It`s A Girl Trying To Escape From Its Killer
23/09/2013 09:41
It`s A Girl Trying To Escape From Its Killer
Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, which meant he was `woman`s seed`. God had told Eve in Paradise that her `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` with the evil, which suggests she`ll have penis` semen of her own. Before Jesus` death he gave `bread and wine` as symbols of the host at his `Last Supper` before the Roman authorities crucified him after he was betrayed as the host by the false disciple, Judas Iscariot, and tortured to death as a dissident in occupied Palestine. Jesus` teaching was of the sacrosanctity of the host, which his birth mother, the Virgin Mary, represents. Because God foretold to Eve the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` would emerge from her daughters own host wombs, the absence of `woman`s seed` from the picture painted by men means they`re the killer that`s stalking her:
`... [she] will crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)

Eve`s `futanarian` heel may well crush the `serpent`s seed` as she escapes to the `new heaven and Earth` God promises her `seed` but she needs to breed her own brains` power to develop her own technology in the form of starships before she can leave, which suggests men`s plan is to keep her in enslavement and media censored blindness to her own species` self-reproductive potential for socio-economic independence. Her host womb will remain a producer of art, civilization and culture for men`s devouring in their wars of `perpetual enmity` against her, if the worship of the god of war in pederasty and homosexuality continues. Because women`s `seed` isn`t breeding her own brains` power, from her own `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, she doesn`t have her own brains, so is contaminated by the `serpent`s seed`, which is why Jesus is described as `the first of woman`s seed` in scripture. He was born uncontaminated by male semen. Asked about heaven, Jesus said that, in the Resurrection, there`d be neither giving nor taking in marriage. Because women are a single biune species that doesn`t marry.
In the late 20th century, homosexuality`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses created what the Bible calls the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS` `killer disease`, which effectively kept women in fearful faithfulness to her enslavers, men, and constituted the `biological weapon` deployed against her. The `brutality and violence` of homosexuality is called `rough trade`. On 9/11, 2001, Arabian terrorists hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Centre of New York to precipitate the global `rough trade` of the homosexual worship of pederasty in war. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese `sneak attack` on the aircraft carriers of the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, resulted in a similar precipitation of the United States of America into a World War (1939-45). On each occasion the `pearl of great price`, which is `heaven on Earth`, (Matt: 13. 45-6) was at stake, that is, `woman`s seed` pearl. According to Revelation, `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, who `will rule the nations with an iron scepter`. In New York harbor the torch bearing statue of Liberty is the woman after her defeat of the red sun of Japan`s flag and with the moon of the flag of the terrorist organization, Al Qaeda, `the base`, at her feet, while `the pearl of great price`, the pearl moon of the first step of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` to heaven, shines beneath her own base in her birth waters at New York harbor.

Although the child of `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is described as male, he`s Jesus in his `Second Coming` and so is `woman`s seed`, which suggests he`s resurrected `futanarian` human with her penis` `seed`. Jesus` `Second Coming` results in eternal unendurable pain as a punishment for woman`s evil enslavers and devourers, that is, perdition. The `woman`s seed` pearl of `futanarian` woman with her own penis, that is, `the pearl of great price`, because it`s the silver moon of woman`s first `futanarian` step alone to the planets and stars, is the end of the contaminating `serpent`s seed` upon woman`s brains. The `red dragon` of devouring war, and pederasty`s `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS` `killer disease`, enslaving woman`s host womb in fearful faithfulness, is depicted in the Bible as waiting to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming`, but waits in vain because woman can`t be stayed:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

Because `woman`s seed` is to have Resurrection, `new woman` is in her infancy, which means she has a killer who is stalking her as a girl, and that`s what mainstream Babylon Hollywood `pictures` depict. The woman is either attacked or defended by a man or men, but neither defender nor attacker is needed if the woman doesn`t have the disease. In the period of the history of the United States of America known as the `Wild West` men with guns were the firers, that is, the virus. In Hollywood Babylon `Westerns` set in the 1880s a hero would face the villain in a main street gunfight while the woman, for example, Grace Kelly in High Noon (1952) would await the outcome, but without the gunfirers, that is, the gun virus, the woman wouldn`t be endangered. Consequently, men are women`s virus and, because `woman`s seed` will have Resurrection, she`ll have `life eternal` when she leaves Earth and the `serpent`s seed` of men behind with their `love guns` still spitting seeds of death down each others` anuses from their penis` brain debilitating semen in rejection of salvation, that is, being saved from `the wages of sin [which] is death` (Rom: 6. 23), while the host wombs of the women that could have been theirs have Resurrection as `woman`s seed` in the `futanarian` heaven of humans with their own clean penis` semen and unhandicapped brains` development:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

