
The Earth Will Never Be Born

15/02/2016 04:43

The Earth Will Never Be Born


The terminology for birth and pornography aren`t dissimilar, because the desire to be born is the need of the Earth for sexual reproduction between humans, so the abbreviated term is `porn`. The means of preventing birth is sexual repression. Consequently, if there`s an absence of `porn` no one is born. Although that seems ludicrous, human birth on Earth happens but rarely, because the humans are the women: `Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) In Christian iconography, the Virgin Mary, that is, Jesus` mother, who was the Jewish Messiah in Palestine during its occupation by the Roman Empire, is depicted crushing the head of a serpent with her `foot`, because futanarian women have penis` semen of their own for the sexual reproduction of brainpower strong enough to withstand host womb slavery in parasitism. Because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, he was a prefiguration of the Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed`, which is described in the Old Testament of the Bible, in the story of Eve and Adam in Genesis, where the serpent, whose head is crushed by Jesus` mother, Mary, in Christian iconography, tempts Eve and Adam with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death, although God, the creator, has provided the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immorality, which Eve and Adam lose. The `serpent` is Satan, the angel, who was removed from heaven by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic, and God tells Eve her `seed` will have `enmity` with the serpent`s:


 `You shall crush his head but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3.15)


 Consequently, Jesus` teaching and his mother, the Virgin Mary, are `woman`s seed`. At what was known as the `Last Supper`, Jesus gave `bread and wine` to his disciples as symbols of his `body and blood`, because humans must accept `woman`s seed`, so their brainpower is strong enough to withstand Satanism, which is host womb slavery in ephemeral parasitism for women`s futanarian humanity. Before the `Last Supper` a woman was anointing Jesus` foot with expensive perfume, and the disciple, Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, suggested that the perfume be sold to raise money. Jesus` reply was: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Just as Satan betrayed the human host into slavery in ephemeral parasitism, when he tricked Eve and Adam into rejecting immortality, so Judas betrayed the human host, when he sold Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who gave Jesus to agents of the Roman Empire, who had him taken to the hill of Calvary, where they nailed him to a cross of wood and left him to die. Jesus` subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured that of `woman`s seed`. Judas` treachery was that, like Satan, he didn`t want Jesus` uncontaminated semen to fertilize a woman, because futanarian `woman`s seed` was brainpower to defeat slavery in ephemeral parasitism. Expelled from Eden by God, Adam was told he must labor, while Eve would have labor pain in birth. Since that time God`s futanarian `foot` has labored to be born, while sexual repression has labeled that labor `porn` and taboo, because that`s how Satanism maintains host womb slavery in ephemeral parasitism for a human species that needs brainpower to develop labor saving technologies and medical science conferring immortality and permanent knowledge for the operation and maintenance of technology.

 As women can sexually reproduce brainpower with each other as the futanarian species upon the Earth, so the story of the `serpent` in Genesis represents the beginnings of men`s acceptance of their role as women`s devouring `serpent`s seed`. The New Testament of the Bible`s record of Jesus` teaching precedes Revelation in which the `serpent`, Satan, is depicted as having grown in size to a `dragon` waiting to devour Jesus, who will `rule the nations` with the `iron sceptre` of his teaching upon the Earth. After Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, the `bread and wine` at the `Last Supper`, which symbolized Jesus` body and blood`, became a part of the ritual of transubstantiation in the Christian church administered by an officiate in Jesus` name following a sermon. As the human host at the `Last Supper` born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus represented the body of humanity, that is, human women`s futanarian species` ovum unfertilized by men`s sperm, whereas the `serpent`s seed` are irredeemable men, unconverted and unrepentant of their sin of the parasitical enslavement of women`s host womb for slavery in ephemerality and devouring in warfare against a species of women still able, despite the dragon`s depredations in war against them, to produce human civilization, culture and art. The transubstantiate administered by the officiate as a sliver of wafer, and a sip of wine from a chalice, represents acceptance of the human futanarian host of `woman`s seed`, and so the rejection of her brain parasite, which kills her as its ephemeral host:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)



 By the late 20th century the `biological weapon` against `woman`s seed`, HIV/AIDS had emerged, an `incurable killer disease` spread by homosexuals` mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in rejection of the human species of futanarian women. Brain parasitism wasn`t deemed enough by the `serpent`s seed` to keep the human species in ephemeral slavery, but HIV/AIDS would keep women in fearful faithfulness to men`s slave rings and so the new brain parasite of HIV/AIDS would threaten her species with death and prevent her from sexually reproducing, that is, humanity`s brainpower would be extinct. In Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is depicted giving birth to the redeemer who will `rule the nations with an iron sceptre` while the `dragon`, Satan, grown in size since its days as the `serpent` in Eden, waits in vain to devour the child, who will rule on behalf of a human race still recognizable as a futanarian girl with an undeveloped mind. If the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is understood as a description of `woman`s seed` before space travel and colonization of the planets and stars by women, the `serpent`s seed` is understandable as what humans have been taught are men, whereas they represent what happens in the psychopathology of male braining for war against `woman`s seed`. Consequently, in the absence of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth, the `remnant` is perceived by Satanists as what is for them to pogrom:


`And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war upon the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 19. 15)



 When Neil Armstrong became the first astronaut of the United States of America`s North American Space Administration`s (NASA) `Apollo` program to put a foot on Earth`s satellite, the moon, on 21 July, 1969 (UTC: 2. 56), he said: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1 In the absence of human futanarian `woman`s seed` on Earth, Jesus is the man who converts others from the sin of rejecting it. War in heaven depicts Satan`s defeat prior to the persecution of the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`, while the basic tenet of the Jehovah`s Witness` religious sect is that the first world war (1914-18) ended with the judgement of God. In Christianity a hundred thousand people are described in Revelation as being taken up in `the rapture` to heaven, while God gives a `new heaven and Earth` to the resurrected and perdition, that is, unendurable eternal pain, to the unrepentant. Consequently, Neil Armstrong`s `foot` on the moon is a symbol of man`s judgement upon those who`re deemed to have persecuted `woman`s seed`, that is, the USA as a pogromer, so US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) of March 23, 1983, to establish a `ground and space based missile system` to subdue other nations was an abrogating assumption that God`s power to judge was theirs based on the false ideological perspective that those who lived in the blind ignorant unconsciousness promulgated by Hollywood Babylon`s movie and `TV` industry were to be programed for a lack of sex education:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)



 In ancient Greece, which is understood as the model for Western democratic institutions, host womb enslavement of women for homosexuality in pederasty for war was institutionalized. `Babylon` is described as a `woman` in the Bible, because the capital city of the Persian Empire was Babylon (c. 429 B.C.), and host womb enslavement for ephemerality in war is what men bred for. Without `woman`s seed` supposed democracies were human disenfranchisement, so the USA`s Hollywood Babylon banned human futanarian `woman`s seed` from being seen in cinemas and on television, that is, the `small screen` home entertainment invented by Scotsman, John Logie Baird, in 1926, through President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays `code` (1930-67): `… women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 If humans aren`t born from women`s futanarian species of sexual reproduction, their disenfranchisement is maintainable. Consequently, defining human sexual reproduction as `porn` prevents humans from being born, because it denies sexual instruction for futanarian humanity, while host womb slavery in ephemeral parasitism is presented as normal heterosexual activity, although male braining effectively produces what John Logie Baird called `television`, which is a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes as a transvestite `TV` watched by a devourer as entertainment. Heterosexuality is a term applicable to human futanarian women`s mode of sexual reproduction with each other, whereas transvestite `TV` is essentially homosexual and alien, because it represents the production of a single male brained creature that breeds in order to watch itself being killed, rather than a medium for the educating of the human futanarian race to sexually reproduce brains for the invention of labor saving technologies and immortality conferring medical science to cure HIV/AIDS and brain parasitism.



 Although parasitism isn`t cannibalism, the symptoms are identical for humans, which is why Revelation depicts a situation in which `no one can buy or sell` unless they`ve the `mark of the beast`, which is male featured, that is, homosexuality`s single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes as a transvestite `TV` shopping online is a `mark` of Satan, that is, the confidence tricked into parasitism. Because everyone is a male brained `TV`, that`s the `mark of the beast` with which they`re disfigured, and no one is acceptable if they aren`t maled in transvestism. Consequently, Jesus` knowledge that his journey to Jerusalem would result in his being tortured to death on the cross was `TV`, that is, he was telepathed by the collective male brain to be a telepath`s vision. The tele-vision of male brained psychopathology wants death for the human race, because it`s vision is controlled by a parasitical virus that millennia ago inveigled itself into the host womb of the species and stole its penis to sexually reproduce itself, which is why Christianity warns against demonic possession. When Jesus was passing by the city of Gadarene he met a man on the road who told him his name was `Legion` because he was possessed. As the male brained Empire of Rome was then occupying Jewish Palestine with its legions of soldiers, the story may be understood as figurative. When Jesus told the demons to leave the man they went into a herd of swine and ran off a cliff and drowned, because `demons` is the label humans give to coercion through male brained possession and the subversion of volition through telepathy. Volition is free will which al humans have, so volitional telepathy is Jesus` teaching, that is, Jesus` vision mediated by the Holy Spirit he said would teach after him.



 The Bible story of Eve and Adam relates how Eve emerged from the rib of Adam by his side in humankind`s original home, that is, the garden of Eden where the creator, God, had placed them. In other words, God gave Eve to Adam as his `helpmeet`, which is interpreted in Satanism as `meat`, while `futanarian` is God`s `foot` in Christian iconography, that is, Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is the `foot` that will crush the brainpower of Satanism, although the Satanists will fight to keep her `seed` a prisoner as their `food`, before she leaves to colonize the planets and stars of heaven. After God`s edict that Adam must labor, while Eve would experience labor pain, Redemption for humanity would occur. Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death, which was signalled by the Roman guard Longinus` piercing of his side with a spear, because Eve emerged from the side of Adam and the Romans expected Jesus` Holy Spirit to emerge from his side through Longinus` `caesarean` surgical procedure:


`Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54)


 Jesus was killed because the Romans wanted to see the `Second Eve` from the rib of Jesus, who was called the `Second Adam`. What they mightn`t have understood was that Jesus` body was shielding the futanarian future of the girl that the male brain had already killed, that is, Jesus was planning the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, which Satanism had repressed. In other words, Jesus was killed to maintain women`s slavery in host womb parasitism for war against her `seed`, whereas Longinus` piercing of Jesus` side to liberate the spirit of the killed futanarian girl as the `Second Eve` is what Christians could rather believe is Jesus` teaching; if they weren`t sexually repressed by taboos against porn so that they can`t be born. In defining women per se as `pornography` and their mode of sexual reproduction as `taboo`, the mass media entertainment industry favors violence against the birth of the futanarian girl in preference to the sex education women need so the `seed` of woman can see how she sexually reproduces with her own species to escape from wars to keep her in slave labor upon the Earth with her child of the future colonizing the planets and stars through starships of her own brains` devising.

 As Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, represents the paradox that all children borne by women are virgin births, because Hollywood Babylon`s program for banning knowledge of `woman`s seed` has been universally accepted by the Earth`s media, that is, women are virgin to their own species through propaganda masquerading as moral outrage against pornographic material. Hollywood Babylon rather promotes human extinction through action movies featuring war and violence against the undeveloped girl`s mother, or indeed anything else other than present sex between women, that is, humans, to maintain alien enslavement of the species` host womb for the manufacturing of the race as a `TV` made to show `snuff` films, that is, actual killings for the audience`s entertainment. The Empire of the male brain would rather have species` extermination than avoid showing a woman`s penis to threaten their non-democratic institutions. By February 2016 Hugh Hefner`s Playboy magazine threatened to remove nude women from its pages, because women were remembering.



 Moslem families are permitted four wives as a basis for sexual reproduction between women, which practise originated with the Bible story of Abraham and Sara, who gave birth to Isaac, founder of Judaism. Afterwards, Sara was barren and gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, whose descendant, the Prophet Mohamed, received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels, who according to the Bible want the human host to be greater than the angelic. Consequently, Islam is criticizable for secular and religious dictatorship as its four wife families approximate to the 80% to 20% voting split that would obtain in a human futanarian women`s democracy. However, despite the Western democracies` condemnation of Islamic dictatorship, it`s the Moslem families that represent the Judaic basis for human futanarian sexual reproduction between women, because it`s the tradition in Judaism that Jews are born from Jewish women, that is, women are Jews. The doctrine of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary to heaven was established by Pope Pius XI in 1950, because women belong there, whereas men have to accept `woman`s seed` in order for Redemption to be theirs, so Jesus is a `shepherd` in Christianity; as men must be with the human futanarian race of women: or it`s war.



 If Hollywood Babylon doesn`t endeavor to shift the Earth`s perspective from seeing violence as entertainment, rather than human futanarian sex between women, and all of the attendant species` relationships that portrayal entails in fiction and education, the wars of the biblical apocalypse detailed in Revelation, and that precede God`s creation of a `new heaven and Earth`, are explicable as exterminations of `woman`s seed` as she attempts to escape her pogromers. Because men effectively eat the children borne by their woman in the warfare of the `serpent`s seed` against the `remnant of her seed` (Rev: 19. 15) upon the Earth, the colloquial English phrase, `bun in the oven`, meaning pregnancy, is an instance of the truthfulness of idiom. When the expression, `boil in a bag meal` emerged into English as an actual description of a modern method of `TV dinner` culinary preparation, it didn`t become idiomatic truth, but another humorous reference to what pregnancy means for devourers:


`TV dinners there's nothin' else to eat;
TV dinners they really can't be beat;
I like 'em frozen but you understand;
I throw 'em in and wave 'em, and I'm a brand new man. Oh yeah!`2



 Although `sexual regression` is a clinical psychological term for an approach to an adult disorder, its meaning of accepting `woman`s seed` as humanity`s is rejected by male braining for host womb slavery in ephemeral parasitism. Reincarnation is what `sexual regression` through the analysis of former lifetimes during hypnosis analyses. Rejected by Christianity in favour of Resurrection, the former human futanarian species` `seed` of woman is a dead girl`s reincarnations, that is, she was killed millennia ago by the `serpent`s seed` when she was born, so reincarnation as men and women is her mode of survival through the eons, and so the `Holy Spirit` born from the side of Jesus as the `Second Adam` is the female `spirit of God`, Shekinah, who was the `spirit of Eve` born from the side of the first Adam, who dwelt in the temple of the Jews after their escape to Palestine from slavery in Egypt. Christianity`s rejection of reincarnation as an aspect of Resurrection is a further sexual repression of the species` daughter in a pogrom against the human race designed to ensure that the meat won`t be able to escape on its brains. It`d be overly optimistic to suggest human flesh eating after sacrifice upon the altar of Satan isn`t a part of alien host womb parasitism through enslavement of women`s futanarian human race. It seems more than likely that men breed `woman`s seed` for meat and that the alien mouths they`re feeding want the flesh only, which is why humans are clinically diagnosable as `brain death`.


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2 Beard, Frank, Billy Gibbons, and Dusty Hill, `TV Dinners`, ZZ Top, Eliminator, Warner Bros., 23 March, 1983.

