E-Male Subject, Re: In Car Nations
18/08/2013 09:39
E-Male Subject, Re: In Car Nations
The concept of reincarnation has long puzzled all but those who are seriously engaged in religious understanding. In ancient times pederasty was the basis of society. In Greece the host wombs of the women were enslaved for the devouring of their boy sons in the poisons of war. The Bible describes the consequence of `a woman` being enslaved in pederasty for the reproduction of what God warns Eve is the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for her:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

In the garden of Eden Eve was tempted by the serpent to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`. Because God didn`t want to see evil done in paradise, Adam and Eve were expelled after Eve gave Adam some of the fruit and they began to feel exposed in their nakedness so that they clothed themselves in their desire to be evil without God`s seeing. God tells Eve she`ll experience pain in childbirth while Adam must learn to live by the sweat of his brow, that is, work, but Eve `will crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for the `new heaven and Earth` promised by God to `woman`s seed`, which suggests women have penis` `seed` of their own and `futanarian` women do.

Jesus is described as the first of `woman`s seed` in the Bible because he was born from his mother, the Virgin mary, uncontaminated by male semen. Christ was killed because men didn`t want `woman`s seed` to reproduce and Jesus` teachings were against reincarnation and for Resurrection. After his crucifixion as a `dissident` upon a wooden cross on the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem in Roman Palestine, Jesus died but had Resurrection, and Ascension to heaven. Reincarnation is pederasty because men want boys to torment:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)

Because `woman`s seed` is `futanarian`, that is, women have a penis and semen of their own. Jesus emphasizes the role of the host towards the guest at the `Last Supper` before his betrayal by the disciple Judas Iscariot to the Romans for `thirty pieces of silver`. Giving the disciples `bread and wine` in token of his `body and blood`, Jesus is pointing out those who betray the host are enemies of humanity because woman is the host womb of her species. In the Bible the angels are the host of God because they`re a single biune `futanarian` species that doesn`t marry:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 17. 5)

By the late 20th century men had produced what the Bible calls the `blood plague` of Revelation in sterile anal penile masturbations rejective of women and mixing blood, shit and semen in their anuses resulting in the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS that kept women in fearful faithfulness to their enslavers` monogamy.

The socio-economic history of mankind is the refusal to develop technologically so that `woman`s seed` can escape from the aliens of the Earth that have attached themselves to her penis to replicate as her cancer. Enslaving the host womb of the human species to devour the civilizations, culture and art she`s able to produce despite their depredations in ceaseless wars against her, men represent a manufacturing problem for the human race. Women with their own penis` `seed` have the capacity to reproduce their own brainpower, that is, a future socio-economic valence for change.

The pattern for male behaviouralism derives from the 19th century approach towards machines in the textile industry (1811-17) during the English Industrial Revolution. Perceived as threatening to jobs, newly developed labor-saving machinery made men redundant, so advanced technology was rejected. Just as HIV/AIDS represents the rejection of women by men, because her manufacturing equipment, that is, women`s sexually independent capacity for reproduction, and technolgical production through the application of her own brains` power, is designed for living rather than killing, which is what the `Luddites`,1 named for Ned Ludd, a youth who allegedly smashed two `stocking frames` in 1779, attempted to do to the machine age.

Because `futanarian` women with a penis and semen of their own are concerned with `making` rather than manufacturing, their aim is to have a place in which to live, when they emerge from their host, and so the womb of the species of woman is the human guest`s first `made` place. Men manufacture so they can play with their boy sons, that is, their poisons, when they`re reincarnated, which is what the economic `kick starter` of the MIlitary Industrial Complex (MIC) of the United States of America, with its arsenal of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, is apparently for; and they`re praying to God for help.
If women make the place from which they begin to live as `woman`s seed`, that is, the host womb of the body of her `futanarian` species with her own penis` `seed`, she can self-produce her own brains` power to manufacture what she needs in terms of technological advances to help her live. The `Luddites` of the 19th century were the anti-robot lobby of the 20th century, while robots are better humans insofar as they care more about them even then the humans themselves. Even the simplest `robot` technology, such as the air condiitoner, or the electric shaver, cares for the human better than the human can.

`Luddites` are women`s enslavers, because they don`t want `Liberty` for her species, but rather limiting technology. Motor vehicles haven`t improved from pedals in pederasty since they were first mass produced by the Henry Ford company in 1908 and Commander David Scott of Apollo 15 was seen pedaling one on the moon in 1971. Men`s manufactured machines reduce human functionality, because they don`t want women to have an `escape vehicle`, whereas robots manufactured in the image of women would be the solution to her species` dilemma insofar as they would be human enough to want her to live.

As the parasite of `woman`s seed`, men are her enslaving and devouring aliens, so womanufacture is precluded. Taboos against the male penis are taboos against the woman`s, so she can`t contemplate socio-economic independence from her historical circumstances, which are described as industrialism but are parasitism. According to the German economic philosophy of Karl Marx in Das Kapital (1867), adopted by Russia as Communism in 1917, `workers control of the means of production` is desirable, while Western capitalism is `owners control the means of production`. However, the owned `means of production` are the host wombs of the women; as the species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and capacity for self-reproducing her own brains` technology.

As `owners of the means of production`, womanufacturer is desirable for the human species. Where her `workers control the means of production` places to live and tools to help her do so are what is made and womanufactured, while men are redundant because their equipment has built-in obsolescence because they`re parasitical enslavers and devourers of women`s species. Men don`t accept Jesus` teachings of acceptance of the host, because they prefer to play with boys in the pederasty of reincarnation, whereas `woman`s seed` is to be born and will experience Resurrection, according to the Bible, while the starship technology to take her away from her ancestral predators to the planets and stars is but the first step for her newly burgeoning minds.
1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddite .