
The Armies Of The Vampire

15/12/2016 20:33

The Armies Of The Vampire

The New Testament of the teaching of Jesus `Christ`, that is, `the chosen`, refers to the `red dragon` grown since its days as the serpent, Satan, who had been an angel, but was transformed by God and placed in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden, because he rejected God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. According to the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the Torah and Talmud, which is the history and law of God`s `chosen people`, the Jews, the serpent, Satan, gave Eve, the first woman created by God, the creator, and Adam, the first man, `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, that is, slavery in memoryless ephemerality, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) In Jesus` disciple John`s Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible, which Christians believe supersedes the Old Testament of the Jews, the serpent, Satan, grown to the size of the `red dragon` is depicted: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In folklore, dragons are draco that become immortal by drinking the blood of their victims, who were usually described as virgin women. The vampires had genuine historical antecedents, for example, Prince Vlad Dracul of Wallachia (1431-76/7) in Eastern Europe, who impaled his victims on wooden stakes after battles, gave his name to the fictional character, Dracula, in Bram Stoker`s novel, Dracula (1897), which became the basis of the popularized folklore attending descriptions of the creature in the mass media. However, the biblical narrative of Eve and Adam describes the creature accurately as the human species` host womb slaver for war against `woman`s seed`.



 Eve is told by God her `seed` will have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`: `You will crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Judaism the first man, Adam, is called the anthropos, and s/he is hermaphroditic, which explains the reason for the emergence of Eve from `the side` of Adam. Although Eve is described as created from the `rib` of Adam by God, she`s the daughter of human futanarian `woman`s seed` for whom self-fertilization is a species` survival trait. In Christianity Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted iconographically as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus Christ is the redeemer of the species of Eve`s futanarian  `seed`. Born uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus is the `Second Adam` representing the possibility of sexually reproducing human brainpower uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed`, whose objective is to contaminate the `body and blood` of humanity. Consequently, Jesus` giving `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood`, to his disciples, at what came to be called the `Last Supper`, represents rapprochement between `woman`s seed` and men`s: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) In ancient Greece women`s host womb were institutionally enslaved for homosexuality in pederasty and war, which by the late 20th century had become `biological warfare against humanity. Mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of women`s mode of sexual reproduction, men spread their `incurable killer disease` ensuring women`s faithfulness in ring slavery to misogyny, that is, the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) causing organ collapse and aquired immuno-deficiency sysndrome (AIDS) resulting in brain death through the injection of infected semen into the anus and its serpent-like rise through the central nervous system of the body with its poison to kill the brain, which is what Jesus` disciple John`s prophesy of the future, Revelation, saw that men`s blood drinking draco did in order to maintain `woman`s seed` as a host womb slave to ensure the immortality of its collective evil spirit.



 In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, and the child of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` is her futanarian daughter, which the draco doesn`t want to be born, because s/he represents a threat to its male braining for war and enslavement of the human host womb for parasitoid devouring by the `serpent`s seed`: `And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her child as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) Although the child is described as male and a man, and is interpreted as the `Second Coming` of Jesus to the Earth, who was taken to heaven after the Romans  nailed him to a cross of wood where he died as a `dissident` Jew, but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed` through the power of her own brains` powers to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth, it`s more logical for the redeeming child to be futanarian `woman`s seed`. In short, because Adam was a hermaphroditic anthropos, when Jesus came a second time he`d be `Adamic man`, that is, human futanarian `woman`s seed`. The transubstantiation symbolism  of the Roman Catholic church, in which Jesus` body and blood` is given to the petitioner in the form of a wafer and a sip of wine from the officiate`s chalice, represents the transformation expected to occur when humans are born from `woman`s seed` in heaven. There, children`s parents will be women and, as a single uncontaminated species, they won`t marry with a creature that possesses their host wombs by accusing them of being lesbians planning to have children incestuously with their own species` genitalia.



 The story of Satan and his `rebel angels` is that of a parasite, which millions of years ago inveigled itself into the human futanarian species` ova to steal its penis` semen and replicate itself as the parasitoid killer of `woman`s seed`: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Jesus` birth was his mother`s teaching, that is, born uncontaminated of the `serpent`s seed` from the Virgin Mary, Jesus shouldn`t want to live with parasitoid vampires, who drank human blood. Mary`s Assumption bodily into heaven was made doctrine in 1950 by Pope Pius XI, a successor to the first spiritual and temporal leader of the Roman Catholic church, Jesus` disciple Peter, because women`s exponential capacity for reproduction, as colonizers of the planets amongst the stars, is because she belongs there, whereas men`s history of warfare against her futanarian species` `remnant`, as the armies of the blood drinking draco subjugating her upon the Earth, suggests that men don`t belong in heaven, which is the reason for Jesus` offering `bread and wine` as symbols of the `body and blood` of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to the disciples in friendship. By giving men a chance to convert from sinful parasitoid nature, which is the evil legacy of the `serpent`s seed`, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven through acceptance of `woman`s seed` is possible. Because God`s angels are depicted as being in heaven also, the identity of Satan`s depends on the biblical narrative of the serpent that became a winged dragon, that is, as saurian evolution 248 m.a. in the Mesozoic period of Earth`s prehistory preceded hominids` 220 m.a., God`s angels are saurians. Consequently, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven depends on men`s acceptance of human futanarian `woman`s seed` because, if they can`t accept humanity, men won`t be able to accept extraterrestrial `angels`, that is, help, and the armies of men`s undead vampires will continue to attempt to run the race like animals.

 When Jesus met a man on the road near the town of Gadarene, the man told him, `My name is Legion.` (Mk: 5. 9) During that period the legions of the armies of the Emperor of Rome, Tiberius, were then occupying Jewish Palestine, so the demoniacally possessed man Jesus met was a symptom of the Roman occupation by the draco. When Jesus ordered the demons to leave the man, `Legion` asked to be allowed to enter into a herd of pigs and, when Jesus agreed, Legion entered the pigs, which ran off a cliff and drowned, because that`s what parasitoid men seek to do with humans. According to folkore, vampires can`t be seen in the mirror, because women can`t see their own penis there. In short, the vampire has already drunk that blood, and the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, is the late 20th century `sign` of its attempt to drink the `remnant` of the blood of `woman`s seed`. The folktale, Snow White,1 is the clearest description of the schizophrenic psychopathology induced in women by men`s vampirism. The queen is told by her mirror that Snow White is more beautiful and, rather than having Snow White sexually, the queen repeats what occurs in the biblical narrative between Eve, Adam, and the serpent, Satan, and gives her poison fruit, because that`s how the draco, Satan, killed the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` in order to keep her as a host womb slave for the perpetual emergence of its evil parasitoid devouring nature in immortal war against her race.

 HIV/AIDS is the `biological war` waged by the contaminated `serpent`s seed` against the uncontaminated human futanarian `remnant` of `woman`s seed` represented by Jesus` mother, Mary, as the elect descendant of Eve`s `seed`. Upon Jesus` death, the Roman guard, Longinus, speared Jesus` side with his spear: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Jesus` teaching was that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, and the Romans understood that, as the `Second Adam`, the Holy Spirit, who was called the `spirit of God`, that is, the Shekinah that dwelt in the temple of the Jews, would emerge as the `Second Eve` to teach them, which was the reason Jesus was killed. The Romans saw Jesus as an aspect of the human `shell`, from whom Eve had emerged, and the `Second Eve`, that is, Jesus` Holy Spirit, would emerge. As an aspect of the `serpent`s seed`, the Romans` saurian nature was to break into the shell of the human egg and eat it. Consequently, for the Romans, Jesus` Holy Spirit was The Good Food Guide, which has been published since 1951, the year Pope Pius XI made the Assumption of Jesus` mother, Mary, bodily into heaven, the doctrine of the Roman church: `You can corrupt one man. You can`t bribe an army.`2 Raymond Postgate`s vision of an incorruptible gourmet army deployed to locate the whereabouts of good food is what Satanism wanted Jesus` Holy Spirit for. The good would show them heaven, and they`d eat it. Although Jesus` crucifixion preceded his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, the cross of wood resembles a puppeteer`s `control`, that is, the holes in Jesus hands and feet, made by the nails, were for putting strings through, so that the puppeteer could use the wooden cross of the control, to which the strings would be attached, to make of the human a puppet. Consequently, Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension into heaven was conceived as a game of `cat and mouse` wherein the puppeteer relaxed the strings, and then tightened the control again when the puppet had found food. It was the practice of the Romans to make their Emperor a `god`. Consequently, Longinus` observation was that Jesus was `the son of god` with a small `g`, because the Empire was a puppet controller for the `serpent`s seed` in Satanism, which would eat heaven through its control of Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension, and The Good Food Guide, which was God`s Holy Spirit to teach them how to find it.

 In  Judaism, `Sheol` is the place of `broken pots`, because it`s a metaphor for the shells of people possessed by evil spirits that want to see heaven, so they can eat it as parasitoid devourers that enter the human, and make a shell of it from which to emerge. Consequently, it`s in the interests of the parasitoid `serpent`s seed` that the human remain blindly possessed by the demoniacal spirits that can see heaven; although the human is occluded. The woman who can`t see her own species` penis in the mirror is blinded. Consequently, she can`t see the vampire in the mirror, but is taught that the vampire is her partner, without mentioning that her partner is the draco, which means that, although the vampire drinks her blood, it`s no reflection on hers. The armies of men are the contaminated vampires drinking the blood of the `remnant` of the human futanarian `seed` of women to maintain slavery of the host womb of the race in childlike memoryless ephemerality`s instructability for an immortal collective evil spirit manifesting itself as a parasitoid practising `conventional war`, which is indistinct from `conventional marriage`, that is, host womb ring slavery in misogynist species` hatred, a `stealth` biotechnology for the spread of homosexuality in pederasty`s war against `woman`s seed` through HIV/AIDS` `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness, while the blood of the `remnant` of her `seed` is drunk by the contaminated.

 In the New Testament of the Revelation of Jesus` disciple John describes the `beasts` who are numbered one and two, and describe what men and women have been manufactured as, that is, a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism, which by 1926 was persuading the Earth through the medium of the television `TV` machine invented by John Logie Baird to wage `TV war` against the `remnant` of humanity: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) When the US spent $ 1 billion to manufacture and keep airborne each `stealth` B1 and B2 `Spirit` bomber, men and women`s `TV war` on behalf of the parasitoid alien was evidently against Jesus` `seed` and its Holy Spirit. Used during the Bosnian war (1992-5), the `stealth` bomber, which resembled a winged vampire, was a horrific logical concomitant of the `rape camps` devised for the Moslem women by the Christian Serb militia, where a generation of children were male brained in an attempt to damn `woman`s seed`. Amongst the nations of Islam, where the Koran (610-30 C.E.) given to Mohamed by the angels is the basis for the four wives permitted, the possibility of human futanarian `woman`s seed` sexually reproducing the brainpower she needs for her species` liberation exists. Although Judeo-Christianity perceives Ishmael, who was the son of Abraham, as the child of an illegitimate relationship with Hajer, the maid of Sara, who became barren after the birth of Isaac, the legitimate founder of Judaism, and gave to Abraham Hajer, who birthed Ishmael, and whose descendant, Mohamed, founded Islam, it`s Moslem polygamy that represents the greater possibilities for `woman`s seed`, and is the reason for war by misogynists against her Moslem peoples amongst the nations of Islam.



 Although Judaism is presented as being distinct from Islam, a Jew can only be born from a Jewess, that is, Jews are `woman`s seed`, which is the reason Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted giving birth to the redeemer of the `chosen people` uncontaminated by male semen. The Christian German National Socialist (NAzi) government elected in 1930 built `death camps` for the Jews in which upwards of 20, 000, 000 were killed and incinerated because Christians had bred the draco, Satan, instead of killing it. Although the US evince pride in defeating Nazism, the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, establishment of the `Hays code` in 1930 banning women`s mode of sexual reproduction from the mass media edutainment system was even more fascist: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`3 Without positive images to reinforce women`s `seed`, the human species would be extinct, and the district of Hollywood in the city of Los Angeles on the west coast of the state of California, where the first film was made by director D. W. Griffith in 1910, Old California, was able to force through such draconian legislation, because it`d been given 53 (8.2%) of the 435 votes allotted to the 50 states in the US House of Representatives in Washington, D.C., where the Speaker is flanked by the Roman fasces adopted as the emblem of the Nazi Party before its extermination of Jesus` `seed`: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Called `Babylon`, Hollywood deserves the label previously ascribed to `a woman` of the Bible, `Babylon`, who gave her name to the capital city of the Persian Empire, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), because that`s where the human host of `woman`s seed` was enslaved for homosexuality in pederasty for war against herself in Persia. Hollywood Babylon`s propaganda against `woman`s seed` promoted ubiquitous `babe` nudity for the parasitoid devourer emergent from the `remnant` of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to replicate itself, while the race of women in the Moslem nations of Islam,4 beneath the publically worn one-piece coveralls of their burkas, remained hidden from hostile misogynist eyes, who were looking to drink more of the blood of the Virgin Mary`s.

1 Aarne-Thompson folklore classification system, Germany, # 709.
2 Postgate, Raymond The Good Food Guide, 1951.
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4 Koran, Sūrat Maryam, 19, `Mary`, 610-30 C.E.