Lemmings For Bravery

04/02/2016 10:37
Lemmings For Bravery
The tank battle for Baghdad was the largest since the Germans with their new Mk VI Tiger tanks were repulsed by the Russians at Kursk between July 5 and 23, 1943, during the Second World War (1939-45), although after the first Mk I tanks with their turretless low center of gravity and side arms were built by the British army in 1916 for use for trench warfare in World War One (1914-18), the racing WWII blitzkrieg tanks with their long barrel atop a turret may still be considered prototypical. Consequently, after the United States of America`s invasion of Iraq in March 2003, and the ending of Saddam Hussein`s dictatorship resulting in his execution on December 30, 2006, the battle for Baghdad was the first, last, and possibly only tank battle, which leads commentators to suggest that it was `Armageddon`, a battle described in the prophetic book of Revelation in the Judeo-Christian tradition as occurring on the plain of Megiddo, near the port of Haifa in Jewish Palestine, rather than Iraq, and which preceded the last judgement of God upon the Earth that gave eternal unendurable pain to the evil, that is, perdition, and the colonization of the planets amongst the stars, which is `heaven`, to the good.
Although the first automobile began to be mass produced by the Americans at the Henry Ford plant in Detroit, Michigan, that is, the Model T Ford in 1904, the British had their Mk I tank ready by 1916, just as they`d invented the `concentration camp` for the Boer wars (1880-1, 1899-02) long before Adolf Hitler`s National Socialist (Nazi) Party in Germany adopted fascist dictator Benito Mussolini`s Roman fasces symbol of an ax and wood to build the `death camps` where the Nazis tried to exterminate the `chosen people` of the Bible, the Jews, which was the reason for the bitter battles of WWII following upon Europe and America`s refusal to acquiesce to German Imperial ambitions in WWI. The British invented the tank and the death camp before WWI, which the United States entered in 1917 after 128 Americans aboard the British liner, HMS Lusitania, sank on May 7, 1915 enroute from New York to Liverpool after a torpedo from a German submarine. The Americans as reluctantly entered WWII on the side of the anti-fascist Europeans, after fascist Japan surprisingly attacked the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, and because Japan`s forced labor camps for POWs were the equivalent of the Nazi `concentration camp` the British invention of the WWI tank and the Boer war `death camp` may be said to have interfered with the US` development of the car.
 In Egyptian mythology the `Ka` is the spirit and the `Ba` is the soul, which is why the temple of Abraham in Saudi Arabia`s city of Mecca, is the Ka` Ba. The Saudis are Moslems and Islam is where the Koran (610-30 C.E.) is the book dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels. Where the Koran is taught Islam is the religion and those who`re faithful to Islam are Moslems. Islam derives from the story of Abraham as it appears in the Old Testament of the Jews, that is, the law and history of their Torah and Talmud, which is the first part of the Christian Bible that has Jesus` teaching as the second part, or New Testament: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Sara was the wife of Abraham who bore Isaac, the founder of Judaism, and afterwards she was barren so gave her Egyptian maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, the Prophet Mohamed. Although the Ka` Ba at Mecca was a goddess center, Moslem tradition is that Ishmael and Hajer built the Ka` Ba as the temple of Abraham. As an Egyptian woman Hajer would know that `Ka` is spirit and `Ba` is soul in Egypt, but Judeo-Christianity wouldn`t be aware that humans are futanarian, which is why Moslem marriages in Islam are permitted four wives, so the women can sexually reproduce with each other. In simple terms, Hajer is the fourth wife belonging to the three women, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat, who were reportedly worshipped as goddesses at the Ka` Ba before their worship was curtailed during the period of the founding of Islam. The equivalent period in Judaism was the worship of the goddess Asherah in the form of a pole in the ground, which is a symbol of a woman`s power to sexually reproduce, and so it was a form of worship curtailed although Judaism is a futanarian women`s religion because a Jew can only be born from a woman, so women are Jews. Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, indicates that contamination by male semen isn`t desirable, and when Jesus dies he has Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, because `Armageddon` is a battle between good and evil, according to the Judeo-Christian tradition, as it appears in Revelation, what constitutes good and evil has to be reevaluated as what is `woman`s seed` and what isn`t.
 In the book of Genesis which is a part of Jewish tradition because it`s the Old Testament of the story and law of the Jews, before the New Testament of Jesus, Satan is placed there by God as an angel transformed into a serpent, because Satan rejected God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Consequently, the Prophet Mohamed`s Koran was dictated by the angels to permit four wives in Islam so the human host would be greater through sexual reproduction between the futanarian species of women within the family. Although the story of Satan is different in the Koran, that is, he`s a Shaitan `djinn`, a type of djinn, who`re a species` genus with free will; like men and women. Iblis is a `Shaitan`, that is, Satan, who refuses to bow before Adam, the first man. Although Iblis` power is to whisper, Satan persuades Eve, the first woman, to accept the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God`s `fruit of the tree of life` is immortality, and God expels Eve and Adam from Eden with the promise of Redemption if Adam labors, although Eve will experience labor pain and her `seed` will have `enmity` with the serpent`s: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her `foot`, because she`s `woman`s seed` in the person of Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen whose teaching will prepare the race of human futanarian women to sexually reproduce the brainpower needed to develop labor saving technologies and medical science to confer immortality and the permanent knowledge to maintain and operate the technology that will take them to colonize the planets amongst the stars and keep them there.
 Because Satan is a `Shaitan`, that is, a type of djinn, which is `genie` in story collections, like the 8th century 1001 Nights, in which the unstoppered or unfettered genius emerges to grant boons, the metaphor is repressed `woman`s seed`. In short, the `djinn` of the Koran represent the genius of human brainpower slaved in host womb parasitism by the `serpent`s seed` that prefer ephemeral death to permanent intelligence for humans. Men`s socio-history is of a parasite that somehow inveigled itself into the human species of futanarian women`s host wombs millennia ago to steal her `seed` and propagate itself as a parasitoid devourer of her produce in warfare against civilization, culture and art. Consequently, men are aliens, so humans are taught by the aliens that the brainpower of their genius can`t have any existence.
 Saudi Arabia`s Osama Ben Laden was the leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist group operating under the auspices of the misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan that hijacked civil airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York city on September 11, 2001. 9/11`s events were elephants, because J. R. R. Tolkien`s novel, The Lord Of The Rings (1954), had The Two Towers as its second volume in the trilogy, which was filmed in 2001 by Hollywood, Babylon, at the beginning of the 21st century and featured towers attacked by Mûmakil elephants, because its `mum` they kill. Women are elephantine because they have bigger penis, although `trunk` is used as a term for the decapitated body, whereas proverbially `elephants never forget`, because they live long, and so their memory is more or less permanent. As a single species women would have a permanent memory, but they`re enslaved by a parasitoid for devouring in its wars against her `seed`, which is why America`s M1 tanks on the plains of Iraq looked like elephants but weren`t.
 After 9/11`s hijacked `Jumbo jets` were seen `live on CNN` and other television news networks crashing into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, that is, Al Qaeda`s extrapolation of Tolkien`s Mûmakil, Saddam Hussein of Iraq was reported as offering bases to Al Qaeda in Iraq which precipitated the US army`s invasion. The choice of the WTC by the terrorists symbolized `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty for war. Although Western civilization espouses democracy, its model of ancient Greece actually institutionalized host womb slavery and homosexuality in pederasty for war to prevent human futanarian women`s `seed` from sexually reproducing and becoming enfranchised as the majority vote. Because Moslem women in Islam constitute 80% of the family, human futanarian women`s democratic ascendancy would be assured if men`s dictatorship didn`t prevail. Consequently, the first tank battle was Armageddon because only Mûmakil were involved, that is, it was a battle between the `serpent`s seed`, because that`s what they`re for, whereas the good won as they weren`t engaged.
 As `conventional marriage` is the same as `conventional warfare`, the `rules of engagement` are designed to ensure there isn`t an issue. In male braining heterosexuals produce a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes as a transvestite `TV`, because 9/11`s parasitoid devourer wants to watch itself eat. There isn`t an `issue` because TVs don`t produce anything but reality `snuff films`, that is, filmed killings for entertainment, which was programed by Hollywood, Babylon, as long ago as the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, implemented the `Hays code` (1930-67) banning women from appearing on screen in movies: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 Without futanarian human women`s mode of sexual reproduction depicted graphically on screen, humans were defined as `pornography`, whereas what men called pornography was a description for slavers as to how `TV` was made, even before television was invented by Scotsman John Logie Baird in 1926 as the medium for the single male brained creature Hollywood, Babylon, was creating to kill itself as a transvestite wearing each others` clothes `live on CNN` and other television networks. By the cinema release of Barefoot In The Park (1967) featuring the supposedly heterosexual couple in an apartment near New York city`s Central Park, that is, actor Robert Redford as Paul and actress Jane Fonda as Corie, there wasn`t any possibility of seeing human futanarian women`s genuine heterosexuality naked in the park because it`d been banned in favor of `TV` slavery and war.
 By the late 20th century men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anus in rejection of women spread the `incurable killer disease` HIV/AIDS, which scientists believed originated with monkeys. In Hollywood, Babylon, King Kong (1933) was known as `the monkey picture` and featured a giant ape atop the then largest building in the world before the World Trade Centre was constructed in 1971, swinging his arms ferociously at the fighter planes that toppled him. The events of 9/11 in which planes topple the Twin Towers begs the question: where`s King Kong? The answer is, he`s the HIV/AIDS monkey: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was prefer each other. The terrorists hijacked their planes at Boston, Logan airport, because they`d seen the science fiction movie, Logan`s Run (1976), in which `runners` try to escape `sandmen`, who are killers employed by a state that can`t feed an ageing population and so it kills all those who reach the age of 21. Consequently, 9/11 was an attempt to prevent the 21st century from `running`, and the bombing of the Boston Marathon on 15 April, 2013, was a further attempt.
 9/11`s events activated what the United States calls the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), which puts industry on a `war footing` and boosts the economies of the Western hemisphere. Because human women`s futanarian nature is more balanced, women`s `foot` is the balancing psychological aspect of the twin hemispheres of the brain that can win for the race that it runs. As women`s brains represent a socio-economic and democratic system potentially independent of men`s, 9/11`s events represented a declaration of intent that the elephant represented by women`s memory wouldn`t remember. Consequently, the US` M1 `Abrams` and Iraq`s T-72 `Lion of Babylon` tanks were `elephant guns` designed to repress `woman`s seed`, lest she remember her own penis` capacity for sexually reproducing permanent technology and knowledge of its maintenance and operation to escape men`s  enslaving of her host womb for its wars of parasitoid devourment against her humanity.
 In the New Testament of the Judeo-Christian Bible, Jesus is described as meeting a man on the road near the town of Gadarene, who declares his name to be `Legion` as he`s possessed by demons. Although Jesus isn`t usually thought of as a `freedom fighter`, the Roman Empire occupied Jewish Palestine with its legion when Jesus lived there. Consequently, when Jesus cast out the demons from the man and `Legion` went into a herd of pigs that ran off a cliff and drowned, that`s men driven by `Legion`. Driving in their car behind other motorists before filling their tanks and deploying their elephant guns is what `Legion` drives men for. The creature called a lemming is ridiculed for following `old migration paths` that result in its running off a cliff and drowning in teeming thousands,2 whereas that`s what men with their tanks are. Jesus` teaching is: don`t be a lemming. `Legion` wants the well worn path of war, because futanarian women`s humanity is its enemy. The British built the first death camp for the Dutch settlers, the Boers, in South Africa in the 1800s, and the first mass produced tank for WWI in 1916, while the US built the first mass produced car in 1904, but instead of driving the car to the bar, that is, giving the `Ka`, or spirit of the woman with her own penis` semen, opportunity to sexually reproduce with her `Ba` soul counterpart, the US government imposed Prohibition in the 1920s, which ensured that the Model T Ford car (Ka) couldn`t be used by a human woman to go to a bar (Ba) while Hollywood, Babylon, bred lemmings for the `TV` developed by John Logie Baird in 1926 to `snuff` the remnants of `woman`s seed` as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in transvestism: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The `dragon` is the serpent grown since Eden as the parasitoid enemy of `woman`s seed`. Satan`s depicted as waiting in vain to devour the child, who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, although `he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child.` The passage doesn`t say `man child`, which suggests the woman hidden in the desert, `for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent,` births a human futanarian woman with penis` semen, because that`s a `male child` from a woman who will rule on behalf of her humanity against a parasite grown to be a devouring parasitoid.
1,php/Main/FootPopping/ .
2 Woodford, Riley `Lemming Suicide Myth: Disney Film Faked Bogus Behavior`, Alaska Fish And Wildlife News, September, 2003, .

The Snurfs` Mill

26/01/2016 06:10
The Snurfs` Mill
In the Bible it`s written that Eve`s `seed` will have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, although God tells Eve, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The serpent represents slavery in host womb parasitism and ephemerality in death, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The serpent was the angel, Satan, who`d rejected God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, and so God turned Satan into a serpent and placed him in Eden where Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, would dwell. Satan tempted Eve with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which was death, that is, host womb slavery in parasitism in exchange for power over the human race. God proferred the `fruit of the tree of live`, which was immortality, and expelled Eve and Adam from Eden for preferring power over their descendants through death and slavery in host womb parasitism and parasitoid devourment, which is what occurs when the parasite has grown from a serpent to a dragon and consumes the host. Consequently, Jesus Christ is called `the host` in the communion service of Christianity , which is termed `transubstantiation`, that is, transformation through acceptance of `woman`s seed`. In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted as crushing the head of the serpent with his `foot`, because that`s what God said Eve`s `seed` would do. Born uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus` `foot` represents the human futanarian brainpower of `woman`s seed`, because futanarian women can sexually reproduce without male semen.
 As the human host at the `Last Supper` Jesus gave `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to the disciples: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Seeing a woman anointing Jesus` feet with expensive perfume before the `Last Supper`, the disciple Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a service, suggested the perfume be sold to raise money, and so betrayed the human host at the `Last Supper` by selling Jesus to agents of the Roman Empire then occupying Jewish Palestine for `thirty pieces of silver` as a `dissident` against male braining, that is, Judas didn`t want `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce brainpower to crush the head of Roman slavery. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and left there to die, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Consequently, crushing `woman`s seed` is analogous to the production of `snuff` from tobacco leaves, because Satanists produce humanity as a `snuff mill`, whereas `woman`s seed` is human futanarian women`s for the sexual reproduction of labor saving brainpower and immortality conferring medical science for the permanent knowledge needed to operate and maintain advanced technologies such as starships to the stars and colonize the planets.
 The Bible predicts `war in heaven`, between the `serpent`s seed`, and `woman`s seed`, because women`s human futanarian species doesn`t want to be extinguished in the Satanists` `snuff mill`, where `snuff` is a term for real life killings staged for entertainment. For Satanism, the human host is the `bread and wine`, that is, the `body and blood`, which is for parsitoid devouring by the `serpent`s seed`, after `woman`s seed` is crushed to produce the flour that`s the bread of the body, and the blood that`s the wine from the seeds of the grape, which is human futanarian women`s penis` semen for the bodies of the women that are theirs and not the inhuman serpent`s,  `... we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee.` (Song Of Songs: 1. 2) Satanism doesn`t, and wars are what they wage against `woman`s seed`: Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Western democracy, which denies human women`s futanarian species` `seed`, and sexual reproduction through its mass media occludes women from knowing their own race by censorship. Instead, the West maintains women in blind unconscious ignorance, without genuine education and healthcare, or the voting majority natural to her fecundity, that is, the West`s `democracy` is based on ancient Greece`s institutionalized host womb slavery for homosexuality in pederasty for the spreading of war and its contagions; for example, the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS. In the late 20th century, HIV/AIDS was spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in rejection of `woman`s seed` as a `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to ring slavery`s parasitism and parasitoid devouring in warfare against her: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was crush `woman`s seed` to make a `snuff mill`, that is, an extinction entertainment for their alien nature.
 Judeo-Christianity is based on the tradition that Jews are born from women, because women are Jews, which is why Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, whereas Islam derives from Abraham`s wife, Sara, who bore Isaac, the founder of Judaism. Barren, after bearing Isaac, Sara gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, the founder of Islam, because his descendant, Mohamed, received the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels, according to Moslem tradition, which contains the story of Jesus` Virgin birth from Mary, who`re Isa and Miriam in Islam, and Moslem marriages are permitted more than one wife, that is, up to four, because Abraham`s wife, Sara, gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham, and although she wasn`t his wife, the Islamic continuation of Judeo-Christianity`s human tradition of futanarian `woman`s seed` was born within the Moslem familes that afforded the possibility of human sexual reproduction between women. Satanism is the crushing of `woman`s seed` before women can crush the head of Satan, which is why Saddam Hussein`s name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`.
 Executed on December 30, 2006, after a US army invasion of Iraq in March, 2003, the dictator represented Satanism as a people gulled by infatuation with macho. When the Al Qaeda terrorists operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan hijacked civil airliners to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city, Saddam Hussein offered Iraq as a base for Al Qaeda. The WTC was chosen because the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed` is called `rough trade` and the terrorists wanted to reestablish misogyny`s hate. The US` subsequent invasion of Moslem Islam and the declaration by Iraq`s Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi of an independent Levant comprising Iraq and Syria perpetuated the `enmity`, and war was waged on `woman`s seed` as the `snuff` millers of Hollywood, Babylon, had programed: `… women, in love scenes, at all times … [ had ] `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 Saddam Hussein could see the ruins of the ancient capital city of Babylon from his summer palace at Hillah, but it was Hollywood, Los Angeles` movie capital that had set the stage by forbidding `woman`s seed` to be seen raising her futanarian `foot` from the floor of the bedroom in movies, and instead favored the Satanist promulgation of propaganda `action` films of death and destruction for the entertainment of the alien parasitoid devourer in `snuff film` documentaries of humanity`s supposed self-extinction in wars waged against herself.
1 .