Jesus` teaching was of Redemption which required repentance from sin, but men have obfuscated what sin is in order to feign an innocence they don`t possess and so fool `woman`s seed` into accepting demons` `seed` as human, whereas it`s the `serpent`s seed` of men that debilitates the brains of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own clean penis` `seed`, and that`s men`s sin; blinding through media censorship.

In Hollywood Babylon from the 1930s onward it was the `foot on the floor rule` in bedroom scenes that prevented the `futanarian` penis of the woman from even being hinted at and prevented her from impregnating her own human species with her own penis` semen to produce her own human brains and get her `futanarian` foot off the floor of the Earth to crush the alien head of the serpent with her heel as she left in the starships she`d built with her own brains` developed technology.

By the late 20th century men were so desperate to prevent the woman from escaping, most of their Hollywood Babylon propoganda featured young girls being stalked and murdered as entertainment. The protoypical psychopathic killer was actor Anthony Perkins` character, Norman Bates at the Bates Motel, who kills actress Janet Leigh in the infamous Psycho (1960) shower scene where only the shadow of the knife is seen.

In the late 20th century`s Sliver (1993) actress Sharon Stone`s a young woman watched in her apartment on CCTV by a security guard who becomes her stalker. At the beginning of the 21st century, movies like Scream (1996), in which a knife wielding attacker is cheered on by excited male audiences as he bloodily and explicitly murders young female victims, gave way to `spoof` films like Scarey Movie (2000) in which the same knife wielding attacker is cheered on by laughing male audiences, who are no longer even excited:
`Get outta the car, bitch, or I`m gonna blow your brains out!`1

The United States of America has often been criticized for being a society that produces only garbage but, as the centre of the world`s automobile industry, it`s contribution is the car bitch, who is persuaded somehow to enter into the dubious safety of the car interior by the male demon driver, who represents the cabbage society, because women without their own penis` `seed`, as the `futanarian` human species, can`t self-reproduce her own brains` power through sexual fertilization, gestation, and developed growth of her own species by means of education and the dissemination of information because of media blinding. Woman remains a cabbage and a car bitch in the gab bitch society where the woman whose speech isn`t articulated by her own bred brains is excommunicated from herselves` `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed`, so she can`t breed the linguistic virus of men out of her and escape the demon drivers` willing her on to unintelligibility by making it impossible for her to apply her own penis` `seed` for the breeding of her own brains` intelligent voice, which is God`s Word:
`So, tell me something, Miss Thelma. How is it you ain`t got any kids?`2

The women in the movie Thelma And Louise (1991) are accused implicitly and explicitly throughout as `lesbians`, but the functionality of the feelings known as `lesbianisn` simply represent the desire of the human species of woman to have and breed her own driving brainpower, which is normal in woman`s desire for socio-economic independence from the brain damage and schizophrenia she`s enduring because of the `serpent`s seed` of men`s breeding with her. Thelma fields the question about her breeding by referring to her husband, Daryl, who is the latest in the line of `serpent`s seed` that breeds itself into the woman`s gene pool and cretinizes her brain:
`He says he`s still too much of a kid himself. He kinda prides himself on being infantile.`

Thelma and Louise become desperate enough to escape from their men and the police that are alerted to make pursuit. The film ends with the pair, who have been bred with the `serpent`s seed` of men, so that their brains are damaged and infantile, like Daryl`s, driving over a cliff and into the Grand Canyon, a symbol of the huge hole at the heart of humanity`s relationship with mom. The human `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` can`t hope to develop unless she breeds her own brains, which means the Greek Kore, that is, the mythological Demeter-Persephone goddess relationship between the Earth mother and her growing daughter, is the basic human unit. Otherwise the human `futrace` of the `futanarian` woman can`t `run`, which is what `fut` means in Hungarian while `tanar` means `teacher` in the Central European matriarchy of the Magyar and `futanaria` is the Japanese term for manga cartoons featuring women with their own penis` semen. Because Jesus is the teacher, `futanar` is what he is, which is why Hungary is a Christian country and Japanese manga features pictures of `woman`s seed`, where most countries in the world don`t give credence to the existence of the woman`s penis` semen and actively enforce taboos against the penis per se to prevent the woman from remembering her own `seed` so as to maintain `futanarian` humanity in womb slavery to the `serpent`s seed` of men.

