The Penis Is Interfering With Human Enslavement

08/10/2013 09:20

The Penis Is Interfering With Human Enslavement

 In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), building on the work of the psychoanalytical theorist, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), who suggested that `penis envy` was the basis of men`s psychopathology, instinctual sexual libido undergoes a transformation into spiritual, that is, intelellectual endeavour, because of the human species` desire to progress and live by means of an inventiveness resulting in technology and the construction of labour saving devices conferring freedom upon the individual. Freud described what was repressed into the unocnscious of men as the `id` which contained what the collective consciousness didn`t want to remember or have known by others about themselves. Because women as `futanarian` humans with their own penis` `seed` and capacity for self-reproduction represent the brains` power of the socio-economic species independent of men, Freud`s theories of men`s `penis envy` are true but directed at woman as the race which men have enslaved by invading  what we know as woman`s host womb as parasites. By removing the woman`s penis from view through their various taboos against sex, which is but one of two physical activities the human body is capable of, the other being to intake sustenance, men have prevented the human species of woman from recovering from the in-bred brain damage men have given her by breeding her own brains` power for technological progress and development independently of her enslavers:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 Described as `a woman` in the Bible, Babylon is a representative of a species enslaved by a devouring parasite that wants her to produce civilization, culture and art for it to wage war upon in its hatred of the host womb from which she has been able to create despite the depredations of her malien invaders. God tells Eve she`ll have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` before her` seed` will:
`... crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen as `the first of `woman`s seed` from his mother, the Virgin Mary, prefigures the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen who can self-reproduce her own species` brains and decontaminate herself so that she is no longer handicappped by the brain damaging `seprent`s seed` of men who don`t want her to develop but want to keep her as a host womb for its parasitical devouring of the human race in the `perpetusal enmity` of its wars against her upon the Earth. Jesus` cup at the `Last Supper` before his betrayal to the Romans as a dissident preacher, is a symbol of the host womb of his mother, the Virgin Mary, because men want the womb but don`t want the cup of her species` friendship. Jesus` taught in the deserts of Palestine, where water is precious, so the cup is a symbol of what humans need to maintain in order to live in art, civilization and culture. If the cup is broken, Mohammed has to go to the water, because the water cannot be brought to Mohammed without a cup. The enslaving maliens perceive the womb is needed but the cup isn`t, that is, if the woman develops technology through breeding her own brains` power, she`ll leave Earth, so the cup is a symbol of technological advancement that needs to be maintained. But men want the host womb of their parasitism, and not the cup, which is a symbol of everything that the human brain can create to give freedom from drudgery and enslavement, and so the cup of Jesus` `Last Supper` is the Holy Grail of knightly legends, because the cup needs the spear of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` so that the human brains` powers can be bred to free her, but men have made woman`s penis extinct and replaced it with the paucity of their own malien stories of war.
 In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved by men for the purpose of spreading their contagion of institutionalized homosexuality and pederasty in worship of Ares, god of war. Before the walls of Troy, the ancient Greeks left a huge wooden horse inside which they hid until the Trojans took the horse into the city and the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women because that`s how the virus spreads. In the 20th century the `Trojan` was a condom because it worked to prevent the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS from spreading from men mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in rejection of human women. The paradigm is of men`s virality not wanting women`s virility to breed her own mental powers with her own penis` semen and avoid men`s contaminating her mind to give her race brain damage. In the 21st century the Greeks were replaced by the `geeks`, who contaminated thinking machines with `bad code`. By brain damaging the labour saving machine, the `computer geek` lost the labour of humans, which couldn`t be saved, that is, the `geek` was the equivalent of the `bad cold` that prevents humans from functioning.
 Geeks were `circus freaks` that ate the heads of chickens, but the term came to be applied to those who gave human thinking machines viruses, which is what maliens in homosexual pederasty and war worship do. Because the Arabian terrorist group, Al Qaeda, broke through the United States of America`s defence system by hijacking `civil` airliners to betray their trust as guests and crash the planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre, the terrorists were the `flu` equivalent of a computer virus attacking the brain`s immune system. The terrorist act precipitated the Gulf War (2001-11), because global `rough trade`, which is a slang term for `brutality and violence`, amongst homosexual pederasts engaged in their `conventional war` of `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed`,  saw the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre as its twinned penis` homosexual symbol, while their `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS, the `blood plague` of Revelation, reamined a `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to the enslaving malien breeders with their brain damaging false penis` `seed` of repression.
 Because `geeks` were originally the `circus freaks` that ate chickens` heads, `circus` must be part of the equation and it`s the word used to describe the activities of spy rings, which mainly prevent people from being able to see, rather than attempting to see what others are doing. If women don`t know that they are the human species with their own penis` `seed`  and capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` power, they`re blind. Spy rings are for keeping her ignorant and unconscious of the truth, which is where `geeks` come into the equation.  Computer `geeks` prevent  women from seeing through the internet and devise ways of preventing her from using technologies` brains as an enhanced peripheral awareness of her potentially independent species` socio-economic situation, mainly by making the penis taboo which, because she has her own, is the basis of her `futanarian` power. Without conscious awareness of her dispossessed status as the human ex-species, women correspond to `headless chickens`, whose minds have been devoured by `geeks` who want her to remain a brain damaged victim of being bred as a `circus` animal of men`s `serpent`s seed` that, depicting itself in Hollywood, Babylon, as her science fiction movie monster, has taken over the host wombs of woman to enslave and devour her as a malien parasite eating her chickens` heads, because she can never function as a human brained women if the products of her womb remain contaminated by the virulent strain of men`s computing virus.
 Although competing is given out as the basis for capitalist socio-economic theory, men couldn`t compete with women`s own penis` `seed` and its sexual desire for the production of her own brains` power, because the human species recognizes itself as sexually attractive, which men can`t. It doesn`t compute that men compete, so they have to compute their survival as a virus, which necessitates keeping women in unconscious blindness and ignorance, and ensuring her ephemerality so she doesn`t have a memory long enough to remember her own self, that is, low level technological development, based on the denial of her own penis` capacity to transform her instinctual libidic energy into intellectual work and technological advancements in medical science, to prolong youth and longevity, as well as space travel to escape from the maliens upon the planet Earth. The penis is interfering with the maliens` enslavement of the human species` endeavour to reach the planets and stars of God`s own heaven and the maliens want to reestablish the taboo against the woman`s penis` `seed`.
 9/11, 2001`s terrorist attack by Al Qaeda, `the base`, by crashing planes into New York`s World Trade Centre, was a diversion to restore deflation of the penis, which is the basis of transformed spiritual and intellectual power. By diverting activity into war, the spirit of God upon the Earth would be lost. Homosexual pederasty would prevent the `hidden` woman with her own penis` `seed`, and capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` intellectual power, from inflating her own penis` desire to change the course of history and rid herself of the maliens.  Her power would be deflated in a ratio proportionate to the numbers of women extant upon the surface of the planet with penis` `seed` capable of reproducing her own developed brains` intellect, so men would have to find her `hidden` selves and kill her, which is what homosexual pederasty intended the Gulf war (2001-11) to be. The Great Seal of the United States of America and her navy seals, especially Navy Seal Team Six, who killed the terrorist leader, Osama Ben Ladan, represent the forces of God arrayed to defend the hymen of the `hidden` woman of Arabia in her traditional unseeable guide beneath the one pice coverall of the abiyah from which only her eyes can be seen in public:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
 The `eagle` is the United States of America`s Great Seal, symbol of the power and authority of the office of the President of the USA, and so the Gulf war to depose Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, as a supporter of Al Qaeda, `the base`, helped by Arabian nations like Saudi Arabia, was the US` navy seals` defence of the sealed hymen of the `hidden` woman of the `futanarian` human species with her own penis` `seed`, in accordance with God`s word, as related in the Bible, according to which the `serpent`s seed` shall have eternal unendurable pain as a punishment for not repenting of their enslaving and devouring of humanity`s `seed`, while the `woman`s seed` shall have a `new heaven and Earth`:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