Rf Trade

22/01/2016 11:36

Rf Trade


In terms of investments `Rf` means `risk free`, whereas `rough trade` is a term used by homosexuals to indicate that degree of `violence and brutality` they require to satisfy them. Consequently `Rf` trade is used in an HIV/AIDS` laden environment to indicate `risk free`, which bizarrely bears relevance to Osama Ben Laden`s terrorist group Al Qaeda, `the base`, and that Saudi Arabian heir`s hijacking of civil airliners on September 11, 2001, to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city as a symbol of `rough trade`,1 because `the base` is a term in economics, `base point lending`, which is a 1% value calculation, and represents the amount of money realizable as owing - or owed - from any investment, that is, the load. `ldn` means `soft` in Arabic, which is `the base` of `bin Laden`, that is, Osama`s `family` name, it`s interpretable as a reference to the `soft target` at the `soft center` of the `Big Apple` of New York`s WTC. Consequently, that `base point` is `laden` in terms of value, that is, Osama, meaning `lion`, is a mafia `accountant`, or `balancer of the books`, in economic terms, while a bill of laden`s (B/L) is a `bill of lading`, which means `guaranteed delivery` in carriage terms, or `pay load` in military terminology. Because the US `national debt` of 19 trillion US$ finances its large scale efforts, for example, war, on credit, whereas the nations of the oil rich Middle East are cash solvent, Osama Ben Laden was what the mafia call a `lawyer` or consigliere, which was the role actor Robert Duvall had, as Tom Hagen in The Godfather (1972), the first of a series of films made by director Francis Ford Coppola about Italian immigrants, who were successive generations of the mafia Corleone family `dons`, that is, authoritarian dictators, after the style of the Roman caesars, as described in the Mario Puzo fiction, The Godfather (1969), and its prequels and sequels based on New York city`s matter-of-factual murderous gangsters: `The lawyer with the briefcase can steal more money than the man with the gun.`2 As `Al Qaeda means `the base`, the laden point of 9/11 was `payment overdue`, and Osama, `the lion` of the Arabia mafia, was delivering the Middle East`s mafia families` ultimatum in language that the New York mafia families would understand:


`You let women dictate your actions and they are not competent in this world, though certainly they will be saints in heaven while we men burn in hell.`3



 Because `mafia` is an Italian term for Roman families, Ben Laden was a `consul` in Roman terms, and a `consultant` in surgical terms, that is, as a planner who didn`t actively participate in the events of 9/11, he was a surgeon consulted by the oil rich on matters of socio-economic concern, which is why the World Trade Center was chosen for the `one point` being made in American football terminology. In sporting terms, `moving the goalposts` has a financial meaning, that is, in controlling the oil rich nation of Kuwait after the Gulf war (1990-1) to remove Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein`s invading army, the United States of America had `moved the goalposts`, because the aim had been to hold the Western democracies to ransom for oil. 9/11`s `events` surgically removed the goalposts, that is, the Twin Towers of the WTC, rather than moved them. When Saddam Hussein said that Al Qaeda could have bases in Iraq, the US invaded in March 2003 and Saddam Hussein was executed on December 30, 2006, while the decision to restore the WTC as a single tower looked to have been the one point, in American football terms, that the United States wanted to make, although a look at the `touchdown` terminology used by American football for a score in the opposition `end zone`, which is used by the North American Space Administration (NASA) for a landing on a surface other than Earth`s (TD), suggests that Apollo 11`s moon landing was the real subject of 9/11, where Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the lunar surface of Earth`s satellite, the moon:


`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`4



 Usually the ball thrown by the quarterback is caught by a wide receiver making a `giant leap` in American football, although the `foot` is biblically important: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Eve is told by God in Eden that there`ll be `enmity` between her `seed` and the serpent`s before Redemption will occur, although Adam must labor, while Eve will experience labor pain, which is fulfilled in Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, who is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot` in Christian iconography, and so Jesus, born uncontaminated by male semen, is Mary`s `foot` that Neil Armstrong refers to in his moon landing declaration.



 The serpent is Satan, transformed by God from an angel, and placed in Eden, because he rejected God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic host, and gave Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death in ephemeral slavery, promising, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Because host womb slavery in parasitism would make men gods, whereas human women`s futanarian species, that is, God`s `foot`, with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of brainpower to produce labor saving technology and the medical science needed to confer immortality, and the permanent know-how to operate and maintain technology would be damned in Satanism`s male braining. God had offered the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, to Eve and Adam, and their acceptance of ephemeral death in exchange for power through host womb slavery as parasites was the reason Eve and Adam were expelled from Eden with God`s promise of Redemption for Eve`s `seed` if they labored with their bodies and minds.



 Iraqi Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi`s declaration of an Independent Levant (IL) of Iraq and Syria attempted to make the one point again, which was that America would ultimately remain dependent on the goodwill of the oil producing nations, whereas it wouldn`t. With victory in Kuwait and Baghdad, the United States of America had the oil, and Laden`s belaboring the worth of the `one base point`, that is, the US` debt to the Middle Eastern oilers, was obviated as lacking in Mario Puzo realpolitik: `Like many business men of genius he learned that free competition was wasteful, monopoly efficient.`5 `Rf trade` means `risk free`, and `rough trade`, as practiced by Osama Ben Laden, leader of Al Qaeda, `the base` and Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, wasn`t. In socio-economic terms the Western democracies have enslaved the race of human futanarian women since ancient Greece employed the principle of institutionalized host womb slavery in homosexuality for pederasty and the spread of Empire through war, which similarly occurred in the East where the Persian Empire`s capital was Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), which ruins` Saddam Hussein could see from his summer palace at Hillah in Iraq:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)



 The West is different, because based on the Bible in which the Jews, who`re the `chosen people`, have a futanarian tradition of Jews being born only from women, like Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, whereas Moslem Islam has a tradition of four wives based on Abraham`s marriage to Sara, whose son, Isaac, was the founder of Judaism, and when Sara became barren she gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and she bore Ishmael, who founded Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels, and so more than one wife is permissible in Islam. As a consequence Islam affords the possibility of sexual reproduction between women within the family and so a more democratic system even than what could be in the West if women sexually reproduced there, which is why Islam is mainly a secular or religious dictatorship based on the realpolitik of power through oil, and so 9/11 wasn`t `risk free` to Moslems.



 Osama Ben Laden`s laden point was that the Western economies were based on women`s slaved host wombs, whereas Middle Eastern oil rich states were based on dictatorship, so women in futanarian Islam covered themselves publically in their one-piece coveralls, the burkas, to prevent the alien eyes of their parasitoid devourers from seeing them, whereas in the Babylon of the West, Hollywood, women`s nudity only seemed usual, because penisless women aren`t women. They`re male brained by their parasitoid devourer to accept devourment more easily. It`s a perspective that requires acceptance of `woman`s seed` as a separate and distinct species from men`s viral form which Jesus` teaching endeavored to transform through education: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Otherwise homosexuality in pederasty for the spread of war`s contagions will result in perdition: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Keeping women in fearful faithfulness to monogamous ring slavery, men`s `biological weapon`, spread through mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, is HIV/AIDS` `late 20th century `incurable killer disease` for infecting the body and killing human brainpower.



 By diverting human resources away from labor saving technologies and science conferring permanent knowledge for the operating and maintaining of technology in immortality, and into the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) for the spread of war and its contagions in homosexuality for pederasty`s host womb enslavement of `woman`s seed` for men`s parasitoid devouring nature, Al Qaeda`s laden `base point` was that women`s `foot` wouldn`t escape to the stars and planets, because no one had any interest in the NASA Space Program. It`s only in the interests of `woman`s seed` to escape the slave economy devised to make war upon her, but without the vote commensurate with her capacity for sexual reproduction, and the brainpower needed for the kind of technological progress that would result in the building of starships to colonize, humanity`s doomed to be the willing entertainment `snuff movie` star of parasitoid male braining for devourment upon the Earth. Consequently, `Rf trade` is for those who`re interested in male braining`s homosexuality in pederasty for war`s `snuff movie` extinction of the human race as a business, which is `risk free` for those who don`t mind hell as a punishment from God, and the risk of species` extinction is borne solely by men`s `sleeping partners`.



 The symbol of Italian fascism adopted by dictator Benito Mussolini before his 1922 election was ancient Rome`s fasces, which were a bundle of wood with an axe in the center, and two days before 9/11 a statue of a fireman arrived in New York city from the city of Rome, Italy, with what looks like an Italian fasces on his back, which it is because fire breathing apparatus confers `breathing space`, that is, time to think. After the events of 9/11 the fireman statue remained in New York city as an Italian fascist reminder of the firefighters` attempts to control the burning of the Twin Towers that the Al Qaeda terrorists had crashed their hijacked civil airliners into. The fasces was adopted by Adolf Hitler, elected Chancellor of Germany in 1933, as the fascist symbol of his National Socialist (Nazi) Party, which later made war (1939-45) to enslave the Earth and pogromed the Jewish `chosen people` in `death camps`.



 Originally the fasces was  a symbol of Roman planning, whereby an individual would construct what amounted to a venetian blind using wood cut with an axe, but the Nazis used the fasces as a symbol for the construction of death camps behind which their pogroms secretly continued. Although the US helped defeat Nazi Germany the fasces was adopted as a symbol by them too; in the House of Representatives where: `The thin cord which holds … together … [ the ] bundle represents the minimal amount of federal government necessary to maintain that unity. This tenet of unity is deservedly extolled by Washington.`6 Although US Republican Party 2008 Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin`s state of Alaska has only a single representative, West coast California, which contains the city of Los Angeles` district, Hollywood, known as `Babylon` across the Earth for its role as capital of the movie industry, has 53 representatives, and so was able to undemocratically make futanarian `woman`s seed` illegal as `foot` pornography in films through the `Hays code` (1930-67) to prevent the Jewish `chosen people` from recovering their brains` powers after Nazism`s depredations in Europe and the rest of the world: `… women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`7 Consequently, the laden base point of interest on 9/11 was that Al Qaeda and global fascism were allies, during and after 9/11`s aftermath, just as the US` and European fascists were during the period of the Hayes` code`s enforcing before the release of the film, Barefoot In The Park (1967), with actor Robert Redford and Jane Fonda as newlyweds, Paul and Corie, in an apartment overlooking New York`s Central Park. Woman`s futanarian nature wouldn`t be seen in the Park in the succeeding year`s futuristic scifi movie, Barbarella (1968), either. As the character, Barbarella, Jane Fonda began that film drifting weightless inside her spaceship, while performing a striptease to the music of the song, `Barbarella`, for the cinema audience, who`d been exposed to the restrictions of the Hayes` code devised by Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), since 1930, so that cinema-goers wouldn`t ever expect to see a futanarian woman`s penis, because that would break the black magicians` spell which kept humans in gay, blind, ignorant unconsciousness:


`Barbarella's psychedelia ...

never can a fella name

or clone you ...

Barbarella Bar ... Barbarella.`8



 Television replaced the medium of cinema as the `home entertainment` for couples like Paul and Corie from Barefoot In The Park although heterosexuality didn`t. Women as a futanarian species are a single heterosexual race, but with men are a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism. Consequently, when the Al Qaeda terrorist jets crashed into the WTC `live on CNN` and other networked `TV` channels on 9/11, it was what the male brained `clones` had been programed to do as generations exposed to `TV` reruns of films like King Kong (1933), the giant ape atop the then `tallest building in the world`, the Empire State Building in New York, being attacked by planes, and Towering Inferno (1973), Chicago`s Glass Tower burning, while actor Steve McQueen`s firefighters attempt to fight the blaze. When Al Qaeda`s 747 `Jumbo jets` became the hijacked axes of fascism hacking down the Twin Towers of the former world`s tallest building in New York city, the WTC construction completed in 1971, they represented a double German negative: `Nein.` No, that is, to a continuation of the NASA Space program, represented by 1969`s Apollo 11 and 1968`s Barbarella, and no again to the elephant`s war, that is, the Levant`s war. When Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi declared the Independent Levant (IL), it was `elephant war` after 9/11`s war that effectively ended with the assassination of Osama Ben Laden by US `Team Six` on May 2, 2011, at his `Waziristan Haveli` compound in the town of Bilal, Abbotabad, near Moslem Pakistan`s Military Academy. As `woman`s seed` is capable of sexually reproducing her own brains` powers, she`s potentially socio-economically independent, so she`s the elephant, which is why Al Qaeda chose `Jumbo` jets as their axes to hack down the Twin Towers of the WTC that was `worth a bundle`, as politically `right wing` fascist businessmen might say, because a reactivation of the MIC and re-establishing homosexuality in pederasty`s `rough trade` would ensure women`s `foot` would never be seen to be raised from the bedroom floor of the Earth as the human futanarian race to the stars and planets was damned in host womb parasitism for ephemerality in slavery to parasitoid devourment for men`s entertainment in their `enmity` of perpetual warfare against `woman`s seed`:


`Brasi left the room. Two of his men assisted the midwife and the baby was born, the mother was exhausted and went into a deep sleep. Brasi was summoned and Filomena, who had wrapped the newborn child in an extra blanket, extended the bundle to him and said, `If you’re the father, take her. My work is finished.` Brasi glared at her, malevolent, insanity stamped on his face. `Yes, I’m the father,` he said. `But I don’t want any of that race to live. Take it down to the basement and throw it into the furnace.`9



 Jesus` disciple Judas caught a woman anointing his feet with expensive perfume and, used to stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, Judas suggested that the money be sold to raise money, but Jesus told him: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) At the `Last Supper` when the human host Jesus gave `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to his disciples in fellowship, Judas betrayed the human host to agents of the Roman Empire then occupying Jewish Palestine as a `dissident` threat to male braining, because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and so was `woman`s seed`. In other words, Jesus had a girlfriend, which threatened Judas` position as a leech in homosexuality in pederasty and parasitical host womb slavery of the human species by an alien parasitoid nature, Satan`s. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood by the Romans and left there until he died, although his subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured that of `woman`s seed` through the sexual reproduction of her liberating brainpower and as the human host greater than the angelic host God had wanted since Satan`s rejection of God`s plan in favor of giving over the Earth to fascist death camps, and the burning of the bodies in furnaces.


1 .

2 Brando, Marlon as Don Vito Corleone, The Godfather, Paramount Pictures, 1972.

3 Puzo, Mario, Vito Corleone, The Godfather, G. P. Putnam`s Sons 1969.

4 Armstrong, Neil, NASA Apollo 11, July 21, UTC: 2. 56, 1969.

5 Puzo, Mario The Godfather, G. P. Putnam`s Sons 1969.

6 .

7 .

8 Crewe, Bob, Charles Fox, and Michel Magne `Barbarella`, The Bob Crewe Generation Orchestra, and The Glitterhouse and Bob Crewe, Barbarella: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, 1968.

9 Puzo, Mario, Luca Brasi, The Godfather, G. P. Putnam`s Sons 1969.

Elephant War

09/01/2016 00:48

Elephant War


Masons hold on to their foot as a sign of recognition between them because God told Eve in the Bible: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography Eve is depicted as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot because she is the Virgin Mary, Jesus` mother, who is the `foot` with which the head of Satan, the angel transformed into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic, was crushed. When Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem by agents of the Roman Empire then occupying Jewish Palestine and nailed to a cross of wood where he was left until he died, his subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was a prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. Because futanarian women have `seed` of their own they can sexually reproduce with each other as God`s `foot` to produce liberating human brainpower for their species to escape, which is why a sign of the Masons is their holding onto the foot, lest the woman be released.



 Accused of Satanism, Masons support for male braining is the basis for that accusation. When Afghanistan`s terrorist group, Al Qaeda, `the base`, hijacked civil airliners on September 11, 2001, to crash into the Twin Towers of New York City`s World Trade Center, `the base` was being supported by Masons, because `rough trade`1 is ancient Greek democracy, that is, institutionalized host womb slavery of women in homosexuality and pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` to prevent women from sexually reproducing with each other and having the democratic voting majority: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) `Babylon` was `a woman` of the Bible and the name of the capital city of the Persian Empire, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), which ruins are now in modern Iraq near former dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein`s summer palace at Hillah. Because the movie capital of Hollywood in the city of Los Angeles on the West coast of the state of California in the United States of America is also known as `Babylon`, God`s `foot` was shackled for male braining in host womb slavery there too by the `Hays code` (1930-67): `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`2 Because women are God`s futanarian `foot`, Hollywood was `Babylon` almost as soon as director D. W. Griffith made the first movie there, Old California (1910), as it prohibited `woman`s seed` and promulgated propaganda of human extinction.

 As Eden is thought to have also been in modern Iraq during the period of the Persian Empire, `Babylon` at Hillah was Adam`s `foot`, that is, Saddam`s Iraq was the original home of `woman`s seed`, where Eve`s descendants were host womb enslaved in parasitism for war, while Hollywood Babylon`s propaganda against `woman`s seed` had produced Hussein, whose name means `crusher`, that is, Adam`s `foot`. When Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, were expelled from the garden of Eden by God for eating the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, which was given to Eve by the serpent, Satan, rather than accepting God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, Satan had told them: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God told Adam he must labor while Eve would experience labor pain before Redemption would occur. Meanwhile, Eve`s `seed` would have `enmity` with the serpent`s. When Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen, as her futanarian `foot`, he taught: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Because humans aren`t the enemy of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, when Jesus` feet were being anointed with expensive perfume, Judas, who was used to stealing from the collection plate after a service, suggested that Jesus should have the perfume sold to raise money. Afterwards, as the human host at the `Last Supper` for his disciples at which he gave them `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, the disciple Judas betrayed the human host and gave Jesus over to those agents of the Roman Empire that crucified him, because Judas didn`t want Jesus` `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce human brainpower to defeat Satanism, that is, effortlessly crush the head of the male braining Empire of Satan by breeding, because men can`t breed with each other, whereas women can.

