Racism and Infantilism in Hollywood, Babylon
14/08/2013 16:34

Racism and Infantilism in Hollywood, Babylon
Men`s bodies are unattractive for themselves, or so it`s supposed, because women`s bodies are desirable to the penis. Because men can`t reproduce with each other and they`re not supposed to be sexual towards one another, their body shame results in `compensation suits` for the damage to their image by appraising critical eyes. In a descending scale of values the tanks and A10s of the Gulf wars (1990-1, 2001-11) were more elaborate law suits.

In the Bible God warns Eve she`ll have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` because `woman`s seed` is human and Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, indicates God`s plan for the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, that is, desirefulness for the self she sees in the mirror of her dreams, who isn`t ashamed of her own body.

Racism is perceived as being about colour, whereas the biune species of the Earth, who `will crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for the `new heaven and Earth` promised to her by God is `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` for reproduction of her own self`s brains and socio-economic valence for the production of advancements in technology to facilitate her escape from the `serpent`s seed`.

Infantilism is what occurs when the `serpent`s seed` want to prosecute the good so that they can`t progress and develop. Hiding the penis of the human species by means of censorship and taboo is but one method of the `serpent`s seed`. After all, humans bodies have but two physical functions: eating and ejaculating. But they`re taught that men provide the semen, which the story of Jesus` birth belies, and `futanarian` woman has her own penis` `seed`, which means women can reproduce without men, who devolve into parasitism manifesting as infantile racism designed to conceal their bodies` functionality, which is that of the devourer:
`The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4)

Men prosecute their pogroms upon `woman`s seed` by concealing themselves in the suits of different ethnocentricities, which is how they consume the civilization, culture and art women are able to produce from their host wombs despite the depredations of the `serpent`s seed` in its wars of `perpetual enmity` against her:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
At the `Last Supper` Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` to his disciples as tokens of his `body and blood` was symbolic of the desire of the host not to be devoured, but the disciple Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus to crucifixion and death, which is a type of the betrayal of woman, that is, Jesus` `futanarian` mother, the Virgin Mary, who can reproduce as `woman`s seed` without male semen:
`In general, passion should be treated in such manner as not to stimulate the lower and baser emotions.`1

In Hollywood, Babylon, the one foot on the floor rule for women in bedroom scenes was used to keep the penis of the `futanarian` woman and her own penis` seed` off the screen, which taboo is how men kept women in ignorance and blindness of their biune species` indpendence while they prosecuted their wars against her:
... across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this Earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.`2

The preamble to the Hollywood, Babylon movie, War Of The Worlds (2005), starring Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning, is prototypical of the extrapolation of women into aliens so men can destroy them while affecting concern for the species of `woman`s seed` through men`s adopting various ethnocentric disguises across the globe. The extrapolated aliens are what men are to women, whose capacity to self-reproduce has been hidden from them by men. The spectre of racism keeps women in infantilist acceptance of the different coloured men in their pogrom`s prosecutor`s suits, because her enslaving and devouring alien has a chameleon-like ability to wear the skin of its prey, which permits it to foster species hatred for the woman by adopting different ethnocentric backgrounds for its plague, games of war.

In ancient Greece men enslaved the host wombs of women in homosexual pederasty to spread their plague of war as a contagion. The concept of betrayal was integral. Before the walls of Troy, the Greeks left a gift of friendship, a huge wooden horse. Emerging after the Trojans took the horse into the city, the Greeks enslaved the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion further, which is how the plague `game` began:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

In the late 20th century HIV/AIDS, described as the `blood plague` in Revelation, began manifesting itself as homosexuality`s `biological weapon` to retain women in fear and faithfulness to their monogamous parasitical devourer. The `Trojan virus` was the commonest form of HIV/AIDS related virus paradigm adopted by the computer software workers, the `geeks`, to delay the development of the human species of `woman`s seed` by crashing her computing, that is, God`s work. 9/11 2001`s attack on the World Trade Centre in which Al Qaeda terrorists crashed planes into New York`s Twin Towers crashed the newly burgeoning system of God on Earth to reestablish global `rough trade`,3 which is the `brutal violence` of homosexuality`s god of war and pederasty.
In Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, that is, Jesus, in his `Second Coming`, while the devouring `red dragon` waits in vain to devour he who will `rule the nations with an iron sceptre`. Infantilism would have the people of the Earth believe that the Bible is a children`s fable, whereas Japan is the `red sun` of the attempted devourer of the United States of America when it precipitated US` involvement in World War II (1939-45) after a `sneak attack` on the Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, and Al Qaeda`s `yellow moon` was a further manifestation of the `perpetual enmity` of the `red dragon` for `Liberty` in the Gulf wars.
Clothed in the flags of her victories over the `red sun` of Japan and the `yellow moon` of Al Qaeda, `Liberty` was giving birth. As the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` in her waters of New York harbor, the devourer waited in vain. Al Qaeda`s terrorist leader, Saudi Arabia`s Osama Ben Ladan, was assassinated on May 2, 2001, by US` `Team Six`. Despite the `shade` afforded by the walls of the Pakistan Military Academy.
Infantilism is the education system that denies power to the educated and the educator to educate the uneducated about racism. If women have a penis and `seed` of their own, the human species of `woman`s seed` is enslaved, blind, ignorant, and living in a state of censored unconsciousness devolving from taboos against the penis itself, and where death is the loss of what`s left of woman`s slaved brain, because she isn`t reproducing her own.
Men`s inability to cure HIV/AIDS `blood plague` is symptomatic of a desire to spend trillions of dollars US$ on plague, games of war, which reinforces the `rough trade` of pederasty, rather than risk a long-lived woman who can remember her own penis` `seed` and capacity for self-reproducing her own brainpower to develop the starship technology to escape her enslaving alien devourers upon the Earth.

If the picture from Hollywood, Babylon, that is, `the video game war` of the Gulf `live` from Babylon, Iraq, doesn`t change, the human species will have become the victim of a planned infanticide. The woman with her own penis` `seed` and self-reproductive capacity for independent life separate from men`s `seed` isn`t wanted to live so she`s been edited out of the film:
`... from the sky will come the great King of Terror, bringing back to life the great King of the Mongols. Before and after, Mars to reign by good fortune.`4

The 16th century French seer Michelle Nostradamus foresaw how Hollywood, Babylon, brought itself back to life. The hordes of Genghis Khan established a conquered empire (1526-1857) that included India and Afghanistan. The infamous legend surrounding one of his successors, Shah Jehan`s (1627-58), was his suspecting his wife of being unfaithful with his brother and beheading her. The storyteller Sheherezade saved the women of the empire by telling tales to soothe Shah Jehan`s mind and prevent his taking a new bride each day to behead her. Jehan is more properly understandable as a mogul of Hollywood, Babylon, because Sheherezade is his film maker. Nostradamus` `King of Terror` is a Hollywood mogul for whom there`s no difference between fiction and reality, which was Shah Jehan`s problem also.

Although lives have reality for those who`re living, they don`t for the mogul of Nostradamus` prescient vision. Because Hollywood, Babylon, lives by `action movies`, which depict real or imagined wars and conflicts, Nostradamus` `King of Terror` was the revivifier of Hollywood, Babylon, on 9/11 2001 when the Al Qaeda terrorists crashed hijacked `civil` airliners into the World Trade Centre of New York. Ultimately resulting in Hollywood, Babylon, filming the events of 9/11 as the movie, World Trade Centre (2006), the industry was resuscitated amid the numerous `spin-off` productions attendant upon the USA`s victories in the Gulf wars to remove Saddam Hussein`s army after its invasion of Kuwait (1990-1) and to depose the Iraqi dictator (2001-11) for supporting Al Qaeda with the offer of bases to the terrorists in Iraq after 9/11.

Shah Jehan`s wife was the faithful producer but he preferred his brother. Sheherezade represents the restored film, because Shah Jehan marries her on account of her stories. Jehan`s the Hollywood, Babylon, mogul who prefers homosexual sterility to caring for the women and their host wombs that produce civilization, culture and art, that is, the `movie`, which is pederasty amid the `brotherliness` of their worshipping Mars, god of war. Although Sheherezade is able to save the women, she can`t re-edit the film so the `brothers` are erased, but women have a penis` `seed` of their own so it`s still feasible to save the humans` `baby` productions; even if Hollywood, Babylon, would rather it all went to hell: so they could film it there.
1 `The Production Code of the Motion Picture Industry`, Part II, 2 (c), 1930-67.
2 Wells, H. G. The War Of The Worlds, William Heinemann, 1898.
3 https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=rough%20trade .
4 Nostradamus, Michelle Les Propheties, Century 72, Quatrain 10, 1555.