
Khidr Was A Scientist, Moses Was A Believer

02/02/2019 18:15

Khidr Was A Scientist, Moses Was A Believer


The reason for the separation between Islam, which came after Jesus’ teaching, and wasn’t Christianity, and Judaism, isn’t clear to everyone, although there are clues in the Koran (610-30 C.E.) given to the Prophet Mohamed, according to Islamic tradition, by the angels. The Koran contains some of the historical circumstances and personages contained in the Hebrew Old Testament of what the Christians call their Bible, which also contains the New Testament teaching of Jesus, that is, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) In the Koran, Jesus is Isa and Mary is Mariam, and the stories are similar, although not inn perfect agreement. In the Old Testament, which is the history and law of the Jews, that is, the Talmud and Torah, Moses is the leader of the Jews during their exodus from slavery in Egypt to the Pharaoh Thutmose III, who pursues the Jews to the Red Sea, which divides to allow the Jews to cross over into the land that God promised them, Palestine, thereby demonstrating the power of God, and doubly so because the pursuing army of the Egyptians is drowned as the waters close behind the Jews. Whether the event is a powerful demonstration of some extramundane factor, or a technological miracle, is immaterial in practical terms. The point is that the Jews left Egypt and arrived in Palestine. In the Koran Moses and Joshua, who is depicted in the Old Testament as surviving Moses to go on into Palestine and bring down the walls of the city of Jericho in a battle to conquer the country, are sojourning by the Red Sea when Joshua loses the fish that they’d been keeping for their supper. The figure of Khidr appears and Joshua and Moses decide to travel with him. Khidr allows this but tells them that, if they don’t bear with him in peace, they must leave.



 Khidr rebuilds a wall beneath which is buried treasure and, in response to Moses’ perturbation, explains that the treasure wasn’t yet ready to be found, which is probably a literary reference to Joshua’s demolishing of the walls of the city of Jericho where the predecessors of Islam dwelt, that is, the Palestinians. The nature of the treasure that wasn’t yet ready to be found relates to the  story of Jesus in the New Testament who was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. Depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, Jesus is Mary’s foot, because futanarian women can sexually reproduce with each other through their own penis’ semen, and can also self-fertilize their own womb. Consequently, the Old Testament depiction of the emergence of the first woman, Eve, from the side or rib of the first man, Adam, was a euphemism for woman’s self-fertilization.  When Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by agents of the Empire of Rome then occupying Palestine, he was nailed to a cross of wood, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of ‘woman’s seed’. Consequently, ‘woman’s seed’ is the treasure, which is described as ‘the pearl of great price’, that is, heaven, is what the monogamy obsessed Judeo-Christians weren’t ready for.



 Khidr goes on to kill a child, which perturbs Moses, and Khidr explains that the child was evil. Then Khidr makes holes in ships before taking another and embarking on a voyage. Moses is perturbed again, and Khidr explains that he doesn’t want to be followed by slavers. Moses and Joshua then agree to leave, because Khidr has explained that the Judeo-Christians believe in host womb slaving the human futanarian species of ‘woman’s seed` whereas Islam doesn’t. Separation between Judeo-Christianity and Islam began with the founding of Judaism by Isaac, son of Abraham and his wife, Sara, who barren thereafter gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant Mohamed. Although Judeo-Christianity views the four wives of the Moslem peoples of the nations of Islam as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael’s birth from an unmarried woman, Hajer, it affords the possibility of human sexual reproduction between futanarian ‘woman’s seed’ with a family tradition, and so is a closer approximation to God’s plan, which was to make the human host greater than the angelic. In short, that’s the ‘treasure’ which Judeo-Christianity couldn’t countenance, although Jesus’ teaching perfectly accords with the plan. Caught by his disciple, Judas, with a woman, Judas suggests that the ‘perfume’ be sold. However, Jesus rebukes him: `Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Judas’ response is to betray Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for ‘thirty pieces of silver’ as a ‘dissident’ threat to the male brained Empire slaving the human futanarian species of women’s host womb for parasitism upon ‘woman’s seed`, and the result is Jesus’ execution.



 In the Old Testament, the angel, Satan, is depicted as having rejected God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, and so has been transformed into a serpent by God and placed in the paradise of heaven on Earth that is Eden where it tempts Eve to ‘eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it is death to taste. In accepting the fruit, Eve and Adam doom their succeeding generations to slavery in ephemerality to what God identifies as the ‘seed’ of the serpent, that is, men, because the human futanarian species of ‘woman’s seed` are women, which is what God tells Eve, after telling her she’ll have ‘enmity’ with the serpent’s ‘seed’: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ It will be difficult for her race to run to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above the Earth. That it’s ‘woman’s seed` God plans for is evident from the presence by the Ark of the Covenant in the tent of the tabernacle of the Jews on their way to the land promised by God of the Shekinah, that is, ‘the feminine spirit of God’, who is represented as guiding the Jews as well as dwelling near the place where the law of God given to Moses on ten tablets of stone are kept. All of the commandments relate to theft in some way, for example, ‘Thou shalt not steal.’ (Ex: 20. 15) Although the eleventh commandment is overlooked, because the focus is on the number of tablets, rather than the number of commandments, it completes the theme, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ (Ex: 20. 13) Stealing is murder, that is, the taking of life from another. Consequently, the eleventh commandment is, ‘… do not go up to my altar on steps, or your private parts may be exposed.’ (Ex: 20. 26) In other words, cannibalism is common, and God has seen that it is, because ‘woman’s seed` is scarce, for example, God kills Onan, and his brother before him for unspecified wickedness, because Onan refused to impregnate his dead brother’s wife, Tamar, not because Onan was a masturbator, but because Tamar was a member of the human species who’d had its penis eaten by the ‘serpent’s seed’ of men, who’re labeled quite early in the Old Testament book of Genesis when Cain kills Abel for being able to cook, which is more pleasing to God’s developmental plan, although Cain’s plan accords with Judas’, that is, slave the species, and eat it on the altar where it’s learned to cook meat.

 Abel was a scientist, and Cain was a slaver. Consequently, the Khidr of the Koran is a scientist, and Moses is a believer, which is why there’s some hope for him. He believes in the law of God, which forbids cannibalism in host species’ womb parasitism. Since ancient times Christians have been handicapped by notions of demoniacal and devilish contraptions, for example, ‘Luddites’, who owed their name to Ned Ludd, a mill worker, who broke machinery in 1779, because he said it made men redundant, whereas technology liberates the individual. Consequently, for Christians scientists are Satanists, because they’re believers, rather than scientists. In simple terms, television is Satanism, because it’s science. Paradoxically, this view holds some truth. Manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes in ‘TV’ transvestism, men and women without ‘woman’s seed` constitute Satanism, because they prefer war to women. In ancient Greece, for example, women’s host wombs were institutionally enslaved for the production of boy sons for war through homosexuality in pederasty. Once the enslavement of the human futanarian species of ‘woman’s seed’ was established, the future was Empire and war. By the late 20th century, the  tool for keeping women in monogamy through fear, and so for host womb slavery, were the new poisons of homosexuality in pederasty’s ‘biological weapon’, HIV/AIDS, discovered by DR Congo in Africa in 1983 and spread through men’s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each other’s anus in mockery of women’s human mode of sexual reproduction. In short, for Christians scientists are Satanists because ‘woman’s seed’ isn’t admitted by the mass entertainment media, although that’s contrary to God’s plan. Or, in other words, Christians are Satanists, who’re ‘TV war’, because they believe in God not science.



 Homosexuality in pederasty for war is an illness subsumable under the label ‘pedophilia’, where pedophiles want children, and so immortally youthful adult humans, who’d be women and ‘woman’s seed`, aren’t on the pedophile’s agenda for the future of the human race in nihilism, because the planets and stars that beckon couldn’t possibly be reached or governed by an administration of ephemeral infantiles, who prefer breeding boy sons, and manufacturing poisons, for war, to colonization of the planets among the stars through the devising of starships to carry them there. Although pornography is condemned roundly by society labeling it as encouraging of adultery, in fact men are women’s adulterate. Consequently, where what is termed pornographic representations of human sexual activity is in fact a user’s manual for how to slave the human host womb of the species of futanarian ‘woman’s seed`, such imagery is educational for women, who’d perceive it as essential edutainment denied them by their slavers. Or, in simple terms, morality, which is the perception of what constitutes good and evil, isn’t based on adultery for a human race that’s single and independent of its host womb being owned by an alien. Having life taken, and being life eaten, are the issues upon which morality is actually based.



 The Koran differs from the New Testament of Jesus in that Jesus is depicted as being crucified and then experiences Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, whereas in the Koran there’s a man who was called Jesus, who was crucified, but he wasn’t Jesus, who walked into the paradise of heaven on Earth because he was a teacher in Islam. Although the discrepancy seems curious it relates to the idea that the torturer isn’t Jesus. In Christianity, Jesus is depicted as redeeming the torturer, that is, those who torture are redeemed through their torture, which is Satanism. Consequently, Islam distinguishes between the tortured man, who was called Jesus, and the man who was Jesus, who wasn’t tortured, because he was watching his ‘brother’ being tortured. From an Islamic point of view, the crucified Jesus was being punished by the law, whereas Jesus, the Islamic teacher, wasn’t. In simple terms, for Moslems the law is all that’s important. As Onan’s brother was killed by God for unspecified wickedness, that is, he didn’t impregnate Tamar either, so Isa’s brother was killed by God for specific reasons to do with the law, that is, as ‘woman’s seed`, Jesus wasn’t a ‘brother’ Moslem, which is the reason for the distinction between the ‘brothers’, who tortured a man called Jesus, and who wasn’t Isa, because Isa was with the torturers, and the Christian Jesus, who experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of ‘woman’s seed’, because he was tortured, and so returned to smite the evil, and impose upon them God’s judgment of ‘eternal unendurable pain’, that is, perdition: ‘And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty God.’ (Rev: 19. 15)



 The fish, Leviathan, is described in the Bible as Satan, and God asks, ‘Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishhook?’ (Job: 41. 1) If the cross was the fishhook, then it’s a symbol of Satan, whereas Leviathan is freedom, which Jesus represents. Khidr is the fish that got away, that is, he was wise to being put on the hook to catch Satan, because only the brothers of torture would want it for Jesus, who preferred freedom for himself and others. In short, Jesus on the cross was on a meat hook from the perspective of the ‘brothers’, because to them that was what the human futanarian species of ‘woman’s seed’ was for. Consequently, the early Christians used the fish as their sign, because Khidr was a wise scientist with a time machine, and so wasn’t hooked by the butcher’s for having one.

