Sixty Six Point Six Percent Is The Number Of The Beast
29/10/2013 10:32
Sixty Six Point Six Percent Is The Number Of The Beast
The basic theme of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is `woman`s seed`. In Eden Eve is told by the Old Testament God that her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, while in the New Testament Jesus Christ was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary. At the `Last Supper`, before his torture and murder upon the cross of his crucifixion, Jesus Christ was the host betrayed. Judas Iscariot, the treacherous disciple, betrays the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth to the persecutors of the Roman Empire in Palestine because, born as `the first of woman`s seed`, that is, as the child of the host womb of the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and his mother represent the new host of the human species.

Because women have penis semen of their own to sexually reproduce her own brains` technological power for the future host of humanity, she`s `futanarian`, and that means she`s potentially 66.6% of the humans on the planet Earth. The builder of the house of God requires muscles, that is, men, or their equivalent, for example, robot technology, to perform the heavy labour, and when the work is done the women breed themselves until their males` reincarnation and resurrection through their host wombs improves the species from 50/50 to somewhere approaching 100% `futanarian` woman, whereas in enslavement to men the numbers of `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` are so reduced as to make it virtually impossible for the human race of woman to run; although God tells Eve her seed will:
`... crush the head of the serpent as she leaves.` (Gen: 3.15)

In Revelation the `number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six` because 66.6% woman, that is, penised women and non-penised women, is the demographic percentage of woman to be anticipated under those circumstances obtaining when the human race is under attack from parasites endeavouring to take over her host womb. If men are perceived as viral and the story of the late 20th century`s `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS, described as the `blood plage` in Revelation, says that they are, because of their homosexuality`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in their own anuses to produce the STD, then pederasty and war is a viral contagion:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

According to Revelation there`ll be `war in heaven`, which is inevitable if men refuse to accept human development based on the 66.6% demographic principle that women should outnumber men 2 to 1 as a matter of nature. In species` terms Jesus Christ is described as the `Logos`, that is, the `Word` of God, and the beginnings of technological advancement, but it`s in men`s interests to keep women on a low level of technology so they can`t breed their own brains` power to leave the Earth after escape velocity has been achieved:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

Men are abominations not simply because they go a-bombing nations, while employing such ridiculous euphemisms as `carpet bombing` with `Agent Orange`, which `domestic cleaning` terms the USA used to describe their `ethnic cleansing` activities during attempts to destroy and defoliate the women from the Earth in Indo-China during the Vietnam war (1955-75), but because they`re engaged in pogroming the human species, after giving her their brain damaging virus from her own womb using her own penis` `seed`, she`s more tractable now because men are her abominations. Men are increasingly becoming physically very impotent, because they`re spiritually and intellectually redundant with a dwindling average penis size of 5.8 inches that, as the rock band 10CC observed, only emits an average ten cubic centimetres of sperm, according to medical studies:
`Load up, load up, load up with rubber bullets.`1

The `playing field` has been levelled at 50/50, because men weren`t loading up `with rubber bullets`, that is, their `seed` was contaminated with the HIV/AIDS virus by the end of the 20th century and they weren`t using rubber condoms to ensure that their `bullets` bounced off rather than gave the human species of woman with her own `futanarian` penis` semen their bullet in the head brain damage she wouldn`t have had if she`d been sexually active with her own species` semen. The more copious bags of sperm possessed by the far more important `futanarian` woman with her own much larger penis and `seed` sac has been pogromed out of the equation by the homosexual pederastical elite of the increasingly ever more very impotent but uninvited parasitical guests of their hostess` womb:
`To do the Wall Street shuffle; let your money hustle. Bet you`d sell your mother: you can buy another.`2

In the Bible it is written that `no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name,` (Rev: 13. 16-17) because women have lost their own penis and so are marked by `the beast`, which has given her brain damage to accept it by breeding with her. With 50% `beast` and 50% women the human race has far less than a 50/50 chance of surviving, which is why it is written in the Bible, `let he that has wisdom understand, the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six` (Rev: 13. 18), that is, 666, because 66.6% is the percentage of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen that should be on the planet Earth as a breeding pair in contradistinction to men who would constitute only 33.3% of the equation; if they hadn`t killed her so much already: and they aren`t even preferred as sex partners by her, or God. HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` would suggest men are attempting to reproduce their virality even without women`s host wombs. The 50/50 male-female equation has been falsely devised by `the beast`, for whichever single male has currently decided to be he. The `beast` wants to further the extinction of the human `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` `seed` and her average of above 66.6 cubic centimetres per ejaculation, because her more potent capacity to produce her own brains` power threatens men`s enslaving of her through their brain damaging of her human race and so prevent her from progressing.
1 Creme, Lol and Kevin Godley 10CC `Rubber Bullets`, UK #1 , June 1973 from the album 10CC, released July 1973.
2 Creme, Lol and Kevin Godley 10CC `Wall Street Shuffle`, from the album Sheet Music, 1974.