 The irony of Saddam Hussein`s support for Al Qaeda, `the base`, and his subsequent execution on December 30, 2006, following March 2003`s invasion to depose him, was that Hollywood Babylon`s support for the Empire of male braining had produced him. Doubly ironic because Islam`s four wife marriages provide the base for futanarian sexual reproduction between women within families, while the Judaic tradition of a Jew only being born from a woman means that only women are Jews, so futanarian Jesus born uncontaminated from his mother, the Virgin Mary, a Jewess, was a Jew, and the Jews are called the `chosen people` throughout the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the Torah and Talmud, which is the history and law of the Jews, before the Christians adopted Jesus` teaching as the New Testament of the Bible. Although Christianity perceives itself as allied to Judaism the New Testament isn`t accepted by the Jews, primarily because of a history of pogroms and persecutions by Christianity; most notably that of the German `Nazis` who built `death camps` in the 1930s to exterminate `woman`s seed`.

 In the Old Testament Abraham`s wife, Sara, gave birth to Isaac, the founder of Judaism, and barren thereafter gave Hajer, her Egyptian maid, to Abraham. Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from God`s angels, who wanted the human host to be greater than the angelic, according to tradition. Because Jesus and Mary appear in the Koran as Isa and Miriam, the Moslem peoples accept the meaning of Jesus` teaching and birth, whereas the Jews don`t. Moslem Islam attempts to reconcile Judaism with Christianity through God`s plan for human futanarian `woman`s seed`, whereas Christianity doesn`t want her, although Judaism`s `chosen people` are hers. During the Bosnian war (1992-5) `rape camps` were set up for upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women of Islam by Christian Serbs to male brain a generation because Christianity doesn`t want her. When Al Qaeda, `the base` crashed hijacked civil airliners into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Center to precipitate `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` associated with parasitical host womb slavery for homosexuality in pederasty for parasitoid warfare against `woman`s seed`, it was a sign from the Masons that they wouldn`t relinquish their hold on women`s `foot` and so prevent humanity`s futanarian democratic socio-economic potential from being realized.

 Before Jesus` crucifixion he told his disciples that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, and so the Roman guard, Longinus, pierced his side with a spear as a surgeon might perform a `caesarian` section to ensure a birth after the woman had died. According to the Old Testament of the Bible, which is accepted by Christianity, Eve emerged from the rib of Adam and, because Jesus was the `Second Adam`, Longinus speared his ribs to facilitate the birth of the `Second Eve` corresponding to Jesus` Holy Spirit that would teach human women`s futanarian `seed` after him through the Bible. Although Satanism is the `serpent`s seed` of slavery in ephemerality, whereas `woman`s seed` represents immortality conferring medical science and labor saving technologies through the sexual reproduction of human women`s liberating brainpower, Satan is a `fallen angel`, which suggests that the `serpent`s seed` was once that of the angelic host and, because paleontologists agree that saurians dominated the Earth 248 million years ago, while mammals, which include the genus hominids, began to appear 220 m.a., the angelic host were probably intelligent saurian nature. One of the largest of the dinosaurs was Tyrannosaurus Rex, which was bipedal with two arms and a tail for balance, while flying pterosaurs such as the pterodactyl correspond to descriptions of the serpent, Satan, as a dragon grown to full size since its days as a serpent in Eden: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17)



 Paleontologists agree that dinosaurs shrank to become birds, which suggests that it`s saurian male brained consciousness that humans should fear: `Modern birds descended from a group of two-legged dinosaurs known as theropods, whose members include the towering Tyrannosaurus Rex and the smaller velociraptors.`3 Because saurians had a brain at the head and another at the tail, Eve`s birth from Adam`s rib suggests saurian evolution, that is, the tail brain of the saurian corresponds to futanarian human women`s struggle to be born. As human nature isn`t qualitatively describable by reference to levels of intelligence, saurian and women`s nature is definable as human, if human is understood as a quality rather than a level of intelligence. Consequently, the Christian tradition of the robin, a bird devolved from saurian nature that removed a thorn from the head of Jesus after the Romans had placed thereupon a crown of thorns mocking the Jewish Messiah as their king, refers to humanness as a quality rather than as a form, or a level of intelligence. In other words, the robin represents Redemption for saurian nature, that is, `woman`s seed`, through Jesus` teaching of the Resurrection and Ascension, which he evinced after his death: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) In short, human is a quality attributable to `woman`s seed` which men don`t appear to evince, because they`re slavers in host womb parasitism upon women`s human futanarian species to feed their parasitoid nature for devouring warfare.

 Anthropomorphism is a useful aid in depicting the difference between human and alien. In the United States of America there used to be elephants, which were distinctive for the shovel-like flatness of their tusks that were closer to the Earth than those of the Indian or African types. Because elephants like water it seems likely to suppose that they used their spade-like tusks to build dams in order to rid themselves of parasites, etc., as beavers built dams from wood they cut with their teeth before using the flatness of their tails to shore them up with mud. Penisless women are called `beaver` in the United States of America, whereas men`s heads have trunks, that is, they`re elephants, because in male braining the trunks of the bodies are attached to male heads. Consequently, penisless women aren`t elephants because they don`t have trunks of their own. Because Jumbos were the hijacked civil airliners crashed into the WTC on 9/11, the correspondingly elephantine imagery is of the Mûmakil, `with war towers upon them,`4 from J. R. R. Tolkien`s novel trilogy, The Lord Of The Rings (1955), which emerge from Minus Morgul, `The Tower Of Black Sorcery`, formerly Minas Ithil, `The Tower Of The Rising Moon`, in the second novel of Tolkien`s filmed trilogy in the aftermath of 9/11, The Two Towers (2002), along with the hordes of Sauron, the `Dark Lord`, to attack the remaining uncaptured fortress of the West, Minas Tirith, `The Tower of Guard`. The elephant Mûmakil, and the Jumbos of 9/11, represent intent on the part of misogyny to kill `mum`, lest she remember her own penis` semen, that is, a trunk with a brain of her own, while the ruined stumps of New York city`s Twin Towers symbolize the tusks of the woman removed.



 After the fall of Saddam Hussein, Iraq`s Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi declared an Independent Levant comprising the states of Iraq and Syria, that is, a Levant war had begun. Although the United States of America and the so-called Western democracies fought the Gulf war (1990-1) to remove Saddam Hussein`s invading army from Kuwait and ostensibly defend Israel, that is, the `chosen people` of `woman`s seed`, Hollywood Babylon`s mass media propaganda against women`s raising of her futanarian `foot` from the editor`s cutting room floor suggests that the undemocratic West`s refusing to enfranchise human futanarian women presaged elephant (Levant) war against the Jewish `chosen people`, who were defined as the women of the world.



 In literature Pinocchio is the figure whose nose grows longer every time he lies,5 so he`s a type of men who declare their defense of futanarian Judaism while preparing to use their elephant guns as hunters upon `woman`s seed`. According to the `father of psychoanalysis` Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) civilization, culture and art is `nothing but` the result of sexual repression of the male penis. However, civilization, culture and art is what `woman`s seed` is still able to produce from her host womb despite men`s parasitoid depredations in warfare against her. Consequently, the elephant guns as the extended barrels on the turrets of the tanks supposedly destined for the plain of `Megiddo` in Israel, as the prophesied location for the final battle between good and evil, according to the Bible, are the penis of `woman`s seed` stolen by the parasitical creature that calls itself men, and which somehow inveigled itself into the host womb of the human futanarian species of women millions of years ago in order to wage a war of extermination against her race.



 Anthropomorphically, American males are `bull` elephants, because the United States of America effectively created Saddam Hussein, whose name means `small handsome man`, that is, Hollywood Babylon`s actor, as well as `crusher`. Saddam was created so that America`s `bulls` could charge through Iraq in their M1 tanks with their elephant guns on the turrets. For American `bull` males, women are `beavers`, because Eve`s Adam isn`t Hollywood Babylon`s `bull` elephant, Saddam, who was a dam to prevent `woman`s seed` from emerging. As human nature is a quality, rather than a level of intelligence, although women, if penisless, are definably brainless as a species, they`re qualitatively more human, because the form is. In anthropomorphic terms, American women are damned `beavers`, because the American `bull` male sees itself as an elephant, which suggests that `beavers` are qualitatively human. As the robin that pulled the thorn from the head of Jesus is human, irrespective of the level of intelligence or form, so `beavers` and `woman`s seed` are human for the same reason that American men rogueing as `bull` males across the plains of Iraq in their M1 tanks with their elephant guns on the turrets aren`t. Angels have wings, and the robin is human, whereas US` `Spirit` bombers have wings and the bombs are an expression of the inhuman Empire of the dragon in male braining for war against `woman`s seed`.  Females are qualitatively human irrespective of their level of intelligence or form, although Eve`s `beavers` are Adam`s, because a good shepherd must remain with her `seed`. As Eve emerged from the rib at the side of Adam, because God didn`t want a dam for futanarian humanity`s brains, so Jesus` `Second Adam` must be at the side of `woman`s seed` as the good shepherd for the qualitatively intelligent human identified in the Bible as a congregational `flock` of pastored `sheep`.



 Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, represented a further undamning of `woman`s seed` as the teaching of the Holy Spirit figuratively emergent from the rib by the side of the `Second Adam` pierced by the spear of Longinus upon Jesus` death at his crucifixion and before his Resurrection and Ascension prefiguring that of futanarian women`s. Although `cow` elephants anthropomorphically correspond to futanarian women, because they have brains attached to their trunks, `beavers` are male too, that is, human is a quality unrelated to form or level of intelligence, whereas parasitism for the purpose of parasitoid devouring of the female host is quantifiably demonstrable as alien and so inhuman, which is what `Spirit` bombers in conflict with the Holy Spirit of Jesus` teaching represent.

 Male braining is transvestism whereby every individual is a single brain wearing each others` clothes, rather than women`s futanarian single species where everyone is the same race. Jesus` envisioned a futanarian women`s race shepherded by those men who were able to accept `woman`s seed` after metanoia, that is, brain transformation, which the officiate gives to the intitiate in the church as the wine and wafer of bread symbolic of the `bread and wine` Jesus offered to his disciples as the `body and blood` of the human futanarian host. In transvestism everyone is a `TV` actor, or actress, for an audience of children who don`t know. Consequently, it`s a performance in which the ensemble practice mastering the art of not looking `gay` with boys, because by common definition women`s futanarian` nature is `gay`, that is, `lesbian`, while men`s parasitoid nature in parasitical host womb slavery for homosexuality in pederasty and warfare against `woman`s seed` is what `gay` means: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of futanarian women`s sexual reproduction with each other produced the `incurable killer disease` of HIV/AIDS in the late 20th century, which functioned as a `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to monogamous ring slavery for host womb parasitism and parasitoid war against `woman`s seed`.

 The mass medium for the transmission of the disease is `TV`, because women are taught that they can`t sexually reproduce with each other, and are `homosexual` if they think sexual activity between women is allowed them, whereas the term `homosexual` is applicable only to men because reproductive sex between women can occur, whereas it can`t occur between men. Consequently, the term `homosexual` is an invented concept to describe non-sexual activity between alien creatures that seek the extinction of the human race as a parasitoid sub-group of the population fully aware of their nature, and who encourage homosexuality between boys in order to recruit men into their alien cabal. Because the boys can`t envision women taking their own penis out of their pants, futanarian expectations are perverted, and so boys want to see other men`s penis, because futanarian human nature expects women to show each other theirs. Consequently, producing a male brained `TV` creature is how the parasitoid alien nature makes its shows. By the late 20th century it`d become evident that the Earth was a `snuff movie` reality show the alien was hosting. Symptoms were acting, because the parasitoid was a `TV`, and the humans weren`t supposed to know. Because parasitoids are `gay`, the creature acted as if it wasn`t, so as to mask its parasitoid intentions while it prepared to kill the human host. Characterizing itself as an asexual talkie drama, the `TV` creature paralyzed its audience with boredom, while it waited to devour; as parasitoid natures do.

 `TV` is a part of the mass media transvestite male brained single creature`s fascistoid persona. Fascism developed in Italy before 1922 when Benito Mussolini became fascist dictator in Rome with the symbol of the fasces, that is, a bundle of wood and an ax, adopted from the Roman Empire as his own. In 1933 the `Nazis` in Germany had adopted the fasces as their symbol too and Adolf Hitler became fascist dictator there. Although the Japanese Emperor Hirohito was a fascist dictator, Japan didn`t noticeably adopt the emblem, which signified how Rome`s campaigners built fences around themselves in order to plan. The fascists built `death camps` in which millions of the `chosen people` were exterminated, because they were homosexual parasitoid nature. When Japan launched a sneak attack on the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, the United States of America helped the Western allies to defeat Italy and Germany`s ambitions to enslave Europe and the rest of the word from there. Japanese Imperial ambition was finally curtailed on 6 and 9 August, 1945, when the planes Enola Gay and Bokscar dropped the atomic bombs, `Little Boy` and `Fat Man`, on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, although the 1930 US` `Hays code` implemented by Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), which forbade futanarian women`s humanity from being seen in Hollywood Babylon films, had established fascism in America as firmly as it`d been rooted in Europe and can be held directly responsible for men`s `big game` Levant guns pointing at `woman`s seed` in the early part of the 21st century.


1 .

2 .

3 Singer, Emily, `How Dinosaurs Shrank And Became Birds` in Quanta Magazine, June 2, ,2015, .

4 Tolkien, J. R. R., The Lord Of The Rings, Part Two: The Two Towers, `The Battle Of The Pelennor Fields`, Chapter 6, George Allen & Unwin, 1955.

5 Collodi, Carlo The Adventures of Pinocchio, Ch. 17, 1883.

There Isn`t A Sorrier Anthropologist Than Darwin

06/01/2016 10:01

There Isn`t A Sorrier Anthropologist Than Darwin


Charles Darwin was the English natural philosopher influenced by archaeological descriptions of early hominids, and whose hypothesis that humans had simian ancestry in The Origin Of Species (1859) was based on the discovery by archaeologists of skeletal remains enough to suggest that apes were the ancestors of humankind. Darwinian evolutionary theory argued that humans evolved from early hominids, who appeared on Earth around 220 million years ago, according to fossil studies by paleontologists, during the Mesozoic period of Earth`s prehistory after saurians had appeared to be the dominant species about 248 m.a., and before the evolution of mammals, which included hominids as a genus. Although the Bible has largely been ignored as a source of evolutionary theory, the appearance of the serpent in Eden as the angel, Satan, removed from heaven by God and transformed into a serpent for rejecting God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, is suggestive of a previous raptor based intelligence akin to Tyrannosaurus Rex and its cousins, who were bipedal dinosaurs with arms and a tail for balance.



 The pterosaur variety of saurian had wings, for example, the pterodactyl, which is interesting for biblical scholars, because Satan is described constantly throughout the Bible as a `dragon` grown to full size since its days as a `serpent` in Eden after Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, are expelled therefrom by God for agreeing to host womb slavery in parasitism to the parasitoid devourer after accepting its `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, although God`s `fruit of the tree of life` is depicted as conferring immortality. Whereas ephemerality means transient knowledge and so the inevitable loss of any technological development achieved by individual humans, the development of medical science and permanent brainpower is extended life and youthfulness for humans capable of using the labor saving technologies they produce, which slavers don`t want for humans. Consequently, although Darwinian evolution posits apes as the forebears of humans, the Bible suggests that Eve and Adam were saurian.



 Paleontologists agree that dinosaurs had two brains, a brain at the head and a brain at the tail, which explains why Eve, the first woman, is depicted as being created by God from the rib of Adam and from whose side she emerges. Eve is Adamned creature, that is, she`s the emergence of the damned saurian brain that functioned as the tail of the raptor while the brain at the head was the male. Although experts agree that there were male and female dinosaurs, the secondary dinosaur brain is explainable as God`s new creation planned for `woman`s seed`. Before expelling Eve and Adam from Eden with the exhortation that Adam must labor while Eve will experience labor pain before Redemption can occur, God tells Eve her `seed` will have `enmity` with Eve`s `seed`: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Women`s human futanarian species can sexually reproduce with her own penis` semen from her own host wombs, that is, Eve`s Adamned brainpower is a damned brain before her `seed` can sexually reproduce with herselves, while the eons of effort to prevent Eve`s `seed` from producing liberating brainpower for the futanarian humans to run their own race and escape from their parasitical host womb slavers, and parasitoid devourers, are Satanism.



 In Christian iconography Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot`, that is, women`s futanarian brainpower, which is what God told Eve her `seed` would achieve in Redemption from slavery. Born uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus was consequently `futanarian` through his mother, the Virgin Mary, which explains his role as the Messiah teaching against the male brained Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine where he lived as a Jew: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) His disciple, Judas, who was known for stealing money from the collection plate after Jesus` service, told Jesus he should sell the expensive perfume a woman was using to anoint his feet to raise money. When Jesus, as the human host, at what was thereafter known as the `Last Supper`, offered `bread and wine` to his disciples as symbols of his `body and blood`, Judas betrayed Jesus to the Romans as a `dissident` because he didn`t want the human to sexually reproduce and so suggested to the representatives of their tyrannical Empire in Jerusalem that Jesus was a threat to male braining.

 Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and left there to die. Upon his death the Roman guard, Longinus, pierced Jesus` side with a spear because the Messiah had said that a Holy Spirit would teach after his death. Because Jesus was known as the `Second Adam`, the `Second Eve` was anticipated as being born from his side, and so Longinus sought to perform a `caesarian` section, that is, a surgical procedure deriving from an erroneous belief about the birth of the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar, whereby a dead mother`s child is born: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Jesus` subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigures the Ascension of futanarian `woman`s seed`. Consequently, the educative spirit born from the side of Jesus` after Longinus` `caesarian` section is futanarian humanity`s.

 God`s plan is decipherable from the biblical texts, but it isn`t extant as dogma in the subsequent Christian church built upon Jesus` teaching. Although Pope Pius XI, head of the church in Rome, made the doctrine of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven dogma in 1950 based on the teachings of Jesus Christ from what is known as the New Testament of the Bible appended to the Old Testament of the `chosen people` of the Jews, which contains the Talmud and Torah, that is, the law and history of the `chosen people`, the doctrine of the Ascension of God`s futanarian `foot` as a new human host greater than the host of the angels through the sexual reproduction of brainpower from `woman`s seed` isn`t church dogma. Although it`s explicit in church dogma that Jesus` `seed` is in heaven, and that the Virgin Mary is in heaven, it`s implicit that Eve`s `seed` is also in heaven, that is, the Bible is God`s plan for colonizing the planets revolving about the stars with futanarian humanity.

 The Judaic tradition is that a Jew can only be born from a woman, because humans are futanarian, that is, Jews are the `chosen people` because they`re futanarian. Abraham was the founder of Judaism through his son, Isaac, who was the child of Sara, who became barren and gave her Egyptian maid, Hajer, to Abraham. Hajer bore Ishmael who founded Islam through his descendant Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from God`s angels, according to Islamic tradition, and Moslem marriages have four wives as a consequence of the two women, Sara and Hajer, bearing sons that were the founders of Judaism and Islam respectively. As Judaism is futanarian, so Islam`s four wife marriages afford the possibility of futanarian sexual reproduction between women in the Moslem family, which is in accordance with God`s plan. Although Christianity perceives itself as a continuation of Judaism through the New Testament of the Bible, the Moslem Koran is an original text containing the histories of Abraham and Jesus, whereas Judaism doesn`t accept Jesus` New Testament as the Bible. Consequently, the Moslem peoples are closer to Abraham and Jesus than Christianity, because Jesus was a Jew descended from Abraham, while Islam derives from Ishmael, a son of Abraham`s. In simpler terms, Jesus is accepted by Islam, whereas Judaism doesn`t accept Christianity, which means that `woman`s seed` is acceptable to Moslems in terms of the social structure, that is, families with four wives, and is a continuation of Jewish tradition as the futanarian `chosen people`, whereas Christian monogamy is closer to ring slavery in host womb parasitism as `parasitoid` male nature prepares to devour `woman`s seed` and the civilization, culture and art she`s still able to produce despite the depredations of the predator that emerges from her body to consume her.

 Without education the rich consume the less rich and so the Earth has consumption in blind unconscious ignorance. However, if the rich were educated in futanarian conservation consumption would occur as an informed process whereby the richer consumers could decide whether to consume or not based on knowledge of futanarian humanity, which isn`t a choice afforded to the uninformed. That`s morality from the perspective of the rich. Eating one`s neighbor, as you`re richer, is a diluted ambition if the perception is that one`s neighbor is human, because they`re human futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, women. Invariably present in any invasive situation, women wouldn`t be consumed if the invader was human. Without education the rich consumer doesn`t have the knowledge to refrain from consuming, whereas wisdom confers that understanding. Consequently, the `serpent`s seed` doesn`t want to confer understanding upon the rich consumer, so US$ 1 billion is spent to purchase and maintain each `Spirit` bomber, because the consumer is blindly unconscious and ignorant of what it shouldn`t consume, which in Moslem Islam is the `woman`s seed` of the women who conceal themselves publically from view beneath the one-piece coverall of their burkas lest someone see that they`re futanarian human.



 In Christianity it`s traditional for a woman to cover her head in church lest she be seen by angels, who enamored would descend from heaven and seek to have sexual intercourse with her. According to paleontologists winged dinosaurs shrank to become birdlike, which suggests that God`s angelic host more properly corresponds to what children are taught as faery. In the Hollywood Babylon film, Red Dragon (2002) based on Thomas Harris` perceptive 1981 novel, the psychopathic male who kills women to wear their skins is `The Tooth Fairy`, who bases his character on a painting by William Blake, The Great Red Dragon And The Woman Clothed In Sun (1805-10), which celebrates a passage from the Bible: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to wage war against the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) If winged dinosaurs became birdlike creatures corresponding to wingéd angels, they`d be the fairy creatures of folklore. Satan`s host of `fallen angels`, removed from heaven by God and the angelic host there, represent the consequences of male braining to the exclusion of human `seed`, that is, futanarian women`s. In short, Satan`s `angels` are of the sort that induce humans to kill women to wear their skins, which is a what a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes, as men and women, is. Consequently, the psychopathic killing of women to wear their skins is a stereotypically male brained activity induced in Satanism as evinced by actor, Ralph Fiennes, in his Red Dragon role of `The Tooth Fairy`, Francis Dolarhyde. However, denial of futanarian education to humans is encouraging worship of `The Tooth Fairy`, who is an extreme instance of the general malaise of the male braining of the species of `woman`s seed` as a single transvestite creature wearing each others` clothes, rather than that angelic faerie creature of folklore children are taught will reward them with a sixpence for putting a tooth under their pillow after its pushed out by a new grown replacement. Symbolically the tooth fairy represents that angelic spirit of growth, which corresponds to Jesus` Holy Spirit`s capacity to facilitate human knowledge, that is, futanarian wisdom, which Francis Dolarhyde`s character of `The Tooth Fairy` in Red Dragon perverts in his psychopathic killing of women to wear their skins as a deranged but understandable transvestite male.



 Children are taught to put a dislodged tooth under their pillow for the tooth fairy to give them sixpence, which means that the relationship between the spirit of growth and adulthood is financial from the parents` perspective as traditional folkorists. When the hijacked jets were crashed into the Twin Towers of New York city`s World Trade Center in the United States of America by Al Qaeda terrorist hijackers operating out of Afghanistan on September 11, 2001, the WTC was a symbol of `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence`1 associated with the parasitical host womb enslavement of women`s host wombs for parasitoid devourment in homosexuality in pederasty for warfare against `woman`s seed`, which was institutionalized by the ancient Greek model for Western democracy, Athenian society.



 Because human futanarian women`s socio-economic structure would differ from men`s, 9/11 was a concerted effort on the part of the `serpent`s seed` to deter acceptance of a democracy based on women`s capacity to sexually reproduce their own brainpower between themselves, because men can`t: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) In the East `Babylon` was `a woman` whose name appears as the capital city of the Persian Empire, which ruins dictator Saddam Hussein could see from his palace at Hillah, Iraq, during the period after the March 2003 invasion by America and before he was executed on December 30, 2006, for declaring support for Al Qaeda. The subsequent rise of the Iraqi dictator Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi of the Independent State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and where Isis was the name of the ancient Egyptian goddess of Resurrection, belies the effectiveness of dictatorship when dealing with consumption by the rich.



 Although Moslem nations in Islam are criticized for dictatorships, the rich can`t eat the less rich in a dictatorship that rules against the consumption of `woman`s seed`, which is why Jesus is represented in the Bible as a dictator: `Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God almighty.` (Rev: 19. 15) Although Saddam Hussein`s Iraq was described as trying to `gobble up Kuwait`2 during the Gulf war (1990-1), dictatorship could equally be used to prevent the richer from devouring the less rich, and riches are relative. Kuwait was an oil rich superstate before the Iraq dictator`s invasion, which is paradigmatic of what richer people do with those who`re less rich and so less powerful. Jesus` role in his `Second Coming` after his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven to prepare for his implementing God`s rule is that of a dictator refusing to allow the rich to consume the less rich, which in fact is what occurs at every level in a male brained society without the socio-economic advantages of women`s human futanarian democracy where the perception amongst those who nurture and bear the species isn`t that the borne are for slavery and consumption by the parasitoid devourers in parasitism upon the host womb of the race of women.



 The rich have an extinction program, whereby the individual entrepreneur or inventive personality can`t help the human race even to walk, because it interferes with host womb enslavement in parasitism to their parasitoid devouring of `woman`s seed`, which effectively amounts to cowardly paranoia masquerading as conservatism. In British democracy the Conservative Party is associated with capital, that is, financial institutions and manufacturing industry, which stifle growth apart from activities associated with war economics. As people grow richer they`re less consumable, that is, led by paranoid parasitoid devourer`s, cowardice supports growth in areas ensuring extinction, for example, debilitating medical treatment ultimately designed to bind patients to wheelchairs; the armed forces; the police; independent security companies; surveillance; and government failure to educate beyond a reality `snuff movie` ethos of `action` heroes; for example, those of the Gulf war movie, Jarhead (2005), because education in anti-democratic male braining for war against women`s nascent human futanarian democracy is more likely to produce gaily brash entertaining murderous fools easily frightened into cowardice when embarrassed at needing instruction as to how to get the top off a difficult jar, while anti-women mass media propaganda productive of blind ignorant unconsciousness prepares an explosive social fabric for the security forces to devour as the meal bought for them by the richest.



 The North American Plains Indians had a tradition called `running the arrow` described in the movie Run Of The Arrow (1957) in which actor Rod Steiger in the role of O`Meara is captured by men of the Sioux tribe who`re going to kill him for trespass before his Indian companion, Walking Coyote, asks to `run the arrow`, a tradition whereby an individual convicted of a `crime` is given a chance to run and evade those running behind charged with the task of killing the runner ahead. In 1967 novelist William F. Nolan wrote Logan`s Run which was subsequently turned into a 1976 movie about a society in socio-economic collapse that killed citizens who reached the age of 21 so that the economy of the society remained sufficiently sustaining for the remainder. The story about a `sandman`, actor Michael York as Logan 5, and actress Jenny Agutter as a woman he helps to `run`, Jessica 6, was based on the Plains Indians` perception that elements not conducive to a healthy society should be killed. Runners were pursued by `sandmen` until caught and killed, that is, the `sandmen` were the equivalent of the Plains Indians, who were exterminated by the European settlers in the United States of America by the simple expedient of paying buffalo hunters to kill the 60, 000, 000 herd and so starve the indigenous inhabitants to death by the 1880s. When Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked civil airliners at Boston, Logan airport, to crash into the WTC on 9/11, 2001, it was `Logan`s run`, because the `serpent`s seed` didn`t want developmental progress for the 21st century but rather a parasitoid devouring of human and natural resources in warfare against `woman`s seed`, who is `running the arrow` as a victim rather than a criminal.



 When the Boston Marathon was bombed by terrorists on April 15, 2013, `sandmen` were again endeavoring to prevent the human futanarian `foot` race from running by keeping `woman`s seed` wheelchair bound in automobiles with God`s promise of the planets and stars receding as fast as the would-be escapees could be caught. In socio-economic terms the rich European settlers ate the less rich Plains Indians and the same rich cut off the `foot` of the enslaved humans to make it easier for their parasitoid nature to devour the race. Hollywood isn`t pejoratively called `Babylon`, because Logan`s Run, which was made into a `TV series in 1977-78, is a prototypical `snuff movie` in which people are killed in real life for the entertainment of the viewer who watches the recorded or `live` transmission. The `Hays code` (1930-67) introduced by President Will Hays of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) came into force just 20 years after the first Hollywood film was made by director D.W. Griffith, Old California (1910), and prohibited `woman`s seed` from being seen to raise her futanarian human `foot` on screen: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`3 The appearance of William F. Nolan`s 1967 novel as the film, Logan`s Run, in 1976 represented surrender to the `snuff movie` ethos of extinguishing the human species for the entertainment of the richest parasitoid natures.

 In the development psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (875-1961), which grew as a response to `father of psychoanalysis` Sigmund Freud`s (1856-1939) reductive belief that everything was `nothing but` an expression of the repressed penis, God is described as an archetype, and archetypal expressions of the human desire for progress appear in dreams, art and the imagination to impel development. Although Satan is perceived by some as an archetype, in fact the `fallen angel` is a reductio ad absurdum; like Freud`s occluded perception that civilization, culture and art is the product of futanarian `woman`s seed`. What occurs is described in Greek philosophy as enantiodromia, whereby an opposite becomes its `other` in the course of time, that is, as the rich parasitoids consume God, who represents the human desire to escape slavery on Earth through technological progress, so God becomes Satan in refusing to accept imprisonment and parasitoid devourment as a slave in host womb parasitism for homosexuality in pederasty`s misogynist warfare against humanity`s `woman`s seed`.



 The term `pedophile` is applicable to those who want to maintain humanity in infantile blind unconscious ignorance, that is, pedophiles want to play with the human species, rather than that the race invent and play with its own toys; for example, colonizing starships as depicted in `TV` shows like Star Trek (1966-69). Consequently, `pedophile`, `pederast`, `transvestite`, and `misogyny` aren`t pejoratives, but descriptive of Satanism`s parasitoid methodology for devouring the Earth before `woman`s seed` can raise her futanarian `foot` from the cutting room floor of Hollywood Babylon`s media Empire and run her own race amongst the planets and stars.



  According to paelontologists winged dinosaurs became smaller and more birdlike, that is, they became birds, which are that species genus known as oviparian, because they lay eggs. Consequently, in male braining humans are defined by technologies descriptive of saurian avians, for example, the `Spirit` bomber of the United States of America is a winged male dinosaur dropping bombs, rather than laying eggs, because men`s parasitoid nature is that of a coward that doesn`t want `woman`s seed` to fertilize her ovum so that the human futanarian race can escape. Because the Bible indicates that the `fallen angel`, Satan, is the serpent that becomes the winged dragon, birds are representative of the angelic winged host but `fallen`, whereas the human host isn`t winged, and as winged dinosaurs shrank to become birds, it`s likely that the `fallen` angels correspond to what folklorists call `little people`, that is, the fairy folk of legend. In Islamic tradition each individual has a good and evil angel, the `hamzad`, which encourage and tempt by turns until good or evil results. In terms of realpolitik the US` `Spirit` bomber is evidence that the evil angels won, because Jesus` teaching of `woman`s seed` through the Holy Spirit didn`t. Because humans aren`t educated in knowledge of their own nature whereby women sexually reproduce the species` brainpower with each other from their futanarian race`s own penis` semen, evil isn`t recognizable as men`s parasitoid nature in need of what Jesus called `metanoia`, that is, brain transformation, in acceptance of Redemption from male braining`s unbalanced psychopathology through `woman`s seed`.



 If humanity is described as that which can live humanly alongside other humans, `fallen angels` represent an earlier humanity that wasn`t willing to live with other humans, that is, humans as represented by the US` `Spirit` bomber are humans who can`t live with other humans, so are `fallen` humans rather than winged angels. Although Satan and the `fallen angels` are depicted as inhuman, God`s angelic host that are able to live with each other are by definition human. Satan was removed from heaven for rejecting God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, that is, they`d be able to live with the angelic host humanly, which Satan didn`t. Or, in other words, those that can live humanly together are humans, whereas those aren`t who can`t, that is, the angels are human if they can live with humans humanly, while the US` `Spirit` bomber is an indication that the inhumanly wingless can`t live with the `seed` of women desirous of fertilizing her own human eggs so that she can develop the brainpower for technologies that would allow her to fly further away, and that it`s men`s parasitoid nature to devour her infancy.



 Because men are parasitoid, US` `Spirit` bombers correspond to the winged dragons of legend, which devastated countries where the people were smaller. Consequently, humans are too big for men, so logically they`d become smaller, as winged dinosaurs became birds, to avoid extinction. The `little people` of folklore and legend represent the humans who`ve been `smalled` by men`s parasitoid devouring nature. In short, the faerie folk are the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`, which the Bible depicts the `dragon` as going off to wage war against, because he`s `wroth with the woman` as a male brained parasite that won`t accept the rule of human women`s more balancedly democratic futanarian nature.