Barber’s Pole

28/01/2019 09:59

Barber’s Pole


Contrary to popular belief the cross isn’t a Christian symbol, but rather a pagan symbol of the butchers of the Roman Empire. When Jesus was passing near to the town of Gadarene, he met two men who said, ‘I am Legion.’ Because the legions of Rome were then occupying Jewish Palestine, the men’s statement was a clear socio-political metaphor. Jesus ordered the demon legion to leave the men, and the demon asked to be allowed to occupy a nearby herd of pigs. Jesus assented and the demon entered the pigs, which promptly ran off a cliff into the sea and drowned, so that the demon legion could seek to possess other men. Jesus ‘Christ’ was the Jewish ‘Messiah’ whose teaching was, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) He was taken to the hill of Calvary as a Jewish ‘dissident’ and nailed to a cross of wood where he died, although he wasn’t bacon. Although Bacon was believed by many to have written Titus Andronicus (1588-93), Julius Caesar (1599), Anthony and Cleopatra (1607) and Corialanus (1605-8), most Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the dramatist, and not the English playwright, William Shakespeare, as previously imagined by those ignorant folk who hadn’t understood that the ‘Holy Spirit’ informed everybody. When Jesus experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, many of the Jews and Romans were encouraged in their applause of Baconism: `Surely, this was the son of God.’ (Matt: 27. 54) These words from the Roman guard, Longinus, who’d just pierced the dead Jesus’ side with his spear to let the dead air out, proclaimed himself the snuff guard on behalf of Tiberius, the then Emperor of Rome, who was always traditionally a god, and so Longinus’ snuff god. Consequently, Jesus was God’s snuff to the Romans. The reason is Jesus’ disciple finding Jesus alone with a woman. Suggesting that the ‘perfume’ be sold to raise money, Judas was rebuked by Jesus: `Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6)  Judas sold Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for ‘thirty pieces of silver’ and they gave Jesus over to the Romans for execution as an informer, which is what the Romans and the Pharisees perceived the Holy Spirit as.



 Jesus’ teaching of the Holy Spirit derived from descriptions of the Shekinah, described as the feminine ‘spirit of God’ that dwelt in the tabernacle of the Jews by the Ark of the Covenant that contained their law and history, that is, the Torah and Talmud, which Judeo-Christianity knows as the Old Testament of the Bible before Jesus’ Christian New Testament, so because Jesus was called ‘the Second Adam’, the Holy Spirit was the ‘Second Eve’ born from the spear thrust opening his side at his crucifixion. The first Eve was created by God, according to Genesis, from the rib or side of Adam, the first man created by God, whom the Jews describe as a hermaphroditic anthropos, that is, Eve’s side birth was a euphemism for what is termed a futanarian woman’s self-fertilization from her own penis’ semen. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured that of futanarian ‘woman’s seed’.



 In the early days of Judaism founded by Isaac, son of Abraham and his wife, Sara, the Jews worshiped Asherah poles, which were symbols of a feminine principle associated with the Persian goddess, Ishtar. Similarly, before Islam, which was founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham, but not Sara, who barren after birthing Isaac, gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, who bore Ishmael, whose descendant, the Prophet Mohamed, received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels, according to Islamic tradition, the goddesses Al-Lat, Al-'Uzza and Al Manat were worshiped at the Ka’ Ba in what is now Saudi Arabia’s city of Mecca. A fatwa or death sentence was imposed in 1988 on the writer, Salman Rushdie, for writing about those passages from the Koran concerning the qharāniq (crane) ‘bird women’, who oversaw, in his novel, The Satanic Verses:


`Have ye thought upon Al-Lat and Al-'Uzza

And Manat, the third, the other?

Are yours the males and His the females?

That indeed were an unfair division!` (Al Najm, ’The Stars’, 53. 21)



 Although the worship of Asherah poles, and long-necked crane women, gave way to monotheism, for example, the Ka’ Ba in Mecca became the shrine of Abraham, the mythology was Egyptian, that is, in the ancient religion of Egypt, Ka is spirit, and Ba is soul, because the woman’s Ka is her seeding body, while her Ba is her seeded body. Moreover, although Christianity views the four wives of the Moslem peoples in Islam as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael’s birth from an unmarried woman, and so legitimize the Prophet Mohamed’s Koran and Islam, polygamy affords the possibility of sexual reproduction for the human species of futanarian ‘woman’s seed` within the Islamic family, which more closely approximates to Jesus’ teaching. In simple terms, the qharāniq or crane women oversee the building of God’s temple on Earth, before ’woman’s seed` produces the brainpower to take her to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above. As a child of his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was crucified on the hill of Calvary for looking tall, that is, he was craning his neck, which is what ’woman’s seed’ does, because it wants to escape from host womb slavery in parasitism to men.



 Although the rural tradition of the May Pole with its associations of dancers around it holding red and white streamers, while people with seemingly animal heads caper about, seems divorced from the Asherah poles of the Jews, and the crane women of the pre-Islamic qharāniq before the crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of the Virgin Mary’s ’uppity’ son, Jesus, the barber’s shop pole with its red and white stripes represents an elite queue, that is, where the lambs go to be shorn among those for whom they’re BBQ meat. Consequently, Jesus is described in his disciple John’s apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, as ’the lamb of God’ (14. 5), because the meat’s snookered when it can’t escape the cue for the pot. Although Longinus’ spear was known as ’the spear of destiny’, because Jesus’ foretelling of a Holy Spirit that would teach after him, that is, the feminine ’spirit of God’, which is the Shekinah, or Second Eve, described by the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) as the anima-soul, Christianity used Longinus’ spear in Jesus’ side as a cue to snooker him. At the ’Last Supper’ before his crucifixion, Jesus offered bread and wine as symbols of his body and blood to the disciples, which is ritualized in Christianity as transubstantiation whereby the officiate gives the petitioner a wafer and a síp of wine from his chalice to signify the believer’s acceptance of Jesus’ Holy Spirit, which is ’woman’s seed`. However, without any knowledge of ’woman’s seed` being disseminated, the believer is in a position only to understand that s/he’s in cannibalism where people are BBQ meat because of the magical properties they possess, for example, Jesus’, who could turn water into wine and walk on water, so he was a good meal for those who believe in the primitive practice of eating others for the mana power they contain. In short, the May Pole is a BBQ pole for some of those who don’t know they’re food,1 and the queue at the barber’s is where elite go to look over the lamb shorn before the meat is potted at the end where it’s the snookered’s cue to turn their face up towards the spotlights.


1 Sørensen, Jesper B. ’Relics Of Power’, AEON, .


The Emergence of a Biological Precedent: Saddam Hussein

27/01/2019 19:11

The Emergence of a Biological Precedent: Saddam Hussein


Although HIV/AIDS didn’t seem to have a biological precedent when it was discovered by Africa’s DR Congo in 1983, in fact it’s antecedent was SIV, that is, the simian immune-deficiency virus, which spread from monkeys to men who were homosexual. The human immune-deficiency virus (HIV) spread from apes to men through homosexuals’ mixing blood, shit and semen in each other’s anus, so resulting in acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The virus rose from the base of the spine to the brain where ’the incurable killer disease’ killed it. Consequently, the biological precedent of AIDS was simian and homosexual, that is, homosexuals are ape men, which is why Satan was described as ‘the ape of God’, because Satan apes God as homosexuals ape men in order to feign human adeptness, while in fact being destructive and sterile parasites.

 Parasitism began, according to the Judeo-Christian Bible,  when Satan, who’d been the angel turned into a serpent and placed in the paradise of Eden that was heaven on Earth by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, gave the first woman created by God, Eve, ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, and she gave some to the first man, Adam, while the serpent, Satan, said: ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Death in ephemerality meant slavery for a human race without long term memory and permanence, while the ‘red dragon’ of the serpent, Satan, grown to war was a concomitant of the ‘serpent’s seed’ of men’s god-like slaving of the host wombs of humanity living perforce in ephemeral ignorance: ‘The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) Although Eve is described as created by God from the rib or side of Adam, it’s obviously a euphemism for birth, and Adam is depicted in the Jews’ Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the Torah and Talmud, which is their law and history, as a hermaphroditic anthropos, who’s capable of self-fertilization. Consequently, Adam is ‘woman’s seed` and Eve is her daughter, and this is made clear when God tells Eve that her ‘seed’ will triumph over the serpent’s enmity towards it: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) Women’s human species of ‘woman’s seed’ is termed ‘futanarian’.



 Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, who bore Jesus ‘Christ’, the Jewish ‘Messiah’, according to the New Testament of the Bible, which is believed in by the Christians, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent in Christian iconography with her foot, because Jesus is futanarian ‘woman’s seed`, whose peaceful teaching during the occupation of Jewish Palestine by the Roman Empire was, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) However, Jesus’ disciple, Judas, catching Jesus alone with a woman, suggested the ‘perfume’ be sold, and his response to Jesus’ rebuke was to sell him to the Jewish religious police, that is, the Pharisees, for ‘thirty pieces of silver’: ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Judas’ perception was that ‘woman’s seed’ was a threat to host womb slaving in the Empire of the ‘serpent’s seed’ of men, so Jesus was accused of dissidency and taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died. However, his subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured that of ‘woman’s seed` whereas, as Jesus’ disciple, John, in his apocalyptic Revelation of the future saw, men of the ‘serpent’s seed` were the apes of Satan: ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) in ancient Greece, the host womb slaving of women in homosexuality in pederasty for war was institutionalized, that is, ephemerality, slavery, simians, and homosexuality are what Satanism is for. Consequently, AIDS is a biological precedent of Satanism, which is described in Revelation as the ‘blood plague’ (11. 6), because it’s the ‘biological weapon’ of ‘the ape of God’ conceived in Eden. Eve’s son Cain killed his brother, Abel, because he could cook, and so represented the more able individual capable of escaping drudgery through technology, that is, he was an escaped slave. In short, Cain was Satan’s ‘conventional weapon’ born in a ‘conventional marriage’. For Judeo-Christianity monogamy results from ‘engagement’, which is also the term used by fighters engaged in combat, because ‘woman’s seed’ had to be subjugated by Satan’s apes. Consequently, a term like ‘conventional engagement’ fits a pre-marriage scenario as well as war.  However, in the Islam of the Moslem peoples, four wives are permitted, which affords the possibility of sexual reproduction for ‘woman’s seed’ within polygamy.

