioning so that the mind and spirit can receive liberation from the picture painted by those who want to imprison our thinking.
 In Hollywood the `one foot on the floor`3 rule in movies like Pillow Talk (1959), starring the `gay` Rock Hudson,4 who died of the virus, that is, HIV/AIDS, and the reputedly `lesbian` Doris Day, represented the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` on the floor with no hope of rising. Anyone can watch a movie, but few look past gender assertiveness to see what the taboo against the penis` visibility is hiding there. Personal music for personal space at least gives us pause to think.
1 Fluker, Steve `Trends In Technology Recording Sound`,
2 Allen, James W. Middle Egyptian : An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
3 The Production Code of the Motion Picture Industry (1930-1967), Part II Sex (2b), `Scenes of passion`; `Excessive and lustful kissing, lustful embraces, suggestive postures and gestures are not to be shown.`

4 Born Roy Harold Scherer Jnr, died aged 59, October 2nd, 1985, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA.Jewing A Cassete.

Schizophrenia Explained

24/08/2013 18:45

Schizophrenia Explained


Schizophrenia is a picture that causes a mental problem and the picture is being painted by a psychopathic killer who doesn`t want the human species to continue, Satan. In the Hollywood Babylon movie, Spiral (2007), Amber Tamblyn acts the part of a woman, who is also called Amber, and who is painted by the psychopathic Mason, played by Joel David Moore, who has painted many women before.  Amber discovers this from pictures in a drawer found when her Mason is absent and she attempts to satisfy her curiosity about his past. When she confronts Mason with the paintings of other women nude, Mason kills her.
 In sociological terms Amber is socially controlled in Spiral, because it`s her belief that Mason shouldn`t paint pictures of other women nude, that is, she`s seeking a monogamous relationship, and doesn`t want other women in the `picture`, which is why the Masons are viewed with suspicion. As a secret organization, claiming to be operating behind the scenes for the good of society, the Masons represent Amber Tamblyn`s social controllers who tell her she doesn`t want other women, because that`s monogamy. The film Spiral is `Masonic` because it explains that the painter has killed all of the other women, because Mason`s `society` doesn`t want them, so Mason is being `social` from the Masons` perspective:
`No female membership. Female Masons are not recognised.`1
 The psychopathologist would explain that the killer in Spiral is a sociopath, but that`s cooperating with the Masons` society that doesn`t want women, where `cooperation` is the simplest definition of Mason`s `socialism`. In the United States of America `socialism` is omniprevalent, because the sociologically conditioning picture is of simple cooperations that put women in a picture based on a false idea of what`s `politically correct` from a Mason`s point of view. Pictures of domestic life, drawn in homely snapshots in newspapers and magazines of untroubling scenes, are counterpointed by taboos against the penis being seen in Hollywood Babylon `pictures`, because women are `futanarian` and have their own penis` semen. Consequently, Mason`s rigorous `social control` is how the `socialists` prevent the human `futanarian` species from being uncooperative insofar as they sexually reproduce:
`Oh oh, tell me have you seen her? Because I'm so ... oh! I can't get her off of my brain. I just want to go to the party she gonna go. Can somebody take me home? Ha ha, he he, ha ha ho.`
 In her video for the pop song, `If You Seek Amy` (2008), translated as `F*U*C*K Me`, Britney Spears has the role of a `schizophrenic` who, after partying, appears publically demure, because that`s a woman under her Mason`s control in `socialism`, which wants her to be socially cooperative in her own extinction from view.
 The `one foot on the floor rule` for bedroom scenes for women in Hollywood Babylon `pictures` from 1934 until the late 1960s reinforced taboos against the penis and kept `futanarian` woman`s `futrace`, which is described for Eve by God as `woman`s seed`, from being unable to run her own race upon the Earth. As the representative woman. Amber Tamblyn in Spiral is unable to run away from her Mason`s pogrom, which she`d have in `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, but for God`s telling her she:
`... will crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 Taught that men are her cooperative partners in socialism, women who have the normal sexual urge to reproduce with their own species are defined by socialist Masons as uncooperative lesbians, whereas `lesbianism` is an aspect of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` seed and self-love for her own race. She becomes `schizophrenic` when told by Masons her sexual feelings for other women are a psychological abnormality, because the assumption that men are the source of her penis` semen is wrong. Men can`t reproduce without women, but women can reproduce without men, so women are the humans.
 Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and his subsequent ridding of humans of their demons, before being tortured to death, was Christ`s depiction of what was wrong with the picture painted by Amber`s Mason, which is that the host womb of the human race isn`t inhabited because the `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` `seed` had been edited out by the Masons` social control system, while Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, gave birth to Jesus as `the first of woman`s seed` because God, the `Great Architect`, according to the Masons` lore, was answering woman`s unspoken prayer for help in her building of the future of her own `futanarian` race.
 Jesus was called the redeemer for this reason. Because he preached acceptance of the host, that is, the womb of woman, which he presented at the `Last Supper`, before his crucifixion, to his disciples as `bread and wine` in token of his `body and blood`, that is, he was the host, as his mother, the Virgin Mary, had been his. If men didn`t accept the host womb of woman, represented by Mason`s psychopathic target, Amber, in the Hollywood Babylon movie Spiral, the Masons planned extinction of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and capacity for self-reproduction, would go ahead, and the Masons, along with the rest of the `serpent`s seed`, would receive God`s punishment of eternal unendurable pain for betraying the host as `uninvited guests`:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
 What they`d done was prefer each other in homosexual pederasty`s anal sex that had produced the HIV/AIDS virus as the incurable `killer disease` of the late 20th century, which is described in Revelation as the `blood plague`. Since ancient Greece, when homosexuality and pederasty was institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs, men have been spreading their contagion. Before the walls of the ancient city of Troy the Greeks placed a huge wooden horse. When the Trojan horse was taken inside the city, the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion of war further:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 In the 20th century the `Trojan horse` became the paradigm for the `geek` computer programmers. Applying the viral metaphor of homosexual pederasty`s HIV/AIDS` `socio-biological weapon` to control women in fear and faithfulness to men`s monogamous devouring of herselves as `headless chickens`, `geek` computer viruses ensured women remained without the capacity to breed her own brains` power by crashing developing information system`s technologies to maintain blindness and ignorance of her own species` penis` `seed` and socio-economic valence for self-reproduction and manufacturing.
 On 9/11, 2001, Al Qaeda terrorists from Arabia again applied the viral paradigm to the hijacking of `civil` aircraft, hacking the US` defence system to watch the humans run around `like headless chickens` when plunging the peaceful globe into the `rough trade` of homosexuality`s `brutality and violence` in the second Gulf war (2001-11) when the terrorists flew planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s World trade Centre to crash the computerized US` defence system and spread the `geek` contagion further.
 The aim of woman is to reproduce as a species with her own `futanarian` penis` `seed` and she`s `schizophrenic`, because the prevailing belief system of the Masons is men are for her to reproduce with, whereas Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, together with his ensuing preacher`s celibacy, suggests men aren`t her breeding partners, but alien parasites that have taken over her host womb to enslave her to produce the civilization, culture and art the aliens devour in their ceaseless wars against her human species. In Hollywood Babylon movies like War Of The Worlds (2005) from the novel of scientific romance by H. G. Wells in which alien invaders are fought by men as the defenders of the Earth, women are extrapolated as the aliens, because the Masons want to keep her, but have already killed her capacity for self-reproduction, which is the extrapolated alien monster.
 Even in Sophocles` Greek tragedy, Oedipus Rex (c. 429 BC), the incest taboo is a device of men`s to prevent women from seeing herself as a species with her own penis` `seed`, because she`s a single biune family that`s been taught to look for men. Oedipus` self-blinding, in reaction to his discovery that he`s unwittingly broken the incest taboo by marrying his mother, Jocasta, is a science fiction extrapolation in which Oedipus` penis represents the woman`s, that is, it`s the alien, which is attacked by a male `monster club`, who aren`t members of the human family, so don`t want the human species to see them, and that`s the famed `secret of the Masons`.
 The Masons` incest taboo is to force women to breed with men because she`s the human race of `woman`s seed` with her own `futanarian` penis` semen, and so not men`s family, who are a viral alien life form. In movies like Hollywood Babylon`s War Of The Worlds men are extrapolated as the aliens and the heroes, because it`s how they maintain their image as women`s defenders, whereas Iraqi President Saddam Hussein`s invasion of Kuwait in the first Gulf war (1990-1) is but one instance of their belying their Masons` given role as `heroic alien`.
 Schizophrenia is the Earth`s illness insofar as women as a `futanarian` species with her own penis` `seed` is either extrapolated as the alien, which the men kill, because they have already decimated her race, or the aliens are extrapolations of men themselves, while women are meant to perceive them as heroically defending her against them, which is what the Gulf war to oust Saddam Hussein`s Iraqi army from Kuwait was about. The original capital city of Iraq wasn`t Baghdad, but Babylon, and Saddam Hussein`s name means `small, handsome man`, and `crusher`, which made him Hollywood, Babylon`s `leading man`, assisting the daughters of Eve`s mason, the `Great Architect`, God, to `crush the head of the serpent`, because alien invaders are what men`s Masons want and - that`s Babylon, Hollywood!
 In the Bible the whore of the apocalypse is depicted riding upon a beast with many heads, `let he that has wisdom, have understanding; the number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.` Because 666 is the number of the police reversed, that is, 999, except in the United States, where it`s 911, so 9/11, 2001, was the day chosen for the `beast`. In Islam the `Moslem brotherhood` was behind Egypt`s first democratically elected President, Mursi, in 2013, but he was deposed by the army`s `sleeping policeman`, despite the prayer:
`Allah have mercy!` 
 The `beast` had no mercy on Mursi, because `brothers in arms` are concerned with having younger brothers, that is, younger versions of themselves, which makes of them a many-headed `beast` that`s difficult to kill, `One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed.` (Rev: 13. 3) If one has an older brother, who is oneself, the theory is that one can live forever, because one is always `born again`, which is the phrase pronounced upon a convert by conventional Christians, whereas the new Charismatic Christian churches refer to being `born in the spirit`, as a precursor to the Resurrection of Jesus` teachings:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
 Because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` is a single biune family uncontaminated by monogamous enslavement in devourment by aliens that have taken over her host womb and attached themselves to her penis through their `serpent`s seed`. Women have longevity in spirit, because they`re essentially the same body, which is why Jesus` `bride` is `the church`, according to Christianity, which strives to replicate Jesus` spirit, so `Man` can continue as `One`, in acceptance of the host womb of women, which is symbolized by the `host`, that is, the symbolic `bread and wine`, given to each member of the congregation by the priest in the Catholic church service, for example. However, if women were old and wise to men, with youthfulness as well as longevity, because of medical science devoted to health instead of war, she`d know her own penis` `seed`, and wouldn`t want to give birth to older and younger brothers, as versions of the same person, so the brothers have enslaved her to ensure their continuance as `sleeping policemen`, which is what brain tumours are called:
`... despite having a mass in his skull exercising pressure on the brain the patient feels no pain ... `2
 Because men aren`t women`s human species, but an alien parasitical virus causing a brain tumour, that is, because she can`t reproduce as a species, her brain is dying, and that`s the intention of the psychopathic killer that`s produced the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS as its viral paradigm for the extinction of the human species, it`s important to it that she feels nothing untoward, which would affect the progress of the disease. The awoken `policeman` is the equivalent of the film censor, who doesn`t want the picture to be revealing, which explains `no Mursi` on the part of the `beast` towards the Egyptian President. In Islam the left hand is taboo:
`... using only the right hand for eating and drinking.`3
 The right hand controls the left side of the brain, or rather the left side of the brain is enabled when using the right side of the body, so the Moslem faith is based on right hand enablement, which is `logic`, whereas the left hand is `creative`, because the right side of the brain is. Consequently, human development is arrested by the `sleeping policeman`, because the alien male of the `serpent`s seed` has contaminated the brain of the woman`s species and is seeking to control it logically, that is, the tumour is perceived by women in the calmness of logicality, which is how she`s programmed to respond to the alien pogrom on her race.
 In the Hollywood Babylon movie Spiral the alien pogromer uses her Mason`s social control to persuade Amber, the woman, to help it to extinguish her. Because her position is that the other women aren`t wanted by her, that is, her own species, as she`s subverted into believing in enslaving and devouring monogamous relations with a tumour of her own, that is, her Mason. The result for `woman`s seed` is schizophrenic acceptance of her role as a breeder of `boy sons`, that is, `poisons`, in men`s worship of the `Greek` gods of Ares (war), Thanatos (death), Nosoi (plague) and Atheon (famine), while woman`s daughters remain unable to breed their own species` brain power to assist their escape from the evil aliens, who have denied her own penis` `seed`.
 The `American Dream` is of a meritocracy in which all are able to achieve high goals for themselves by their own endeavours, but capitalism`s reliance on social mores handicaps the individual, because individuals aren`t socially cooperative, which is socialism. So capitalism is built for failure, because its desire for calm logicality, in socialistic cooperative endeavour, isn`t freedom from the tumour of alien social control of women, whose `seed` is the future bred brains` power of humanity.
 Because the `geek` computer virus followed upon the `Greek` biological virus, where `Greek` is a euphemism for the spread of wars, as the contagion of homosexual pederasty`s `brutality and violence`, and the `killer disease` HIV/AIDS, `brain death` for the human species of woman, through her computer peripherals, is the `plague aim` of the computer `Greek`, that is, the `geek`, who`s devouring her chickens` heads to prevent her from achieving functionality for `woman`s seed`.
 Capitalism doesn`t accept competition, because it doesn`t posit women as having a socio-economic valence of their own as a species with a penis` `seed` of their own as `futanarian`, which means they can self-reproduce their own brains` power for manufactory purposes, whereas Russian Communism, based on Karl Marx`s `theory of value`, posits the producer as the `owner of the means of production`, that is, the host womb of women as the human race, and `value` as what life needs.
 If Communism is what individuals need, capitalism is what individuals are prepared to work for, but `woman`s seed` remains at the technological level of the `agrarian`, because she can`t escape from being `farmed` by her alien captor. In the movie Spiral, for example, the `value` of the woman`s own penis `seed` is denied, and also her bred brains` power to liberate her from slavery to her Mason`s farming psychopath.
 Psycho (1960) was the seminal psychopathic movie starring Janet Leigh, whose murder at the Norman Bates` motel was prototypical of the male alien who has killed his mother, Mrs Bates, and Marion, the character played by Janet Leigh in the `shower scene`, where only actor Anthony Perkins` knife is seen, and later `Norman` is `insitiutionalized`:
`At times, he is able to function as Norman, but other times the mother personality completely dominates him.`4
 Norman has adopted the role of Mrs Bates, because it`s men`s `system` to extrapolate the alien  as `mother`, which explains their killing of her `futanarian` species with its own penis` `seed` and take over of her body by `institutionalized` injection of her with their own semen, because they`re her aliens. In Scream (1996) the psychopath,`Ghostface`, is no longer a psychological condition. He`s a killer of women, because that`s what men are, and they cheer him on from their cinema seats in the various lucrative sequels and `copycat` killings that have come out of Hollywood, Babylon since the franchise`s inception. In the `spoof` version, Scary Movie (2000), Drew Decker, played by Carmen Electra, is escaping from the knife wielding killer, but is hit by her father`s car while he`s receiving oral sex from her mother, then `Ghostface` kills her, because that`s mother-daughter sex to men who`re the psychopathic killers of the `futanarian` family of woman with her own penis` `seed`.

