Schizophrenia Explained
24/08/2013 18:45
Schizophrenia Explained
Schizophrenia is a picture that causes a mental problem and the picture is being painted by a psychopathic killer who doesn`t want the human species to continue, Satan. In the Hollywood Babylon movie, Spiral (2007), Amber Tamblyn acts the part of a woman, who is also called Amber, and who is painted by the psychopathic Mason, played by Joel David Moore, who has painted many women before. Amber discovers this from pictures in a drawer found when her Mason is absent and she attempts to satisfy her curiosity about his past. When she confronts Mason with the paintings of other women nude, Mason kills her.

In sociological terms Amber is socially controlled in Spiral, because it`s her belief that Mason shouldn`t paint pictures of other women nude, that is, she`s seeking a monogamous relationship, and doesn`t want other women in the `picture`, which is why the Masons are viewed with suspicion. As a secret organization, claiming to be operating behind the scenes for the good of society, the Masons represent Amber Tamblyn`s social controllers who tell her she doesn`t want other women, because that`s monogamy. The film Spiral is `Masonic` because it explains that the painter has killed all of the other women, because Mason`s `society` doesn`t want them, so Mason is being `social` from the Masons` perspective:
`No female membership. Female Masons are not recognised.`1

The psychopathologist would explain that the killer in Spiral is a sociopath, but that`s cooperating with the Masons` society that doesn`t want women, where `cooperation` is the simplest definition of Mason`s `socialism`. In the United States of America `socialism` is omniprevalent, because the sociologically conditioning picture is of simple cooperations that put women in a picture based on a false idea of what`s `politically correct` from a Mason`s point of view. Pictures of domestic life, drawn in homely snapshots in newspapers and magazines of untroubling scenes, are counterpointed by taboos against the penis being seen in Hollywood Babylon `pictures`, because women are `futanarian` and have their own penis` semen. Consequently, Mason`s rigorous `social control` is how the `socialists` prevent the human `futanarian` species from being uncooperative insofar as they sexually reproduce:
`Oh oh, tell me have you seen her? Because I'm so ... oh! I can't get her off of my brain. I just want to go to the party she gonna go. Can somebody take me home? Ha ha, he he, ha ha ho.`
In her video for the pop song, `If You Seek Amy` (2008), translated as `F*U*C*K Me`, Britney Spears has the role of a `schizophrenic` who, after partying, appears publically demure, because that`s a woman under her Mason`s control in `socialism`, which wants her to be socially cooperative in her own extinction from view.
The `one foot on the floor rule` for bedroom scenes for women in Hollywood Babylon `pictures` from 1934 until the late 1960s reinforced taboos against the penis and kept `futanarian` woman`s `futrace`, which is described for Eve by God as `woman`s seed`, from being unable to run her own race upon the Earth. As the representative woman. Amber Tamblyn in Spiral is unable to run away from her Mason`s pogrom, which she`d have in `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, but for God`s telling her she:
`... will crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)

Taught that men are her cooperative partners in socialism, women who have the normal sexual urge to reproduce with their own species are defined by socialist Masons as uncooperative lesbians, whereas `lesbianism` is an aspect of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` seed and self-love for her own race. She becomes `schizophrenic` when told by Masons her sexual feelings for other women are a psychological abnormality, because the assumption that men are the source of her penis` semen is wrong. Men can`t reproduce without women, but women can reproduce without men, so women are the humans.

Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and his subsequent ridding of humans of their demons, before being tortured to death, was Christ`s depiction of what was wrong with the picture painted by Amber`s Mason, which is that the host womb of the human race isn`t inhabited because the `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` `seed` had been edited out by the Masons` social control system, while Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, gave birth to Jesus as `the first of woman`s seed` because God, the `Great Architect`, according to the Masons` lore, was answering woman`s unspoken prayer for help in her building of the future of her own `futanarian` race.

Jesus was called the redeemer for this reason. Because he preached acceptance of the host, that is, the womb of woman, which he presented at the `Last Supper`, before his crucifixion, to his disciples as `bread and wine` in token of his `body and blood`, that is, he was the host, as his mother, the Virgin Mary, had been his. If men didn`t accept the host womb of woman, represented by Mason`s psychopathic target, Amber, in the Hollywood Babylon movie Spiral, the Masons planned extinction of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and capacity for self-reproduction, would go ahead, and the Masons, along with the rest of the `serpent`s seed`, would receive God`s punishment of eternal unendurable pain for betraying the host as `uninvited guests`:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