 Judeo-Christianity was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham, and his wife Sara, who was barren thereafter, and so gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham. Hajer bore Ishmael, who founded Islam through his descendant, the Prophet Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God, according to Islamic tradition. Although Christianity views the four wives of the Moslems as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael’s birth from a woman unmarried, that is, Hajer, and so make Islam illegitimate, polygamy is closer to God’s plan for humanity, because it doesn’t want Satan’s apes. Consequently, when the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan trained the Al Qaeda terrorist group led by Saudi Arabia’s Osama Ben Laden to hijack civil airliners at Boston, Logan airport, Massachusetts, and crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, to precipitate war with the Moslem nations of Islam in the Middle East, it was ‘rough trade’, that is, homosexual ‘brutality and violence’ in pederasty for war. When Iraq’s dictator, Saddam Hussein, offered Al Qaeda bases in Iraq, and the US army invaded and deposed him in March 2003, he was the biological President.

 The threat of biological weapons was always high on the agenda of the US and its allies during that war because Saddam Hussein had already used poison gas against the Iraqi Kurds, who were the people of Saladin. He had been the Islamic leader during the Christian Crusades to capture the city of Jerusalem from the Moslems, and had defeated the crusaders at the battle of Hattin on July 4, 1187. It was in the province named for Saladin that Saddam Hussein was born in the town of Al-Awja near the city of Tikrit. However, what was known as the Al-Anfal (‘spoils of war’) genocide (1986-9) perpetrated against the Kurds of Northern Iraq during Iraq’s war with Iran, and epitomized in the Halabja massacre of March 16, 1988, when Iraqi troops used poison gas to retake the town from the Iranian army in the closing stages of a war with Iraq that would ultimately end in stalemate, was a large factor in the Arabs’ deciding to ally with the US in removing Saddam Hussein as anti-Islamic. However, although the US’ cited Saddam Hussein’s genocide against the Kurds, the nation of Kurdistan, and its people dispersed amongst five nations and a large region of the Earth, subsequently endured severe attacks from Turkey, which were still ongoing as the third decade of the 21st century approached. Residing largely within Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey, the Kurds were the victims of not only the biological President, Saddam Hussein, but several incumbents representing what the Germans call ‘zeitgeist’, that is, ‘the spirit of the age’, which was that of the ‘ape of God’; homosexuality.

Auburn Guerillas

26/01/2019 08:02

Auburn Guerillas


Much has been made in recent years of the movie franchise, Planet of The Apes, which derived its power largely from French science fiction writer, Pierre Boulle’s 1963 novel, La Planète Des Singes, which described a future in which apes have become the dominant life form among humans of the planet Earth because earlier generations of humanity had destroyed their civilization with nuclear and biological weapons: 'In one of the countless billions of galaxies in the universe lies a medium-sized star, and one of its satellites, a green and insignificant planet, is now dead.'1 The scenario is relevant because the simian SIV1 virus mutation discovered by DR Congo in 1983 was spread by men mixing blood, shit and semen in each other’s anus. The human version of the virus strain was HIV, that is, the human immune-deficiency virus, which resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The AIDS virus was an ‘incurable killer disease’ that rose from the base of the spine to kill the brain; effectively decapitating the victim. Consequently, it was a nape virus in the sense that its teleology was to reduce the human race to a nape without a brain above the neck, which is what apes were thought to be. In other words, the virus’ aim was to reduce the human race to simian levels through homosexuality.



 Although ‘the rape of Kuwait’ was a largely pejorative term during the period (1990-1) in which the army of President Saddam Hussein of Iraq held sway before the US and its allies removed it, the curious historical circumstances relating to the Moslem women of Islam in the Middle East and elsewhere has relevance for correlating rape with AIDS. In Judeo-Christianity Abraham’s son, Isaac, born from his wife, Sara, founded Judaism and, barren thereafter, Sara gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and she bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, the Prophet Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.), according to tradition, from God’s angels, which permitted four wives to the Moslem peoples of Islam. Although Judeo-Christianity views the four wives of Islam as a retroactive attempt to legitimize the birth of Ishmael, the Islamic family affords the possibility of sexual reproduction for the human futanarian species of ‘woman’s seed`, that is, women as an independent species’ family with their own penis’ semen and their own host wombs. During the Bosnian war (1992-5), rape camps were set up by Christian Serb militia to male brain a generation of futanarian Moslems. Although Christianity is based on the teaching of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus ‘Christ`, his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after crucifixion and death prefigures that of ‘woman’s seed`, whereas Judeo-Christian monogamy preaches ring slavery for host womb parasitism upon women’s wombs by a malien.

 Accused of dissidency, that is, spying on the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine, Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem where he was nailed to a cross of wood and left there to die despite his teaching, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) He’d been caught with a woman by his disciple, Judas, who’d suggested that the ‘perfume’ be sold to raise money, and Jesus had rebuked him: `Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Judas had sold Jesus to the Jewish Pharisees, that is, the religious police, who’d given the Messiah over to the Romans for execution as a dissident. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus prefigured birth from ‘woman’s seed`, and so he was the ‘son of man’ preparing to leave Earth for heaven through human brainpower, whereas men’s slave Empires wanted to maintain their hold: ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) The serpent is become a dragon in Jesus’ disciple John’s apocalyptic Revelation of the future, although it’s evident that its seed is men’s wars: `The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth in order to devour her child the moment it was born.’ (12. 4) In Christian iconography Jesus’ mother is depicted crushing the head of the dragon with her foot, because women are her futanarian human species. Consequently, men’s boy sons are poisons: ‘Men cursed the god of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.’ (Rev: 16. 11) What they’d done was prefer the ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6), that is, homosexuality in pederasty, which the ancient Greek Empires had institutionalized in order to host womb slave women for the production of boy sons for war: ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) In short, their raids prefigured her AIDS, for example, the Greek army’s huge hollow wooden horse before the gates of Troy in Asia Minor taken in by the Trojans where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion of war further was a metaphor for the ‘bad machine code’ called Trojan viruses devised by their modern successors, the geeks, who killed machine brains to prevent humans from escaping slavery.



 The paradigm was that of a virus that sought to reduce the human race to simian levels, which is what their ‘sim’ cards represent: `Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.’ (Rev: 13. 8) Although men and women without ‘woman’s seed` constitute a brainless 66.6% of the possible human species, that is, ‘666’, 6002020206 is a ‘phone number, which is how the simians arrange their attacks. Every ‘phone needs a sim card, because it identifies the holder of the ‘phone as a simian. Consequently, HIV/AIDS is a simian virus because it seeks to make simians of humans, and its first phase before its launching as a ‘biological weapon’ of homosexuality in pederasty for war was the removal of women’s penis from human understanding: ‘Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.’ (Rev: 17. 5) Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) was the capital of the Persian Empire with ruins that could be seen from Saddam Hussein’s summer palace at Hillah in Iraq, although the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, on the west coast of the United States of America had adopted the name, ‘Babylon’, during that period when the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, established the ‘Hays code’ (1933) banning women’s human mode of sexual reproduction from being disseminated through the mass media to keep her foot chained in slavery upon the Earth: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`2 In simple terms, Babylon’s wars are ape wars, because that’s what they’re for.


1 Frees, Paul as narrative voiceover, Beneath The Planet Of The Apes, 20th Century Fox, 1970.

2 TV Tropes,

The Levant's Child

24/01/2019 12:40

The Levant's Child


Rudyard Kipling, born in Bombay, India, was an English writer, inspired by his life in the subcontinent of Asia. A most noteworthy story in 21st century terms is his 1902 story, ’The Elephant’s Child’, in his book, Just So Stories For Little Children, in which it’s described how the elephant got its trunk: ‘And the Elephant’s Child’s nose kept on stretching; and the Elephant’s Child spread all his little four legs and pulled, and pulled, and pulled, and his nose kept on stretching; and the Crocodile threshed his tail like an oar, and he pulled, and pulled, and pulled, and at each pull the Elephant’s Child’s nose grew longer and longer - and it hurt him hijjus!’1 Apart from the whimsy, the child of the elephant is a metaphor for slavery, that is, millions of people had to pack their trunks and make long ultimately profitless journeys overseas in order to serve the requirements of the British Empire. In India, for example, the British Empire, upon which ‘the sun never sets’,2 because of its vastness, Empire finally ended in 1947, with the subcontinent partitioned into three, and divided along religious lines, that is, Islam in Pakistan and Bangladesh, and the Hindu religion of India, although British rule had prevailed since 1757, when the East India company began to rule as an instrument of the London, England, government. While the ‘elephant’s child’ has often been associated with the brain, brain slavery is what Kipling describes, that is, the truncations of lives in the Asian subcontinent of India, for example, produced trunk-hating, that is, the peoples whose lives were curtailed in service to the British Empire overseas hated their trunks. As brain slaves, human trunks were all they were, and their role was to make the populations they enslaved bear trunks too. Often appended to the Just So story, the poem ‘The Elephant’s Child’ is more graphic in its depiction of trunken slavery:


‘I know a person small -

     She keeps ten million serving-men,

       Who get no rest at all!

     She sends ‘em abroad on her own affairs,

       From the second she opens her eyes -

     One million Hows, two million Wheres,

       And seven million Whys!’



 The ‘small person’ is Empress Victoria. Trunken people are encouraged to be so by alcohol. Consequently, the character of the crocodile in the story, ‘The Elephant’s Child’ is a metaphor for ‘grog’, which is any drink that produces a drunken state. As Kipling was born and lived in India, he’d be aware that the crocodile slept in the Svadhishthana chakra between the coccyx and the sacrum, whereas the elephant was the symbol of the Muladhara chakra at the base of the spine, and also at the Ajna chakra at the frontal lobe where the fabled ‘third eye’ of vision was located and which it was believed by the Hindus could be made to see by means of yoga that included Tantric or sex yoga, that is, meditation during sex would give new vision. The Sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head was the zenith of the chakra system of Hinduism which was based on the activation of energy points located along the spine from the base to the crown through sex and prayer. Though prevalent in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh didn’t espouse Hinduism, but Islam based on the Koran (610-30 C.E.), received by the Prophet Mohamed, according to tradition, from the angels. The Koran differs from Judeo-Christianity, which derived from Abraham’s son, Isaac, because of his second son, Ishmael, who was born from Hajer, Abraham’s wife Sara’s made, after Sara became barren.