1 .

2 Bills, Robert, `Capitalism, Socialism And The End Of History`, Socialist Labor Party’s 44th National Convention Banquet, Biltmore Hotel, Santa Clara, California, Saturday, April 10, 1999.

3 .

A Rainbow Somewhere Over The Human Host`s Angelic Coast

28/12/2015 15:09

A Rainbow Somewhere Over The Human Host`s Angelic Coast


Hollywood, in the United States of America, is pejoratively labeled `Babylon`, because of `a woman` in the Bible: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) The name `Babylon` was given to the capital city of the Persian Empire, while the term `Empire` isn`t understandable unless the biblical reference is translatable into knowledge. In ancient Greece homosexuality in pederasty for devouring warfare was institutionalized as host womb enslavement of women to feed the parasitoid nature of men, which is what `Empire` is. Hollywood, Los Angeles, was the media Empire of the United States of America, which is why it`s on the Angelic Coast, that is, the West Coast of the state of California in the USA. Satan was the angel who is the Emperor of the male brain. He rejected God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic host, which is why Hollywood Babylon is on the angelic coast. Turned into a serpent by God, and placed in the paradisal garden of Eden, with the first woman, Eve, and the first man, Adam, Satan was the `serpent` of the Bible from whom Eve accepted the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, because the serpent told Eve, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Because Eve`s host womb would be enslaved in ephemeral parasitism to parasitoid nature.

 Despite the parasitoid`s depredations, women`s host wombs would still produce civilization, culture and art for men to devour in warfare. Maintaining the Empire of the male brain was the reason the Romans crucified the Jewish Messiah, Jesus. Born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was uncontaminated by male semen. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and left to die, because of his teaching, which became the basis of Christianity`s worship of God, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` subsequent Resurrection, and Ascension to heaven, is deemed the Redemption God promised Eve; after she and Adam were expelled from Eden. Adam was told he must labor, while Eve would have labor pain in childbirth, and Eve`s `seed` would have `enmity` with the serpent`s, although: `You shall crush his head with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot in Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, represents the fulfilment of God`s promise to Eve and Redemption for Eve`s `seed` through Jesus, who is God`s `foot`, because women are futanarian and have penis` semen of their own to sexually reproduce as women together. Consequently, Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigures that of `woman`s seed`.

 Hollywood, Babylon, is the city of Satan, the propagandist, because women have been banned there since 1930: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 The futanarian woman can`t be seen getting into bed with her own species of women, that is, human sexual reproduction is forbidden in Hollywood, Los Angeles, city of the fallen angels, Babylon, because the USA wanted to maintain the Empire of the male brain. Although the Persian Empire, and that of the Greek, epitomize the Middle East and the West, the symbol in Western Europe in the 1930s was the fasces bundle of wood with an axe in the center, which was adopted by the German National Socialist (Nazi) government after the 1922 fascist government of Benito Mussolini in Rome was elected with the fasces as its symbol. The German fascist leader, Adolf Hitler, cut down trees for wood to build `death camps` inside which he put the Messiah Jesus` `chosen people` of the Bible, the Jews, killed and incinerated them, because the Jews` tradition was that a Jew could only be born from a woman, that is, the `chosen people` of the human race were futanarian, so Jews were women. The fasces axe was a symbol of male braining, that is, if the penis of the woman were removed, she wouldn`t be able to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers for the invention of labor saving devices, and medical science to confer immortality upon her species as God`s promised Redemption from men`s parasitoid nature. When the Japanese fascist Empire launched a surprise attack on the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, the USA fought against a traditionalist misogynist nation, which bound its women`s feet to prevent her futanarian nature from developing advanced technologies to run from men `s devouring parasitoid nature in the planets and stars of heaven above. When the planes Enola Gay and Bokscar dropped the atom bombs, `Little Boy` and `Fat Man`, on August 6 and 9, 1945, on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the war in the Pacific theatre was over, although the USA was still helping the West to defeat fascism. However, perceptions that the USA wasn`t fascist is belied by its acceptance of the `Hays code` (1930-67) from President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hay, which fascistically left the human race of futanarian women on the cutting room floor, which is what the fascists did in their `death camps`, beneath their false builders` symbol of a bundle of fence pales with an axe.



 American fascism isn`t new. The America Civil war (1861-5) was ostensibly fought to manumit black slaves brought from Liverpool, England, after being taken forcibly from their homes in Africa. Originally settled by white Europeans, the American government paid hunters to kill all of the buffalo in North America to starve to death the indigenous Plains` Indians, and so 60, 000, 000 buffalo were exterminated by the 1880s. Consequently, although the symbol of the USA is its flag, `the stars and stripes`, `stars` are what women are able to see from the Earth, while `stripes` are what women have upon their backs as they deliver beneath the whip of the slaver. In other words, the USA practices a different form of fascism, where `Little Boy` and Fat Man`, the atom bombs that were dropped on the Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, were its symbols of misogyny. When the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, was found in New York in the late 20th century to be spread by homosexuals mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in rejection of `woman`s seed`, the male brained Empire of Satan was launching a `biological weapon` to keep women in fearful monogamous ring slavery: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was reject the human host, which is why the `bread and wine` given to petitioners in Christian churches in emulation of Jesus` giving `bread and wine` to his disciples at the `Last Supper` is known as `the host`. Jesus gave the `bread and wine` to his disciples, as symbols of his `body and blood`, while Christianity promulgates the ritual of the receiving of `the host` as `transubstantiation`, whereby the recipient`s brain is expected to be transformed in metanoia (Mk: 1. 15), that is, conversion from the sin of rejecting `woman`s seed` through repentance.

 Although the USA espouses Christianity, by 1967 the release of the film Barefoot In The Park unofficially celebrating the end of the `Hays code`, with actress Jane Fonda as Corie and actor Robert Redford as Paul, failed to include a naked futanarian woman, because the actual nude form of a woman would necessarily include her penis` erection, which the Satanists don`t want to be seen lest the human race develop brainpower. To underline the USA`s plan for the permanent absence of women, actress Jane Fonda appeared the following year as Barbarella, Jean Claude Forest`s original Spring 1962 comic strip creation for French V-Magazine, who strips off her space suit at the beginning of the Hollywood Babylon science fiction film, Barbarella (1968), which was based on Forest`s artwork, to show everyone that women never had a penis. The plethora of nubile penisless women in Hollywood movies, after the business arrived with director D. W. Griffith`s Old California (1910), looked normal to boys and men, who were the new uneducated generations trapped in blind ignorant unconsciousness by movie propagandists, whereas the American public were encouraged to perceive Moslem women in Islam concealed publically beneath their one-piece coverall of the burka as abnormally concerned with hiding their naked form.

 Islam derived from Abraham`s marriage with Sara, who bore the founder of Judaism, Isaac. Barren afterwards, Sara gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E) from the angels, according to Islamic tradition, and which contains the story of Jesus and Mary, who`re Isa and Miriam therein, and Abraham`s story, whose children by two women forms the basis for Moslem polygamous marriage in which four wives are permissible and afford the opportunity for sexual reproduction between women, which is what the Americans don`t want undemocratic Western civilization`s enslaved peoples to discover. When the misogynist Taliban regime installed by the USA in Afghanistan in 1996 produced the terrorist organization Al Qaeda, which hijacked civil airplanes to crash into the World Trade Centre of New York city on September 11, 2001, it was a promulgation of `rough trade`, that is, a spreading of the  `Greek` contagion of `brutality and violence`. The Taliban regime was toppled by the US army in December 2001 and Saddam Hussein`s Iraq was invaded in March 2003, because the dictator supported Al Qaeda. After Saddam Hussein`s execution on December 30, 2006, the independent state of Iraq and Syria, led by Iraq`s Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, emerged to claim a swathe of territory for Islam, stretching from the Levant through Africa, and Europe as far as Spain, which afforded the parasitoid nature of men, grown from a serpent in Eden to a dragon in the USA, and the undemocratic nations of the West, an opportunity to devour `woman`s seed` represented by the hidden women of Islam.

 By proclaiming men free to slave women`s host wombs for homosexuality in pederasty and warfare, the USA pogroms the human futanarian race of women as an unelected and unopposed parasitoid devourer. Although Moslem Islam is dictatorial, marriages are 80% women at least, which is closer to the matriarchal authority of a single species of women, rather than a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes as a transvestite for America`s `TV war` against `woman`s seed` in the reality `snuff movie` socio-historical reportage of the `small screen` developed for human consumption after the `Hays code` for Hollywood Babylon`s `big picture` tried to screen women as a virus. In short, Hollywood`s women are screened for plague carrying, because men are the `biological weapon` of the `serpent`s seed` for war against `woman`s seed`, that is, Hollywood chooses the most beautiful pupal larvae for the spread of its contagion. The big eyed lure of the body appears that of a woman for the penis` semen of the subverted parasitoid nature of new men to impregnate, and that`s why there aren`t any women in Babylon`s Hollywood, or men either. Consequently, Jesus was a Jew of the `chosen people` born of a woman, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, because he was `the Son of Man`, and not a parasite in parasitoid nature`s maw of devourment.

 Although Moslem Islam seems different to Judeo-Christianity, it`s developed from an understanding of what `woman`s seed` is from God`s words about her `foot` to Eve in the Old Testament and Jesus` teaching of the human host in the New Testament, where the disciple, Judas, betrays Jesus, that is, the human host at the `Last Supper`, to the male brained Roman Empire as a `dissident`, although Jesus had offered Judas `bread and wine` as symbols of the forgiving `body and blood` of the human host of the race of futanarian women. Known for stealing from the collection plate, after Jesus` preaching to the throng gathered to hear the words of the miracle healer, Judas told a woman anointing Jesus` feet with expensive perfume that he thought the money should be sold to raise money, that is, Judas sold Jesus to the Romans for `thirty pieces of silver`, because he didn`t want Jesus` uncontaminated `seed` to sexually reproduce brainpower with a woman of Jesus` human futanarian species. In Islam, Jesus is called Isa, who is born of the Virgin Miriam, but who isn`t crucified by the Romans, because Moslems believe Isa`s entrance into heaven was undisturbed. Although Christianity`s New Testament illustrates Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension as a prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`, Islam`s four wife marriages constitute a practical acceptance of Jesus` teaching, so for Moslems Jesus` torment is an example of normative financial relations obtaining between `woman`s seed` and its Judeo-Christian enslavers, which women don`t want for each other.

 During the Bosnian war (1992-5) Serbian Christians were accused of fascism, because they built `rape camps` for 70, 000 and more Moslem women, based on the fasces` symbol of wood for fencing and axes for removing the penis and brains of women`s futanarian human race. When a generation of Moslems were male brained by Serbian Christians, it was effectively a blind for the beheading of the futanarian species of women. The Roman fasces was a symbol of thoughtful planning, that is, Rome`s planners built a wooden fence about themselves, after cutting wood with an axe, in order to plan undisturbed, whereas fascism used the fasces` symbol as a cowardly means of secretly exterminating upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews, who were told they were going to the showers at a holiday camp when they went to the gas chambers to be closed in and poisoned with `Zyklon`, a derivative of a pesticide developed in California, and which appears symbolically in Hollywood`s The Wizard Of Oz (1939) as the cyclone that carries actress Judy Garland`s character, Dorothy Gale, to children`s writer Frank L. Baum`s fantasyland, `Oz`, that is, the equivalent of the showers:


`Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.`2


 The rainbow was a symbol of God`s promise to the `chosen people` in the Bible, which is a colorful phenomenon that appears in the sky after a shower. Dorothy Gale`s farm in Kansas sequences are filmed in monochrome grey to accentuate the colorfulness of `Oz` after the cyclone drop, and where `Zyklon` is the German name for the gas with which the Jews were poisoned in the `death camps` by the fascists, who told them they were being taken to experience the holiday camp`s shower drops. Because `Zyklon` was originally manufactured in the USA, Dorothy Gale`s `cyclone` evidences Hollywood Babylon`s cooperation with parasitoid fascism`s confidence trick of assuring boys and men that they`ll go to heaven; even though their parasitoid fathers exterminated the human race.


1 .