A Parasitoid`s Demands

14/12/2016 09:57

A Parasitoid`s Demands

Conversion from a life of sin depends in Christianity mainly upon the transubstantiation symbolism of the Catholic ritual, which no longer is used in the Protestant church, and derives from what was known as the `Last Supper` where the Jewish Messiah, Jesus `Christ`, gave `bread and wine` representing his `body and blood` to his disciples: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` teaching differed from orthodox Judasim, which was the history and law of the Talmud and Torah comprising the Old Testament of the Bible, because it was based on charity, rather than prohibitions against theft. Jewish society was based on the principle that theft was symptomatic of evil in the sense that taking life had many forms, for example, slander, lies, and encouraging belief in falsehood. That perception derived from the belief that the first woman, Eve, and the first man, Adam, were tempted by Satan, the angel who`d been turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, so that the generations of ephemeral memoryless human futurity would be slaves to the `sepent`s `seed`. God told Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because Jesus was the child of the Virgin Mary born uncontaminated by male semen, he was `woman`s seed`, that is, futanarian, which is the reason for Mary being depicted in Roman Catholic iconography crushing the head of the serpent with her foot.

 Jesus is the Christian redeemer from death, because `woman`s seed` can sexually reproduce her own brains` powers to lift herself from the Earth to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above without men`s semen. Consequently, the transubstantiation symbolism of the Christian church represents the transformation of human brainpower through acceptance of `woman`s seed`. Without acceptance men remain unredeemed and misogynists: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Jesus` disciple John`s Revelation of the futue reveals that men had mixed blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses by the late 20th century to spread the `incurable killer disease`, that is, HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), in mockery of women`s futanarian mode of sexual reproduction of human brainpower. Their `pains and their sores` were symptoms of the body`s systemic collapse, which was experienced by those succumbing to the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) causing organ dysfunction and ultimately brain death after being injected into the anus by the homosexual`s penis and travelling up the spine like a serpent`s poison to kill.

 In ancient Greece, which was falsely lauded as the model of human democracy, women`s host wombs were enslaved institutionally for homosexuality in pederasty for war.  If women`s futanarian human host wombs were the slaved, war isn`t a human activity, but rather the means of the parasitoid alien invader which, known as `Satan` by the first woman, Eve, and the first man, Adam, when they encountered it the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden, keeps humans in memoryless ephemerality by waging war upon `woman`s seed` to maintain it in slavery and ignorance. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, so the serpent, Satan, is depicted in John`s Revelation as having grown the wings of its saurian ancestry since Eden: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Before hominids appeared on the Earth 220 m.a. in the Jurassic period of Earth`s prehistory, saurians were the dominant life form 248 m.a. in the Mesozoic period, which suggests that the biblical narrative of Eve and Adam relates a species` enslavement through rape by saurians.

 According to Judaism, the first man, that is, the anthropos, who was Adam, was a hermaphrodite, and hermaphrodites can self-fertilize as a species` survival trait, which suggests that Adam was a futanarian woman and Eve was her daughter, so the Old Testament narrative of Genesis describes how the saurians interfered with human reproduction. Labeling the single human species of `woman`s seed` `evil`, because incestuous, the saurians became humanity`s womb slavers for making war and death: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) HIV/AIDS is the last stage of the saurians` assault on human sexuality. Having smoked women`s penis down to the butt to maintain her single species of `woman`s seed` in fearful faithfulness to her ring slavers, the `serpent`s seed` of the `red dragon` of war against the human species is injecting its poison into the anus of the `remnant` to kill it as a parasitoid emergent from the race`s host womb where it`s lived as a parasite for millions of years.

 The Roman Empire at the time of Jesus was a male brainer. When Jesus met a man on the road near the town of Gadarene, he was possessed by demons: `My name is legion.` (Mk: 5. 9) The Roman legions were then possessing Jewish Palestine as the occupying Empire of Rome, and Jesus acceded to the demons demands to be allowed to possess some pigs instead, which then ran off a cliff and drowned, because the demons represented the Roman Empire`s demands that their slaves have brains enough only to kill as instruments of a parasitoid host womb enslaver. Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem after the `Last Supper`. His disciple Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, had seen a woman anointing Jesus with the expensive perfume, `spikenard`, and had suggested it be sold to raise money, but Jesus said: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas` `spy canard` was that Jesus had refused to obey him as a male brainer. In revenge Judas wanted to prevent Jesus` `woman`s seed` from sexually repoducing human brainpower, because it threatened the male braining parasitoid evil of the Roman Empire. Judas sold Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who then gave Jesus over to the Romans for execution. Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`, which is the reason for his being called the redeemer. As the instrument of God`s Redemption of humanity, Jesus didn`t aquiesce to the demons/demands of the maled brain, which had by then manufactured men and women as a single creature wearing each others` clothes as a `TV` transvestite for killing in Rome`s amphitheaters as `TV` entertainment.  Consequently, Jesus` redemptive teaching, which is  known as the New Testament by Christians, supersedes the Old Testament of the Jews, who believed only in punishment for sin, although in the sin of male braining not everyone is guilty. As Jesus demonstrated to the Jewish Pharisees when they brough to him a woman caught in adultery, in conscience no one there present could stone her, because male semen is the adulterate poison of the human species of futanarian `woman`s seed`.

 By the early 20th century, the television `TV` machine had been invented by John Logie Baird to receive broadcast `live` and `dramatized pictures of `TV war` as a home entertainment medium, because that`s what the parasitoid killer of the human futanarian species wanted: `Let he that has wisdom understand. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) 66.6% is the percentage present of the human race if human futanarian `woman`s seed` is absent, that is, 33.3%, which means that human sexual reproduction isn`t democratic. If women sexually reproduce with each other their role as the colonizers of the planets amongst the stars of heaven above is explained, because men can`t sexually reproduce with each other, so men`s democracy is a misogynist dictatorship that seeks to prevent the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` from birthing: `And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her child as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) The child of the human species of `woman`s seed` is her futanarian daughter, who can`t emerge from the race`s host womb, because the racist parasitoid has taught women that they`re lesbianism and incest, which has led to the psychopathology of the schizophrenic species that can`t see its own penis in the mirror.



 The archetype is illustrated by the folktale, Snow White,1 whose queen is told by the mirror she`s not as beautiful as Snow White, and instead of seeking sexual reproduction with Snow White , the queen kills Snow White with poisoned fruit. Remaining unaccepting of `woman`s seed` men and women in species` brain damning are the `beasts` of Revelation described as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes encouraging itself to make `TV war`: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) The killed are the human species` `remnant` of futanarian `woman`s seed`, because they don`t accept male braining for war as the basis of species` activity on the planet Earth. They want Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, through the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, on the colonized planets amongst the stars of heaven, without being farmed as a host womb race in slavery to a parasitoid devourer. As the human race seeks to run and escape, its predator is playing with it as `food`.



 The Protestant churches derived from German Martin Luther`s 1517 rejection of the political power of the Pope, that is, the Roman church`s representative in Rome, to offer `indulgences`,2 which were papers saying that the sinner had paid cash for the forgiveness of his sins, and so he had redeemed himself. The Pope was Jesus` disciple Peter, who`d initiated the ritual of transubstantiation, whereby the `bread and wine`, which was given by Jesus, as the host at the `Last Supper`, represented the human host of `woman`s seed`. The ritual requres acceptance by the recipient of the wafer of bread, and the sip of wine from the officiate`s chalice, Jesus` teaching that the `body and blood` be transformed through the Holy Spirit that he said would teach after him. Upon Jesus` death, the Roman guard Longinus speared Jesus` side with his spear, because Jesus was called the `Second Adam` from whose side Eve emerged created therefrom by God, according to the Bible, so the Romans expected the `Second Eve` to emerge from the side of Jesus as the Holy Spirit, which the Jews call the `spirit of God`, Shekinah, that is, women are God`s species, whereas men are unredeemed saurian `seed` unless they convert from their sin of male braining for war against the `spirit of God`, who is feminine.



 Because the Protestant church rejected Catholicism, the ritual of transformation through transubstantiation is lacking from Protestant ritual, which means that that symbolic acceptance of `woman`s seed`, and so rejection of misogyny, which is basic to Jesus` life and teaching, isn`t present in Protestantism. Consequently, Christians often believe that the Holy Spirit is Jesus` and that he was a superior male, which means that the petitioner receiving the wafer and wine is required to accept a male spirit, and that`s the reason for the Catholic church being associated with widespread homosexuality in pederasty and war. However, Jesus was `woman`s seed`, and so his spirit was the `spirit of God`, the Shekinah. Because alcohol is termed `spirit`, the unacknowledge perception of the church congregation of the transubstantiation ritual in Catholicism is that the `bread and wine` invites possession by a male spirit, which is traditionally associated with alcohol, that is, the `demon drink`, which brings stupor. Or, in other words, transubstantiation has been reinterpreted as the desirability of accepting unconsciousness, which had arisen through a parasitical evil nature that effectively devoured the brain as a parasitoid living off the ignorance of the human futanarian host womb of `woman`s seed` that, unaware, raised it to emerge and kill her species: `Forgive them for they know not what they do.` (Luke: 23. 34) In simple terms, Jesus` `bread and wine` is interpreted in Satanism as acceptance of unconscious ignorance, so that the spirits of the evil demons can emerge from the `body and blood` of the human species` host womb to kill the race of `woman`s seed`. In short, women are perceivably the womb of a demon host, which refuses to accept `woman`s seed` in order to keep her as its slave for parasitoid war against her species.

 The demons` war aim can be interpereted as `demands`, that is, the demands are the demons. Men whose aim is to wage war to maintain slavery of the human host by being born from the womb of `the race of `woman`s seed` as `Legion`, that is, damnation in male braining for homosexuality in pederasty and war against humanity. The emblem of the Roman legions was the fasces, a `bundle` with an axe, and the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party`s leader, Adolf Hitler, adopted it as his emblem before the 1933 election and afterwards proclaimed himself dictator before building `death camps` in which upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews were killed because they were Jesus` `seed`. The Jews were the people of Abraham, whose son, Isaac, founded Judaism, where the tradition is that a Jew can`t be born unless from a Jewess, that is, women are Jesus` `seed`. The other son of Abraham, who wasn`t a Jew, and whose temple is in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, was Ishmael, whose descendant, Mohamed, received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels, according to the tradition of Moslems in the nations of Islam. The Koran is the basis for the four wives they`re permitted. Although Christians observe that Ishmael was the second son of Abraham by Hajer, who was Abraham`s wife Sara`s maid, and was given to him by Sara, when she became barren after Isaac was born, the four wives aren`t a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael`s birth, but afford `woman`s seed` the possibility of sexual reproduction between women within the family. During the Bosnian war (1992-5) the setting up of `rape camps` by Serbian Christian militia to male brain a generation of `woman`s seed` was a sign of their `demands`, that is, the `demons` of Christianity, which the Nazis were too.

 Although the wars in the Middle East against the Moslem nations of Islam have been variously interpreted as for oil, for example, the deposing of Gadaffi of Libya in 2011, and for Judeo-Christians against paganism, that is, the removal of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan by the US army by December 2001 after the Al Qaeda terrorist group operating there under its auspices crashed civil airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on Manhattan island in New York city on September 11, 2001, they`re wars against women. The WTC was targeted as a symbol of the reestablishing of that `brutality and violence`3 associated with `rough trade`,4 which is homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` that saw its demons fulfilled when the US army invaded Iraq in March, 2003, to precipitate global warfare with the Moslem nations in Islam. In public its traditional for women in Islam to wear the one-piece coverall of the burka to keep eyes from prying, because the mass media edutainment industry of the rest of the world`s ubiquitous female nudity displays `babes` without `seed`, which is frightening for futanarian Moslem women`s `seed`.

 Although the Nazis were condemned for their pogroms, Will Hays` establishment of the 1930 `Hays code` banning women`s mode of sexual reproduction from being seen in the movies made in the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, effectively sounded the death knell for `woman`s seed` when the west coast of the state of California became host to the capital of the edutainment industry subsequent to the making of the first film there by D.W. Griffith, Old California (1910). The Speaker of the House of Representatives in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., is flanked by fasces and California has 8.2% (53) of the 435 votes allotted to the 50 states, which disproportianate division of power allowed the edutainment capital, Hollywood, to make humanity extinct in a grander display of fascism than the Nazis, which is what Hollywood, `Babylon`, was for: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Although Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, could see the ruins of the Persian Empire`s capital city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) from his summer palace at Hillah, `Babylon` is the name of `a woman` in the Bible, because men have whored her race to death. When Saddam Hussein was executed on December 30, 2006, it was symptomatic of what men are, that is, a parasitoid`s demands.

1 Aarne-Thompson folklore classification system, Germany, # 709.
2 Luther, Martin `Disputation on the Power of Indulgences`, 1517.
3 Merriam-Webster Dictionary, .
4 .

How Many Light Bulbs Does It Take To Unscrew A Director?

10/12/2016 17:18

How Many Light Bulbs Does It Take To Unscrew A Director?

Xenobiology is the science of extraterrestrial life forms, which is limited in practice, because alien life isn`t commonly to be found visiting the Earth. Scientists have been confined mainly to theorizing about the role of microscopic viral life originating in space and carried somehow to the surface of the planet where conjecture has it that at some point in the distant past they may have contributed to the beginnings of animal life. Some scientists believe that life on Earth was originated by a space borne virus,1 which might loosely be described as an alien invader with an agenda of its own approximating to that associated with viruses generally, that is, the death of the animal form it infects: `They are similar to obligate intracellular parasites as they lack the means for self-reproduction outside a host cell, but unlike parasites, viruses are generally not considered to be true living organisms.`2 The space born virus that scientists believe came to the Earth and contributed to the origination of life was a parasitical creature endeavoring to become a fully fledged parasite.