 Although Judeo-Christian monogamy views the four wives permitted themselves by the Moslem peoples of islam as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael’s birth, and so that of Mohamed, who was his descendant, the four wives of Islam represent the possibility of ‘woman’s seed`, that is, futanarian humanity, reproducing within the family. In other words, the penis’ semen of women is the Levant’s trunk in the Middle East, where Israel’s city of Jerusalem in Palestine is the heart of Judaism for Christianity, where the Jewish ‘Messiah’, Jesus ‘Christ’, was executed during the days of Imperial Rome for teaching, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Born uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus was killed for telling a disciple, Judas, who caught him with a woman, `Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Judas reported Jesus as a non-host womb slaver for parasitism upon the human species of ‘woman’s seed’ and was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died before experiencing Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of ‘woman’s seed’. Consequently, the elephant’s child is the brainpower of the human race truncated because of the absence of woman’s penis which has effectively left her beheaded.

 As the story of Scheherezade in the largely 8th century collection, One Thousand And One Nights, shows. Shah Jehan has his wife , Mumtaz Mahal, whose Taj (tomb) is in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India, beheaded for alleged unfaithfulness with his brother, although she was faithful. Subsequently, he takes a new wife each day and beheads her each evening, and Scheherezade tells him stories that keep her alive until he eventually marries her, so saving the women, who of course are already trunks. Consequently, it’s no accident that alcohol, which is a ghoul (gol) in Arabian folklore, that is, associated with the baleful influences of Al Gol, ‘the demon’s star’ of the astronomers, is forbidden in Islam, because it represents what produces unconscious ignorance. In Western civilization cars are driven to bars for alcohol, that is, it’s where the trunken go. However, in the mythology of ancient Egypt, ‘Ka’ is spirit, and ‘Ba’ is soul, that is, Kas are ‘woman’s seed’ and ‘Bas’ are her species’ wombs. Consequently, the annual Haj pilgrimage of the Moslems to the shrine of Abraham, that is, the Ka’ Ba in Saudi Arabia’s city of Mecca, is in the spirit of Hajer, who was responsible for the four wives of the Moslem peoples in Islam affording the possibility of the resurrection and ascension to heaven of ‘woman’s seed`, although all of the signs are that men don’t want it, that is, the vampires have drunk it already.

 Although the events of 9/11, 2001, seem unrelated, Osama Ben Laden, operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, led a terrorist group, Al Qaeda, ‘the base` which, representing the reduction of human consciousness to the level of a ‘beast’, and  symbolized by the Muladhara chakra in Hinduism at the spine’s ‘base’, hijacked civil airliners at Boston, Massachusetts’ Logan airport, to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city, United States of America. Moreover, although the Manhattan attack looked like an assault on the Anahata heart chakra, that is, freedom, symbolized by the Liberty statue of New York harbor, so corresponding to science fiction writer William F. Nolan’s ‘palm flower crystal’ in his 1967 novel, Logan’s Run, that indicated when a person was reaching the age of 21 at which mandatory acceptance of euthanasia was the rule in a society running short of resources and needing to keep the population low in order to continue, the terrorist attempt to kill the 21st century’s birthday celebrations was even more in line with the concept of science fiction writer Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451 (1953), so named for the temperature at which paper burns.



 The premise of Fahrenheit 451 is that firemen burn books because the regime doesn’t want people to think. It’s a premise similar to English socialist science fiction writer, George Orwell, who wrote 1984 in 1948 after the Second World War (1939-45) to defeat Germany, which had made its first unsuccessful attempt to enslave Europe and the rest of the world in the World War of 1914-18. Orwell envisioned televisions watching the audience as a part of a pervasive propaganda and thought control system designed ultimately to prevent humans from thinking of ways to escape from slavery, and was what Orwell feared might happen in Britain if the authorities succumbed to the security forces’ tempting politicians and the rich with power through surveillance technology. Bradbury’s anti-hero is Montag (‘Monday’ in the German language), and he encounters a resistance movement of people who learn books by heart in order to be able to repeat them if they were lost to firemen, like Montag, whose job it is to burn the books that contain knowledge that might help people to live better lives.

 Of course, Adolf Hitler, Christian Chancellor of Germany, who sent 20, 000, 000 Jews to be exterminated in death camps after he led the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party to election in 1933, also burnt books, because Jesus was a Jew who preached ‘woman’s seed`, which is what the evil alien vampires were suppressing: `The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) Of course, dragon’s breathe fire upon their victims: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) Jesus’ teaching was that men must convert: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.’ (Rev: 16. 11) What they’d done was reject ‘woman’s seed`, which resulted in the discovery by DR Congo in 1983 of a mutated simian virus (SIV1) transmitted by men’s mixing blood, shit and semen in each other’s anus  in mockery of women’s human mode of sexual reproduction. The human immune deficiency virus (HIV1) resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and brain death after rising from the base of the spine where it was injected during acts of homosexuality as an undeclared ‘biological weapon` in pederasty that had been in development since the ancient Greeks made homosexuality in pederasty for war through the host womb enslavement of women an institution. The prototypical spreading of the virus contagion was before the walls of Troy where the Greeks left a huge hollow wooden horse outside the gates of the city which the Trojans took in and the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women for homosexuality in pederasty and war and so spread the contagion further. By the late 20th century, the Greeks’ successors, that is, the computer geeks’, had devised ‘bad machine code’ in the form of Trojan viruses and were killing machine brains developed to help humanity to liberate itself from host womb slavery in parasitism.

 The parasitologists’ definition of a parasite that emerged from the host to kill it was termed ‘parasitoid`, which fit the relationship between men and women without ‘woman’s seed` to produce human brainpower. Instead, men and women had been manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes in ‘TV’ transvestism and Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’ was watching itself kill and die in ‘TV wars’ waged for that purpose. Watched ‘live on CNN’ and other network ‘TV’ news channels, 9/11 was a celebration of the firemen’s hose. As the elephant’s trunk is designed to suck and blow, so the subsequent invasion of the United States to depose the Afghan Taliban regime by Christmas, and the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 to topple supporter of Al Qaeda, ‘the base’, that is, dictator Saddam Hussein, represented failure to prevent Levant war against the Moslem peoples of Islam who were the guardians of ‘woman’s seed`: ‘But she was given two wings like those of a great eagle so she could fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness. There she would be cared for and protected from the dragon for a time, times, and half a time.’ (Rev: 12. 14) As the wings of a great eagle, the USA was in a difficult position to justify its outlawing of the appearance of ‘woman’s seed` throughout its mass media Empire of propaganda at least since the implementation of President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays’ 1933 ‘Hays Code’: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`3 With no possibility of raising her futanarian species of the floor of the Earth through sexual reproduction of her own human species, women would be doomed to host womb slavery by the modern ‘Babylon’ of the west coast state of California, district of Hollywood, media capital of the world in the city of Los Angeles, USA: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.’ (Rev: 17. 5) From the perspective of those who wanted the end of the world as envisioned by Jesus’ disciple, John, in the book of Revelation, the Twin Towers were book ends, that is, the statue of the New York fireman outside the entrance to Emigrant Savings Bank headquarters, at 6 East 43rd Street, between Fifth and Madison Avenues, is there for Montag, who converted from book burning and learned to read.



 Although Europe seems to have largely escaped the apocalyptic scenario depicted by John in his appalling vision of the future ending in God’s judgment of ‘eternal unendurable pain’ upon the evil, that is, perdition, the wars of separatism in the former Yugoslavia, a state artificially maintained by the Russians after WWII when they refused to withdraw from territories capitulating to them as they advanced to defeat Germany, resulted in ‘rape camps’ for futanarian Moslem women being set up as the Russians withdrew. Christian Serb militia during the Bosnian war (1992-5), for example, male brained a generation for perhaps 70, 0000 women in a single camp. The admittance to the European Union of the new Eastern European states, that is, The Czech Republic (2004), Estonia (2004), Hungary (2004), Latvia (2004), Lithuania (2004), Poland (2004), Slovakia (2004), Slovenia (2004), Romania (2007), Bulgaria (2007), and Croatia (2013), resulted in the withdrawal of the British from the European Union in March 2019 and was labeled ‘Brexit’,  which bore resemblance to the name chosen by the society of the advocates of euthanasia, Exit, and that offers assistance to those who want to die. In the British Isles the notion of ‘woman’s seed` has barely penetrated consciousness as news, so anything other than brain death for its citizenry is most unlikely.



 In the Central Eastern European state of the European Union, Hungary, the foremost Christian congregation is the Hít Gyülekezete, that is, the Faith Church, which is based on evangelical charismatic variants to be found in the USA. Of course, Hít is a homonym for ‘heat’, which is what devils are for, and what the good people are trying to avoid. Just like the resistance movement in Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, the people don’t want to be burned, or their learned knowledge will be lost. Focusing on the Bible might be sufficient for children. However, unless knowledge of ‘woman’s seed` is disseminated by Christians, the human race is doomed to ‘TV wars’ which, illustrating its decision to accept the devil as its advocate, enthusiastically embrace assisted suicide in its culture and art. Threatened by the vampire of Eastern Europe, the British at Brexit’s heart, and missing a warm hand at their Exit too, wanted to avoid being drunk at home, while behind the churches of the East is God’s cremation.


1 Kipling, Rudyard ‘The Elephant’s Child’ (‘hijjus’ is ‘heaven’ in the common Urdu language), Just So Stories for Little Children, 1902, .

2 North, Christopher, Noctes Ambrosianae, 1829.

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The Akh Jesus

28/10/2018 02:21

The Akh Jesus


People wonder how it is that Islam’s belief in hell is different from Judeo-Christianity. The essential is that Jesus ‘Christ’, the Jewish ‘Messiah’, who taught in Palestine, during the Empire of Rome’s occupation, isn’t described in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels of God, according to Moslem tradition, as having been tortured to death as a ‘dissident’, preaching what became the essential Christian message, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Instead, Islam accepts that there was a person called Jesus, who was crucified by the Romans, who took him to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, where they nailed him to a cross of wood, and left him to die there.