What they`d done was prefer each other in homosexual pederasty`s anal sex that had produced the HIV/AIDS virus as the incurable `killer disease` of the late 20th century, which is described in Revelation as the `blood plague`. Since ancient Greece, when homosexuality and pederasty was institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs, men have been spreading their contagion. Before the walls of the ancient city of Troy the Greeks placed a huge wooden horse. When the Trojan horse was taken inside the city, the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion of war further:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
In the 20th century the `Trojan horse` became the paradigm for the `geek` computer programmers. Applying the viral metaphor of homosexual pederasty`s HIV/AIDS` `socio-biological weapon` to control women in fear and faithfulness to men`s monogamous devouring of herselves as `headless chickens`, `geek` computer viruses ensured women remained without the capacity to breed her own brains` power by crashing developing information system`s technologies to maintain blindness and ignorance of her own species` penis` `seed` and socio-economic valence for self-reproduction and manufacturing.
On 9/11, 2001, Al Qaeda terrorists from Arabia again applied the viral paradigm to the hijacking of `civil` aircraft, hacking the US` defence system to watch the humans run around `like headless chickens` when plunging the peaceful globe into the `rough trade` of homosexuality`s `brutality and violence` in the second Gulf war (2001-11) when the terrorists flew planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s World trade Centre to crash the computerized US` defence system and spread the `geek` contagion further.
The aim of woman is to reproduce as a species with her own `futanarian` penis` `seed` and she`s `schizophrenic`, because the prevailing belief system of the Masons is men are for her to reproduce with, whereas Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, together with his ensuing preacher`s celibacy, suggests men aren`t her breeding partners, but alien parasites that have taken over her host womb to enslave her to produce the civilization, culture and art the aliens devour in their ceaseless wars against her human species. In Hollywood Babylon movies like War Of The Worlds (2005) from the novel of scientific romance by H. G. Wells in which alien invaders are fought by men as the defenders of the Earth, women are extrapolated as the aliens, because the Masons want to keep her, but have already killed her capacity for self-reproduction, which is the extrapolated alien monster.

Even in Sophocles` Greek tragedy, Oedipus Rex (c. 429 BC), the incest taboo is a device of men`s to prevent women from seeing herself as a species with her own penis` `seed`, because she`s a single biune family that`s been taught to look for men. Oedipus` self-blinding, in reaction to his discovery that he`s unwittingly broken the incest taboo by marrying his mother, Jocasta, is a science fiction extrapolation in which Oedipus` penis represents the woman`s, that is, it`s the alien, which is attacked by a male `monster club`, who aren`t members of the human family, so don`t want the human species to see them, and that`s the famed `secret of the Masons`.
The Masons` incest taboo is to force women to breed with men because she`s the human race of `woman`s seed` with her own `futanarian` penis` semen, and so not men`s family, who are a viral alien life form. In movies like Hollywood Babylon`s War Of The Worlds men are extrapolated as the aliens and the heroes, because it`s how they maintain their image as women`s defenders, whereas Iraqi President Saddam Hussein`s invasion of Kuwait in the first Gulf war (1990-1) is but one instance of their belying their Masons` given role as `heroic alien`.
Schizophrenia is the Earth`s illness insofar as women as a `futanarian` species with her own penis` `seed` is either extrapolated as the alien, which the men kill, because they have already decimated her race, or the aliens are extrapolations of men themselves, while women are meant to perceive them as heroically defending her against them, which is what the Gulf war to oust Saddam Hussein`s Iraqi army from Kuwait was about. The original capital city of Iraq wasn`t Baghdad, but Babylon, and Saddam Hussein`s name means `small, handsome man`, and `crusher`, which made him Hollywood, Babylon`s `leading man`, assisting the daughters of Eve`s mason, the `Great Architect`, God, to `crush the head of the serpent`, because alien invaders are what men`s Masons want and - that`s Babylon, Hollywood!
In the Bible the whore of the apocalypse is depicted riding upon a beast with many heads, `let he that has wisdom, have understanding; the number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.` Because 666 is the number of the police reversed, that is, 999, except in the United States, where it`s 911, so 9/11, 2001, was the day chosen for the `beast`. In Islam the `Moslem brotherhood` was behind Egypt`s first democratically elected President, Mursi, in 2013, but he was deposed by the army`s `sleeping policeman`, despite the prayer:
`Allah have mercy!`

The `beast` had no mercy on Mursi, because `brothers in arms` are concerned with having younger brothers, that is, younger versions of themselves, which makes of them a many-headed `beast` that`s difficult to kill, `One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed.` (Rev: 13. 3) If one has an older brother, who is oneself, the theory is that one can live forever, because one is always `born again`, which is the phrase pronounced upon a convert by conventional Christians, whereas the new Charismatic Christian churches refer to being `born in the spirit`, as a precursor to the Resurrection of Jesus` teachings:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)

Because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` is a single biune family uncontaminated by monogamous enslavement in devourment by aliens that have taken over her host womb and attached themselves to her penis through their `serpent`s seed`. Women have longevity in spirit, because they`re essentially the same body, which is why Jesus` `bride` is `the church`, according to Christianity, which strives to replicate Jesus` spirit, so `Man` can continue as `One`, in acceptance of the host womb of women, which is symbolized by the `host`, that is, the symbolic `bread and wine`, given to each member of the congregation by the priest in the Catholic church service, for example. However, if women were old and wise to men, with youthfulness as well as longevity, because of medical science devoted to health instead of war, she`d know her own penis` `seed`, and wouldn`t want to give birth to older and younger brothers, as versions of the same person, so the brothers have enslaved her to ensure their continuance as `sleeping policemen`, which is what brain tumours are called:
`... despite having a mass in his skull exercising pressure on the brain the patient feels no pain ... `2