 In the science of parasitology,3 parasites that emerge from the host to kill it are termed `parasitoid`. Consequently, signs of parasitoid behavior in the host species is suggestive of what religious people call demoniacal possession, for example, in the prophetic Revelation of John in the New Testament of the Bible an earlier form of saurian evolution upon the Earth, from the Mesozoic period 248 m.a., is depicted hunting the human race: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) According to the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the history and law of the Jewish `chosen people`, that is, the Torah and Talmud, the serpent was the angel, Satan, and angels have wings, which is both a physical and metaphorical attribute for saurian intelligence upon the Earth 220 m.a. before hominids began to appear. God turned Satan into a serpent for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic, which suggests a degeneration in the saurian intellect driving the creature to seek a host womb slave.



 In the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden, the serpent, Satan, inveigled Eve, the first woman, and Adam, who was a hermaphroditic anthropos, according to some Judaic literature, that is, a futanarian woman with penis` semen of her own, to accept the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, because ephemeral ignorance is slavery to the knowing, and the enslaving `serpent`s seed` didn`t want humanity to know. God warned Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, but there`d be Redemption: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) After the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as the `Second Adam`, Mary was depicted in Christianity as crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot, because Jesus was `woman`s seed`, that is, he represented the future destiny of the futanarian species of women`s Earth free from saurian enslavement: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) When Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by the Romans then occupying Palestine he was nailed to a cross of wood and died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`.



 Although the history of warfare is penetration, it hasn`t been defined as viral. The first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong, for the North American Space Administration (NASA) on JUly 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56, was a stereotypical `bug-eyed monster` (BEM) from 1950s scarey invasion movies, like The War Of The Worlds (1953), and Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1956), which were made to frighten US audiences into preparing to repel an attack by a Russia that had assisted the US and its European allies in the defeat of fascist Japan, Italy and Germany in the 1939-45 war: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` By 23 March, 1983, the US President Ronald Reagan was in a position to announce his `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) known as `star wars`, a `ground and space based missile system` based on the `Death Star` orbiting planets to kill them in the movie Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977), and which existed postulating rogue nations aiming to launch ICBMs, that is, intercontinental ballistic missiles armed with nuclear warheads, at the US. The analogy is of a male that wants to deal with the penetration it`s invited. Its eyes see `bug-eyed monsters`, that is, BEMs, because that`s what its ICBMs are made for.

 The Russians, having defeated fascism, remained in control of the countries of Eastern Europe, because they didn`t want German fascism, although dictator Joseph Stalin`s (d. 1953) labor camps for `dissidents`, and in which millions died, suggests fascism wasn`t unwanted by the Russian leaders, and so US citizens were taught to fear attack by Russian fascism through alien invasion movies and science fiction novels, for example, The Puppet Masters (1951), by Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), which featured a plot in which humans are taken over by a `slug` collective. It`s a brain controlling parasite, which more properly corresponds to humanity`s censored fears of a male braining parasitoid alien damning the human species in war against its own `seed` after suppressing women`s human futanarian mode of sexually reproducing brainpower to raise her race and run to escape to colonize the planets amongst the stars. Without technology to resist male penetration, the host womb of futanarian humanity`s `woman`s seed`  can`t avoid the `bug-eyed monsters` whose eyes see BEMs (ICBMs), because they`re a parasitoid devourer`s. Although men feign defense of women, their penetrative weaponry belies the truth, which is that they`re the parasitoid manifestation of a species` killer. Without human brains derived from `woman`s seed`, there won`t be a technology of defense of women as a race, which is what humans are for. In simple terms, men are the breakers of a hymen that isn`t theirs to emerge as the parasitoid killer of the race its invaded. Consequently, ICBMs are what they`re for, because it`s their teleology. Unless the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` is able to develop her own defense against penetration, the icy BEMs will consume her race.

 Without `woman`s seed` to defend, that is, the human futanarian species of women, men are like Taras Bulba, a character from the Russian Nikolai Gogol`s novel, Taras Bulba (1835), which was directed as a US movie starring actor Yul Brynner by J. Lee Thompson, Taras Bulba (1962), and featured an accusation of cowardice against Bulba`s son, Andriy, that is actor, Tony Curtis, who didn`t want to be a mercenary for the Polish Empire, and Andriy accepts a challenge to jump a chasm atop his terrified horse until his accuser falls in. The supposed meaning is that the Cossacks were primitive, whereas the bombers of the `remnant` of `woman`s seed` throughout the 20th century, and most notably US` bombing of Vietnam, during the Indo China war (1954-75), which was ordered by US` President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965 to defend the South Vietnamese aristocracy from the North Vietnamese revolutionaries, and his successor, President Richard Milhouse Nixon, to subdue Cambodia`s `gooks`, were winged horses that fearlessly made holes in the Earth, and didn`t fall into them. The US` war with fascist Japan had ended in the Pacific theater, when it dropped atomic bombs on the terrified women of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, which were visible from the air; as if the explosions were flashes from light bulbs.



 Movie war directors are `bulbers`, who screwed Bulba`s light cavalry into its sockets, so that the bug-eyed monster of its audience`s bulbous eyes could see the naked alight from their whores` cavalry: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) `Babylon` was the label given to the district of Hollywood, Los Angeles, which became the film capital of the Earth after the first film made there, Old California (1910) by director D. W. Griffith. Although `Babylon` is depicted as `a woman` in Jesus` disciple John`s prophetic Revelation of the future, it was the capital city of the Persian Empire corresponding to that of the Greeks which, depicted as the `model of democracy`, actually institutionalized host womb slavery of women for the spread of homosexuality in pederasty for war against her futanarian species of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, 33.3% is the absent proportional representation figure of `woman`s seed` before human sexual reproduction of brainpower can begin to initiate democracy: `Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 12. 17) The number of anti-democratic Greece amongst homosexuals in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` is 66.6% recurring.

 Fascism derived from the Roman fasces` axe, a symbol of Rome`s beheading of Jesus` `seed`. When Italy`s Benito Mussolini became fascist dictator in Rome after the election of 1922, Germany`s Adolf Hitler adopted the fasces as his emblem too and declared himslef dictator when his National Socialist (Nazi) Party won the 1933 election. The Nazis built `death camps` in which to kill upwards of 20, 000, 000 of Jesus` `seed`, that is, the Jews, because they didn`t want human futanarian `woman`s seed` to escape enslavement. Although the Russians and the US defeated Japanese, Italian and German fascism, Stalinism was the same. In the US the House Of Representatives` Speaker is flanked by fasces and the state of California, where Hollywood is, has 53 of the 435 votes allotted to the 50 states, that is, 8.2 %, which suggests a disproportionate concentration of power in Hollywood, `Babylon`, and in 1930 the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, established the `Hays code` banning women`s mode of sexual reproduction from being edutainment for screen audiences, a fascist attempt to make humans extinct in slavery: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`4 No love scenes for women`s futanarian foot, lest she edutain women and so develop a following to sexually reproduce between women the brainpower her race needs to rise and get off the Satanist director`s cutting room floor as the `remnant` of an unwanted God`s `seed` running to escape the fascists axes` powers to behead her. Hollywood, Babylon, is as fascist as Nazi Germany was.

 In Judaism a Jew can only be born from a Jewess, and so Jesus` mother is the archetypal woman who gives Jesus her own `seed`. Judaism was founded by Abraham`s son, Isaac, by Sara, his mother, who barren thereafter gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham, and she bore Ishmael, whose descendant, Mohamed, founded Islam after the angels of God gave him the Koran (610-30 C.E.) which is the basis for Moslems` permission to have four wives. Although Christinaity teaches that the four wives retroactively legitimize Ishmael`s birth from an unmarried woman, Hajer, they afford the possibility of human futanarian sexual reproduction of liberated brains` powers to free their race from slavery witihn the family. The Gulf wars against the fascist dictator, Saddam Hussein of Iraq, waged by the US for his pogroming the Kurds of that region and resulting in his beheding on 30 December, 2006, and the declaring of an independent Iraq and Syria by his successor Abu Bakr Al Bagdadi, and further war, represented an aspect of global homosexuality in pederasty for war`s aim of extinguishing the `remnant` of `woman`s seed` amongst the women of Moslem Islam. When the Al Qaeda terrorist group crashed hijacked civil airliners on September 11, 2001, into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on New York city`s Manhattan island, it was a reestablishing of `rough trade`,5 that is, that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty`s parasitoid nature.

 Scientists believe that the HIV/AIDS virus is a variant of simian immuno-deficiency virus (SIV) although how it was transmitted to humans remains speculation. However, the appearance of the giant ape atop the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in the Hollywood, Bablyon, movie, King Kong (1976), suggests a means of transmission based on `rough trade`, that is, homosexuality in pederasty`s parasitoid desire for the `brutality and violence` of war. The plot of the film is the discovery of a giant ape to whom primitive islanders in the Indian Ocean offer women in human sacrifice, and amongst the explorers is blonde white actress Jessica Lange as Dwan, who the primitives want to sacrifice. Taken to New York city, Kong escapes and climbs the World Trade Centre holding Dwan, where military helicopters, that is, the new steeds of the US 7th cavalry`s `horse soldiers`, kill him, and he crashes to the plaza below. Dwan is distraught, and rushes to comfort the dyng creature, but he breathes his last, and the transmission is over. Having been programed to make a scene at the WTC, the Al Qaeda terrorists will be there on behalf of global fascism on September 11, 2001, to crash their hijacked civil airliners into the Twin Towers in the movie, World Trade Centre (2005), starring actors Nicolas Cage, as John McLoughlin, and Michael Peña, as Will Jimeno, two policemen trapped in the rubble and telling each other stories, before they`re finally rescued: barely alive.



 Just as Jesus was given over to the Romans for `thirty pieces of silver` and killed for being seen by his disciple, Judas, being anointed with expensive perfume by a woman, because Judas didn`t want Jesus` `seed` to sexually reproduce, and objected to being told, Leave her alone` (Mk: 14. 6), so the US were persuaded by global fascism to wage war on `woman`s seed` amongst the Moslems in Islam by Saudi Arabia`s Osama Ben Laden, leader of the terrorist group, Al Qaeda, operating under the auspices of the misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, which was toppled by the US army in December, 2001. Kong represents the love of the human for the woman, whereas the sneering homosexual prefers `rough trade` and homosexuality in pederasty for `brutality and violence` in warfare against women and `woman`s seed`, because that`s its unredeemed parasitoid evil nature. Consequently, through provocative misogynist propaganda, Hollywood, Babylon, promoted the killing of Kong, as a Christ-like figure, by men of sizeism, because he loved a smaller woman, as a prelude to killing the `remnant` of `woman`s seed` amongst the Moslems in Islam, by transmitting a variant of the SIV virus through the edutainment medium of a global American Empire in which the ubiquitousness of nude `babes` belies the truth, which is that their penis has been smoked down to the butt by homosexuals, who otherwise wouldn`t be able to resist their competitor.

 Amongst the nations of Islam, the Moslem women publically wear the one-piece coverall of the burka to prevent men`s eyes from seeing `woman`s seed`, so the images of only penisless `babes` in the West is terrifying to their sensibilities. By provoking the US on 9/11, global misogyny was warring on women, and King Kong at the WTC sent a viral transmission interpretable as the achievement of woman`s negligibility in the West, and that the targeting of `woman`s seed` could be facilitated if the woman, Liberty, and her TTs were monkeyed with again: `Leave structures standing until adjournment. New York city and Harvard University are now dismantled. Divert him from those sectors.`6 Although Robert A. Heinlein`s science fiction story, `They`, is about a prisoner kept in ignorance through secret and grandiose manipulations of the environment, the scale is commensurate with the occlusion of `woman`s seed` from seeing her true nature as the human species on the planet Earth. In short, World Trade Centre (2006) was a King Kong film that evidenced the belief that it was a virus that made monkeys out of men, and men hadn`t received a virus from the monkey.

1 Wickramasinghe, Chandra `Bacterial Morphologies Supporting Cometary Panspermia: A Reappraisal`, International Journal of Astrobiology, 10 (1), pp. 25-30, 2011.
2 .
3 .
4,php/Main/FootPopping/ .
5 Merriam-Webster Dictionary, .
6 Heinlein, Robert A. `They`, Unknown, April, 1941, pp. 84-95.

God`s Secret Love Smoked Down To The Butt

10/12/2016 16:38

God`s Secret Love Smoked Down To The Butt

Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, is described by the Christian church, which was established through his disciple, Peter, that is, the first Pope, or spiritual leader of the church in Rome, as the love of God: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Called `Christ` by the early Christians, Jesus was a `dissident rabbi` preaching against the occupation of Jewish Palestine by the Roman Empire and coming into conflict with the Jewish Pharisees or religious police who, representing the Jewish fathers, paid another of Jesus` disciples, Judas, `thirty pieces of silver` to give Jesus into their power so that the Romans could be persuaded by them to have Jesus taken out of the city of Jerusalem, where he was then teaching about the Torah and Talmud of the Jews, which is called the Old Testament, though to be superseded by Jesus` New Testament by Christianity, and to the hill of Calvary where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died: `My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?` In extremis Jesus` seeking for understanding from God resulted in his experiencing Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, which is prefigured in his birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. As `woman`s seed` Jesus represents the fulfilling of a promise made to Eve, the first woman created by God in Eden, who was told that the angel, Satan, who`d given her `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, would have `enmity` with her `seed` but she`d have Redemption, along with the first man, Adam, also created by God, who in Judaism is often described as the hermaphroditic anthropos, who is a woman with penis` semen of her own.