 In the Koran it’s written that their Jesus, who they called Isa, wasn’t tortured, although there was a man called Jesus (Isa), who was. In other words, Isa (Jesus) wasn’t the man who was tortured, because Moslems aren’t. Consequently, who was called Jesus by the Christians was flesh only, whereas the real Jesus wasn’t on the cross. In Christianity, however, Jesus is depicted as having resurrection and ascension to heaven after death, while Islam describes Isa’s entering into paradise, or Jenna, which is on Earth, by the more simple expedient of his having walked in, that is, he wasn’t tortured and never died.



 What this means for Christianity is that torture became a mode, based on Jesus’ resurrection and ascension after torture and death. However, in Jesus’ disciple John’s apocalyptic Revelation of the future, God’s punishment upon the evil is ‘eternal unendurable pain’, which is perdition, that is, for those who torture, whereas Islam explains for the Christians that it’s the torturers that think they’re the instruments of God’s punishment, for example, the Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834), which habitually tortured adherents of other religious belief systems, that is, Jews and Moslems, and even those of other Christian denominations, thought they were for God. Moreover, those who believed they were instruments of God’s perdition, perceived Jesus’ torture as representing punishment, that is, ‘eternal unendurable pain’, for the deniers of God. Islam denied Jesus was punished by God by arguing he was never tortured. Consequently, the Moslems weren’t tortured by God’s punishment, which was for unbelievers, who believed Jesus was tortured, whereas they didn’t. However, the Judeo-Christians remained in the belief that the cosmos was for torturing, while its rationale was that other peoples needed to be tortured because they hadn’t accepted Jesus’ teaching, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’



 Clearly Islam has accepted Jesus’ teaching, because it doesn’t advocate torture as a mode for resurrection and ascension. Although Islam seeks converts to its perspective, which is that paradise, that is, heaven on Earth, is obtainable without either torture or death, Christianity’s method of conversion is to demand that Jesus’ teaching be accepted, or else people will be tortured to death, and experience ‘eternal unendurable pain’; if they can’t convince Christianity that they believe in ‘eternal unendurable pain’ as a punishment for being so evil as to not accept Jesus’ teaching, which is ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’

 Moslem torture is explicable as the perception that the tortured aren’t Moslems, that is, they aren’t believers in Isa (Jesus) who wasn’t tortured. Consequently, Jamal Khashoggi,1 who was waylaid by torturers at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul, was tortured to death because he wasn’t Jesus from a Moslem point of view, that is, he wasn’t there. Or, in other words, he was a bad Jamal who hadn’t listened. Wearing MP3 players and listening to whatever it was they were listening to, Jamal was tortured to death because he wouldn’t hear. In short, it was a warning from Islam to the Moslems that they shouldn’t listen to foreign music, which is largely forbidden in Islam, although it’s difficult for the authorities to check, because of the prevalence of iPod, for example. In simple terms, the Moslems are being told that they’ll experience the Islamic equivalent of ‘eternal unendurable pain’ for listening to Ariana Grande, for example, who isn’t pederastical, ‘You’ll believe God is a woman.’2



 Jamal was in the process of divorcing his Saudi wife and marrying a Turk, which is relevant because Moslems are permitted four wives for reasons to do with the founding of the religion. Judeo-Christianity was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham and his wife, Sara, who became barren afterwards, and gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran from the angels. Although Christianity views Islam as illegitimate, because Hajer was unmarried, and the four wives of the Moslems are therefore a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael’s birth, because the Moslem marriage affords the opportunity for futanarian women with their own penis’ semen to sexually reproduce with women within the Islamic family, it’s more legitimately human. However, if Moslems were apprised of the fact that Ariana Grande, for example, could be integrated within a Moslem marriage amongst women who could sexually reproduce with her, it’d present a serious obstacle to pederasty, which is the reason Jamal was killed. He was prepared to listen to ‘Turkish’.



 Essentially, what men understand is that Jesus is a car. The first mass produced automobile came off the production line in Detroit, Michigan, the United States of America, in 1908 as the result of the development of human consciousness based on the channeling of sexual libido into intellectual work that celibate Jesus represented. In Greek he was Logos, that is, logic, and the Model T Ford car was the result of humans repressing sexual libido in favor of technological advancement. The advent of the car coincided with the discovery of oil in the Middle East. Both would assist the Moslems in fulfilling a religious obligation to pilgrimage to the Ka’ Ba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, that is, the shrine of Abraham, which curiously relates to the rise of the motor car.

 In ancient Egypt, ‘Ka’ means ‘spirit’ and ‘Ba’ means ‘soul’, while ‘Akh’ is the ‘magical personality’, that is, a Ka is a woman with penis’ semen of her own, while her Ba is the woman without penis’ semen of her own. Jesus was the equivalent of a slave in pederasty, that is, a boy with a father, whereas women are a separate independent species with their own ‘seed`, which means that they’re slaved by car drivers on their way to show their boy sons the prison bars in the future of the serpent, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) Because boys are essentially their shadows, men want them as slaves, although ‘woman’s seed’ remains capable of escape, but in Saudi Arabia, for example, women are forbidden to drive. Or, to put it another way, Christians believe in Jesus, because he’s effectively a Ka without a Ba, that is, symbolically he’s a penisless woman, and so representative of men’s imprisoning of car driven boys within bars.

 Although the notion of Jesus as a penisless woman seems unusual, effectively the celibate Jesus is a castrate from the perspective of Judeo-Christianity, that is, he’s neutered. However, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, the resurrected Jesus’s ascension to heaven prefigures that of ‘woman’s seed’, so he’s de facto a woman’s penis. The meaning being that, born of ‘woman’s seed`, all humans in heaven would have hers, whereas men and boys upon the Earth remain, as their cars, torturing themselves for being Jesus’, who isn’t theirs, because he’s an ‘Akh’ of God.


1 ‘Jamal Khashoggi: All You Need To Know About Saudi Journalist's Death’, BBC News, October 23, 2018, .

2 Göransson, Rickard, Ariana Grande, Savan Kotecha, Max Martin, and Ilya Salmanzadeh ‘God Is A Woman’, Ariana Grande, Sweetener, Republic, 2018.

It’s Only Arachnid Roll

27/10/2018 11:05

It’s Only Arachnid Roll


The unexplained mystery of the New Testament of the Bible which details the life of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus ‘Christ’, is the stone rolled away from his tomb after his death by crucifixion at the hands of the Roman Empire then occupying Palestine. According to the Gospels written by Jesus’ disciples, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which corroborate the event, Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died there as a ‘dissident’ who preached, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) This basis of what became the religion of Christianity was the essence of the New Testament of the Bible, which superseded the Old Testament of the Jews, that is, the Talmud and Torah, which is their law and history. Jesus experienced resurrection and ascension to heaven after his death, according to the Gospels, although mystery surrounds the rolling away from his tomb the stone that sealed the entrance.

 Jesus’ disciple, John, subsequently wrote an apocalyptic vision of the future in which Jesus returned from heaven to implement God’s punishment upon the evil, which is ‘eternal unendurable pain’, that is, perdition, although Jesus’ return is through the womb of a mother, rather than as a spaceman, ‘The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth to devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) Because Jesus was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, his initial sojourn upon the Earth is definable in those terms. As futanarian women can sexually reproduce with each other, they fulfil God’s promise to the first created woman, Eve, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) In other words, Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to heaven prefigures that of women as a single species. Consequently, the figure of the serpent and the dragon represent the enemy of the human race, who is named Satan in the Bible. Though obfuscated throughout the eons it’s perfectly clear what Satan is: host womb slavery. Consequently, the stone rolled away from Jesus’ tomb symbolizes escape. According to the Bible, Satan was the angel in heaven, who was turned into a serpent for rejecting God’s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Jesus’ resurrection and escape from what lies behind the stone is a description of what Satan is, a trapdoor spider, or ctenizidae.



 Although the serpent which becomes a dragon is suggestive of a pre-hominid evolution in the Mesozoic period of Earth’s history 248 m.a., before humanoids began to appear 220 m.a., the description of the escape bid of ‘woman’s seed’ is more suggestive of a fly trapped in a spider’s web and trying to escape being eaten. In ancient Greece homosexuality in pederasty for war enslaved the host wombs of women institutionally, that is, the spider is alien, and homosexuality is its valence. By the late 20th century a variant of the simian SIV 1 virus was being spread by homosexuals mixing blood, shit and semen in each other’s anus in rejection of the human mode of sexual reproduction which, because futanarian women sexually reproduce as a separate species of ‘woman’s seed`, meant that the ‘incurable killer disease’ variant of SIV 1, HIV/AIDS, was the alien’s ‘biological weapon’ launched against what remained of the human race: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 13. 8) Consequently, although Satan is depicted as a saurian, that is, a serpent which, in John’s apocalyptic Revelation of the future, has grown into the devouring ‘red dragon’ of war, he more closely resembles an arachnoid using the host womb of the human race to prevent it from running away:


‘Little Miss Muffet

Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey;

Along came a spider

Who sat down beside her

And frightened Miss Muffet away.’2


 The history of the late 20th and early 21st century is that of a race attempting to run and being trapped by its arachnoid enemy, for example, in the nursery rhyme, ‘Little Miss Muffet’ (1805), she’s eating curds when a spider sits beside her frighteningly. As the British Empire was adjured to police Iraq and its Kurds (1918-33), the rhyme became a metaphor for those caught, for example, Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein, who was found guilty of war crimes against the Iraqi curds. When the Boston Marathon was disrupted by terrorist bombs on April 15th 2013, it was a further attempt to prevent the human race from running. The metaphor originally had come from the science fiction novel by William F. Nolan, Logan’s Run, which presented a society that killed everyone who reached the age of 21 because of scarce resources. Seeking to escape, Logan is a ‘runner’. When the Al Qaeda terrorist group, ‘the base’, led by Saudi Arabia’s Osama ben Laden, and operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, hijacked civil airliners at Boston’s Logan airport on September 11, 2001, it was ‘pay 21’, that is, 9/11 was 9+11 = 20, because the winner of a card game of ‘blackjack’ is 21, that is, it was time for the ‘runners’ to be killed, before the 21st century was mature enough to abjure war.