Because men aren`t women`s human species, but an alien parasitical virus causing a brain tumour, that is, because she can`t reproduce as a species, her brain is dying, and that`s the intention of the psychopathic killer that`s produced the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS as its viral paradigm for the extinction of the human species, it`s important to it that she feels nothing untoward, which would affect the progress of the disease. The awoken `policeman` is the equivalent of the film censor, who doesn`t want the picture to be revealing, which explains `no Mursi` on the part of the `beast` towards the Egyptian President. In Islam the left hand is taboo:
`... using only the right hand for eating and drinking.`3

The right hand controls the left side of the brain, or rather the left side of the brain is enabled when using the right side of the body, so the Moslem faith is based on right hand enablement, which is `logic`, whereas the left hand is `creative`, because the right side of the brain is. Consequently, human development is arrested by the `sleeping policeman`, because the alien male of the `serpent`s seed` has contaminated the brain of the woman`s species and is seeking to control it logically, that is, the tumour is perceived by women in the calmness of logicality, which is how she`s programmed to respond to the alien pogrom on her race.

In the Hollywood Babylon movie Spiral the alien pogromer uses her Mason`s social control to persuade Amber, the woman, to help it to extinguish her. Because her position is that the other women aren`t wanted by her, that is, her own species, as she`s subverted into believing in enslaving and devouring monogamous relations with a tumour of her own, that is, her Mason. The result for `woman`s seed` is schizophrenic acceptance of her role as a breeder of `boy sons`, that is, `poisons`, in men`s worship of the `Greek` gods of Ares (war), Thanatos (death), Nosoi (plague) and Atheon (famine), while woman`s daughters remain unable to breed their own species` brain power to assist their escape from the evil aliens, who have denied her own penis` `seed`.

The `American Dream` is of a meritocracy in which all are able to achieve high goals for themselves by their own endeavours, but capitalism`s reliance on social mores handicaps the individual, because individuals aren`t socially cooperative, which is socialism. So capitalism is built for failure, because its desire for calm logicality, in socialistic cooperative endeavour, isn`t freedom from the tumour of alien social control of women, whose `seed` is the future bred brains` power of humanity.

Because the `geek` computer virus followed upon the `Greek` biological virus, where `Greek` is a euphemism for the spread of wars, as the contagion of homosexual pederasty`s `brutality and violence`, and the `killer disease` HIV/AIDS, `brain death` for the human species of woman, through her computer peripherals, is the `plague aim` of the computer `Greek`, that is, the `geek`, who`s devouring her chickens` heads to prevent her from achieving functionality for `woman`s seed`.

Capitalism doesn`t accept competition, because it doesn`t posit women as having a socio-economic valence of their own as a species with a penis` `seed` of their own as `futanarian`, which means they can self-reproduce their own brains` power for manufactory purposes, whereas Russian Communism, based on Karl Marx`s `theory of value`, posits the producer as the `owner of the means of production`, that is, the host womb of women as the human race, and `value` as what life needs.

If Communism is what individuals need, capitalism is what individuals are prepared to work for, but `woman`s seed` remains at the technological level of the `agrarian`, because she can`t escape from being `farmed` by her alien captor. In the movie Spiral, for example, the `value` of the woman`s own penis `seed` is denied, and also her bred brains` power to liberate her from slavery to her Mason`s farming psychopath.
Psycho (1960) was the seminal psychopathic movie starring Janet Leigh, whose murder at the Norman Bates` motel was prototypical of the male alien who has killed his mother, Mrs Bates, and Marion, the character played by Janet Leigh in the `shower scene`, where only actor Anthony Perkins` knife is seen, and later `Norman` is `insitiutionalized`:
`At times, he is able to function as Norman, but other times the mother personality completely dominates him.`4

Norman has adopted the role of Mrs Bates, because it`s men`s `system` to extrapolate the alien as `mother`, which explains their killing of her `futanarian` species with its own penis` `seed` and take over of her body by `institutionalized` injection of her with their own semen, because they`re her aliens. In Scream (1996) the psychopath,`Ghostface`, is no longer a psychological condition. He`s a killer of women, because that`s what men are, and they cheer him on from their cinema seats in the various lucrative sequels and `copycat` killings that have come out of Hollywood, Babylon since the franchise`s inception. In the `spoof` version, Scary Movie (2000), Drew Decker, played by Carmen Electra, is escaping from the knife wielding killer, but is hit by her father`s car while he`s receiving oral sex from her mother, then `Ghostface` kills her, because that`s mother-daughter sex to men who`re the psychopathic killers of the `futanarian` family of woman with her own penis` `seed`.