2 Arlen, Harold, and E. Y. Harburg, `Over the Rainbow`, sung by Judy Garland in The Wizard Of Oz, MGM, 1939.

Saddam Hussein Wasn`t Beheaded And Neither Was Jesus

27/12/2015 07:23
Saddam Hussein Wasn`t Beheaded And Neither Was Jesus
Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, who was deposed after invasion by the US army in March 2003, after he was condemned by the United Nations organization for using poison gas against a Kurdish enclave within Iraq`s borders, was executed by hanging on December 30, 2006, which requires a rope to be tied around the neck and the body dropped through an opening beneath so that the neck is broken. There was a move amongst Moslems in Islam to have Saddam Hussein beheaded, because of the Arabian tradition of the storyteller Scheherezade, who told tales to the Mogul ruler, Shah Jehan, after he beheaded his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, as he believed she was unfaithful with his brother. Shah Jehan married a new bride each day thereafter and beheaded her each evening until Scheherezade told her tales which kept him interested enough to marry her and so the women were saved. The story of Scheherezade and Shah Jehan is the framing device for the 8th century collection, One Thousand And One Nights, and for the Arabians the tale of Saddam Hussein is another, which is why they wanted him to be beheaded. The analogous tale in Western tradition is the story of Jesus, who was born in Jewish Palestine of his mother, the Virgin Mary, who wasn`t faithless but bore a child uncontaminated by male semen. Jesus was a Messiah aware of the meaning of his birth and whose teaching was a simple homily: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) As Jesus was effectively the head of Mary, with the brain he`d inhereited from his virgin mother, he was `the son of man`, because Mary was `man`. The story began in Eden where Eve was tempted by the serpent, Satan, who`d been an angel in heaven and had rejected God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Turned into a serpent by God, Satan was placed on Earth in Eden where Eve, the first woman, was tempted by Satan to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, while the serpent, Satan, promised Eve and the first man, Adam, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God had give Eve and Adam the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, but the serpent, Satan, persuaded the pair to accept ephemeral host womb enslavement in parasitism. God expelled the pair from Eden telliing Adam he must labor while Eve would have labor pains in birth before Redemption from their original sin would occur: `You wiil crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography Jesus` mother is depicted crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with God`s `foot`, because Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen was that of a futanarian woman.
 Women are a species capable of sexually reproducing with each other as futanarians, which is why Eve is told she`ll have labor pains and Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, gave birth to the redeemer, Jesus, because Jesus represented the Redemption of Eve`s `seed` who God told would have `enmity` with the `seed` of the serpent. Obviously the serpent had `seed` and so did Eve, which suggests that the unredeemed men are Satan. Although Jesus` teaching was that Redemption for men was possible, unendurable eternal pain, that is, perdition, is God`s punishment for the evil, `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) By the late 20th century men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in rejection of `woman`s seed` resulted in the spread of the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, which functioned as a `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to misogynist ring slavery of the host womb of the human race in parasitism, and ephemeral death to maintain its enslavement. As a healer Jesus` perspective would be that sexual reproduction between women was necessary for the development of human brainpower so that labor saving technologies and immortality conferring medical science would be developed so that the species of futanarian women could escape from the parasitoid nature of men that emerged from the womb that was still able to produce civilization, culture and art in order to wage war on `woman`s seed` and devour the human host, which is what parasitoid creatures do.
 At his `Last Supper` Jesus gave `bread and wine` to his disciples as symbols of his `body and blood` because he represented futanarian `woman`s seed` and the need for men to convert from their sin of misogyny. Jesus` disciple Judas, who was known for stealing money from the collection plate, which was given by those gathered to hear Jesus` teaching, betrayed Jesus to the Roman Empire then occupying Jewish Palestine. When a woman was seen anointing Jesus` feet with expensive spikenard perfume, Judas suggested that the perfume be sold to raise money, so when Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem, where he was nailed to a cross of wood and left there to die, Judas was ensuring that this `woman`s seed` wouldn`t sexually reproduce brains that could conceivably threaten the Empire of misogyny in Satanism: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The serpent-dragon analogy is applied to Satan, because divorce from prehistoric saurian nature is what the BIble teaches. According to archaeologists, Tyrannosaurus Rex was the `Terrible Lizard` foremost amongst the saurians as a biped with two arms and a tail for balance. The humanoid raptors were replaced during the Mesozoic (248 m.a.) period of Earth`s prehistory when mammalian (220 m.a.) evolution began, although the concept of the tyrant remained amongst rulers, which is why Jesus is described as a new ruler:
`And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child. And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a scepter of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to his throne.` (Rev: 12. 5)
 After Jesus` crucifixion he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed` through the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers to reach the planet and stars of heaven above. The Roman Empire used the cross as a symbol of tyrannical rule, that is Tyrannosaurus Rex, because Jesus was `woman`s seed`, rather than the `serpent`s seed` of the dragon, which didn`t want human brainpower, because then the `food` that nourished the parasitoid creature would leave. Consequently, the likeliest reason for the disappearance of the dinosaurs was that the raptors ate them before using the mammalian host wombs to replicate. Evolution in Australia was marsupial, that is, creatures which emerged from pouches where they were kept by their mothers after birth, so futanarian human women`s evolution is what the raptor dinosaurs interfered with. Having eaten the other saurians, they ate the mammalian futanarian humans apart from a few host wombs, while the United States` mandatory `interventionist` corrective gender surgery for newborn futanarian humans suggests that the raptors are also `monitor lizards`. Closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) in schools, public transport, and hospitals; for example, indicate that the meat is being watched, lest it develop human brainpower and escape from the butcher. CCTV is for animals to monitor humans, because the humans aren`t animals. In Eden the serpent watched Eve and Adam, because Satan was an animal that wanted to host womb slave the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` for food, or whatever the parasite could force the species to produce before its parasitoid nature devoured humanity.
 When the independent state of Iraq and Syria emerged after Saddam Hussein was deposed after the March 2003 `TV war` waged by the USA, the misogynist war waged by the `serpent`s seed` against Moslem Islam with its four wife marriages affording the possibility of sexual reproduction between women within the human family of `woman`s seed` continued that of fascism`s with the `chosen people` of the Jews. As it isn`t possible for a Jew to be born unless from a woman, women are Jews. The difference between Islam and Judeo-Christianity derives from Abraham, whose wife, Sara, bore Isaac, who founded Judaism. After birthing Isaac, Sara was barren so she gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, whose descendant Mohamed received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels. Moslem four wife marriages derive from the pre-Islamic harem described in One Thousand And One Nights, for instance, where rich rulers could have many wives and human brainpower could be sexually reproduced between women. Consequently, warfare is the history of men`s extermination of brainpower and the desire of humans to escape extinction in ephemeral slavery in host womb parasitism to a devouring parasitoid nature that doesn`t want humanity to see the planets and stars of heaven above. Although Judeo-Christianity is frequently perceived as opposed to Islam, Jesus and Mary`s narrative from the New Testament of the Bible is related as that of Isa and Miriam`s in the Koran, while Abraham`s history from the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the Jewish Torah and Talmud, also appears in the Koran, because Judeo-Christianity and Islam are human socio-evolution narratives about the same subject, that is, how to ensure the sexual reproduction of human brainpower to facilitate the escape of `woman`s seed` from the `Terrible Lizard`.
 Although CCTV was a later addition to the global surveillance networks, television was the precursor invented by Scotsman John Logie Baird in 1926, which gradually came to prominence over the `big picture` movie screen propaganda produced by Hollywood, which banned women as early as 1930 after the first film Old California (1910) had been made by director D.W. Griffith there: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 The new medium of television followed the pattern of a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in transvestism`s `TV`, which is what heterosexuality was after the `Hays code` (1930-67) banned women from the film screen. The `live` reporting of `TV wars` during the 20th century was the real time `snuff movie` Hollywood had prepared humans to watch as it produced socio-historically detailed films of conflict within and between nations. The term `snuff movie` is used to describe the killing of real people for entertainment, which is recorded for film theater, or television video, and personal computer screenings from compact disk, although the term correctly describes `live` news reports of wars programed as entertainments by demon propagandists concerned to demonstrate how it was done by former generations possessed in male braining.
 Although misogyny is usually thought of as hatred of women, because the penis of the human race of futanarian women belonged to that species rather than men`s parasite and parasitoid nature, misogyny is understandable as penis hatred as well as hatred for women, because it`s women`s penis. Consequently, moral crusades are what Christians are duped into mounting against the desire of `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce in polygamy; for instance. Polygamy is absolutely normal for a species, but abnormal for a human species in host womb slavery for parasitism, and parasitoid devouring by its enemy in monogamy. In other words, women`s futanarian human race doesn`t want to be watched; to ensure that it doesn`t produce the brains it needs to escape from those watching it die for their entertainment. Preferring death `TV` on the `moral grounds` that the `serpent`s seed` are upset at the possibility of brainpower being sexually reproduced, `pornography`, that is,  films in which males demonstrate to younger males how the futanarian host womb of the human race of women is enslaved in parasitism for parasitoid devourment in warfare, is vilified on the erroneous assumption that `pornographic` images depict the ways in which the species engages in its favorite pastime, and that that pastime is morally reprehensible to the watchers, who in fact are not qualified to judge; as they aren`t the human race.
 Christian morality is rather more the sign of a dupe vilifying the human species because of a penis hating misogynist, who knows it`s the penis of the woman that it hates, because men`s parasitical parasitoid nature stole it. Paradoxically, the stolen penis interferes with men`s parasitoid devouring nature, which wants to consume the human race and, although the penis of the species` host womb restores parasitism through replenishment of the breeding stock after much loss of life in warfare; for example, penis` reproductive capacity prevents the parasitoid nature of the `serpent`s seed` of men from devouring the human host, which is why misogynists hate the penis itself and wage war upon `woman`s seed`. Feigning `moral outrage` over signs of the penis coming into view, misogyny persuades Christians to reject God`s plan:  `I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore.` (Gen: 22. 17) Pornography is evil, because it depicts men`s parasitical host womb enslavement of women`s futanarian human host womb, that is, a species with its own penis` semen for sexual reproduction of liberating brainpower. However, for the futanarian human race of women, men`s monogamists wouldn`t exist to have an opinion, that is, `pornography` would be the sex between women that men wouldn`t see, because they want to, and women aren`t their race, which is why the serpent, Satan, spied on Eve and Adam in Eden: `pornography` is food imagery, whereby the act of impregnation is `seed` for `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is ephemeral death in host womb enslavement in parasitism, and parasitoid devourment of the human host grown from the womb for warfare.
 If people are starved they look for food, and are further starved as spies, who their starvers don`t want to see. Similarly, `sex starvation` produces people who look for `foot`, that is, signs of `futanarian` human species` sexual reproduction, and they`re kept in blind ignorance and unconsciousness through censorship on `moral grounds` by penis hating misogyny, because penis` semen is `woman`s seed`. Misogyny feigns moral outrage, which the anti-Christian hopes to persuade the Christian to act upon because, for men in Satanism, it`s a question: how many people here are offended? Most news sites on the instantaneous information superhighway of the world wide internet web, which is run by the global telecommunictions` networks, through the `phone system for transmitting images and text, permit of comments from readers moderated by the operators of the websites, who invite other readers to report commentators for offensiveness. The word `penis` is itself deemed offensive in comments, because society doesn`t want its daughters to pictorially see futanarian women attached to penis of their own. Misogynists indicate that sex is offensive, so Christianity falls upon the human with the sword of moral righteousness, which laughability is the norm. From a Satanist perspective, whoever they hate is God`s second daughter, because a second daughter represents for Satanism a penis that they didn`t want, and so reporting the human for having a penis is enough for society to evince moral outrage against God`s second daughter, who is anyone with a penis.
 Being offended by the nudes, the Satanist is asking: how many people here are against humans? Anyone offended by women`s nude bodies is offensive, whereas Christians are taught by Satanism that women`s bodies are offensive, because God`s second daughter is the human futanarian woman with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of liberating brainpower. Developed brains could produce a cure for the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, which is a step towards a return to God`s promised immortality through medical science, that is, Redemption through brainwork. Because Satanism wants blind ignorant unconscious brainlessness, ephemerality in host womb slavery for parasitism, and so parasitoid devourment of the human race in warfare against `woman`s seed`, is what Satanists promulgate. Consequently, children never grow old, because the Satanists want to explain that they`re God`s second daughter`s penis, which Christianity falls upon with the sword of moral righteousness for being human. Brainpower producing labor saving technologies isn`t wanted, because it`d interfer with host womb slavery in parasitism, and devourment of the human race by men`s parasitoid nature. Consequently, the penis` power for sexually reproducing human brains is Satanism`s enemy, while Christianity and Judeo-Islam is encouraged to kill it, because it`s in the devouring nature of the parasitoid`s parasitism to enslave the host womb of the human futanarian race of women for extinction, which is a veiled aim fed to the nations as erectitudinousness, whereas homo erectus is likely to be preferred to homo sapiens if Satanism is allowed to continue to dictate socio-economic policy based on the principle that children shouldn`t have brains, because that constitutes a threat to the exclusive mother-father-daughter relationhip that doesn`t want God`s futanarian second daughter as that would interfere with the timing of father`s meals.
 In ancient Greece women`s host womb were enslaved in parasitism for parasitoid warfare and institionalized homosexuality in pederasty, while the Greek model of democracy is held to be the standard of Western civilization, whereas the futanarian human host of `woman`s seed` isn`t represented at all, although men can`t sexually reproduce with each other and so constitute 0% of the human vote, whereas women can sexually reproduce with each other, and so constitute 100% of the human vote. Consequently, Western democracy votes for whatever won`t disturb the timing of father`s meals, which are the parasitoid devourer`s wars against `woman`s seed`, who can`t defend herself, because she`s lost the franchise. Although Western democracy was seen by many to be represented by McDonald`s hamburger franchise and Hollywood Babylon movies as the unhailed liberators of Eastern Europe as the European Union grew, it represents slavery to the parasitoid nature of men. Although Islam`s dictatorships were perceived by the Western democracies as anathema, strong rulership would be necessary if `woman`s seed` was to flourish, so the much anticipated `Arab Spring`, in which the dictatorial regimes of Gadaffi of Libya, Ben Ali of Tunisia, and Mubarak of Egypt fell like `dominoes` across North Africa and the Middle East towards Israel, represented the rise of misogynist dictatorship with Abu Bakr Al Bagdadi`s independent state of Iraq and Syria`s bloody emergence as a newly declared Islamic Caliphate hypothetically stretching from the nations of the Middle East and throughout Europe`s after the deposing of Saddam Hussein, the undeclared Caliph of Baghdad, whose strong rulership wasn`t a model for `woman`s seed`, although Moslem Islam`s is, and Western democracy on the Greek model isn`t likely to produce a strong ruler for women, because it doesn`t want humans to succeed.
 Saddam Hussein`s story was of a man whose women were beheaded, whereas Shah Jehan`s story was of a man who beheaded his women, that is, the men were brainless, because the human futanarian race of women in Iraq were headless and unable to sexually reproduce brainpower with each other without leadership from a genuinely strong ruler. When Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging on December 30, 2006, the move to have him beheaded was a move against `woman`s seed` in Moslem Islam, whereas the Americans` `neck stretching` of him was a metaphor for `woman`s seed` in Iraq`s sexual reproductivity, that is, the Iraqi people`s neck would be made longer so that the US army could continue to axe its brains as a punishment, which is their Scheherezade`s story: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Babylon is `a woman` in the Bible, whose name was given to the capital city of the Persian Empire, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), the ruins of which Saddam Hussein could see from his summer palace at Hillah in Iraq. For Satanism sexual reproduction is a novel, and Hollywood Babylon is the media capital where novels are manufactured as movies. Because `smoking` is a euphemism for oral sex with the penis, the penis is perceived as a cigarette by novelists, so Babylon`s Hollywood novel is a book burner`s. Metaphorically the oil wars in the Middle East are for cigarette lighter fuel, because petrol in the tanks is deemed necessary for Adolf Hitler`s Nazi book burning program. Hitler was the fascist German leader who, along with Japanese Emperor Hirohito, and Italy`s Benito Mussolini, who was elected in 1933, and whose Roman symbol, the fasces` bundle of wood with an axe in the centre, was adopted by Hitler, whose policy towards the `chosen people` of the Bible, the Jews, was that they should be burned in incinerators along with their books in `death camps` built with wood cut with axes for fences, because Hitler and the other fascist leaders were smokers who didn`t want God`s novel.
 As Satan didn`t want the angelic host to be replaced by the human futanarian host of `woman`s seed`, so Judas betrayed the human host, Jesus, at the `Last Supper`, because Judas didn`t want Jesus` `seed` from his mother, the Virgin Mary, that is, human `seed` uncontaminated by male semen, to sexually reproduce liberating human brainpower. Hitler didn`t want the Jewish tradition of Jews born only from women, because that was a threat to Western democracy. If women`s futanarian humanity couldn`t sexually reproduce human brainpower, so they wouldn`t be host womb slaves to men in parasitism`s devouring parasitoid nature, democracy would be established, rather than dictatorship. Similarly, if Moslem Islam`s four wife families were utilized for the sexual reproduction of futanarian `woman`s seed` by women, religious dictatorship wouldn`t be anathema but signs of the human species` acceptance of God`s rule, which isn`t democratic, but it is human. If the Old Testament of the Bible, the New Testament, and the Koran are viewed as competing novels, Adolf Hitler`s book burning is a serial killer`s. Because men`s media says that men can`t sexually reproduce with each other, and women can`t sexually reproduce with each other either, the inability of the human race to develop brainpower to escape host womb slavery in parasitism to a parasitoid nature is evidently the species` problem. The madness of world leaders is symptomatic of a concerted attempt to remove the human race`s brainpower, which is what the fates of dictators Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein represent. Although the United States of America`s symbol is `Liberty`, what she keeps beneath her skirts isn`t known, and Hollywood Babylon`s `Hays code` (1930-67) banned women from being seen in movies, which is equivalent to the Moslem Islam tradition of women covering themselves publically with the one-piece coverall of the burka from which only their eyes can be seen. Consequently, the book burner is a prevaricator who is extinguishing the human species as a murderer`s last cigarette, that is, men want to write a better book, but it just isn`t in them.
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Jesus Christ`s Birth Changed The World By His Nature, And Not His Teaching, Which was His Nature

20/12/2015 21:57

Jesus Christ`s Birth Changed The World By His Nature, And Not His Teaching, Which was His Nature

Jesus was born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, which event changed the world, and fulfilled God`s promise to Eve that women`s labor pains would end with Redemption, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Jesus was the Redeemer of `woman`s seed`, that is, the futanarian `foot` race of women with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers through their own host wombs of women. With stronger brains than men, women would crush the head of the serpent, whose brain enslaving male `seed` the story of Eve in Eden depicts inveigling itself into the host wombs of her futanarian species of women with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, power over brainless ephemerals in unmemoried ignorance, rather than God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The unmaled stronger brain of women born through the futanarian human species of women`s sexual reproduction with each other would be God`s `foot` crushing the Empire of the male brain represented by the Roman Empire in Jesus` time that was occupying Jewish Palestine as a possessing demon. Jesus` death at the hands of the representatives of the Roman Empire in Palestine when he was nailed to a cross of wood upon the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem as a `dissident` against the male brained Empire of Rome, preceded his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because that`s what God planned for `woman`s seed`. Pope Pius XI`s declaration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary to heaven in 1950 recognized the position of women as the adulterated human race of futanarian women suppressed in male braining, and made subject to host womb slavery to men of the `serpent`s seed`, which Jesus` birth and death promised she`d transcend in Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. The Pope in Rome`s papal decree made it doctrinal that women were assumed to belong in heaven because men practiced the adulteration of her species, which is why Jesus was so lenient with the woman caught in adultery by the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, when she was brought to him to be judged. For Jesus it was laughable that a parasite should accuse a woman of adultery, `Teacher, this woman hath been taken in adultery, in the very act. Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such: what then sayest thou of her?` (John: 8. 4-5) In his life and teaching Jesus was careful not to reveal the truth to men, because that would result in pogroms against `woman`s seed`, `He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.` (John: 8. 7) Pogroms against `woman`s seed`, that is, the `chosen people` of the Jews, are what occurred; for example, during the National Socialist Party of Germany`s attempt to enslave Europe between 1939 and 1945 when 6,000,000 Jews were exterminated in `Nazi` death camps:

 `And they, when they heard it, went out one by one, beginning from the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the midst. And Jesus lifted up himself, and said unto her, `Woman, where are they? Did no man condemn thee?` And she said, `No man, Lord.` And Jesus said, `Neither do I condemn thee: go thy way; from henceforth sin no more.` (John: 8. 9-11)

 Although the scene has pathos, the only thing missing from Jesus` ridiculing of the Pharisees is the `canned laughter` dubbed onto situation comedies made for television when it`s felt that the studio audience need encouragement to laugh when they`re invited to watch the actors perform the comic scenes written for them by the writer(s). The Pharisees are suggesting that the futanarian human race of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own developed and inventive brains` powers for liberation through the technologies she could devise to save her labor is adulterating the enslaving parasite which has stolen her penis as a viral life from to emerge from her host womb and kill her race in its wars upon her Earth that parasitology predicts it will do.