 The World Trade Center (WTC) was chosen as the target for the terrorists, because ‘rough trade’1 is the term applied to homosexuals’ ‘brutality and violence’, which explains the crashing of the hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of the WTC. Precipitating a ‘spider war’ within the human race, the homosexuals corresponded to Satan, the arachnoid, seeking to trap ‘woman’s seed’ within its web of deceit. Because the pitcher is described as pitching from a ‘rubber’ in baseball, Al Qaeda, ‘the base’, was the Islamic picture attempting to erase the batter’s. In baseball, it’s ‘three strikes and you’re out’, so the plane that crashed into the Defense Department of the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, was the second strike, although the plane that crashed at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, because the passengers intervened, meant that the third probable strike on the White House residence of the President of the United States, George W. Bush, in Washington, D.C., failed, that is, the batter for Judeo-Christianity had survived. Iraq’s dictator, Saddam Hussein, was deposed for publicly supporting Al Qaeda, ‘the base’, after the US’ army’s invasion in 2003, which meant that the US’ ‘big hitter’ had begun. The rise of Hussein’s putative successor, Abu Bakhr Al Baghdadi, who was the rebel declared Caliph of an Independent State of Iraq and Syria in 2014, meant that the ‘game’ of baseball was continuing amongst the spiders, because the human race of ‘woman’s seed’ had been duped into supporting it.



 The murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Turkey by a hit squad apparently wearing MP3 players and listening to music, so that they couldn’t hear the sound of the chainsaws or their victim’s screams, has implications for the accusation often levelled at western pop music, which is ‘haraam’ or forbidden in the Moslem nations of Islam that follow the teaching of the Koran (610-30 C.E.) given to the Prophet, Mohamed, according to Islamic tradition, by the angels of God, because its lyrics are ‘Satanic’. It was Salman Rushdie’s use of some verses from the Koran describing the goddesses, Al-Lat, Manat, and Al Uzza, which resulted in a ‘fatwah’ being declared, that is, a call for anyone to kill him for writing his novel, The Satanic Verses (1988), quoting sura An Najm, ‘The Star’:


‘So have you considered al-Lat and al-'Uzza?

And Manat, the third - the other one?

Is the male for you and for him the female?

That, then, is an unjust division.’  (19-22)



 The goddesses were apparently worshipped at the Ka’ Ba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, which was later associated with Abraham, the father of Isaac, who founded Judaism. Abraham’s wife, Sara, barren thereafter, gave her maid, Hajer, to him. She bore Ishmael, the founder of Islam, through his descendant, Mohamed, although Judeo-Christianity claims that Islam is illegitimate because Hajer was unwed. Moreover, the four wives permitted Moslems by the Koran are viewed by Judeo-Christianity as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael, and so Islam, whereas the four wife Islamic marriage actually affords the possibility of women reproducing with each other as the species of ‘woman’s seed’ within the family, and so it approximates to what was meant by the pre-Islamic worship of the goddesses Al-Lat, Manat, and Al-Uzza, that is, the expression of the desire of a race seeking to colonize the planets amongst the stars through an emphasis upon the sexual reproduction of the brainpower it needs to get there through its species of ‘woman’s seed’.



 Often criticized for being ‘Satanic’ in its verses, ‘rock’ music actually affords an insight into the mind of the arachnid intermingled with the human; for example, ‘Sympathy For The Devil’ by the rock group, The Rolling Stones, describes Satan as a character actor who’s enjoyed many parts, because he’s an arachnoid whose consciousness is intermingled with the humanoid. As the saurian consciousness of the Mesozoic period of Earth’s history 248 m.a. was, before they succumbed to what parasitologists term ‘parasitoid’ devourers of the host:


‘I rode a tank

Held a general's rank

When the blitzkrieg raged

And the bodies stank.’3



 The emblem of the Germany that incinerated 20, 000, 000 Jews during the reign of its Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, elected as leader of a National Socialist (Nazi) Party in 1933 and dictator during that nation’s Second World War campaign to enslave the Earth, was the ‘crooked cross’ or swastika, which was a spider. The Rolling Stones’ lyric to ‘Sympathy For The Devil’ suggests Hitler was an arachnoid. When Kuwait was invaded by Saddam Hussein’s army in 1990, it was annoyed by Iraq, that is, arachnoid. Consequently, although rock music lyrics have often been accused of Satanism, in fact they’re illuminating in this area, for example, Mott The Hoople’s ‘Roll Away The Stone’ is about Jesus’ escape from the trapdoor spider:


‘Won't you roll away the stone

Why be cold and so alone?4



 Even the title of popular ‘pop’ music, that is, ‘rock ‘n’ roll’, is Christian, although most commentators assert that it’s a metaphor for sex, which explains The Rolling Stones’ composition, ‘It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll’, ‘I know it’s only rock ‘n’ roll, but I like it, like it, yes I do.’5 Far from being Satanic, rock ‘n’ roll celebrates the resurrection and ascension to heaven of Jesus ‘Christ’, the Messiah, or it’s a Satanic description of the trapping of humanity by ctenizidae, that is, trapdoor spiders, who’re arachnoid roll music, ‘I am the door.’ (John: 10. 9) No one escapes from the spider save through Jesus, because he’s ‘woman’s seed’, while it’s the devourers of the human race that are the arachnoize:


‘Cum on feel the noise;

Girls rock your boys:

We get wild, wild, wild

Wild, wild, wild.


So you think I got an evil mind;

I'll tell you honey:

That I don't know why.

I don't know why.’6



 Slade were a popular British rock group, who popularized their image by playing on the meaning of the band’s name, for example, Slade Alive (1972), a concert recording, while Slayed? (1972), their third album, contained the track, ‘Gudbuy T’Jane’: ‘Goodbye to Jane, goodbye to Jane, spits on me cos' she knows that she can.’7 The lyric actually means that Jane constitutes a good bite, that is, good bite o’ Jane. Meat is spit on a barbecue, after it’s slain by men, while ‘can’ is an American euphemism for tinning meat, that is, after lying with men on Cannery Row (1945), for example, a John Steinbeck novel in which ‘bum’ is a euphemism for derelict humanity, Jane’s meet, and then she’s a good bite spat on a barbecue, while her children are reconstituted meat for a butcher’s chain. Or, to put it another way, all ‘bums’8 aren’t free, because of the sleeve (condom), while women remain chains’ slaves. Moreover, the human species of ‘woman’s seed’ has to accept that it’s ‘shafted’,9 if it wants to be meet enough to be livestock footage, which is what it is for arachnoids.


1 rough trade (n.), ‘male homosexuals who are or affect to be rugged and potentially violent’, Merriam-Webster .

2 ‘Little Miss Muffet’, Songs For The Nursery, 1805, Roud Folk Song Index # 20605.

3 Jagger, Mick, and Keith Richards ‘Sympathy For The Devil’, The Rolling Stones, Beggars Banquet, Decca, 1968.

4 Hunter, Ian ‘Roll Away The Stone’, Mott The Hoople, The Hoople, Columbia, 1974.

5 Jagger, Mick, and Keith Richards ‘It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll’, The Rolling Stones, Rolling Stones, 1974.

6 Holder, Noddy, and Jim Lea ‘Cum On Feel The Noize’, Slade, Polydor, 1973.

7 Holder, Noddy, and Jim Lea ‘Gudbuy T’ Jane’, Slade, Slayed?, Polydor, 1972.

8 Steinbeck, John Cannery Row, Viking Press, Chapter 2, paragraph 2, 1945.

9 ‘Shafted’, how horse [whores] are yoked, .

The Mysterious Identity Of The Austrian Who Wants To Watch Moslem TV

13/10/2018 14:40

The Mysterious Identity Of The Austrian Who Wants To Watch Moslem TV


The First World War (1914-18) began with the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand of the Empire of Austro-Hungary, who was shot by a Serb, Gavrilo Princip, in Bosnia. The Germans told the Austro-Hungarians to present a list of their security demands to Serbia, but the Serbians replied that they couldn`t meet the demands. According to Austro-Hungarian law, Princip, whose name, ‘prinzip’, means 'principle' in German, was 'too young' to be executed. Consequently, the German Empire’s declaration of war on Serbia, was unprincipled, because Princip couldn’t be executed by the Austro-Hungarians. Moreover, Princip, though a Christian, was de jure a citizen of the Moslem Turks' Ottoman Empire, founded by Osman I in 1300. An ally of the Germans in WWI, the Ottoman Empire dissolved after 1921, so Princip came to represent a serious defeat for Islam too.



 The Astro-Hungarian Archduke, Ferdinand, was born in Graz, Austria, which is significant if it’s remembered that Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany, was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria, and that it was him that began the Second World War (1939-45), which saw the extermination of 20, 000, 000 Jews in death camps by his Christian nation. An ally of National Socialist (Nazi) Germany during WWII was Iraq, which subsequently invaded Kuwait in 1990. In consequence, the Third World War may also be said to have begun by Austria, while the dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, who was identified by Moslems as having attacked Islam, was a further symptom of irreligious pogroming.



 Although Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990 can be viewed as a resurgence of Nazism, which was ended when the US’ army ejected dictator Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi army from Kuwait in 1991, it was the Russian withdrawal from Eastern Europe where their armies had been since the defeat of Hitler’s Germany, that provided the conditions for a resurgence of Nazism. After the Russians withdrew from Yugoslavia, wars broke out between Moslem and Christians who wanted independence for their people within their respective regions. During the resultant Bosnian war (1992-5) Christian Serb militia initiated ‘rape camps’ for Moslem women, while Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi invasion was known as ‘the rape of Kuwait’. In other words, rape was an important aspect of the new Nazism.

 To understand it’s necessary to read the Bible, which is comprised of the Torah and Talmud of the Jews, that is, their history and law, which is the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. Therein God tells Eve, the first woman, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) As women’s sexual reproduction amongst themselves is as a futanarian single unwed species unadulterated by male semen, that’s Eve’s ‘foot’. The Jewish Messiah, Jesus ‘Christ’, was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, because he was uncontaminated by male semen, that is, he was ‘woman’s seed`. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood by the Roman Empire then occupying Jewish Palestine as a ‘dissident’ who preached: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) After his death he experience Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of ‘woman’s seed`. The Nazi death camps for the Jews in WWII were designed to kill ‘woman’s seed`. Consequently, Judeo-Christianity is the vehicle of ‘woman’s seed’ that went off the road.