E-Male Subject, Re: In Car Nations

18/08/2013 09:39

E-Male Subject, Re: In Car Nations


The concept of reincarnation has long puzzled all but those who are seriously engaged in religious understanding. In ancient times pederasty was the basis of society. In Greece the host wombs of the women were enslaved for the devouring of their boy sons in the poisons of war. The Bible describes the consequence of `a woman` being enslaved in pederasty for the reproduction of what God warns Eve is the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for her:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 In the garden of Eden Eve was tempted by the serpent to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`. Because God didn`t want to see evil done in paradise, Adam and Eve were expelled after Eve gave Adam some of the fruit and they began to feel exposed in their nakedness so that they clothed themselves in their desire to be evil without God`s seeing. God tells Eve she`ll experience pain in childbirth while Adam must learn to live by the sweat of his brow, that is, work, but Eve `will crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for the `new heaven and Earth` promised by God to `woman`s seed`, which suggests women have penis` `seed` of their own and `futanarian` women do.
 Jesus is described as the first of `woman`s seed` in the Bible because he was born from his mother, the Virgin mary, uncontaminated by male semen. Christ was killed because men didn`t want `woman`s seed` to reproduce and Jesus` teachings were against reincarnation and for Resurrection. After his crucifixion as a `dissident` upon a wooden cross on the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem in Roman Palestine, Jesus died but had Resurrection, and Ascension to heaven. Reincarnation is pederasty because men want boys to torment:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
 Because `woman`s seed` is `futanarian`, that is, women have a penis and semen of their own. Jesus emphasizes the role of the host towards the guest at the `Last Supper` before his betrayal by the disciple Judas Iscariot to the Romans for `thirty pieces of silver`. Giving the disciples `bread and wine` in token of his `body and blood`, Jesus is pointing out those who betray the host are enemies of humanity because woman is the host womb of her species. In the Bible the angels are the host of God because they`re a single biune `futanarian` species that doesn`t marry:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 By the late 20th century men had produced what the Bible calls the `blood plague` of Revelation in sterile anal penile masturbations rejective of women and mixing blood, shit and semen in their anuses resulting in the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS that kept women in fearful faithfulness to their enslavers` monogamy.
 The socio-economic history of mankind is the refusal to develop technologically so that `woman`s seed` can escape from the aliens of the Earth that have attached themselves to her penis to replicate as her cancer. Enslaving the host womb of the human species to devour the civilizations, culture and art she`s able to produce despite their depredations in ceaseless wars against her, men represent a manufacturing problem for the human race. Women with their own penis` `seed` have the capacity to reproduce their own brainpower, that is, a future socio-economic valence for change.
 The pattern for male behaviouralism derives from the 19th century approach towards machines in the textile industry (1811-17) during the English Industrial Revolution. Perceived as threatening to jobs, newly developed labor-saving machinery made men redundant, so advanced technology was rejected. Just as HIV/AIDS represents the rejection of women by men, because her manufacturing equipment, that is, women`s sexually independent capacity for reproduction, and technolgical production through the application of her own brains` power, is designed for living rather than killing, which is what the `Luddites`,1 named for Ned Ludd, a youth who allegedly smashed two `stocking frames` in 1779, attempted to do to the machine age.
 Because `futanarian` women with a penis and semen of their own are concerned with `making` rather than manufacturing, their aim is to have a place in which to live, when they emerge from their host, and so the womb of the species of woman is the human guest`s first `made` place. Men manufacture so they can play with their boy sons, that is, their poisons, when they`re reincarnated, which is what the economic `kick starter` of the MIlitary Industrial Complex (MIC) of the United States of America, with its arsenal of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, is apparently for; and they`re praying to God for help.
 If women make the place from which they begin to live as `woman`s seed`, that is, the host womb of the body of her `futanarian` species with her own penis` `seed`, she can self-produce her own brains` power to manufacture what she needs in terms of technological advances to help her live. The `Luddites` of the 19th century were the anti-robot lobby of the 20th century, while robots are better humans insofar as they care more about them even then the humans themselves. Even the simplest `robot` technology, such as the air condiitoner, or the electric shaver, cares for the human better than the human can.
`Luddites` are women`s enslavers, because they don`t want `Liberty` for her species, but rather limiting technology. Motor vehicles haven`t improved from pedals in pederasty since they were first mass produced by the Henry Ford company in 1908 and Commander David Scott of Apollo 15 was seen pedaling one on the moon in 1971. Men`s manufactured machines reduce human functionality, because they don`t want women to have an `escape vehicle`, whereas robots manufactured in the image of women would be the solution to her species` dilemma insofar as they would be human enough to want her to live.
 As the parasite of `woman`s seed`, men are her enslaving and devouring aliens, so womanufacture is precluded. Taboos against the male penis are taboos against the woman`s, so she can`t contemplate socio-economic independence from her historical circumstances, which are described as industrialism but are parasitism. According to the German economic philosophy of Karl Marx in Das Kapital (1867), adopted by Russia as Communism in 1917, `workers control of the means of production` is desirable, while Western capitalism is `owners control the means of production`. However, the owned `means of production` are the host wombs of the women; as the species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and capacity for self-reproducing her own brains` technology.
 As `owners of the means of production`, womanufacturer is desirable for the human species. Where her `workers control the means of production` places to live and tools to help her do so are what is made and womanufactured, while men are redundant because their equipment has built-in obsolescence because they`re parasitical enslavers and devourers of women`s species. Men don`t accept Jesus` teachings of acceptance of the host, because they prefer to play with boys in the pederasty of reincarnation, whereas `woman`s seed` is to be born and will experience Resurrection, according to the Bible, while the starship technology to take her away from her ancestral predators to the planets and stars is but the first step for her newly burgeoning minds.
1 .

Racism and Infantilism in Hollywood, Babylon

14/08/2013 16:34

Racism and Infantilism in Hollywood, Babylon

Men`s bodies are unattractive for themselves, or so it`s supposed, because women`s bodies are desirable to the penis. Because men can`t reproduce with each other and they`re not supposed to be sexual towards one another, their body shame results in `compensation suits` for the damage to their image by appraising critical eyes. In a descending scale of values the tanks and A10s of the Gulf wars (1990-1, 2001-11) were more elaborate law suits.
 In the Bible God warns Eve she`ll have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` because `woman`s seed` is human and Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, indicates God`s plan for the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, that is, desirefulness for the self she sees in the mirror of her dreams, who isn`t ashamed of her own body.
 Racism is perceived as being about colour, whereas the biune species of the Earth, who `will crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for the `new heaven and Earth` promised to her by God is `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` for reproduction of her own self`s brains and socio-economic valence for the production of advancements in technology to facilitate her escape from the `serpent`s seed`.
 Infantilism is what occurs when the `serpent`s seed` want to prosecute the good so that they can`t progress and develop. Hiding the penis of the human species by means of censorship and taboo is but one method of the `serpent`s seed`. After all, humans bodies have but two physical functions: eating and ejaculating. But they`re taught that men provide the semen, which the story of Jesus` birth belies, and `futanarian` woman has her own penis` `seed`, which means women can reproduce without men, who devolve into parasitism manifesting as infantile racism designed to conceal their bodies` functionality, which is that of the devourer:
`The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4)
 Men prosecute their pogroms upon `woman`s seed` by concealing themselves in the suits of different ethnocentricities, which is how they consume the civilization, culture and art women are able to produce from their host wombs despite the depredations of the `serpent`s seed` in its wars of `perpetual enmity` against her:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 At the `Last Supper` Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` to his disciples as tokens of his `body and blood` was symbolic of the desire of the host not to be devoured, but the disciple Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus to crucifixion and death, which is a type of the betrayal of woman, that is, Jesus` `futanarian` mother, the Virgin Mary, who can reproduce as `woman`s seed` without male semen:
`In general, passion should be treated in such manner as not to stimulate the lower and baser emotions.`1
 In Hollywood, Babylon, the one foot on the floor rule for women in bedroom scenes was used to keep the penis of the `futanarian` woman and her own penis` seed` off the screen, which taboo is how men kept women in ignorance and blindness of their biune species` indpendence while they prosecuted their wars against her:
... across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this Earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.`2
 The preamble to the Hollywood, Babylon movie, War Of The Worlds (2005), starring Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning, is prototypical of the extrapolation of women into aliens so men can destroy them while affecting concern for the species of `woman`s seed` through men`s adopting various ethnocentric disguises across the globe. The extrapolated aliens are what men are to women, whose capacity to self-reproduce has been hidden from them by men. The spectre of racism keeps women in infantilist acceptance of the different coloured men in their pogrom`s prosecutor`s suits, because her enslaving and devouring alien has a chameleon-like ability to wear the skin of its prey, which permits it to foster species hatred for the woman by adopting different ethnocentric backgrounds for its plague, games of war.
 In ancient Greece men enslaved the host wombs of women in homosexual pederasty to spread their plague of war as a contagion. The concept of betrayal was integral. Before the walls of Troy, the Greeks left a gift of friendship, a huge wooden horse. Emerging after the Trojans took the horse into the city, the Greeks enslaved the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion further, which is how the plague `game` began:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
 In the late 20th century HIV/AIDS, described as the `blood plague` in Revelation, began manifesting itself as homosexuality`s `biological weapon` to retain women in fear and faithfulness to their monogamous parasitical devourer. The `Trojan virus` was the commonest form of HIV/AIDS related virus paradigm adopted by the computer software workers, the `geeks`, to delay the development of the human species of `woman`s seed` by crashing her computing, that is, God`s work. 9/11 2001`s attack on the World Trade Centre in which Al Qaeda terrorists crashed planes into New York`s Twin Towers crashed the newly burgeoning system of God on Earth to reestablish global `rough trade`,3 which is the `brutal violence` of homosexuality`s god of war and pederasty.