 Although Christianity thinks of itself as conducting a moral crusade against adulterous humanity when it mounts disapproving campaigns against nudity and pornography, it`s an uneducated and ignorant reaction of an occluded and occluding faction within the societal framework that can`t see, or doesn`t want others to see, that the pure futanarian human penis` `seed` of women with their own host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for freedom from host womb slavery to men of the `serpent`s seed` is adulterated by marriage in ring slavery to an owner that seeks the death of her race through adulteration and male braining`s Empire of war to extinction in parasitism. The Advent of the Antichrist was predicted in the Bible that declares Jews the `chosen people`, because Jews are born only from women, and so are women, and Antichristian thinking is what the devil crew`s AIDS is. The serpent in Eden was the angel, Satan, called the devil in Christianity, and turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that humans would be greater than angels. Although Greek democracy is held as the basis for Western civilization, culture and art, the Greeks imposed institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and the enslavement of the host wombs of women to spread their contagion of war, and the HIV/AIDS incurable killer disease virus was spread by homosexual men mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anus as the `biological weapon` ensuring women`s fearful faithfulness to  misogynist  slavery for their futanarian human species with its own penis` semen and host wombs` liberation from the devil crew`s AIDS against her race.

 Although the Moslems of Islam are perceived as the agents of the Antichrist by extremist Christianity, the male braining of a generation of Moslems in the Eastern European `rape camps` set up by the Christian Serb militia during the Bosnian war (1992-95) indicates the problem with such thinking. Socio-historically, the teachings of the Prophet Mohamed, as recorded in the Koran (610-30 C.E.) of Islam, and written more than six hundred years after Christ, who prophesied that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, derive from Abraham`s marriage with Sara, to whom was born Isaac, the founder of Judaism, and the child, Ishmael, who was born to Hajer, Sara`s maid, after Sara was barren and gave Hajer to Abraham to `wive`. Islam devolved from the perception that more than one wife was permissible and Moslems are permitted four, which provides a platform for sexual reproduction between women within a family, and so is more democratic and Christian than the Antichristian thinking of the West, which enslaves women for the devil crew`s AIDS in male braining and ownership as property so that her species can`t breed and enfranchise herself within democratic institutions. Although many Moslem nations are autocratic, that`s due to Islamic extremist thinking in which women are slaves as they are in the West.

 When Al Qaeda terrorists operating from Afghanistan crashed hijacked civil airliners into the World Trade Center in New York city on September 11, 2001, it was an attempt by the `serpent`s seed` to precipitate global `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence` which is associated with homosexuality in pederasty, and the United States of America`s toppling of the Afghan misogynist Taliban regime before invading Iraq, where dictator Saddam Hussein had offered bases to Al Qaeda, was interpretable as a sign only of Western democracy seeking to impose its disenfrachising of `woman`s seed` upon Moslem populations, rather than giving women in Islam the vote that would ensure genuine democracy for the human race there that had achieved sexual reproduction with a family framework between women:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

  Although modern Iraq was the site of the ancient city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), Babylon is described as a `woman` in the Bible, because adulteration of `woman`s seed` was the fate of women enslaved to homosexuality in pederasty and war as the abomination of the Earth. Consequently, Hollywood in the city of the angels, that is Los Angeles on the West coast of the state of California in the United States of America, was `Babylon` because that was where war in homosexuality and pederasty`s propaganda films were made. When Iraq was invaded in March 2003, the subsequent Gulf war and the deposing of Saddam Hussein in the Babylon of the East, was what men want women for. The Gulf war was Hollywood, Babylon. Saddam Hussein`s name means `crusher` and `small handsome man`, because for Hollywood, Babylon, World Trade Center (2007) was a movie first shown `live on CNN` and other television networks that improved their ratings on the `small screen` of television as the moustachioed Saddam Hussein acted the role of the man seeking to crush the head of the woman in accordance with the script of Hollywood, Babylon.

 The `Hays code` (1930-67) of Will Hays, President of the Movie Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), forbade woman`s `foot` from being raised from the floor in bedroom scenes in Hollywood films as a false moral crusade against nudity and pornography that might reveal `woman`s seed` as the true human species. Genuine `adult` films have women`s penis in them as a given factor within the socio-economic framework of the film`s plot, and post `Hays code` movies like actress Jane Fonda, as Cory, and actor Robert Redford, as Paul, in the romantic comedy, Barefoot In The Park (1967), actually depict woman`s acquiescence in host womb slavery and homosexuality in pederasty`s ring of ownership for `woman`s seed`. Barefoot In The Park suggests nudity and freedom, but the absence of the woman`s penis from any supposedly adult movie means occlusion in ignorance for the children of the Earth doomed by Christianity`s false perception of itself as a hero waging war in `moral crusades` against pornographic depictions of women`s degradation, whereas in fact Christianity`s celebrating and supporting women`s host womb slavery in parasitism and ephemeral death it by keeping the pure futanarian human species of `woman`s seed` adulterated, blind, and a brainless schizophrenic, who can`t even recognize her own species` self in the mirror of her own penis` desire for sexual reproduction with a human, and so is degenerated as a race lacking the brainpower to develop the labor saving technologies and medical science `woman`s seed` needs to ensure longevity of body and memory for her humanity so that men`s redundancy is perceivedly permanent as their handicapping of women, in a three-legged race in which her `foot` is tied to that of a parasite, who is not of her species, will end.

 Christianity has been taught that competition is what life is about, whereas Jesus` birth changed the world, because his mother, the Virgin Mary, naturally birthed `woman`s seed` for future Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Jesus` teaching, `love your neighbor as you love yourself,` (Mk: 12. 31) was Jesus` explication of the meaning of his nature`s birth for `woman`s seed`. Repressed into schizophrenic subjugation, and taught she`s an abnormal but tolerated `lesbian`, if she loves `the girl next door` as a member of her own species, women`s daughter is actually nature`s winner deprived of the prize for the race by a parasite that doesn`t want humanity to succeed by nature. By preventing human women`s sexually reproducing their brainpower for success, the simian slaves her race. Jesus` success by nature is evinced in his being able to found the Christian church, which became a global religion, by his birth and words alone. At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus as the human host offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to his disciples but Judas Iscariot, preferring the male brained Empire of Rome`s enslaving of the host womb of the human species, represented by Jesus as host and `woman`s seed` at the `Last Supper`, betrayed Jesus as a `dissident` for `thirty pieces of silver`, and woman`s Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was delayed. Although the disciple Peter was the first head of the Roman church after Jesus` Ascension, and one of his successors, Pope Pius XI, decreed in 1950 the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, that is, that `woman`s seed` was assumed by Christianity to belong in heaven, it was Jesus` nature that changed the Earth rather than competition, which is the socio-economic meaning for men who, living as slavers of the host womb of the human race, want to see it struggling in its death throes rather than succeed by nature.

 British Prime Minister (1979-90), Margaret Thatcher, was an advocate of  `free market economy`, which argued that demand increased supply, and so producers that produced what humans wanted would succeed. Thatcher`s government in Britain supported the European Economic Community (1957) as a union of producing nations that became the European Union (1993) incorporating nations throughout Europe as partners within a system based on the principle that the inventor of a good product could succeed by nature against competition. However, the fabled purchase by the United States` Chrysler car manufacturer of an engine designed to run on water rather than oil, gave the lie to success by nature. A water fuelled car would deprive the oil producing Arab nations and others of revenue, while car manufacturers other than Chrysler would have to abandon oil driven car manufacture. Consequently, the water fuelled car was consigned to fable, which is what competing industries do with ideas that would make improvements that would save humans labor but would lessen their profits. As a result, humans live at simian levels, because men prefer parasitism to progress. Because men aren`t humans, they`ve developed the water driven car, because it`s water driving, while the human women, particularly in Arabia, where women are forbidden to drive, necessarily take a back seat to the race driver, who looks as if he`s advocating competition, but in fact he`s an alien slave driver preventing the human even from running its own race as the parasite keeps the better woman down.

Christianity`s Merry Go Round

20/12/2015 21:56

Christianity`s Merry Go Round

Jesus Christ`s Nativity was attended by the appearance of a star above the stable in Bethlehem, where his mother, Mary, was sheltering as she went on a journey to fulfil a census requirement imposed by the occupying Roman Empire in Jewish Palestine. Although Mary is described in Christianity as the Virgin Mary, she was married to Joseph. The story of the Virgin Mary`s birthing of Jesus is that she was a virgin, which means that Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, and that`s why he was a star. The Hollywood, Babylon `star system` of movie actors and actresses follows the pattern of Jesus` birth from humble origins. As the star of Christianity, Jesus`s teaching is the central facet, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus introduced this teaching as the distillation of God`s law. Hollywood stars are taught the law of public humility, because their star is in the ascendant; like Jesus` to begin with. The Jewish Pharisees, that is, the Jewish rabbis, and the Roman Empire, sought to bring the star of Jesus down; much in the way that movie critics attempt to ruin the careers of stars they disapprove of and so stars are taught to feign humility and declare themselves Christians.

 Michael Jackson`s fate was Christ-like. Born to aspire to greatness amongst the Jackson family`s The Jackson Five pop music group of performers, Michael`s huge success brought him a mansion and financial security. Accused of pedophilia and invaded by the police before the criminal lawyers stole everything they could, the medical establishment finally killed Michael with over prescribing of drugs, and his star was brought down, because that`s what Christians really do. The role of the police was as a poisonous spider paralyzing an individual until he was unable to move, while the lawyers had the role of stealing from the paralyzed body of Michael`s success, and the Christian merry-go-round of star to fallen star was responsible through the rumor mill of accusation and persecution for imagined misbehavior.

 Bringing a superstar low is what Judas Iscariot`s story represents. As the human host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus gave `bread and wine` to his disciples as symbolic of his `body and blood`, while Judas betrayed the human host by calling Jesus a `dissident` of the Roman Empire, which resulted in Jesus being nailed to a cross of wood atop the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem where he remained until he died. Afterwards Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because the Pharisees, the Romans, and Judas couldn`t keep Jesus` star from reascending. The game that Christianity plays is to knock down stars and see if they can reascend: like Jesus! Consequently, Christianity isn`t what it is thought to be. In the Bible, Satan is the angel of heaven who was turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that humans would be greater than the angels, and many of them fell with Satan in rebellion against God`s plan that the human host should be angelic. In humanity`s original paradisal home of Eden, Satan, as the serpent, tempted Eve, the first woman, to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which was death, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Giving the first man, Adam, some of the fruit, Eve and Adam were expelled from paradise for rejecting God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, in favor of death, which was the power offered by the serpent, because ephemeral humans who remained ignorant, because untutored, could be enslaved if they died quickly without understanding.

 Jesus said that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, which represented the tutoring that the human species lacked. Expelled from Eden Adam was told by God he must work while Eve would experience labor pains, although women`s labor would result in Redemption, because the Virgin Mary would birth Jesus Christ, the Messiah: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The term for humans uncontaminated by male semen is `futanarian`, because human women have their own penis` semen for the host wombs of their own species and the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation from slavery in death. Consequently, Eve`s `foot` is her futanarian species of women. When Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus at the `Last Supper` he was betraying the future angelic human host of heaven, because Jesus prefigured the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed`.

 Jesus` story is of God`s `star system`, where the ascended star is humanity`s, rather than the angel, Satan`s. Michael Jackson`s story is of a human star brought low by Christianity, after the police were encouraged to paralyze him as an individual, and the lawyers thieved everything they could. Michael danced and sang `The Way You Make Me Feel` with Britney Spears at his 30th anniversary revue on September 7, 2001, before his death in 2009, and Britney Spears experienced the same attempts by the establishment to paralyze, thieve from her, and make her impoverished. A human star robbed of her children, Sean and Jayden, by a court of law, after her divorce from Kevin Federline in 2007, Britney Spears was hounded by the paparazzi. Snapping a picture of Sean`s cap falling off while she hurried to a car near Central Park by the Ritz hotel she was staying at, the paralyzing police and the criminal lawyers used the snapshot as a fulcrum for labeling her an `unfit mother`, and the courts nominated others to administer her fortune rather than that she had control of the money she earned for herself. Conservator Jason Trawick got his position as an administrator by telling the court he was her fiancée but he never married her, and so effectively the court gave her fortune to someone who said that, to paraphrase a standard Christian term for adultery, he `knew` her. Although the concept of stars being crucified in the media is so common as to be passé, the stories of Michael and Britney are so similar to that of Jesus Christ that it makes nonsense of the claims of Christianity to be representing Western civilization, culture, and art.

 Stars might say that they`re Christians, but it`s the stars that perform, not the Christians that knock them down, and who take their delight in humbling those who emulate the Ascension of Jesus. Obsessed with Resurrection, Christianity wants to humble stars by making them poor so they can reascend and then the Christians can laud the Resurrection. However, Jesus` birth wasn`t a reincarnation and knocking down stars to see them reascend is. Jesus` Resurrection was forced upon him by his murderers, whereas Christianity perceives Resurrection and Ascension as its methodology. Stars aren`t resurrected unless they want to be, which means that Christianity is a torture wheel. Stars aspire and Christians knock them down. The police are their poisonous spider paralyzing their movements, while all the thieves are criminal lawyers plotting to steal with the help of the law, and the Christians look to see who the biggest stars are so they can humble them in the name of God and wait for the stars to aspire to ascendancy again so that the police, the criminals and the Christians can plot their descent again. Jesus` life and teaching is of a star ascendant but brought low by the police, the law, and Judas Iscariot as the treacherous Christian disciple, while Jesus again rose to heaven after Resurrection, because he was `woman`s seed`, although the history of Christianity suggests that they`d have brought Jesus low again if they could, just as they sought to bring down Michael and Britney.

 Judas betrayed Jesus to Rome, because he was a modern Christian. Prefiguring the Resurrection of futanarian `woman`s seed` of women able to sexually reproduce with women, Jesus was a threat to the Empire of male braining, which Judas` treachery supported: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Without women`s sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers as the futanarian human species with their own penis` semen, women are sex slaves, which is why Hollywood is named for `a woman` of the Bible, who is depicted as a harlot and mother of abominations. The ancient Persian city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) lies in modern Iraq, and Hollywood is centered mainly upon the city of the angels, that is, Los Angeles, on the West Coast of the state of California in the United States of America, and is called `Babylon` by the movie world, because it`s a harlot and a mother of abominations. The `Hays code` of the Movie Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), implemented in 1930 by its President Will Hays, forbade women to raise their foot off the floor in bedroom scenes in films, because the absence of the woman`s penis in movies would contribute to the demise of the human species. In force until 1967 and the release of celebratory movies like the gentle romantic comedy, Barefoot In The Park, which effectively mocked `woman`s seed` of futanarian humanity from the vantage point of the successfully married Christian couple, actress Jane Fonda as Cory, and actor Robert Redford as Paul, the `Hays code` neutralized `woman`s seed` until Hollywood, Babylon, was firmly established as a harlot and a mother of abominations promoting `action` movies celebrating death in war. Jesus` teaching was against the male brained Empire of Rome`s warlike nature, which means that Christianity should be against the male brained Empire of Hollywood, Babylon, that poses as Christianity but is Satanical. Having brought low the futanarian star of Jesus` `woman`s seed`, Christianity Hollywood style seeks to paralyze, steal, and bring down the remnants of the stars of God, because it`s Babylon, and the city of the angels (L.A.) is where the rebel angels of Satan don`t want Jesus` futanarian star of humanity to ascend at all.

 Although Hollywood, Babylon, may be a harlot and the mother of abominations, because the male and female `leading man` and `leading lady`, which is stereotypical to the movie industry, represent the subjugation of women`s futanarian human species independence as a species able to sexually reproduce as a race without men by means of their own suppressed penis` semen for their own host wombs and brains, women aren`t naturally harlots to their own single species independent of ownership through ring slavery to male brained evil Empires. The `star system` of Hollywood, Babylon, tells women that it`s about competing for a man, and for a man it`s about competing for a woman, whereas it`s about women`s daughters being occluded from the knowledge that they`re not in competition for anything other than the love of the `girl next door` after mother`s love, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Women aren`t the whore of Hollywood, Babylon, which is a product of male braining, whereby everyone is a `small screen` TV star, because all are transvestite (TV) characters in male braining, wearing each others` clothes after being coached by the `big screen` of the movie industry to be its television medium of propaganda for `TV war`. As an independent single futanarian human species with her own penis` semen for her own host wombs, Pope Pius XI made the Assumption of the Virgin Mary doctrine in the Christian church in 1950, because women`s host wombs were contaminated in parasitism, and so the Pope could do no other than decree woman`s Ascension to heaven by virtue of being the host womb of the human race, while praying for her Resurrection and men`s Redemption through repentance and conversion from their sin of slaving her for her species` extinction in race war against her humanity as her alien devouring dragon grown since its days as a worm in Eden to make war men, that is, worm men, and nihilism out of women: `And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.` (Rev: 12. 3) Because that`s what the unrepentant alien male brain has so far done with the human `woman`s seed` of the Earth.

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