 The Moslem peoples of Islam derived from Ishmael, who was the second son of Abraham, whose first son, Isaac, was the founder of Judaism. Barren thereafter, Abraham’s wife, Sara, gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, whose descendant, Mohamed, received the book of the Koran from the angels of God, according to Moslem tradition, which permits them four wives. Judeo-Christianity perceives Islam as illegitimate because Ishmael was born of a woman unmarried, Hajer, while ignoring the fact that the four wives of the Moslems afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between women within the family. Arguing that the four wives of the Moslems is a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael’s birth from the unwed Hajer, Judeo-Christianity represents the moral perspective that women are evil because sex encourages adultery, whereas women are by nature a single unadulterated race. Consequently, the ‘rape of Kuwait’ and the ‘rape camps’ in Bosnia were symptomatic of the desire of men, as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes in ‘TV’ transvestism, to wage ‘TV war’ on ‘woman’s seed’. Or, as Jesus’ disciple, John, observed in his apocalyptic Revelation of the future, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17)



 It was the withdrawal of Russia from Afghanistan that allowed the misogynist Moslem Taliban regime to become the government there. Under the auspices of the Taliban regime, Saudia Arabia’s Osama Ben Laden’s terrorist group, Al Qaeda, hijacked civil airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the United States of America’s World Trade Center in New York city on September 11, 2001. Consequently, it could be argued that Russia was directing the war. US’ President, George H. Bush, had been the director of the Central Intelligence Agency before his US’ army ejected the Iraqis from Kuwait, and it was his son and successor, President George W. Bush, that ordered the US’ army’s invasion of Iraq in March 2003 to depose Saddam Hussein for publicly evincing support for Al Qaeda. Although Vladimir Putin didn’t have the office of President of Russia until 1999, in 1991 he resigned from the KGB (Committee for State Security), that is, Russia’s equivalent of the US’ CIA, to enter politics. While Putin was at the KGB the Russians fought a war with the Afghans and lost, which resulted in the withdrawal of Russia from Afghanistan, and the establishment of the misogynist Taliban regime there, which sponsored 9/11’s events.



 Although there’d been war in the Russian Moslem Republic of Chechnya (1994-96), Putin resumed hostilities there when he became President in 1999. Although the war there was ostensibly designed to deter Moslems, amongst the Bashkirs and the Tartars, in the region of the city of Derbent, from opening that ‘gateway to the East’, and invasion by ISIS, that is, supporters of the independent State of Iraq and Syria, which was  led by Iraq’s Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, after Saddam Hussein’s fall from power, it was Chechnyans that launched a terrorist attack on the Boston, Massachusetts, Marathon in the United States on April 15, 2013. Consequently, because Putin revived war in Chechnya in ’99 when peace had been declared in ‘96, it could be argued that Russia was still directing WWIII in 2013. Moreover, because the Boston marathon was a footrace, stopping it would be a metaphor for preventing the human futanarian species of ‘woman’s seed’ from running on into the 21st century and the destined future of the human race.

 As the planes on 9/11, 2001, were hijacked at Boston, Logan airport, Massachusetts, the directorial reference book was William F. Nolan’s science fiction novel, Logan’s Run (1976), which featured ‘Sandmen’ pursuing ‘runners’ who’d been told by their society that it didn’t have enough resources to maintain its children after their 21st birthday and employed Sandmen to ‘terminate’ their lives. At the dawn of the 21st century, 9/11’s ‘events’ were perpetrated to prevent the future from being born, that is, the destruction of the World Trade Center by Al Qaeda was a terrorist act of ‘rough trade’1 after the fashion of the ancient Greeks, who institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty for war against the human species of futanarian ‘woman’s seed` through women’s host womb enslavement. With resources diverted to war, humanity was a ‘TV’ to watch killing itself, before it reached maturity.



 Concealed publicly beneath the one-piece coveralls of their black burkhas, the Moslem women of Islam constitute what the West can’t see. If what they can’t see in their mass media is representation of women’s sexual reproduction and socializing, which is what the futanarian ‘woman’s seed` within the families of Islam have, Judeo-Christianity is Moslem ‘TV’. Unless Christianity accepts that Jesus’ teaching was ‘woman’s seed`, its morality depends on accepting that naked women don’t have a penis of their own, because that’d be uncomfortable and awkward for children. As Russia was the nation criticized for ‘godless Communism’, that is, a humanist socio-economic structure that promoted the ideology of German Karl Mark’s Das Kapital (1868), which is, ‘workers control of the means of production’, rather than ownership, whereas in fact the workers were the slaves of the state, Putin’s role was as the ‘TV’ director of WWIII, because his morality wasn’t determined by religion.

 If 9/11’s ‘events’ were interpreted as a German ‘nein’ to events featuring ‘elephants’, the election of the Republican Party in 2017, with its elephant symbol, in the person of Donald Trump as US’ President, to wage war on ISIL, that is, Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi successor, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, who was declared Caliph in 2014 of an Independent State in the Levant (ISIL), was the continuation of a Nazi ‘elephant war’ on the human species of futanarian ‘woman’s seed`, because she had a penis like an elephant’s trunk. As Jewish Palestine was at the center of the Levant, and God’s Bible espouses ‘woman’s seed`, it was a Levant war against the Jews, that is, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was Austrian ‘Nazism’, and September 11 2001 was, ‘Nein elefanten.’



 ISIL derived from ISIS, with its symbol of a sterile bone white moon on a black flag bearing the legend, ‘There is no God but God.’ However, in ancient Egypt Isis is the sun goddess representing life. In the myth of the sun god, Ra, who incarnates upon the Earth as Osiris, Osiris is dismembered by the evil god, Set, who may be understood as television or ‘TV’ Set, before Isis recovers the parts of Osiris’ body and remembers him. According to the myth, Isis can’t find Osiris’ penis so he receives a new from her, that is, she gives him hers, which effectively is what ‘woman’s seed` does with mankind. Moreover, although the ancient Egyptians were criticized for worshipping the sun god, Judeo-Christianity advocates something similar, ‘As the wax melts before the candle flame, so the evil shall perish.’ (Ps: 68. 2) In ancient Egypt, ‘spirit’ was ‘Ka’ and ‘soul’ was ‘Ba’, that is, the human species of ‘woman’s seed` were represented by their penisless ‘Ba’ and their penised ‘Ka’. Consequently, the shrine of Abraham, which the Moslems in Islam are obliged to pilgrimage to in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, at least once during their lives, is called the Ka’ Ba, because it’s a symbol of the life of the sun goddess, Isis, rather than the sterility and death of ISIS’ moon.

 Although US’ President, Donald Trump, was associated with the ‘Last Days’ prophesied by Jesus’ disciple, John, because of the trumpet blast of the angel of God announcing judgment upon the evil before their punishment of ‘eternal unendurable pain’, that is, perdition, the USA isn’t obviously morally correct. In John’s Revelation a ‘dragon’ stands before,  ‘…  a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet … so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 5) If the child, who is to ‘rule the nations with an iron scepter’, is ‘woman’s seed`, the absence of socializing media representations of futanarian humanity is an indication that, although US’ Christians are taught to believe that they’re amongst the elect of God, they’re Moslem ‘TV wars’ upon the ‘remnant’ of the species, that is, the USA isn’t God’s instrument.

9/11`s New Yoga

22/02/2018 13:32

9/11`s New Yoga


New Yorkers on 9/11, 2001, were appalled to see the planes hijacked by the terrorist group Al Qaeda, `the base`, operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on Manhattan island, New York city, New York state, although practitioners of yoga could have helped them to understand what had happened. In Hinduism, which is based on the `superhuman` teaching of the Vedas (1700-500 B.C.), that is, apauruṣeya, disseminated among the Indians of the subcontinent. For Hindus, the `chakra ladder` is a rising of consciousness from `the base` of the spine at the Muladhara chakra to the Sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head in the course of the intellectual growth of the individual assisted by `yoga` meditation. As Al Qaeda, `the base`, corresponded to the Muladhara chakra, so the heart chakra, Anahata, corresponded to Manhattan, that is, the ogre was attacking New Yorkers, who corresponded to the new yoga`s path of ascent; symbolized by the World Trade Center.

 For pederasty, the World Trade Center symbolized `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence` associated with pederasty. Although pederasty seems marginal, ancient Greek society institutionally enslaved the host wombs of women for homosexuality in pederasty for war. The Persian Empire, whose Emperor, Darius, invaded Greece in 492 B.C., had Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) as its capital city, which was described in the Bible, because such institutionalization of pederasty was endemic : `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Consequently, the ogre practice of 9/11 was pederasty.



 New York is named for York in Yorkshire, England, which is famous for the game of cricket in which a batsman has to defend a wicket made of three stakes driven into the ground while a bowler attempts to bowl a ball to knock down the wicket. The batsman is empowered to hit the ball as far as possible. Before the members of the opposing team are able to collect the ball, the batsman runs up the field. There is another wicket where another batsman waits to run. Taking his position up after a run, the second batsman then faces the bowler. Depending on how far the ball is struck, more runs can be made. A bowler who bowls the ball under the bat to hit the wicket is said to have bowled a `yorker`. Consequently, the ogre was bowling New Yorkers over on 9/11. As the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center constituted a wicket with its middle stake already removed, symbolically it`s necessary to look for it. As a third hijacked airliner crashed into the Defense Department of the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia state, that would appear to be the middle stake.



 Upon closer examination the sexual metaphor isn`t entirely related to homosexuality in pederasty for war`s provocativeness. In socio-economic terms a stake is capital, whereas a stake in medieval terms is that which a vampire killer advocates. In Eastern Europe`s Wallachia, Prince Vlad Dracul (1428-77) was deemed the historical figure upon which Bram Stoker`s Dracula (1897) vampire novel was based. Vlad impaled his victims upon stakes after he`d defeated them in battle, whereas Stoker`s figure of Dracula was immortal because he drank human blood and was killed by a stake through the heart, which was the method for vampire slaying. In symbolic terms, the three stakes comprising the wicket in the English game of cricket are there to prevent three vampires from rising.



 According to the apocalyptic Revelation of the future of Jesus` disciple John in the New Testament of the Bible, there are three vampires, that is, war, plague, and famine, while the other among the figuratively described `four horsemen` is death, who isn`t definably a vampire, because vampires live. John was a disciple of Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, whose resurrection and ascension to heaven isn`t that of a vampire, according to Christianity, which takes its name from Jesus` teaching: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Although Christianity is often called Judeo-Christianity, Judaism is more properly understandable as the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the Torah and Talmud, which is the history and law of the Jewish `chosen people` of God, whereas the Christian New Testament supersedes it for reasons to do with the Christians` belief in freedom. Judaic law is `an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth`, that is, it`s unforgiving, whereas Christians seek escape from torture and murder, rather than freedom to torture and murder.