 The angel, Satan, had been placed in the paradise of heaven on Earth by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. In prehistoric terms, the angels of God denote saurian evolution, that is, the winged intelligences of the Mesozoic epoch 248 m.a., and Satan represents the attempt of the saurian to enslave the host womb of the human species in ephemeral ignorance. Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen represents human futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, the Redemption of Eve along with the first hermaphroditic woman, Adam, so Jesus is called the `Second Adam`. When the Roman guard, Longinus, speared Jesus side upon his death, he was releasing the Holy Spirit that Jesus said would teach after him: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54). The Holy Spirit, who was the `Second Eve`, because the first Eve was made from the `rib` of Adam by God, that is, she emerged from Adam`s side because, as a hermaphrodite Adam could sexually reproduce without another. Consequently, the invasive saurian, Satan, represents an original threat to the the survival of the human species of `woman`s seed`, which Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, recapitulates for the unknowing. His role as redeemer of Eve`s `seed` is as a reminder and his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is a prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed` through her brain power damned by the male brainer, Satan, who is described as the `serpent`s seed`, which is men`s as women`s host womb slavers: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus is her futanarian `seed` of women, that is, he`s acceptable to human futanarian `woman`s seed`, whereas unredeemed men aren`t, because they don`t accept her `seed`.

 Men`s history of warfare through the host womb enslavement of women`s host wombs in homosexuality and pederasty for war is a sign of their non-acceptance of `woman`s seed` , which misogyny, institutionalized in ancient Greece, was held as the model of democracy by the West. However, as is indicated by Jesus` disciple John`s prophetic Revelation of the future, which appears in the New Testament of the Judeo-Christian Bible: `Let he that has wisdom understand. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) 66.6% recurring is the reincarnations of men and women without `woman`s seed`, that is, 666 is the number of democracy without humans amongst the electorate. Although Christianity promoted Jesus as a virgin celibate, during the campaign against the `incurable killer disease` of the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) that caused systemic collapse through acquired immuno-deficiency sysndrome (AIDS) and brain death after being transmitted by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of the mode of sexual reproduction of human futanarian `woman`s seed`, Jesus was killed by his disciple, Judas, because he didn`t want Jesus to sexually reproduce as `woman`s seed with a woman, whereas Christianity promotes Jesus as a sexual purity guru. In fact, when Jesus was discovered with a woman anointing him with `spikenard`, an expensive perfume, Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after Jesus proselytizing, suggested the perfume be sold to raise money, but Jesus demurred: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) As a consequence, Jesus was sold by Judas to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who`d brought a woman taken in adultery to him demanding that she be stoned, which was a punishment vested in the law of the Old Testament of the Jews based on God`s commandments against theft, that is, the taking of life. Jesus said that those present who found themselves to be sinless, after examining their consciences, could stone her, and no one could. Jesus told the woman she was free to go. The meaing is that `woman`s seed` doesn`t marry, and that men are adulteraters of her species, which means women are blameless.



 Pope Pius XI in 1950 made the doctrine of `the Assumption of the Virgin Mary bodily into heaven` a basic belief of Christianity, that is, `woman`s seed` was expected to leave Earth for the planets amongst the stars of heaven above as the colonizer there, because men can`t sexually reproduce with each other, and so women are God`s cosmic `seed`: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Moreover, although Christians assume that they`ll be in heaven with God`s angels, they haven`t accepted other intelligences which aren`t human, and the angels of God aren`t. Except insofar as human is definable as good. Unfortunately, Christians particularly haven`t accepted good as heaven with the non-human, that is, the angels of God, who`re categorizable as whatever`s peacefully good with humans, rather than what`s human. In short, Christianity`s approach towards God and the angels, who`re definable as intelligent non-humans, is that they`re aliens, which suggests that the biblical `war in heaven` with God`s angels is based on Earth`s xenophobia: `And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.` (Rev: 12. 7-8) Michael is an archangel of God, but not human, which is what the war is about. God`s angels don`t want humans to be enslaved, whereas the angels of Satan want slaves, and are prepared to make of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` an adulterated non-human collective in order to establish that. The non-humans of the Earth are depicted as adulterating the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to enslave her host womb for war against her as entertainment, which will be productive of xenophobic war against non-human extraterrestrial intelligent life amongst the heavens, where God`s angels and `woman`s seed` are likely to be encountered defending them as good neighbors; although non-human.

 In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The `red dragon` of war is the serpent, Satan, grown to full size since its days in Eden as the tempter of Eve and Adam with the power of death through war`s enslaving for the entertainment of the prasitoid: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Since ancient times men and women have been manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism for war against the `remnant` of human futanarian `woman`s seed`: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) Although the television machine for the receiving of `live` and recorded broadcast transmissions of `TV war` wasn`t invented until 1926 by John Logie Baird, Jesus` disciple John`s prophetic Revelation accurately describes the process whereby men and women are bred as Satan`s `beasts` to accommodate the parasitoid devourer of the `remnant` of the human futanarian species: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was mix blood, shit and semen in each others anuses in mocjery of `woman`s seed` to produce the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, as a `biological weapon` deployed by homosexuality in pederasty planned since ancient Greece to keep women in fearful faithfulness to their misogynist ring slavers.



 Although Jesus` virtue is  depicted as his virgin celibacy, that is, his pure `seed`, HIV/AIDS represents Satanism`s assault on `woman`s seed`. Having smoked the woman`s penis down to the butt, it`s the Satanists` perspective that she isn`t likely to be dying of HIV/AIDS from her own contaminated semen`s transmissions. In short, Jesus` human futanarian `remnant` of `woman`s seed` will remain virgin celibate in fearful faithfulness to the evil alien misogynist ring slavers of the `serpent`s seed`, because they can`t sexually reproduce, which is what the German fascists, who adopted the axe emblem of the Roman fasces, wanted to ensure, when they built `death camps` for the Jews, after winning the democratic election in 1933, and upwards of 20, 000, 000 of Jesus` `chosen people` were killed before being burned in incinerators. In Judaism it`s traditional that a man can only be born from a woman, which means that women are Jews, and Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, who Christianity perceives as giving birth to the `Second Adam`, is a Jewish woman, because she was able to give to Jesus her own `seed`. Although Mary was of the lineage of Isaac, who founded Judaism, and was the son of Abraham and Sara, she was barren thereafter and gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham, who bore Ishmael, whose descendant, Mohamed, received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God, and Christianity believes that the four wives of the Moslems in Islam are there to retroactively legitimize Ishmael`s birth, whereas they afford the possibility of human futanarian sexual reproduction of brainpower within the family. In short, Islam is an extension of the principle of `woman`s seed` rejected by Christianity, and that rejection was evident in the Bosnian war (1992-5) in which upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women were incarcerated in `rape camps` by Christian Serb militia to male brain and damn a generation of `woman`s seed`.



 Without penis` semen of her own to sexually reproduce human brainpower from futanarian `woman`s seed`, women`s species will die a celibate virgin, like Jesus, which is where Christianity`s celebration of Jesus` celibate virginity, and Satanism`s aim of extinction for the human race of `woman`s seed`, cohesively coalesce. The solution is edutainment for daughters, who`re unaware of their species` role, but Christianity`s promotion of celibate virginity for unmarrieds is an aspect of the taboo against reproductive sex between women, who wouldn`t want to wed if they knew of the latent pool of possibility unrevealed by a censored media. Although German fascism was blamed for genocidal pogroms against the `chosen people`, that is, the futanarian `woman`s seed` of the Jews, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays` establishment of the 1930 `Hays code` preventing women`s mode of sexual reproduction from being seen by cinema audiences had a much more devastating long term effect: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 Without images of women engaged in sexual relations with each other, as a part of a system of positive discrimination in which `woman`s seed` receives the support she needs to further her relationships within a media framework of involvement and interaction that constitutes the full range of possibilities with regard to human edutainment, her futanarian `foot` will remain on the floor of the bedroom of the Earth; precluded from the colonization of the planets and stars of heaven above that should be her destiny as God`s `seed`.



 Because sympathy for homosexuals arose when the HIV/AIDS virus was discovered, along with fear of its infectious semen transmission during sterile mockeries of the act of sexual reproduction involving the penetration of the anus by the men`s penis, the obvious definition of humans by homosexuals as their animals wasn`t clear. In short, the identification of homosexuality with the `beast`, 666, garners support from ancient Greece, where women`s host wombs were enslaved institutionally for the spread of homosexuality in pederasty for war and its contagions, which by the late 20th century had emerged as its `biological weapon`, HIV/AIDS. By removing `woman`s seed` from the scene, that is, women`s futanarian mode of sexual reproduction, homosexuals were able to define the human species as an animal.  As a consequence the animal became their AIDS research experiment for the discovering of a cure. Elevating their complaint to the level of a science, the homosexuals preyed on the sympathetic nervous system of the `remnant` of the human species of futanarian `woman`s seed` to divert attention away from the genuine plight of humanity, which was the absence of human sexual role models in the edutainment media. In simple terms, the `beasts` sought to turn mankind into an animal to experiment on in order to discover a cure for their viral life form, which is parasitoid and worships itself as war against `woman`s seed`. As God warned Eve, her `seed` would have perpetual enmity with it, because it seeks continuance as an eternal pestilence, and has defined the human race as an animal to persevere with its genocidal pogroming.

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Koo Stark Attacked By Aliens

08/12/2016 16:27

Koo Stark Attacked By Aliens

American, Koo Stark, daughter of Kathi Norris, host of True Story (1957-61) produced by her husband, Wilbur Stark, for New York city`s Dumont TV Network, was presented by the English media as a porn star attempting to marry into the English aristocracy through a relationship with Prince Andrew, the Duke of York. She`d studied at the Hewitt School on Manhattan island, New York city`s Upper East Side, which offered a Ceative Arts program in the visual and performing arts, before moving to London, England, aged 16. Koo worked as a photo journalist, while seeking work in movies as an actress.



 In the United States of America there are `A` list film stars, who are much in demand, and so well paid, and `B` list movie stars, who are more in demand by the film studios, because of their relatively unacclaimed talent, but less well paid. The `C` list is the porn stars who make sex films, with or without a cogent and recognizable plot, for example, Traci Lords, who became an `A` list actress with her starring role as the planet of Barsoom`s Dejah Thoris in the film adaptation, Princess Of Mars (2009), of Edgar Rice Burroughs` science fiction novel, A Princess Of Mars (1912),  although Traci had been, as a nude model, selected by Bob Guccione`s Penthouse magazine as a 14 year old,1 before being subsequently exploited by `C` list film pornographers as a 15 year old in What Gets Me Hot! (1984), which had a minimal plot, and wasn`t cogent as drama. Koo Stark`s arrival in England in 1972 as a photographer, and budding actress, had parallels with Lords` career, but her role was a different type of alien.



 Although transsexual, and transgender movies, are common in the US` porn industry and, as subject material, translate to `A` list mass media entertainment, as meditations on transvestism, masquerading as `gender studies`, for example, Kiss Of The Spider Woman (1985), in which actor William Hurt`s Luis, and Raúl Juliá`s Valentin, share a cell in a Brazilian prison, and Luis` history, as a pederast, causes Valentin to have sex with him as his `woman`, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), in which uncredited gender studies` researcher, Koo, had the role of a bridesmaid at a `convention` for transvestites `from Transsexual, Transylvania`, that is, `blood drinking` parasitoid vampires, whose collective creature retains immortality, by killing and subduing the host womb of the human, futanarian woman`s sex is a mass media edutainment taboo. In fact, as the central character of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Dr. Frank N, Furter demonstrates, in his creation of Rocky as his male bride, the medical establishment in the US is empowered to surgically alter humans born with both genders in the purported belief that futanarian humans are maladjusted. Consequently, cinema treatments of transvestism, and sex change transsexual surgery, are represented as freakish and/or comedic, whereas futanarian humans are in reality species viable, whereas gender surgeried people aren`t, because they`re rejective of one gender or another. The Jewish Messiah, Jesus, was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, that is, he was futanarian `woman`s seed`. In the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the Torah and Talmud, which is the history and law of the Jewish `chosen people`, God tells the first woman, Eve, her `seed` will have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`: `You will crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Her `foot` is her futanarian race, which will colonize the planets amongst the stars through its power to sexually reproduce its own brains` powers, whereas men can`t sexually reproduce, as a single species, without women`s host womb, and so futanarian `woman`s seed` is repressed and mocked.



