What Is Feminism?

30/10/2013 16:12

What Is Feminism?

The equality of man and woman is often given as the definitive description of feminist ambitions, whereas those described by anti-feminists as `rabid` feminists believe women are superior to men, which would require some grounds of verifiability before agreeing with such an assertion. In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, which suggests women have penis` semen of their own, and they do as `futanarian` women. In feminist terms, if women can sexually reproduce as `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed`, the human species doesn`t need men for fertilization, which defines women as superior to men by virtue of women`s not needing men`s servicings. In the Bible God tells Eve she will:
`...crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 If the `futanarian` is the foot of the `woman`s seed`, because she doesn`t need men`s sexual services, male technology is what`s required, or she`ll be kept upon the Earth without access to spaceflight and the planets and stars of the cosmos. Her potential socio-economic independence from men due to her own capacity to produce her own brains` power through sexual reproduction with herself by means of her own penis` semen can only be thwarted by men`s continuing to breed with her and refusing technological advancements that would ease her progress.
 If she isn`t able to reproduce sexually with her own `futanarian` penis` semen, woman has to accept the brains of her breeders, which means her human brain is damaged. Jesus Christ`s birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, is the archetype of `woman`s seed`, that is, his brain is undamaged, because not bred by the `serpent`s seed`, which prefigures the emergence of the human species of woman bred by her own penis` seed and so without brain damage.
 In the Bible it is written, `let he that has wisdom understand, the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six,` because women who`re bred by men won`t have their own human brains unless their contribution to the human species reaches 66.6%, that is, 33% women without a penis, but with a vagina, and 33% women with penis and vagina. Men would constitute an ever-dwindling 33% as the humans reproduced and needed male muscle and technology in proportionate decrease to women`s own increasing brains` power and rising level of technological development through their sexually reproducing with each other.
 Unless the proportion of women reaches 66.6% as the minimum requirement for the rise of the human race of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and capacity for self-production, that is, 66.6, `the beast` will have won. Maintaining 50/50 male and female equality gives the human race of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for self-reproducing her own brains` power, less than a 50/50 chance of survival, because the human species requires 33% futanarian woman and 33% woman (66.6%), without even considering whether men belong in the human equation or not.
 In Greece pederasty was institutionalized to the extent that `Greek` became a eupemism for homosexuality. In the 20th century the `Trojan horse` became a euphemism for computer viruses, while `Trojan` was the name of a brand of condom used extensively as a prophylactic defense against the HIV/AIDS` virus known to have derived from homosexuals` mixing blood, shit and male semen in their anuses during sterile female rejecting sexual intercourse there. 
 The concept of the `Trojan` and the `Trojan horse` derived from the ancient Greeks` siege of the city of Troy, which fell after they left a gift of a huge hollow wooden horse, thereafter known as the `Trojan horse`. The horse was taken into the city by the Trojan defenders and the Greeks emerged from inside to enslave the host wombs of the women for pederasty and the further spread of war`s contagions. By the 20th century the `Greek` contagions were the computer viruses adminstered to the future helping brains of `woman`s seed` by `geeks` opposed to her development, and the HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` deployed by the `serpent`s seed` as a `biological weapon` to keep women in monogamous faithful fear of the human brains` enslaving by her male virus` persistence.
 In psychological terms, the woman with sexual feelings for other women is defined as `lesbian` and abnormal, but equal with homosexual men, in feminism, who are perceived as not able to help themselves from wanting to be sterile, while constituting a major source of plague. Because women have their own penis` `seed` as `futanarian` humans, species` sexuality is normal between women, which means those who`re defined as homosexuals because they`re lesbians, that is, normal women, are branded with the label `schizophrenic` by clinical psychology.
 Feminism is definable as `political correctness`, based on tolerance for breeding a woman as an animal in order to define her as an abnormal schizophrenic lesbian and make a complaint, HIV/AIDS. Because, if feminism didn`t accept the label `lesbian`, as identifying women as `homosexual`, and therefore homosexuality as a criteria of normality, rather than disseminate the truth that normally women are a separate and independent species from men with her own penis` semen, homosexuality mightn`t exist at all, or the brain damaging virality of the `serpent`s seed` of men either.