 Although it isn`t usually recognized, Jesus was a freedom fighter. When he was accused by the Jewish Pharisees, that is, the religious police, of practicing healing which wasn`t `from God`, he was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by the Romans, whose Empire then occupied Jewish Palestine, and nailed to a cross of wood where he died, but experienced resurrection and ascension to heaven. The Romans freed Barabbas, an insurrectionist, rather than Jesus, because Jesus was a greater threat to Roman Imperialism. Born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus was `woman`s seed`. In Christian iconography, Mary is depicted crushing the head of the serpent, which is vampirism, because Mary`s foot is Jesus.

 The prequel to Jesus` birth is the Jewish Old Testament narrative of the angel, Satan, who rejected God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. God turned Satan into a serpent and placed it in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden where Eve, the first woman, was created by God from the rib or side of Adam, the first man, whom God had created. The serpent, Satan, tempted Eve to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Preferring death, that is, war, famine and plague for her ephemeral descendants, Eve was told by God that her `seed` would nevertheless prevail: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because Eve was born from Adam, Adam was a futanarian self-fertilizer, that is, the `foot`. Consequently, Satan corresponds to the `serpent`s seed` enslaving the host wombs of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, which are its unredeemed boy sons (poisons). Jesus` resurrection and ascension to heaven prefigures that of `woman`s seed`, whose children aren`t contaminated by the unredeemed, who`re definably those who reject futanarian humanity.

 Jesus` resurrection and ascension to heaven was redemption from pederasty for those who`d convert from the evil sinful nature of the `serpent`s seed` of men who sexually repressed the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to maintain host womb slavery of the race for homosexuality in pederasty for war against itself to entertain them.  In 1983 DR Congo had discovered a mutated simian virus spread by homosexuals` mixing of blood, shit and semen anally in mockery of women`s futanarian species` mode of sexual reproduction. The human immune deficiency virus (HIV), resulting in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapsed the organs of the body before killing the brain. Consequently, parasitology was able to identify the `serpent`s seed` as `parasitoid`, because it was a parasite that emerged from the host to kill it. The HIV/AIDS virus was an `incurable killer disease` functioning as homosexuality in pederasty`s `biological weapon` against `woman`s seed` to keep her in fearful faithfulness to ring slavery.  Known as the `thin disease` because victims suffered extreme weight loss, the HIV/AIDS virus corresponded to the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) of the `red dragon`, that is, a vampire draco blood drinker, which was a famishing plague having the attribute of a weapon of war and death.

 HIV/AIDS was the horsemen of the apocalypse as foretold by Jesus` disciple, John, figured as homosexual men: `Men cursed the god of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) In removing women`s stake in the future, men had put a stake in her immortality, that is, women`s penis for the production of brainpower to facilitate her escape from the draco was the stake in its heart, because it was a host womb parasite that would die without her futanarian species of `woman`s seed`.  Consequently, the World Trade Center was a symbol of the stake she`d had in the future before the middle wicket was removed, and the vampire of homosexuality in pederasty wanted to take out the other stakes.



 9/11 was an exercise in sympathetic magic, whereby the removal of the three stakes in the hearts of the vampire released war, plague, famine and death, that is, the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The United States responded to 9/11 by toppling the Afghanistan regime by December 2001, and invading Iraq to depose Al Qaeda supporter, dictator Saddam Hussein, who was executed on December 30, 2006. However, prior to the election of US President Donald Trump in 2017, who represented the `last trump` blown by the angel of God before judgment upon the evil resulted in their being given eternal unendurable pain as their punishment, Iraqi Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi declared himself Caliph of an independent Islamic Caliphate among the rebels in Iraq and Syria, which maintained war in the Middle East.



 Judaism is, like Christianity, a futanarian belief system, because a Jew can only be born from a woman, that is, women are Jews. Judaism was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham and wife, Sara. Barren afterwards, Sara gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who founded Islam among the Moslem nations of adherents to the Koran (610-30 C.E.) given to Mohamed by the angels of God, according to Islamic tradition, and which permitted four wives to the Moslem marriages. Although Christianity viewed the four wives as an attempt by Islam to legitimize the birth of Ishmael from an unmarried woman, the four wives represented the possibility of futanarian sexual reproduction between women within the Islamic family, which accorded with the Judeo-Christian futanarian tradition. In other words, homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` wanted the US to attack Islam, because `woman`s seed` still had legs to stand on in the Middle East, although the women of Islam concealed themselves publicly beneath the one-piece coverall of their black burkas in fear of being discovered by the ogre.

Witches In Egypt And Walthamstow

21/02/2018 00:15

Witches In Egypt and Walthamstow


What witches are accused of, despite a plethora of literature on the subject, remains obscure. Most practitioners of witchcraft associate themselves loosely, or otherwise, with healing. Consequently, poison`s a concern of theirs, which makes of the Bible prohibition against `witchery` something of a paradox, `You shall not suffer a witch to live.` (Ex: 22. 18) The prohibition appears during the period of the Jews` escape from slavery to the Egyptian Pharaoh, Rameses II, that is, a place where the serpent was worshipped, because the state maintained its power through governmental poisoners, `Each one threw down his staff and it became a snake.` (Ex: 7. 12) Some interpreters have seen `poisoner` and `witch` as interchangeable terms,  whereas most witches asseverate their healing virtues, and point to the teaching of Jesus in the New Testament of the Bible, that is, a healer, as vindication for their use of `simples` in healing medicaments.



 The argument would seem to be that the Jewish Messiah, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, healed by the power of his spirit alone, although that isn`t biblically true, `He put mud on my eyes, then I washed, and now I can see.` (John: 9. 15) Jesus used a preparation, and the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, accused him, `This man is not from God.` In other words, they accused him of witchery, although poisoning is identified in the Old Testament of the  Bible, that is, the law and history of its `chosen people`, the Jews, which is their Torah and Talmud, as the activity of witches. In other words, Jesus is a healer accused of being a witch, which is equally true of many modern herbalists. As Jesus was tortured to death on the accusation of the Pharisees, so Christianity mistakenly assumes that it`s empowered to accuse and torture women who practice herbalism. In simple terms, Christians view Jesus` being nailed to a cross as a `dissident` and murdered by the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine as legitimizing human sacrifice, `So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.` (Heb: 9. 28) Because the focus of Judeo-Christianity is on Jesus` self-sacrifice, which it wasn`t, the Pharisees and the Romans killed him, it`s impossible to understand how Jesus` death, resurrection and ascension to heaven redeemed humanity; unless Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen is considered a factor of importance. In Christian iconography, Mary is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because the angel, Satan, who rejected God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, was turned into a serpent by God as a punishment for being poisonous towards humanity.

 According to the Bible the angels of God dwell in heaven with God, but Satan was placed in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden where Eve, the first woman created by God, was tempted by the serpent, Satan, to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)  Eve and the first man, Adam, were expelled from Eden by God for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, but God told Eve her `seed` would prevail, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Eve was created by God from the side or rib of Adam, which is a euphemism for birth from a futanarian self-fertilizing human, that is, despite God`s prohibition against human sacrifice, Jesus, `the Second Adam`, is depicted as a self-sacrificer, because the first Adam was a self-fertilizer. In short, Christianity is based on a false symmetry whereby the self-fertilizing species of `woman`s seed` is depicted as self-sacrificing itself as a pubnishment upon itself for its sinful nature, which redeems. However, if the perspective is ignored of supposedly animal humanity being tortured to death for its sins, the figure of Satan as a host womb slaver of the futanarian species of `woman`s seed` can be examined.



 Prehistorically, saurians dominated the Earth 248 m.a., in the Mesozoic period, whereas hominids only began to appear 220 m.a., in the Jurassic period, which left 20 million years for saurian evolution to develop into host womb slaving of the hominids, which is what the biblical narrative of Eve and Adam represents. In other words, Satan was a saurian and Eve and Adam were the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` representing a food resource. Consequently, the Bible depiction of the self-fertilizing futanarian Adam, bearing the woman, Eve, has been falsely translated through Jesus` New Testament as a form of animal husbandry, whereby the self-fertilizing human race is `sacrificed`, that is, butchered, to appease the torturer. Or, to put it another way, the saurian has learned to play with its food, and Christianity has sanctioned it, despite Jesus` appeal to allow `woman`s seed` to reproduce human brainpower to lift the race to colonize the planets among the stars, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31)



 When Jesus` foot was being anointed by a woman with the expensive perfume, spikenard, his disciple Judas` spy canard was that the perfume should be sold to raise money, but Jesus demurred: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas` response was to accept `thirty pieces of silver` from the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who gave Jesus to the Romans, who then crucified him, because Judas didn`t want Jesus` `woman`s seed` to reproduce as that would interfere with the host womb slavery of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` by the `serpent`s seed` of Satan, that is, unredeemed men. In short, redemption is Jesus` resurrection and ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`, because Mary and Jesus` `seed` represent the better brainpower of the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` opposed to that of the serpent`s.

 Although Judeo-Christianity has been taught purity and adultery as the basis of morality, intelligence is the sine qua non of humanity, so Jesus` teaching of redemption applies to all who accept `woman`s seed`, because the Bible equates `woman`s seed` with God`s goodness, which is the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, the producing of human brains by `woman`s seed` to re-confer immortality upon her species through advanced medical science`s capacity to rejuvenate. As the contaminant of the human race is the `serpent`s seed`, so women can`t be accused of immorality because of adultery. They`re a single species, which doesn`t naturally marry a slave ring, and Jesus points that out: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) That doesn`t mean that the human host will be identical with the angelic, but that `woman`s seed` will carry herself to colonize the planets among the stars where she`ll reproduce as a single race free of ring slavery.  The concept of adultery is relevant to human intelligence insofar as `woman`s seed` has been adulterated, although intelligence per se is identifiably associated with God`s goodness, because men of the `serpent`s seed` are redeemed if they accept `woman`s seed`, that is, freedom in peace for humanity, which is what human intelligence off Earth would want from the colonized planets among the stars of heaven above.

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