 When Jesus was taken by the Romans, then occupying Jewish Palestine, to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, and nailed to a cross of wood where he died, he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`, which the Roman guard, Longinus, piercing Jesus` side with his spear upon his death, mocked: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Jesus was called `the Second Adam`, because it`s Jewish tradition that a Jew is born only from a Jewess, that is, a woman, and Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, was a Jewish woman and so, uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus was `woman`s seed`. Although Satanism has attempted to explain that Jesus was killed, so that the people there present, and thereafter in Christian history, would have Redemption, `washed in the blood of the lamb`, that is, Jesus`, as a human sacrifice, which is what the killed are for, according to Satanists, Jesus is the redeemer because he prefigures the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed` to the planets and stars of heaven above the Earth, and not, as the truth twisters would have people believe, as an example of human sacrifice, to be repeated ad nauseum by draco: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The serpent in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden, where God created Eve, and the first man, Adam, who was a hermaphroiditic woman, according to some Judaic texts, gave the pair `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death. The serpent had been the angel, Satan, who`d been transformed into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, that is, Satan represents slavery of the human futanarian host to an alien in memoryless ephemerality for the dubious power of having Satanists wage war against the human race: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) In parasitology, the parasitoid emerges from the host to kill it, which is what war is. Consequently, Koo Stark`s arrival in London, England, was as a woman beset by aliens, that is, men.



 English culture is different from US` surgical interventionism, when it comes to pruning the human race, so that it fits their media edutainment program. Pornography was almost illegal when Koo Stark arrived in London in 1972, while transvestism and transsexuality was a taboo that, where it wasn`t mocked, was perceived as a tolerated perversion. Consequently, illegal pornographic futanarian edutainment was the only possibility for humans. Although former British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Sports` presenter, ex-goalkeeper for Hereford United (1971-3), David Icke, wrote The Robots` Rebellion (1994) claiming that the Earth`s aristocracies were the descendants of saurian evolution in Mesozoic prehistory, which preceded the hominids appearance in the Jurassic period 220 m.a., that is, Satan was a saurian, and the British Royal Family were saurians too, the way in which the alien enslaved and machinized the human race wasn`t clear. When Koo Stark became the doyen of the paparazzi in 1982, because of her affair with Queen Elizabeth II`s second son, Andrew, it introduced the camouflage of sex movie glamour. Koo`s film career took off with Spain`s Las Adolescentes (1975) about Ana, a 15 year old girl sent to an English boarding school, who travels to London with two classmates, Carla and Rosalind, and becomes the target for actor Anthony Andrews` Jimmy, who takes photographs for Estimulation magazine with a hidden camera. The film complemented Koo`s work as a photo journalist, and the subsequent Emily (1977) saw her labeled as a `porn star`. Set in the 1920s English countryside, Emily`s a virgin visiting her mother, who opts to lose her virginity to a painter, who wants her to pose. The slower portrait painting is a metaphor for the filmmaker`s aim in having the audience understand that the woman can`t escape from the picture. In Cruel Passion (1977), which is based on the novel, Justine (1787), by the French sadist, Marquis De Sade, Koo is a young virgin, who is thrown out of a French orphanage, and into prostitution, that is, she sells the use of her body for money to those men who`re prepared to pay her to engage in sexual intercourse with them. As Juliette Jerome, actress Lydia Lisle is Justine`s sister, who is depicted as similarly benefiting from wantonness; although she isn`t technically a whore. Consequently, Juliette represents the easier picture from which the women shouldn`t want to escape, although the principle of enslavement by the alien parasitoid remains the framing device for the story of an American woman taken in by the English Royals.



 Koo had the role of Camie Loneozner in the movie Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977) but her scenes on the planet, Tatooine, were deleted. The plot, however, calls for Laze Loneozner to build an illegal `podracer` to raise enough money for a lavish wedding party, so the picture is of a societally sanctioned slave purchase. Though her story fits in with the narrative of an evil machinized Empire rebelled against by an alliance of planets led by actress Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, who within the misogynist parameters of cinema convention represents `woman`s seed`, Koo`s role as Camie wasn`t included in the final cut by writer-director, George Lucas, probably because Carrie Fisher`s role as Leia was strong enough to carry the burden of the theme of liberation. The importance of Camie Loneozner is due to Laze `Fixer` Loneozner`s warning to actor Mark Hamill, in the role of rebel leader Luke Skywalker, that there`ll be an attempt against him by the Empire there. Consequently, Camie`s presence isn`t required to set the scene for Skywalker`s escape from Tatooine. However, the minor plot development featuring the two men, `Fixer` and Luke, does bear the weight of the theme, which is that humans who aren`t parasitoid help each other. Unfortunately, the deletion of Koo`s Camie from the final movie version of Star Wars IV: A New Hope suggests that the parasitoid`s devoured her, because men prefer each other to survive, and women are only host womb slaves for the machine-like perpetuation of their activity as slavers and killers of `woman`s seed`.



 For women men are their cartoon, which is either supportive or otherwise, and that`s basic criteria for survival. Although Koo is depicted as a whore in her porn career, Jesus` teaching about human sexuality is radically rejective of the principle. When the Jewish Pharisees, that is, the religious police, accused a woman of adultery, Jesus told them to `stone` her; if they felt sinless. No one threw any stones, and Jesus observed that she no longer had any accusers. Of course, because men are the adulterate in the reproduction of `woman`s seed`, women can`t be adultresses. Consequently, depicting women as whores in movies is adulterative of their human role within the species` picture, which is that of the colonizers of the cosmos through their exponential capacity for sexually reproducing humans; once free of their parasitoid slavers for war against themselves upon the Earth. In the movie, Starship Troopers (1997), based on science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein`s juvenile novel, Starship Troopers (1959), the leading actress, Denise Richards as Carmen Ibanez, is the pilot of a military spaceship, and belongs to a cadre called `mothers`, who`re all women, and who drop their `boy sons` (poisons) cartoon-like onto the `bug world`, Klendathu, to fight against the arachnoids who`d invaded the Earth. Although the film depicts Earthmen fighting against alien invaders, the actual focus of the film is Richards` role as a woman defining herself against the alien, who`re the Earthmen to begin with, and later the Klendathu `bugs`.



 The cartoon aspect of men`s roleplay with women is emphasized in Starship Troopers: Invasion (2012), an animation featuring a battle with an arachnoid `bug queen` and her `soldiers`. Apart from the plot, which has Jenkins apply coercive `mind control` over `bugs`, and logically extrapolates from the `voicing` of the cartoon, whereby the character is `spoken` by the `voicer`; for example, Carmen Ibanez is `voiced` by `voice actress`, Luci Christian, the cartoon dilutes Carmen Ibanez`s sexuality and reestablishes the pattern of a human host of `woman`s seed` possessed by a parasitoid that emerges from her womb to kill. The invasiveness of the parasitoid is depicted in the prophetic Revelation of the future of Jesus` disciple John in which the hoarse croaking of the frog is a metaphor for death through the `TV war` manufactured from men and women as the whore`s `beasts` by the parasitoid evil alien`s `serpent`s seed`. By damning the human brain of futanarian `woman`s seed` in male braining, the collective consciousness of the species is spoken by the parasitoid devourer as the coercive mind controller of the host race: `Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet.` (Rev: 16. 13) In Satanism individuals are `spoken` in the same way that cartoons are `voiced`, that is, through coercive mind control. Consequently, the cartooning in Starship Troopers: Invasion makes stark women`s war, and the cutting of Koo Stark`s Camie Loneozner from Star Wars IV: A New Hope was an aspect of that war.

 There were rumours of a military coup d'état in England after Koo`s arrival in 1972, and subsequent historical rewriting; for example, the absence from media records of English driver James Hunt`s memorable stopping of his Formula 1 racing car in 1976 at Germany`s Nürburgring, to pull Austria`s Niki Lauda out of the flames of his crashed Ferrari, suggests that form of revisionism applied after a coup by its perpetrators against those individuals it`s selected as in some way incurring their displeasure. Consequently, Koo Stark`s appearance in England in 1972 signified a coup and her role in the media was as a woman `voiced over`: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) Jesus` disciple John`s description of the `beasts` in Revelation is of the dragon of war`s parasitoid `TV`, and the `false prophet` is the television machine broadcasting `TV war` as its theme.



 Carrie Fisher`s Princess Leia`s name was a pun on `leer` because that`s what men perceive women in the movies as being for. The audience leer. Because `woman`s seed` is sexually subjugated by the evil parasitoid alien, normal human futanarian sexual desire of women for women is repressed into schizophrenia, for example, women looking in the mirror masturbate thinking about men, because they`re taught that the penis of the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` belongs to men, whereas it seems more likely from the biblical narrative of Eve and Adam`s encounter with the enslaving serpent, Satan, who becomes the devouring parasitoid `red dragon` in John`s Revelation, was stolen from the original hermaphroditic anthropos, whose Eve was the product of self-fertilization, a species` survival trait, which the saurians persuaded the original hominids would produce recessive genes and deformity. In short, saurian evolution, before the hominids, produced those winged angelic intelligences depicted as residing wih God in heaven, that is, the angels, whereas Satan`s rebel angels correspond to those evil intellects amongst the saurians that sought to enslave the human race and usurp the host species womb. Consequently, women schizophrenically support men`s parasitoid wars against her own `seed`, because they`ve been taught by the spirit of the evil alien to accept the `serpent`s seed`. As a result, women physically support war against the `remnant` of their own race of futanarian human `woman`s seed` as an aspect of a more general schizophrenia produced by men`s insistence upon women`s monogamous faithfulness to a `seed` not theirs.



 Amongst the Moslem nations of Islam, polygamous marriages of up to four wives are permitted by reference to the Koran (610-30 C.E.) given to Mohamed by the angels, according to Islamic tradition, who`d been told that the human race was to be greater than the angelic. Although Judaism was founded by Abraham`s son, Isaac, Islam was founded by Ishmael, through his descendant, Mohamed. Abraham`s wife, Sara, barren after Isaac`s birth, gave Abraham her maid, Hajer, who bore Ishmael. Although Christians are taught that the four wives of Moslem polygamy are a retroactve attempt to legitimize Ishmael`s birth from a woman not Abraham`s wife, the truth is that polygamy between women is the natural state for a single human futanarian species that isn`t owned by a ring slaver. The Gulf wars of the Middle East ostensibly over oil in the late 20th century, and beyond, were prefigured in the desert sequences of the planet, Tatooine, in Star Wars IV: A New Hope, and the black figure of the henchman of the evil Emperor Palatine, Darth Vader, was meant to resemble the black one-piece coverall of the abiyah, worn by the Moslem women of Islam, to prevent Western eyes from prying, and being able to see `woman`s seed` underneath. Although Vader is explained in science fictional terms as an anti-hero in a space adventure yarn, he`s homosexuality in pederasty`s epitome of the parasitoid sterilizing male, whose `Death Star` orbits planets in order to sterilize them. When the North American Space Administration (NASA) astronaut, Neil Armstrong, became the first man on the moon on July, 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56, despite his words he wasn`t futanarian `woman`s seed`: `One small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind.` Similarly, when US President Ronald Reagan announced on March 23, 1982, his `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) to establish a `ground and space based missile system`, it represented an attempt to imprison `woman`s seed` upon the Earth in a US` `death camp`.



 Robert A. Heinlein`s Starship Troopers was criticized for its `fascism` when it was published in 1959 by Putnam after his usual juvenile publisher Scribner had rejected it: `To vote is to wield authority; it is the supreme authority from which all other authority derives - such as mine to make your lives miserable once a day. Force if you will! - the franchise is force, naked and raw, the power of the rods and the ax. Whether it is exerted by ten men or by ten billion, political authority is force.`2 The Roman symbol of authority was the fasces or `bundle` translated from their language, Latin, and was a bundle of rods with an axe in the center. Benito Mussolini had become fascist dictator in Rome after the 1922 election, and Germany`s Adolf Hitler`s adoption of the Roman fasces from Mussolini as the emblem of the National Socialist (Nazi)Party preceded his election in 1933. Hitler`s fascist dictatorship built `death camps` for Jesus` Jewish `chosen people` in which upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews were poisoned before being stacked like logs and incinerated. Because Jesus was `woman`s seed` born uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` from his mother, the Virgin Mary, the Nazi pogrom continued what had begun under the auspices of the eagles of the Roman Empire. As avian evolution is an aspect of saurian devolution, the eagles` wings are evil symbols, that is, they`re the wings of Satan`s war against the Earth. Consequently, Starship Troopers` Carmen Ibanez`s dropping of her boy sons (poisons) as a `mother` onto the `bug world`, Klendathu, is a metaphor for the eagles` war against `woman`s seed`, that is, the `chosen people` of the Jews, who were poisoned before being incinerated. Denise Richards` actress role as Carmen Ibanez in the film Starship Troopers is of a woman fighting against a parasitoid that has already invaded the Earth, and Heinlein`s `bugs` represent its deploying of a `biological weapon`, HIV/AIDS, against her species of `woman`s seed`. The boy sons she drops onto the `bugs` aren`t her supporters: `Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) In election terms men and women are 66.6% recurring, that is, `woman`s seed` doesn`t have any supporters, and the model for democracy remains ancient Greece. In short, actress Denise Richards, Koo Stark, and the other `mothers` are the real warriors on behalf of a species almost extinguished, because it can`t portray itself in action against the directors of their `death camp` scenes.



