In The Evening
In The Evening
The Bible begins by warning Adam and Eve not to consort with the serpent before they`re expelled from Eden and the immortality God has provided for them with the fruit of the tree of life after they accept the illusory power offered by the serpent from the fruit of the tree of good and evil:
`You shall be as gods.`
God is omnipotent and good so the offer to Adam and Eve is to choose evil if they want to, and so death ensues because of war, plague, and famine, etc. In the final book of the Bible, the apocalyptic Revelation of St John the Divine, `blood plague` and the devouring `red dragon` are represented as the `serpent`s seed` grown in power since Eden. Western civilization, culture and art derive from ancient Greece where pederasty and the enslaving of women`s `host` wombs was the means by which men spread their contagion of war and plague. By the end of the 20th century pederasty had produced the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS by mixing blood, shit and semen in anal sex, which symptom of the basic social malaise in human society is called `blood plague` in Revelation sent by God to force men to convert from their sin:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
In ancient Greece the dramatist Sophocles wrote the drama Oedipus Rex on the theme of the blindness of man. Oedipus encounters the Sphinx outside the walls of the Egyptian city of Thebes. She has the breasts and face of a woman, the feet and body of a lioness, and the wings of an eagle:
`What goes on all fours in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?`1
If Oedipus can answer the `riddle of the Sphinx`, Thebes will be saved from her depredations and he will be the ruler of the city. Consulting a seer Oedipus discovers the answer is `Man` and he succeeds. But men don`t walk on three legs. The only creature known to fit the description is a raptor, which is a reptile. A Tyrannosaurus Rex could be said to walk on three legs because of its saurian`s tale, which is a picture in conformity with God`s warning to Eve of the `perpetual enmity` between her seed and that of the `serpent`s seed` in Eden where she was told she`d `crush the head of the serpent with her heel` before she left for the `new heaven and Earth` promised to `woman`s seed` by God.
The `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, who gives birth to Jesus in his Second Coming as the `New Redeemer`, while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him, is carried to a place of safety after she is given `eagle`s wings`, which suggests a role for the winged Sphinx and her `riddle`. Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from the Virgin Mary and women have a penis of their own as `futanarian`, which suggests Mary prefigures the socio-economic independence of the human species of women who don`t need men. Indeed, the Bible indicates that men are parasites entering into her `host` womb to emerge as her and the Earth`s destroyers and that`s why she is kept.
Catholicism`s emphasis upon the `host` in the Communion service of transubstantiation, that is, spiritual transformation through the imbibing of `bread and wine` as tokens of Jesus` `body and blood`, which Christ offered to the disciples at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion to help them remember, is the concept that woman is the `host` of the human species and shouldn`t be devoured. Socio-historically men have prevented women from being able to remember or see that they`re the humans because of their ability to self-reproduce. Oedipus can`t see his saurian`s tail and that`s the meaning of the Sphinx`s riddle, who is woman and so terrible to those who threaten her human species.
Jesus` teachings are of Redemption for men if they accept the `host`, that is, woman as the self-reproducing human species prefigured by his mother, the Virgin Mary. Moreover, if a man were a reptile, Redemption would remain possible, because human behaviour is universally understandable as what has humanity and is intelligently humane. Although the Sphinx has the body of a lioness and the wings of an eagle, these are the tools she needs to protect her woman`s face and breasts, which are those features presentable to man. The cosmos may contain much intelligent life, and as Captain J. T. Kirk (Church) of the Starship Enterprise in the original US television series of Star Trek (1966-9) discovered in ’Arena’ when he and the stranded reptiloid Captain, Gorn, are forced by the Metrons to fight each other to win freedom for one of them, human isn`t definable with reference solely to form: ’Like most humans, I seem to have an instinctive revulsion to reptiles.’2
Woman is definable as the human species, whereas men`s desire to keep her in slavery and the promise of an early death has reduced her species to ignorance and blindness, so redefining the male as an alien predator. The figure of the Sphinx is of the intelligent woman who perceives that men are her devourers. With the body of a lioness and the wings of an eagle, the Sphinx is human in behavior and in defense of her humaness, which isn`t definable in terms of form.
The Sphinx knows that a woman isn`t a man, and what a man is. Her feline and aquiline attributes suggest that human is definable as well behaved intelligence, which opens the door to men but also to other creatures of the cosmos, and that`s God. What is intelligent and doesn`t want to devour women is definable as human, which is why God is worshipped as intelligence not limited to form, but men keep woman in slavery and devour the civilization, culture and art that emerges from her `host` womb in its wars of `perpetual enmity` against the Earth she dwells upon.
1 Apollodorus, Library Apollod, 3. 5. 8.
2 Shatner, William as Captain James T. Kirk in Season 1, Episode 18, ‘Arena’, Star trek: TOS, NBC, January 19, 1967.