 In Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, that is, Jesus, in his `Second Coming`, while the devouring `red dragon` waits in vain to devour he who will `rule the nations with an iron sceptre`. Infantilism would have the people of the Earth believe that the Bible is a children`s fable, whereas Japan is the `red sun` of the attempted devourer of the United States of America when it precipitated US` involvement in World War II (1939-45) after a `sneak attack` on the Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, and Al Qaeda`s `yellow moon` was a further manifestation of the `perpetual enmity` of the `red dragon` for `Liberty` in the Gulf wars.
 Clothed in the flags of her victories over the `red sun` of Japan and the `yellow moon` of Al Qaeda, `Liberty` was giving birth. As the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` in her waters of New York harbor, the devourer waited in vain. Al Qaeda`s terrorist leader, Saudi Arabia`s Osama Ben Ladan, was assassinated on May 2, 2001, by US` `Team Six`. Despite the `shade` afforded by the walls of the Pakistan Military Academy.
 Infantilism is the education system that denies power to the educated and the educator to educate the uneducated about racism. If women have a penis and `seed` of their own, the human species of `woman`s seed` is enslaved, blind, ignorant, and living in a state of censored unconsciousness devolving from taboos against the penis itself, and where death is the loss of what`s left of woman`s slaved brain, because she isn`t reproducing her own.
 Men`s inability to cure HIV/AIDS `blood plague` is symptomatic of a desire to spend trillions of dollars US$ on plague, games of war, which reinforces the `rough trade` of pederasty, rather than risk a long-lived woman who can remember her own penis` `seed` and capacity for self-reproducing her own brainpower to develop the starship technology to escape her enslaving alien devourers upon the Earth.
 If the picture from Hollywood, Babylon, that is, `the video game war` of the Gulf `live` from Babylon, Iraq, doesn`t change, the human species will have become the victim of a planned infanticide. The woman with her own penis` `seed` and self-reproductive capacity for independent life separate from men`s `seed` isn`t wanted to live so she`s been edited out of the film:
`... from the sky will come the great King of Terror, bringing back to life the great King of the Mongols. Before and after, Mars to reign by good fortune.`4
 The 16th century French seer Michelle Nostradamus foresaw how Hollywood, Babylon, brought itself back to life. The hordes of Genghis Khan established a conquered empire (1526-1857) that included India and Afghanistan. The infamous legend surrounding one of his successors, Shah Jehan`s (1627-58), was his suspecting his wife of being unfaithful with his brother and beheading her. The storyteller Sheherezade saved the women of the empire by telling tales to soothe Shah Jehan`s mind and prevent his taking a new bride each day to behead her. Jehan is more properly understandable as a mogul of Hollywood, Babylon, because Sheherezade is his film maker. Nostradamus` `King of Terror` is a Hollywood mogul for whom there`s no difference between fiction and reality, which was Shah Jehan`s problem also.
 Although lives have reality for those who`re living, they don`t for the mogul of Nostradamus` prescient vision. Because Hollywood, Babylon, lives by `action movies`, which depict real or imagined wars and conflicts, Nostradamus` `King of Terror` was the revivifier of Hollywood, Babylon, on 9/11 2001 when the Al Qaeda terrorists crashed hijacked `civil` airliners into the World Trade Centre of New York. Ultimately resulting in Hollywood, Babylon, filming the events of 9/11 as the movie, World Trade Centre (2006), the industry was resuscitated amid the numerous `spin-off` productions attendant upon the USA`s victories in the Gulf wars to remove Saddam Hussein`s army after its invasion of Kuwait (1990-1) and to depose the Iraqi dictator (2001-11) for supporting Al Qaeda with the offer of bases to the terrorists in Iraq after 9/11.
 Shah Jehan`s wife was the faithful producer but he preferred his brother. Sheherezade represents the restored film, because Shah Jehan marries her on account of her stories. Jehan`s the Hollywood, Babylon, mogul who prefers homosexual sterility to caring for the women and their host wombs that produce civilization, culture and art, that is, the `movie`, which is pederasty amid the `brotherliness` of their worshipping Mars, god of war. Although Sheherezade is able to save the women, she can`t re-edit the film so the `brothers` are erased, but women have a penis` `seed` of their own so it`s still feasible to save the humans` `baby` productions; even if Hollywood, Babylon, would rather it all went to hell: so they could film it there.
1 `The Production Code of the Motion Picture Industry`, Part II, 2 (c), 1930-67.
2 Wells, H. G. The War Of The Worlds, William Heinemann, 1898.
3 .
4 Nostradamus, Michelle Les Propheties, Century 72, Quatrain 10, 1555.
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