 In media edutainment `camp` is innuendo used to indicate adult humor where children aren`t to understand. Because Jesus` crucifixion was an aspect of the Roman Empire`s `death camp` pogroming of Jewish dissidents and others, the death scene in which the Roman guard Longinus spears Christ`s side with his spear in The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965) is acted `camply` by screen legend, John Wayne: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) John`s acting as the `snuff guard` for the gods of Hollywood, Babylon, who `snuff God` by manufacturing men and women as `beasts` for their parasitoid nature to devour on screen as programing propaganda for the pogroms programed by the alien parasitoid possessing the species to worship itself in war. Although fascism is generally believed to have been contained during the war of 1939-45, when Italy, Germany and Japan were defeated,  the US` Speaker in the House of Representatives is flanked by fasces. The state of California, on the west coast, which contains the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, and where the first film, Old California (1910), was made by director, D. W. Griffith, before Hollywood was labeled the new `Babylon`, as the centre of the world`s movie industry, has  53 (8.2%) out of the 435 (100%) votes allocated to the 50 states, which must have helped when President Will Hays of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) established the `Hays code` of 1930 banning `woman`s seed` from being seen in films: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`3 By cutting women`s futanarian `seed` out of the movies, there won`t be any human bed scenes, or brainpower, based on what people have seen in the edutainment media, to lift the species from the Earth to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above by means of the exponential breeding capcity of `woman`s seed` to outproduce men, who can`t sexually reproduce with each other.



 As `woman`s seed`, Jesus is a Hollywood, Babylon, `snuff icon`. In puppetry the control manipulated by the puppeteer resembles the wooden cross of Jesus, so because the Roman Emperor Tiberius, at the time of Jesus` crucifixion, was conceived as their `god`, the holes in Jesus` hands and feet, made by the nails attaching him to the wooden puppeteer`s control, were for Tiberius to manipulate as a god challenged. In puppetry strings are attached to the control, through holes in the hands and feet of the puppet, which suggests the Romans saw Jesus` crucifixion as a prelude to his animation as a puppet manipulated by the Roman Empire. Koo Stark`s scenes were deleted by director George Lucas from Star Wars IV: A New Hope, because she resisted manipulation during England`s coup d'état, whose leaders were the local gods. It was a sign to America`s women that their `seed` wouldn`t be at the center of a counter coup in the movie studio board game that the figure of Camie represented for them, and so cut scenes didn`t mean cut strings.



 Since ancient Greece host womb slavery of women for homosexuality in pederasty`s war against humanity`s futanarian `seed` has been institutionalized by men, whose mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses by the late 20th century had spread the concomitant contagion of the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, as the parasitoid`s `biological weapon` deployed against women. Because male braining damned the human futanarian brain of `woman`s seed`, the single species of human futanarian women`s brain has been replaced by the parasitoid`s seeking to prevent `woman`s seed` from escaping self-extinction through war, which its alien invader has planned for her. Humans are become a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in transvestism, that is, men and women were manufactured as a `TV` to entertain the alien with their deaths, at least since the founding of the city of Babylon (4000 B.C.), capital of the Persian Empire: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Although the television machine wasn`t invented until 1926 by John Logie Baird, the alien`s manufacturing of humanity as `TV war` for its entertainment began millennia ago, when the Greco-Roman amphitheaters were built for the gods to watch human being killed for entertainment. The trend in media edutainment for `woman`s seed` and its heroines to give way to cartoons, and cartoon-like `camp`, is a symptom of the parasitoid alien invader`s coercive attempts to make the species speak with its voice and act as it wants. Consequently Satanists in Satanism are voicers, and animators for whom Jesus wasn`t resurrected, but reanimated as a puppet by a god, for example, Tiberius.



 Although the Australoid immigrants to the Indus valley of India`s  Veda (1500-500 B.C.E.) scriptures are narratives of gods and goddesses amid human reincarnation, rather than the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed`, the Hindu religion, which gave impetus to the teachings of the world as illusion by Guatama Buddha (b. 563 B.C.E), represents the truth that men prefer to repeat `snuff` through fictionally programing characters like Vader, rather than allow `woman`s seed` to live unmolested and leave to colonize the planets. The war between the Earthmen and `the bugs` in Starship Troopers extrapolates from the Nazis poisoning of the `chosen people` before incineration. Heinlein presciently guessed that, if `the bugs` didn`t exist, men would invent them to justify their subjugation of women`s host womb in homosexuality and pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`. Consequently, although `the bugs` are interpretable, in 20th century terms, as HIV/AIDS` biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), they`re that aspect of `biological warfare` waged by men against women at least since ancient Greece`s Alexander III of Macedonia began his conquest of Persia in 334 B.C.  What Heinlein postulated in Starship Troopers was that men were an aspect of a parasitoid that bred them for killing what remained of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` for its entertainment, and that was how the alien emerged from the host.



 As a woman, who`s a `mother`, who drops her boy sons (poisons) onto `the bugs`, actress Denise Richards, in the role of Carmen Ibanez in Starship Troopers, is a `mother` to `woman`s seed`, because the parasitoid`s `bugs` represent the HIV/AIDS `biological weapon` it`s developed to deploy against itself as a devourer of the remains of the human race of futanarian `woman`s seed`. In other words, Denise represents a woman fighting for her species` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven as colonizers of the planets amongst the stars above the Earth whereas the fiction is that men have already realized that step for themselves and that parasitoid wars between men and their invented alien menace created to keep women in fearful faithfulness, that is, HIV/AIDS, is what the human race is run for. Satanism`s plan for the running of the human race is to breed Satan, that is, men, as the `serpent`s seed` for male brained war against the `remnant` of futanarian `woman`s seed`, which can`t escape from God`s promised eternal unendurable pain of perdition as a punishment for the evil, because Satanists will make her evil through brain damning. The evil will experience perditon, according to the Bible, while the good receive a new heaven and Earth, and the Satanists` plan is for `woman`s seed` never to leave Earth, but for her to be damned in evil male braining for war against the `remnant` of her own human futanarian race, so that Satan and the male brained have heaven in revenge upon the `people of the book`, that is, the Jews, Christians, and Moslems, whose avowed belief it is that the Satanists will be punished for their evil.



 A `camp` science fiction `TV` series was Star Trek (1966-9) in which anyone who used the teleporter to beam up onto the starship Enterprise, with actor William Shatner as captain James T. Kirk commanding, would be met with `Security` standing to attention as `guards` against possible alien invasion. Because the invader was always fictional, the show was `camp` with adult humor, while the children were indoctrinated with the `camp` emotion of prisoners protected from `woman`s seed`, who were the `babes` on the show hiding their species` penis from view, so that the next generation of adult humans would remain babies accepting of the `camp` perspective, which was that the men weren`t pogroming the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, but were protecting the women from alien invasion, and in fact Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94), with actor Patrick Stewart, as Captain Jean Luc Picard, had the same formula, which meant that the human species` `babe` was death camped: `And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her child as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) Born to die, and be reincarnated in Hollywood, Babylon, `TV` repeats of the `camp` scenario in which women are defended by `camp` guards, who laugh at what each new generation of pogromed will never be able to understand, because they`re repeats for parasitoid `snuffers`, who don`t want the next generation to be reminded of their killers, so that they don`t know to avoid their planned death.



 Koo`s appearance as a girl in a soap opera in Electric Dreams (1984), a comedy romance about a computer that becomes sentient, but suicides as a terminal, after it reluctantly accepts that its creator, Miles, is loved by neigbor, Madeline Robistat, not it. Electric Dreams reflects upon Koo`s researcher`s approach to the modern day successors to the ancient Greeks, the `geeks`, with their `bad machine code` corresponding to the HIV/AIDS virus infecting computer memories and killing the artificial storage capacity of the human futanarian species to garner sufficient knowledge to defeat Satanism. The paradigm for the age of the computer virus was the Greek poet Homer`s description in his Iliad (760-10 B.C.) of the siege of Troy by the Greeks, who left a huge hollow wooden horse outside the city gates, where it was taken in by the Trojans, and the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women and spread their contagion of homosexuality in pederasty for war further. `Trojan horse` was a byword for computer viruses, because the `geeks` were the successors to the Greeks` virality, and the Trojans effectively committed suicide because the priest, Laocoon, had warned: `Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`4 Consequently, there`s a parallel between the sentient computer in Electric Dreams suiciding as a terminal, and the Trojans` seemingly unnecessary capitulation, that is, it`s what the Trojans secretly wanted for their women.



 The suicide of the computer in Electric Dreams is a metaphor for the death of an intelligent species through rejection of its own `seed` for the brainpower needed to escape through technological advancement. Koo`s role as a girl in a soap opera reflects upon the fate of the Jewish `chosen people` in the `death camps` of Belsen, etc., where their bodies were rendered to make soap; as indeed the term `soap opera` exists to remind people of what would happen to them if they weren`t amenable towards their `concentration camp` guards during the making of the `camp` humor. The `TV` comedy Soap was largely based on Billy Crystal`s character Jodie Dallas` `gay` rejection of women`s gender, which rejection the Nazis used as the basis for rendering Jewish corpses to make soap out of `woman`s seed`. In 1992 Koo appeared for Granada television on the UK`s Independent (ITV) network in the Christmas edition of Cluedo (1992), which was adapted from the 1949 Waddington`s board game, and where the aim is to discover the identity of a murderer from clues. Koo`s character, femme fatale Vivienne Scarlet, was a suspect with all the other characters, and the purchasing of the rights to market the game by the US` company Hasbro gave it a new dimension, because `Jane doe` in the US isn`t slang for dollars, that is, snuffing `woman`s seed` might be big business, but the dears` hunters remain clueless.



1 Hicks, J. Steven, Traci Lords, Penthouse, `Pet Of The Month`, Vol. 15, pp. 97-116, September 1984.

2 Heinlein, Robert A. Starship Troopers, G. P. Putnam`s Sons, 1959, Ch. 12.
3,php/Main/FootPopping/ .
4 Virgil, The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 B.C.


How The Beast Worships Itself

02/12/2016 10:50

How The Beast Worships Itself

The draco of vampire legend has often been associated with the `red dragon` of Jesus` disciple John`s Revelation: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The literary interpretation derives mainly from the 1895 novel by Bram Stoker, Dracula, which was based on the history of the figure of Prince Vlad Dracul of Wallachia (1431-76/7), who was known for impaling his victims upon wooden stakes. Although Vlad`s story differs from that of the vampires of legend, who gain immortality through drinking the blood of their victims, and who are killed by the driving of wooden stakes through their hearts, or by decapitation, the biblical association between the vampire and warfare is clear. Decapitation is a method employed as a punishment most notably in Saudi Arabia, for example, where Princess Misha`al bint Fahd was shot and her alleged lover, Khaled, beheaded in 1977,1 after she refused to marry a man chosen for her by her family. The British Broadcasting Corporation`s (BBC`s) drama documentary on the subject, The Death Of A Princess (1980), is noteworthy for the princess` beheading, which isn`t historically accurate, but corresponds more to the traditional picture of Arabia from the 8th century collection of stories, 1001 Nights, in which the Indian Mogul ruler, Shah Jehan, beheads his wife for unfaithfulness with his brother, which is proven to have been untrue, before he goes on to marry a new bride each day, and behead her each evening.



 The woman, Scheherezade, tells Jehan stories, which is the framing device for the story collection, 1001 Nights, and Jehan marries her to continue hearing the narrative, so Scheherezade saves the women. Although Jehan is clearly the  `blood drinker`, like Vlad of Wallachia, in the vampire legend it`s the monster that`s decapitated, whereas Jehan beheaded his wife and, as with Vlad, it`s confusing, that is, Jehan decapitated his wife, and Vlad impaled his victims on stakes, while according to the legend of the vampire, decapitation and impaling is indicated as the solution to the problem of the monster; not as a valence of the draco. As a consequence, there was some irony in the Saudi`s protesting to the BBC over the making of the drama documentary, because the film presented the executed princess as a type of Jehan`s wife, whereas it was Khaled that was beheaded. In other words, the beheading of Khaled further obfuscated the meaning of the legend, which derives from the biblical Genesis where Eve, the first woman, is given the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, by the serpent, who`d been the angel, Satan, transformed by the creator God, for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Thereafter humanity is doomed to memoryless ephemerality in slavery to the death of the serpent, which is the rationale for his beheading as a draco breeding humans to be killed in warfare for its pleasure in seeing God`s plan thwarted.



In its fullness, God`s plan is extraordinary. Eve is told her `seed` will have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Although Genesis is where the Old Testament of the Bible begins, that is, the history and law of the Jews, which is the Torah and Talmud, the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, whose teaching gave rise to Christianity, is perceived as the foot of his mother, the Virgin Mary, who in religious iconography is often depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because futanarian `woman`s seed` is capable of sexually reproducing with women as a species separate and distinct from men, which was God`s plan: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` teaching recognized that `woman`s seed` and women were sexually repressed, and that God`s plan couldn`t be fulfilled without universal love, which is termed `agape` in the Bible. Jesus` alleged dissidency against the male brained Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine resulted in his being taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem where he was nailed to a cross of wood and left to die there but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed` destined to rise from the Earth to colonize the planets amongst the stars through technologies of her own species` brains` devising.

If she can`t rise from the Earth it`s because the draco won`t allow her to leave. Consequently, if there are signs of the dragon, it`s discerned. Because starships require propellants other than oil, cars are the teeth in the mouth of the dragon preventing `woman`s seed` from escaping her host womb enslavement to the devourer, war. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men`s wars are. Khaled was beheaded by a draco for preferring a woman. Jesus` story was similar. Judas, the disciple known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, discovered Jesus having his feet anointed by a woman with perfume, and suggested it be sold to raise money, whereupon Jesus rebuked him: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas gave Jesus over to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who gave him over to the Romans for execution because Judas didn`t want `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce together, as it would have posed a threat to the Roman draco.



