TV Is A Gay Chaperone

16/09/2013 10:34

TV Is A Gay Chaperone

Because Jesus was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, Christ is described as `the first of woman`s seed`, which prefigures the emergence of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, although Jesus` teachings are of the Resurrection, before Ascension to heaven after the `Last Judgement` of God that punishes the unconverted, that is, those who do not accept the host womb of woman as the human species, with eternal unendurable pain. In the Resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage but will be as the angelic host, which means that the human `futanarian` race of `woman`s seed` shall no longer be sundered from itself in what `TV` presents as a form of transvestism where the humans wear each others` clothes as a `TV`, that is, as transvestite `futanarian` humanity. A woman with her own penis `seed` is taught by the television that she can`t have a woman to reproduce her human `futanarian` species because the demons have hold of her.
 A `lesbian` woman is taught her feelings for her own species are abnormal and abherrant, while they`re normal for a woman without a penis who desires the penis of her own species or is simply experiencing love for the human race or self-love. The resultant schizophrenia is euphemistically known as `losing your marbles`, which is what the glass marbles of television are for. The woman who watches herselves being chaperoned by the `gay demons`, who don`t have an `on screen` penis, doesn`t see that she can`t reproduce with her own `futanarian` penis` semen, because she`s living in occlusion, blind from even the intimation of the possibility of `woman`s seed`. The `TV demons` preclude the human species from reproducing, which means that there are very few known humans inhabiting the Earth and that the gay chaperones have made her extinct for plague gaymes of enslavement of the host womb of woman to produce the civilization, culture and art the spirit of God makes her capable of so that the `serpent`s seed` can devour her in its wars of `perpetual enmity` against her `seed`; although God says she:
`... will crush the head of the serpent as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 Hollywood is often known as `Babylon`, after the biblical `mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth` (Rev: 17. 5), who is described as `a woman`, `Mystery, Babylon the great`, because it`s a `mystery` how she allowed her host womb to be enslaved by the `serpent`s seed`, whereas Hollywood Babylon produces film entertainments from it. Because there`s no sign of the female penis in mainstream Hollywood movies, `woman`s seed` is being chaperoned by gay demons.
 In the movie The Chaperone (2011), Ray Bradstone, a `getaway driver` for armed robbers, chaperones a `school trip` for his daughter, Sally, and her classmates, and the killers pursue the party. Although it isn`t presented as a `gay movie`, The Chaperone is typical of Hollywood`s `gay plague` of false heroes. The `demon driver` and the pursuing gang are what gay chaperones do. They pretend to shepherd the woman while preventing her from sexually reproducing with her own `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen. Menacing her with gay demons, the `demon driver` masquerades as a heroic figure and the humans species of `woman`s seed` is driven to extinction by the demons:
`I at least deserve a second chance to get to know my own daughter.`1
 Ray Bradstone`s bleat is stereotypical of the gay demon who is described in Revelation, `... [a] beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon.` The voice is of a lamb but the words are those of a `dragon` grown since its days as the `serpent` in Eden.  The dragon `waits in vain` to devour the child who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` and who is the `New Redeemer`. The gay chaperones mightn`t deserve a second chance from Jesus in his `Second Coming`, (Rev: 13. 11) who represents `woman`s seed` and not the `serpent`s seed` of the gay demons.
 In Hollywood Babylon the `one foot on the floor rule`2 was enforced in bedroom scenes from the 1930s until the 1960s, because the gay chaperones didn`t want the `futanarian` human `futrace` of `woman`s seed` to get off the floor and run its species` program to escape from the eternal unendurable pain that the gay demons of Hollywood Babylon have programed for her human race:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
 The Bible describes the `blood plague` of Revelation, which corresponds to HIV/AIDS. Made in the mixing of blood, shit and semen in the anuses of the gay demons as an incurable killer`s disease and `biological weapon` to instill fear and faithfulness in acceptance of the gay chaperones` enslaving of `woman`s seed` so they can watch the transvestite `TV` of the human species` dying on screen and stage sets in sundered ignorance of herself, HIV/AIDS is the demons` virality. The `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed`  with her own penis` semen can`t see the demon`s `seed` on her television because she hasn`t been told he`s a demon acting as a gay chaperone to prevent her from sexually reproducing with herself. The `gay plague` of HIV/AIDS is visible everywhere. The alien has taken control of the host womb of the human species and is chaperoning her to extinction by possessing her.
 Politically correct feminism says that gays are lesbians, which isn`t demonstrably true. Homosexuals engage in acts of sterile mockery of sexual reproduction, which result in nothing but the `blood plague` of the HIV/AIDS` gay demons` virality, whereas lesbian women are human from the point of view of `futanarian` women with penis` `seed` of their own. Feminists are `PC` from a `TV` perspective, which says televisions and personal computers (PCs) are for censoring or policing women, so they`re murdered, blind and occluded from knowledge of the gay demons` plague gaymes of war worship in pederasty, which is the virus from the host womb of the enslaved human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`:
`I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 Eve`s desire for her own penis` `seed` is depicted in Genesis as the `serpent` and the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which God tells her is `death`, because the gay chaperone will spread like a virus and kill her human species as a demon seeking a host womb for its depravity, which is what Hollywood Babylon `shoot `em up` movies, television `action` dramas and children, or cowardly adults, who play gaymes of detachment from carnage on personal computers represent.
 Jesus is the `Second Adam`, born uncontaminated by male semen, because he`s `the first of woman`s seed`, birthed by the `futanarian` human host womb of his mother, the Virgin Mary, while Eve`s `seed` is the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` after Redemption through the teachings of Jesus. Because HIV/AIDS is the `blood plague` of Revelation, the gay demon corresponds to what God tells Eve, `the wages of sin is death` as the gay chaperone wants the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` to die in ephemerality and ignorance, whereas a cure for the `killer disease` is exactly that. When the gay chaperone of women`s demons are erased from the Hollywood Babylon `epic` of the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` seed`s plotted murder, she`ll be alone and in heaven without the virus that tried to kill her.
1 Triple H The Chaperone WEE Studios, 2011.
2 The Production Code of the Motion Picture Industry (1930-1967), Part II Sex (2b), `Scenes of passion`; `Excessive and lustful kissing, lustful embraces, suggestive postures and gestures are not to be shown.`