Last Orders For The Burka King
14/07/2013 18:36
Last Orders For The Burka King
Saddam Hussein was the King of the burkhas insofar as the women in their black burkhas were made to accept him before the United States of America defeated the President of Iraq in the Gulf wars, once for invading his unwilling host, Kuwait, and the second time for announcing his support for Al Qaeda, who had just mounted a terrorist attack upon their host, the United States. Demolishing part of New York`s World Trade Centre on 9/11, 2001, after hijacking civil airliners at Boston`s Logan airport to emulate the Hollywood, Babylon movie Logan`s Run (1976) by crashing their planes into the Twin Towers `live on CNN`, Al Qaeda prevented the 21st century from being born in peace, by precipitating global conflict.

Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq, where the ancient city of Babylon was the capital, effectively appeared on national Iraqi television to announce his support for a continuation of the TV version of the Hollywood, Babylon film of Logan`s Run (1977-8) in which everyone aged above 21 were marked for execution by `sandmen`. In the socio-economic situation obtaining in the `scifi` adapted novel by W. F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson, Logan`s Run (1967), there were too few resources and too many people. Saddam seems to have decided to eat as much as he could of the burkhas before he ran out of the pet `trull`:
`A female prostitute or harlot.`1

Translated, `Al Qaeda` means base, and the base of Western civilization is `Greek`, a byword for homosexuality, because in ancient Greece the enslavement of women`s host wombs to further institutionalized pederasty and war was the societal and cultural model. Although the ancient seat of Iraq was Babylon, in Revelation she`s described as `a woman`, who has willingly accepted her role as the host womb for a devouring parasite like Saddam Hussein:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, means she`s a good host, and at his `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Christ broke bread and gave wine to his disciples as tokens of his `body and blood` as a good host. Betrayed by Judas, who sold him for `thirty pieces of silver`, because the local religious police wanted to have him killed as a dissident, Christ was indicating to the disciples that he hadn`t planned to be eaten by his guests.
Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is important, because a woman has her own penis` seed if she`s `futanarian`, which accords with God`s observation to Eve in the Bible that her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` before `she shall crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for a `new heaven and Earth` promised to `woman`s seed` by God.
In Catholicism the `Assumption of the Virgin Mary` to heaven was made doctrine in 1950 because `a woman`, like Babylon, accordng to scripture, can reproduce herself, so she lives as a slave of her unredeemed parasites and it`s assumed by Catholicism that she`s blameless and so is bound for heaven.

If `a woman` is Babylon, a parasite would emerge from her host womb if she agreed to breed with it, and if a woman is `futanarian`, that is, woman`s human species has a penis of her own and her own `seed` anything that emerges from her host womb that isn`t `a woman` is a parasite and she`ll ultimately be enslaved and devoured by it. Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from hsi mother, the Virgin Mary, because she and he were `futanarian`, but the parasite isn`t. It`s just attached itself to her penis through sexual reproduction with its host. What the devouring parasite actually looks like is `hidden` from the knowledge of the human species by means of censorship and a lack of concern with medicine that would result in retained wisdom through longevity in favour of resources diverted to expensive war and human extinction.
The parasite doesn`t care what produces it as long as it`s produced, so it doesn`t need human women at all: any female will do. The `woman` Babylon is `mother` of `abominations`, because their `mother` doesn`t have to be human to produce the parasites. Consequently, women need each other, because they`re `futanarian` with their own penis` seed and socio-economic valence for the future, whereas men only need a female, of any species, to continue as parasites, because they are. And we don`t know what they really look like, but they`re aliens because they can`t reproduce without a female of another species. The great boon of God to the human species of woman is her singularity. She has her own penis` seed and womb, but is what human biology tells us is female, which means she`ll always be single and Godly in heaven:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
Jesus` teachings promise Redemption to men who accept the host of God but Resurrection and Ascension for `futanarian` woman and her seed is assumed, so Jesus is born of the Virgin Mary, his mother, uncontaminated by male semen, and has Resurrection and Ascension because of that, while Mary has the Assumption because she`s God`s `egg sample`. God can fertilize women, and so can women, which means they don`t have to accept forever being made examples of by the parasite`s bullying slavers and devourers.

Many `science fiction` movies made in Hollywood, Babylon, feature extrapolations of the male parasite as an alien invader of the Earth endeavouring to enslave and/or destroy the humans. If women are the human species and she`s `futanarian` with her own penis and `woman`s seed`, `scifi` movies depict her fearful imprisonment and inability to escape before her parasites have devoured her.
United States` Grand Master of SF, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), was much criticized by parents for his juvenile tale, Starship Troopers (1959), because of its depiction of a society in which men were citizens, because they were soldiers fighting the alien menace from the stars, which appeared in the novel as giant arachnids. In full dimensional colour in Starship Troopers (1997), the Hollywood, Babylon, movie version, the unpictured script is of the parasite devouring itself and `a woman`, which is what all history and alien invasion films depict.

Robert Heinlein`s story of his `starship trooper`, Juan Rico, observed that citizenship was dependent on the strength of the nature of whichever devouring parasite was socio-histroically empowered by its need at any given point in time. Parents` concerns would then be translatable into fears that their children would become strong enough to either eat them, metaphorically. or escape. Many of the scenes in the book and film feature `starships` in which the boys` mothers are the `pilots`, who deliver their `babies` onto the `bug planet` where they fight the `spiders`, because Hollywood, Babylon, is `ctzinidae cinema` and, having seen it die before, the `citizens` emerging from the host womb of women`s civilization, culture and art want to have seen it die again. Robert A. Heinlein, the adult, who saw that citizens didn`t want to be parasites, whether arachnid or not, didn`t have to take being labelled as `fascistoid` from an infantilism that doesn`t want its children to develop beyond being eaten.