 The `blood plague` of Revelation is the contamination of the `serpent` of `woman`s seed` in the form of the `killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, created in men`mixing of blood, shit and semen together in each others anuses in rejection of the host womb of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` pure thoughts. Jesus` teachings of Redemption insist on repentance for sin, which is necessary if men are to receive God`s forgiveness. Reincarnation is a means of keeping the human race in a slave cycle of rebirth and blind gropings towards what woman was, or could be. Jesus` teachings of Resurrection for `woman`s seed` are of those who were `futanarian` human with her own penis` semen killed by men, which is why they have to beg God for forgiveness in repentance for a sin compounded by maintaining the human species in blindness and ignorance, by the simplest of expediences; making the penis of the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` taboo. Introducing consumption as the only human activity permissible:
`Deflation occurred in the U.S. during most of the 19th century ... caused by technological progress that created significant economic growth.`1 
In economic terms, inflation is where goods cost more, so workers are paid more, and the result is a general improvement, so governments favour an inflation rate of around 2% per annum, but deflation is the lowering of the value of the currency so the workers can`t afford the goods, which can result in a lowering of prices, but the tendency is for the prices of goods to remain high and so the employed have to find a way of affording the higher valued items, and that results in improvement of the workforce, while research and development slows because of less financial investment due to goods not being purchased and so the goods remain undeveloped. Technological progress would cause deflation where goods cost less, but what`s applied in a slave economy is deflation through lack of technological development, that is, inferior goods that are affordable for an inflated cost.
 After food, sex is what drives human endeavour but, if women are unaffordable, that`s  deflation, which intereferes with sexual libido. More energy than is affordable by the individual human is channeled into obtaining a human woman as a partner. Slave economics is based on sex-starvation by the maliens of `woman`s seed`, where women have their own penis` semen as `futanarian` humans, and so represent socio-economic independence in potentiam, if she can breed her own brains` economic power, but if her penis isn`t visible, deflation has gone too far, as it were, because the human economy can`t be restarted.
 The unaffordability of women is the basis of a deflationist economy, because sexual desire represented by the inflated penis` urge to reproduce in the safety of a home environment can`t be fulfilled and so the other function of which the body is physically capable, eating, is elevated to the false position of superiority. Consumption, in the sense of a `hand to mouth` economy, and what the early doctors described as `consumption`, that is, killer diseases like HIV/AIDS, results from the attack upon the body of human society by the parasites of homosexual pederasty. Poor medicine, deriving from the maliens` need to keep women as ephemeral brainless `butterflies` without penis` semen of their own, so they`re incapable of breeding their own brains` power for technological advances to retain memory and knowledge of their species through bodily longevity, encourages consumption by `killer diseases` such as HIV/AIDS. This is `deflationary`, because women are kept in fear and faithfulness to the brain damaging `serpent`s seed` of men`s penis, in the absence of what are `normal`, but defined societally as `schizophrenic`, feelings of sexual desire for her own brains` reproducing through her own missing penis` shadow-inflated desire for herself, which is necessary for a growing human economy. Women`s schizophrenia is an example of the brain damage inflicted by the `serpent`s seed` because she doesn`t value herself highly and to homosexual pederasty she`s a host womb for its parasitical consumption of her. To combat malien deflation `woman`s seed` has to correlate sexual libidic activity with socio-economic development, that is, women have to be affordable, and their own penis` `seed` has to be known to be available to herself, which requires education and not penis taboo.
 The deflationary economy is where the goods are cheaper because they have less value, but not in real terms, that is, they cost less but may be of great value, which is what women represent. Because women are seemingly valued at a premium by malien society, the assumption is their species has been killed to raise the price higher for the `rubes` and make the enslaved `woman`s seed` work harder in a slave economy based on the transformation of spirituality into intellectual endeavour supported by religion. Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, is the economic recipe for human socio-economic growth, because `the first of woman`s seed` isn`t brain damaged by the enslaving and devouring `serpent`s seed`, but represents the `futanarian` human species with her own penis` `seed` that wants progress and escape from the maliens to the planets and stars of `heaven` through the developed technolgy of starships. Jesus` birth `star` over Bethlehem two thousand years ago prefigured the escape of `woman`s seed` from the Earth in starships, and the Bible says there`ll be war in heaven between the `serpent`s seed` and `woman`s seed`,  because the woman`s penis has to be very small before men can`t get it in.