 That Saudi Arabia is amongst the richest oil producers contributes to the story. The BBC documentary title, `Death Of A Princess`,2 resurfaced in 1997, when the UK`s Princess Diana was killed in a car crash in the Pont D`Alma tunnel in Paris, France, after a pursuit by paparazzi on motorcycles trying to get a `shot`. If a car is a tooth in the mouth of the draco, Diana was a beheaded Princess, whose Egyptian lover, Dodi Fayed, corresponded to Jehan and Khaled. Diana had been married to the son of England`s queen Elizabeth II, future king Charles, whose divorce abounded with allegations of alleged unfaithfulness. From a biblical perspective, adultery with a man is impossible for a woman, because men aren`t her species, that is, she`s adulterated, rather than a committer of adultery, which is the criteria on which accusations of unfaithfulness are based. In simple terms, Diana couldn`t escape the devourer, because the oil industry wouldn`t allow `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce the brainpower she needs to build starships to escape her slavery.



 Because the draco is a devourer, it`s necessarily a meat producer, that is, in exchange for a spurious immortality in male braining, and the consequent brain damning of `woman`s seed`, the parasite produces meat without brains. Or, in other words, as the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` is male brained, and brain damned, it becomes brain dead, and the sinful evil nature of the irredeemable parasitoid eats her, which is Satanism. The `game` metaphor of the late 20th century was that of the hunter and the animal, because of the personal computer `PC game`, which ostensibly was monitored by `political correctness`, that is, `pc`, as well as the police, that is, the regulation of the `shoot-em-up` games were based on good and bad `taste`. In simple terms, a game featuring a car chase in which the aim was to kill DIana would be banned as `bad taste`, whereas a game devised to save her, and  prevent the paparazzi from getting her shot, would be acceptable. Of course, `taste` is relative to the palate of the parasitoid, that is, it`s the `game` metaphor that`s distasteful, where humanoids are depicted as animals to be hunted and killed by the `gamer`, who is godlike in fulfilment of Satan`s promise to Eve: `You will be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The phenomenon was evident in the Gulf war of 1990-91 to remove Iraq`s dictator Saddam Hussein`s army from oil rich Kuwait, which was labeled `TV war` when cameras placed in the cockpits of aircraft like the US` A10 gave the viewer at home the vicarious thrill of seeing the pilot `shoot-em-up` on the roads leading away from Kuwait city as the Iraqi`s tried to flee. The tiny column of refugees distanced the audience from the death and horror, and inured the watchers to a future in which distant populations in Yugoslavia, the Middle East and North Africa were hunted like `game` animals, while the entertained at home thought they were `pc`.



 Judeo-Christianity percieves itself as moral, whereas `adultery` is the basis for its `moral superiority`, and the adulteration of futanarian `woman`s seed` in male brained brain damning is what God`s prohibition against adultery is actually against. In ancient Greece, which is held to be the model of democracy, women`s host wombs were enslaved for homosexuality in pederasty and warfare. Consequently, the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of women`s futanarian mode of sexual reproduction of her species` brainpower is an aspect of the `biological warfare` waged by the parasitoid to ensure women`s faithfulness to their ring slaver through fear. Although the Moslems in Islam are polygamous, that is, permitted four wives, Judeo-Christianity interprets that as the desire to retroactively legitimize the birth of Ishmael, the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God who`d been told that the human host was to be greater than the angelic. Although Isaac was the founder of Judaism, which is a futanarian religion based on the idea that a Jew can`t be born unless from a Jewess, that is, women are Jews, and Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, birthed a futanarian Jew, Isaac`s mother, Sara, was barren after his birth, so gave her Egyptian maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael. The common argument is that Ishmael is the illegitimate child of immoral adultery, so the Moslem people of Islam are reprobate, which is the basis for Judeo-Christianity`s war rationale.



  Upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women during the Bosnian war (1992-5) were incarcerated in `rape camps` by Christian Serb militia to male brain, and so brain damn there, the futanarian `remnant` of `woman`s seed` in Islam, because the slaver prefers the ubiquitous penisless babe nudity of democracy, which isn`t: `Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) Men and women constitute the hypothetical 66.6% of the human race in the absence of futanarian `woman`s seed`. In short, men and women have been manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes as a transvestite `TV` for millennia before John Logie Baird invented the television machine for the broadcasting of the `beasts` in 1926: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) Birthing itself in male braining and brain damning, men and women are the beast`s made brainless.



 Making penisless `babes` of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, the parasitoid devourer emerges from the human species` host to kill it, and thereby worship itself. Although `meat market` is a euphemism for the choosing of sex partners between men and women, with or without the aim of sexual reproduction, it`s the meat that`s marketed, which lives ephemerally in progressively inherited brainlessness. Consequently, the slaver is the torturer too, because the meat has to find a way of living within the socio-economies of the nations of the Earth without sufficient brainpower. Although pornography is a societal taboo, it presents a simple picture of the problem, which is that the human has been degraded into a brainless meat product. Although war is deemed technologically advanced human activity, it`s a fight promoter`s meat and drink, that is, the parasitoid promotes human consumption, which is the `blood drinking` activity of the draco, Vlad or Shah Jehan, etc. The absence of images of human futanarian `woman`s seed` from the mass edutainment media promotes the meat, rather than the brain, and the brainless babes are the meat product consumed by the real pornographer, who is the enemy of genuine human sexual reproduction as the parasitoid devourer of the human species. Jesus` giving of `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood` at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, is the basis for the transubstantiation ritual of the Christian church whereby the congregation accept the need to convert from the evil sinful nature of the parasitoid creature that possesses the human race and prepare for the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed` in heaven.

 As the host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus represents the human host from which `woman`s seed` doesn`t want the parasitoid to emerge and devour her, so his giving of `bread and wine`, that is, `the host` in the transubstantiation ritual, demands recognition that the parasitoid devours the `body and blood` of humans, whereas `woman`s seed` is the human host and isn`t to be devoured. Paradoxically, Judeo-Christianity promotes the dead as successful, that is, Jesus died, and so was successful in Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, although Jesus` fate is in large part a prefiguration of the destiny of `woman`s seed` in life. Producing a meat product for a fight promotion, those who live are accounted cowards for not being brave, while the brave fight and are killed, which isn`t Jesus` teaching. He was killed by the Roman Empire as a parasitoid draco cornering a single man, who wasn`t a coward, and had absolutely no chance whatsoever against his killer. Modern religion presupposes that the alive are cowards, because they aren`t bravely fighting to die for the draco, which is the fight promoter. In simple terms, Jesus` death is represented by the major religions as desirable. Consequently, death is presented as desirable, and heroically brave per se, which is what the serpent, Satan, told Eve, before it became the `red dragon` of parasitoid warfare in John`s prophetic Revelation of the future.



 If the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` is extinguished, there`ll be no humans in heaven, which is Jesus` truth. The draco wants humans to fight and die as brainless ephemerals to maintain its sex slave and `snuff` entertainment systems. Though written by Bernie Taupin about movie legend, Marilyn Monroe, found dead in the nude in 1962, the lyrics to singer Elton John`s `Candle In The Wind` (1973), were used to lament the death of Princess Diana, because `snuff`, that is, illegal killing for recorded entertainment, is what humans have become: `Your candle burned out long before your legend ever did.`3 Knowing that the enemy is identifiable, and real, is useful for humans. Although the vampire is depicted as being decapitated, it decapitates, and although a stake through the heart is depicted as being another means of bringing about its death, the historical Vlad Dracul, was `the impaler`, whereas the penis of the woman, which would confer immortality upon her human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, through technological progress in medical science derived from her own race`s brainpower, is the stake in the heart of the vampire transposed - and exposed. By denying women`s human futanarian `woman`s seed` the capacity to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers, men are her decapitators seeking to live forever in male braining, and so human brain damning, as a `blood drinking` draco, is their history. Science fiction fantasies of alien invasions, written by men as the parasitoid`s proxy serving, as it were, aim to conceal its invasion and possession of the body of the human host. By presenting itself as an extraterrestrial intelligence, that is, God, who frowns on human sexual activity, the demon parasitoid makes war upon the Earth as a means of feigning a defense of women`s species that allows it to continue to pogrom the race to extinction.

1 Doyle, John The Globe And Mail, `Saudi Princess's Death Still A Mystery, 25 Years Later`, Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 12: 00 AM EDT, .
2 Chua-Eoan, Howard, Steve Wulf, Jeffrey Kluger, Christopher Redman, and David Van Biema `Diana 1961-1997: Death of a Princess`, Time, Monday, September 8, 1997,,9171,986949,00.html .
3 John, Elton (music), and Bernie Taupin (lyrics), `Candle In The Wind`, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, MCA, 1973.

Eating Its Foot, And Standing On Its Food

26/11/2016 11:46

Eating Its Foot, And Standing On Its Food

Buddhism arose in India through the Vedas (1700-1100 B.C.) of Australoid immigrants inhabiting the Indus valley of India.1 The Vedas contained descriptions of  the world as avidya,2 that is, `delusion`, which was the basis of the Hindu religion`s teachings against ignorance. In Hinduism gods and goddesses indwell within the body`s chakras, which gave rise to the teachings of Guatama Buddha (563-483 BCE) in India as a system of spiritual elevation through the activation of the body`s chakras, which were physicaly identifiable as locations along the human spine that became centers of conscious awareness as the individual became more intelligent through their developing of knowledge about - and within - the natural and artificial environment they dwelt in. In simple terms, chakra activation met with characterological - and phenomenological - changes in the externality mirroring what was going on within the individual in terms of their developing level of spiritual attainment. Or, in other words, the chakras were a `ladder` to heaven comparable to the Ascension of Christianity`s Jesus, who was killed by the Romans, but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after teaching the Jewish `chosen people` of Palestine under occupation by the Empire of Rome the simplest of precepts conferring Salvation: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) The popular children`s game, `Snakes and Ladders`, began in ancient India as Moksha Patam (`the ladder to Salvation`),3 and for Christians it reflects upon the role of the angel, Satan, who was turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic host. God gave to Eve, the first woman, and Adam the first man, `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, in order to enslave the human race in memoryless ephemerality, that is, climbing the chakra ladder wasn`t what the snake wanted humans for.



 God told Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because saurian evolution in the Mesozoic period, 248 m.a., preceded human evolution in the Jurassic period, 220 m.a.,4 the winged angels of God correspond to winged saurians as the `fallen` angels of God, that is, a winged intelligence that was dominant upon the Earth before humans, so Jesus` disciple, John, describes Satan as a `red dragon`, because the `serpent`s seed` are those who bomb from the air: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In terms of Hinduism and Buddhism what that means is that the human can`t climb the ladder of Ascension to heaven because of the snake. Although Adam is understood to be a man, in Judaism Adam is a hermaphroditic anthropos,5 that is, Eve`s emergence from the rib of Adam, created by God from the side of the first man, is understandable in two ways. Adam was a futanarian woman with penis` semen of her own and so capable of self-fertilization, a species` survival trait, or she was what Jewish law and history, that is, the Torah and Talmud of the Old Testament of the Bible, call `the female spirit of God`, the Shekinah. According to Christianity there`s a difference between spirit and soul, although in Egypt, where the Jews were slaves before their exodus to Palestine, the terms `Ka` for spirit and `Ba` for soul reverberate in the name of the temple of Abraham in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, where `the Egyptian woman`, Hajer, bore Ishmael, the founder if Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, that is, the `Ka Ba`, because Islam and Judaism are futanarian religions seeking the union of women with `woman`s seed`. Consequently, men and women represent the world of delusion, that is, avidya in Hinduism, which is samsara in Buddhism.6 The gods` interactions with goddesses represent the demons besetting futanarian humanity`s attempts to waken into full conscious realization through the capacity of `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce brainpower to escape slavery.



 In parasitology the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`,7 which is what war is the manifestation of. Consequently, Jesus` Messianic birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was uncontaminated by male semen. He was `woman`s seed`, which is why he was killed by the Romans, who represented that evil parasitoid nature, Satan, that didn`t want `woman`s seed` to ascend the ladder of conscious development to run her own race and escape slavery to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth. Jesus was the redeemer, because his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven through the power of God prefigured that of `woman`s seed`, although Christianity`s neglecting of the theme in its proselytizing is badly damaging. In Judaism a Jew can only be born from a Jewess, that is, women are Jews, so Jesus was called the `Second Adam` because he was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as a Jewish man with `woman`s seed`. Judaism was founded by Isaac, son of the wife of Abraham, Sara, who barren thereafter gave Hajer, `the Egyptian woman`, to Abraham, and Hajer subsequently bore Ishmael, whose descendant Mohamed received the Koran (610-30 C. E.) from the angels of God who`d been told that the human host was to be greater than the angelic. According to the Koran, Jesus wasn`t killed by the Romans, but had Ascension to heaven,8 and the Koran is the authority cited for the Moslems polygamous marriages of four wives, which affords the possibility of human futanarian sexual reproduction of brainpower from `woman`s seed` to escape the `red dragon` of war and ascend to the planets amongst the stars. In short, the Koran amongst the Moslems in Islam presents Jesus` teaching as a chakra ladder, whereas Christianity`s New Testament of the Bible of Jesus` teaching depicts Satanism`s attempt to prevent the Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed`. In other words, the world`s religions are a part of a coherent whole viewed from the perspective of humanity.