Thelma is correct when she says Daryl`s problem is infantilism, but it`s hers too. Because woman as a `futanarian` species with her own penis` `seed` is an infant, men are her `boy sons`, that is, her brain becomes less `futanarian` human and more `serpent`s seed` alien as the `poisons` take hold. Despite men`s breeding of woman as the host womb for their parasitical devouring of the civilization, culture and art she`s able to produce through God`s spirit in her, her soul is ceaselessly devoured in men`s wars of `perpetual enmity` upon the Earth. Without her `futanarian` penis` `seed` fertilizing her own host wombs, women will remain infantile because her brain is contaminated by reproduction with men`s `serpent`s seed`, whereas Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, teaches `woman`s seed` is the decontaminant of her own penis` semen she needs to breed her own intelligent system independent of her poisoner:
`You stutter again and I will shoot your [...] legs off, all right?`3

Jesus was the host betrayed by Judas, that is, the `futanar` or travelling teacher of the `futanarian` penis` `seed` of woman. Early 21st century popstar, Lady Gaga, recognized this teaching in her CD single and video, `Judas`(2011), because men in the centuries before had been `shooters` betraying the growth and development of the roots of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`; lest she put forth leaves and bear fruit. Men were her Judas, that is, the `shooters` of her, where `shooters` is English slang for guns. God`s `futrace` can`t run to escape from its killers, while the girl of the human race is in her infancy and vulnerable to her male stalkers, because she`s disabled mentally due to her breeding with the `serpent`s seed`:
`I wanna love you,
But something’s pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue,
Judas is the demon I cling to
I cling to.`4
But something’s pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue,
Judas is the demon I cling to
I cling to.`4

The most supported world religion in the 20th century was Judaism, that is, `shooterism`. It isn`t possible to be born in Judaism unless born from a woman, which means men are her Judas` betrayal, or `shooters` in `shooterism`, because her `futanarian` penis has been killed by them, so she can`t, as a parasite`s host with a damaged brain, walk the path of her gunned down and hunted species, whereas if Jesus` teachings are accepted, she`s us:
`Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Matt: 22. 39)

Because your neighbour is yourself, especially if Jesus says she`s us. In `shooterism`, where `shooters`, that is, those who follow the path of Judas, betray `woman`s seed`, she`s us, that is, Jesus, because the host womb of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` has her capacity for breeding her own brains to escape from `shooterism`, which is Judaism and `shooters`, that is, Judas` betrayal of `woman`s seed`, in starships and other technologies of her own brains` devising, to take her away from her devouring parasite, so she can live amongst the planets and stars of God`s heaven forever. If not, men will kill the little girl that is humanity again, because they`ve done it before.
In ancient Greece men institutionalized homosexual pederasty and the enslavement of women`s host wombs to spread their contagion of war, while the more famous of the Greek dramatists, Sophocles, wrote of the Egyptian city of Thebes in Oedipus Rex, and Oedipus, `slow foot`, who thought he understood why `Man` walked on three legs, because he didn`t know that the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed was the `foot` the human race lacked. Oedipus` perception was that a man walked with a cane in old age, which is biblical insofar as Cain, the murderer, killed his brother Abel for being able, and so he`d disabled the human race in blindness. When Oedipus discovers he`s married his mother, Jocasta, he succumbs to men`s incest taboo, which is designed to prevent `woman`s seed` from realizing that it`s `futanarian`, that is, women are a species` family biunity with its own penis` `seed` independent of men. Blinding himself, Oedipus` name, `slow foot`, is revealed in meaning. Men kill women`s `seed` to prevent her `futrace` from running away, but Oedipus` marriage with Jocasta means that the `futrace` is slow but sure because it knows its own family and will run, but the race of Cain will walk in blindness, because it`d only kill the little girl again if it could see.
1 Punk Gone In 60 Seconds, Touchstone Pictures, 2000.
2 J. D. Thelma and Louise, Metro Goldwyn Mayer, 1991.
3 Jackie Junior Shooters, Suspect Device Films, 2001.
4 Lady Gaga `Judas` from Born This Way, Interscope Records, April 15, 2011.