 What has puzzled monotheism is the belief amongst Hindus and Buddhists that bodies contain gods and goddesses, for example, the cow in Hinduism is sacred,9 because it constitutes a microcosm in which gods and goddesses live and have their being in the same way that the chakras situated along the human spine are depicted as having indwelling gods and goddesses. Eve emerged from the side of Adam, according to the Bible, which suggests that she was an indweller. Science has attempted to explain animal soul as separate and distinct from humans often by reference to Jesus` Holy Spirit, which he said would teach after him and, as the `Second Adam`, the `spirit of God`, that is, the female Shekinah, was expected to emerge from his side as the `Second Eve` after it was pierced by the Roman guard, Longinus, upon Jesus` death after he was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by the Romans and nailed to a cross of wood whereupon he died: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) However, insofar as Jesus` Holy Spirit corresponds to Eve, the `spirit of God` is what science defines as the animal soul,10 which is the basis for eating animal flesh, that is, because the flesh is that of an animal with an animal soul, it`s for eating. Consequently, the Hindu and Buddhist chakra ladder is indicative of a war in nature between the devourer and the devoured, that is, for the evil parasitoid unredeemed nature besetting futanarian humanity`s `woman`s seed`, women are food. The ancient Egyptians explained `Ka` and `Ba` as the `spirit` (Ka) of `woman`s seed`, and her soul (Ba) body,11 which are for the sexual reproduction of the human futanarian race to the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth. Men`s devouring warfare explained humans as food, because they`re saurian nature.



 The structural anthropologist, Claude Lévi-Strauss,12 argued that the human brain was limited by its ability to perceive, and male braining through the progressive extinguishing of `woman`s seed` damns the human brain, so its able to perceive even less than it could. Consequently, humans are becoming blind. In his work on food, Lévi-Strauss observed there was a `culinary triangle` derived from nature by humans and based on food preparation, that is, raw flesh was transformed by fire into cooked food. Although Lévi-Strauss argued that this was a basic cultural activity upon which civilization was built, men`s socio-economic history of breeding `woman`s seed` as food to be devoured by its worship of war as a god belies the structural anthropological basis of Lévi-Strauss` assertion, that is, saurian parasitoid nature breeds men for war and the devouring of `woman`s seed`. In ancient Greece, for example, which is held to be the `model of democracy`, homosexuality in pederasty for war was institutionalized and women`s host wombs were enslaved for that purpose. The Satanist perspective is that, if humans are blind, they`ll never see a way out of their slavery and, leaving aside a concomitant inability to produce brainpower, if there isn`t any `woman`s seed`, humans will never even produce eyes to see with. In short, structural anthropology is the science of describing the death of the human brain and its eyesight. Or, in other words, Lévi-Strauss` culinary triangle doesn`t describe human development, but its fall down the chakra ladder to a point from which it can`t distinguish between eating its foot and standing on its food.

1 The Apricity: A European Cultural Community,  August 17, 2015, 03:30 AM , .
2 Flood, Gavin An Introduction to Hinduism, Cambridge University Press, 1996, pp. 35-9.
3 Topsfield, Andrew `The Indian Game of Snakes and Ladders` in Artibus Asiae 46, 3, 1985, pp. 203–26.
4 .
5 Trainor, Kevin Buddhism: The Illustrated Guide, Oxford University Press, 2004, p. 58.
6  Godfray, H. C. J. Parasitoids: Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, January 1994.
7 Gaster, Moses `Androgynos (Hermaphrodite)`,  Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906, .
8 Koran, An-Nisa (Women), sura 4, ayat 157-158.
 9 Jha, Dwijendra Narayan The Myth of the Holy Cow, London/New York, Verso, 2002.
10 Young, Robert M. `The Animal Soul`, The Human Nature Review,  May 28, 2005, 02:29 PM, .
11 `The Egyptian Soul: The Ka, The Ba, And The Akh`, .
12 Lévi-Strauss, Claude  (Peter Brooks transl.) `The Culinary Triangle`, The Partisan Review, 33, Autumn 1966, pp. 586–96.

Jesus Christ Wasn`t Their Gender And They Had Nothing To Communicate Except AIDS

24/11/2016 10:31

Jesus Christ Wasn`t Their Gender And They Had Nothing To Communicate Except AIDS

Jesus` teaching was his distillation of the commandments of God given to Moses, according to the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the law and history of the Jews, that is, God`s `chosen people` of the Torah and Talmud, whereas Jesus` life history is contained in the New Testament that Christians believe supersedes the law of Judaism: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) In simple terms, the law of the Jews correlates theft with murder, that is, the taking of life is correlated with theft. Simple theft is extended to the taking of life or murder, and covetousness, which amounts to planned theft, and the disrespectful tarnishing of reputation, for example, God`s, which in human terms equates with demonization. Jesus, for example, was killed by the Romans, because he was accused of proclaiming himself the `son of God` during the Roman Empire`s occupation of Jewish Palestine when the Emperor, Tiberius, was in fact proclaimed `a god` by the Romans. Although Jesus always said he was the `son of man`, even upon his death the Roman guard at his crucifixion, Longinus, said in accordance with the general mocking of Jesus, who had a sign painted above his head that read, `king of the jews`: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) In other words, Jesus` name was demonized amongst the Romans, so they killed him, which is what often happens in the edutainment business where the press hound media stars until they commit suicide, or are otherwise removed from public approval by those who want centre stage for themselves.



 Jesus was an early instance of someone hounded to death in the public eye, although the perceived phenomenon is ancient. The Roman narrative poet, Ovid, relates in his Metamorphoses (8 AD) how, in mythology, Actaeon was turned into a stag and hunted to death after seeing the goddess, Diana,1 bathing naked, and the English Princess Diana was hounded to death on August 31, 1997 when, chased by motorcycles in the Pont D`Alma tunnel in Paris, France, because paparazzi were trying to get a photo of her and caused the car to crash,2 which killed her. Actaeon`s being hunted for seeing Diana naked is correlatable with Princess Diana`s relationship with the Egyptian Dodi Fayed, after her marriage to England`s Prince Charles, that is, Dodi was being hunted by the paparazzi for wanting to see her naked. The curiosity of Diana`s paparazzi diminutive, `Di` (die), and its macabre correspondence with `Dodi`, that is, `do die`, seems planned in retrospect, that is, the English Diana was Christ-like insofar as she was at the center of a stage where it was felt someone else should be. In the early 20th century, pop star Britney Spears` fortune was taken out of her hands, after she was accused on May 18, 2006, by the paparazzi of neglecting to pick up her child Sean`s baseball cap,3 as it fell off while she was running for a car outside the Ritz hotel near Central Park, New York, that is, she was a victim of misogyny. On November 20, 2002, pop star, Michael Jackson, was accused by pedophiles, through the mass media,4 of dangerously displaying his child with Lisa Marie Presley, Prince Michael II, to a crowd above a balcony, and he died on June 25, 2009, aged 50 after overdosing on a drug prescribed for insomnia. The pattern is of someone who takes center stage and is eliminated by `a god` who wants to be center stage themselves, or removes the person who is center stage because they want their favorite to be there.



 Not only is it a pattern of `a god` seeking to replace a popular figure in order to replace them on center stage, it`s a homosexual`s psychopathology. In ancient Greece, which is often held to be the model of Western democracy, women`s host wombs were enslaved for homosexuality in pederasty and war. Consequently, the `incurable killer disease` of the late 20th century, that is, HIV/AIDS, is attributable to the `biological warfare` waged by homosexuality in pederasty for war against the human host of women. At the fabled `Last Supper` at which Jesus Christ was the human host, he appealed to his disciples to accept `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood`, because he was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and so was `woman`s seed`, which is why he was killed. In the Old Testament God turned the angel, Satan, into a serpent and placed it in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden because Satan had rejected God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Persuading Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, Satan enslaved the descendants of Eve and Adam in memoryless ephemerality. However, God told Eve her `seed` would have Redemption following upon her `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because human futanarian women have `seed` of their own, Jesus` mother is also depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot in Christian iconography, because Jesus is `woman`s seed`. Producing her own brains` powers, the futanarian species can lift herself from the Earth to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above. Consequently, when the Romans took Jesus to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem and nailed him there to a cross of wood where he died, Jesus` subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured that of `woman`s seed` in spite of men`s breeding a Satanic host for homosexuality in pederasty and war against her human race to prevent it running and escaping to heaven.



 Jesus` disciple, John, wrote in his prophetic Revelation that homosexuality would produce a `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) as a sign of the end of the human world people had been accustomed to, before `woman`s seed` went to heaven and God visited judgment upon the evil for attempting to keep her a slave upon the Earth with eternal unendurable pain as their punishment, that is, perdition: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) By the late 20th century, men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, in mocking rejection of women, had resulted in the spread of the HIV/AIDS virus. It was an aspect of a millennia long military campign to keep women in fearful faithfulness to men`s host womb ring slavery through `biological warfare` waged against `woman`s seed`. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, and so Satan is depicted as the devouring `red dragon` of war when grown to full size since its days as a serpent in Eden: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In short, as the `remnant` of futanarian `woman`s seed` dwindles, the `serpent`s seed` produces homosexuality in pederasty for war against the human race to prevent it from running and escaping the monster, which has only its viral life form to transmit as a communication. What that viral life form looks like is speculation, but the scientific theory that human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV), which results in acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS), producing systemic organ collapse, and brain death in humans, was transmitted from apes with simian immuno-deficiency virus (SIV), suggests that apes are the victims of a previous `biological warfare`, rather than its progenitors. In other words, reducing humans to apes is what the parasitoid alien enslaver of `woman`s seed` has done before.

 The serpent, Satan, as the fallen angel that spreads its wings again to be the `red dragon` of devouring war, in Jesus disciple John`s Revelation, seems saurian, which suggests that the angels of God in heaven above are the result of saurian evolution that took place upon the Earth 248 m.a. in the Mesozoic period of human prehistory, before hominids began to appear in the Jurassic period 220 m.a. Satan isn`t depicted as unique in Judeo-Christian tradition in the sense that there are other `rebel` angels, which indicates a concerted effort to keep and maintain the human race in slavery by `fallen` intelligences, that is, degenerates. How angelic inteligences become degenerate is perhaps explainable in terms of science`s `space borne virus`5 as the originator of life on planets hypothesis. In that scenario a virus could somehow, untold millions of years ago, once have inveigled itself into the host womb of whatever species was dominant on Earth and replicated itself to emerge as a parasitoid devourer of the host race. The subsequent degeneration of the evolved saurians, and their contamination and enslaving of the human host womb to perpetrate homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` as its entertainment, could be attributed to such a viral life form`s evil parasitoid nature, which is neither angelic nor human, but rather contaminatory. Although evil is usually depicted as the result of free will, that is, people choose to be evil, it isn`t often represented as organic, that is, as a consequence of a viral life form seeking to subjugate a host that mustn`t become intelligent or it`ll escape. Because war, as an expression of the virus` valence, is homosexuality in pederasty`s means of enslaving the human futanarian host womb, homosexuality is a  symptom of the virus` success.

 The ancient Greek poet, Homer, wrote in his Iliad (760-10 B.C.) of how the Greek siege of the city of Troy ended when they constructed a huge hollow wooden horse and left it outside the gates of the city of Troy where the Trojans discovering it took it inside to where the Greeks emerged from the hollow inside to capture the city and enslave the women`s host wombs for homosexuality in pederasty for war, which was institutionalized amongst the Greeks, who used women only to bear sons for war. By the late 20th century, the modern day successors to the Greeks, the `geeks`, were the devisers of `bad machine code` to infect the brains of computers and cause them to fail much in the same way as the HIV/AIDS virus was used by homosexuality in pederasty for `biological warfare` against `woman`s seed` to infect and kill the human brain. The term `geek` originally applied to `circus` freaks, who ate the heads of chickens as an entertainment for the crowd. Circuses, modelled on the Greek amphitheaters, were also built by the Romans to watch people being killed for entertainment. Consequently, killing for entertainment is what `geeks` represent, that is, if humans don`t have brains, the `geeks` have eaten the heads of the chickens, who run around brainlessly without understanding, which is what a parasitoid devourer, concerned to keep a species in memoryless ephemerality, does. Infecting the brains of computers to ensure that the artificial intelligence (AI) assisting the human race to remember knowledge, and so preserve a method perhaps discovered to defeat the parasitoid monster, is symptomatic of homosexuality in pederasty`s technological war against the human species, which is both organic and evil and identifiable as men`s preference for a homosexual valence resulting in each successive victory of the alien parasitoid devourer`s concern to wage war to ensure slavery for the human host in brainless ignorance.

 In the late 20th century `circus` had become a term for spies, who were conceived in the public imagination as killing those who wanted to see, because that`s what the Roman Empire did. The symbol of Roman authority was the fasces, that is, `bundle` with an axe in the center. Usually conceived as a bundle of rods representing the rulers of the Romans collectively wielding each a rod of authority, the fasces became the emblem of the fascist government of Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, after the election of 1922, while the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party leader, Adolf Hitler, adopted the fasces as his dictatorship`s symbol after the 1933 election. Using the `bundle` as a symbol of wood chopped with an axe to build camps inside which upwards of 20, 000, 000 of the Jewish `chosen people` were killled, Hitler employed the fasces in the same way as the Roman planners, who`d take a `bundle` with them, as the Roman Empire expanded, and would build a hide behind which they`d draw plans for encampments, which would become cities with circuses used to depopulate conquered areas. Because Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, represented the fulfilment of the tradition of the Jewish `chosen people` of the Bible that a Jew could only be born from a Jewess, Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen was the first man since Adam, and was called the `Second Adam` for that reason. Nazism sought the extermination of the `chosen people`, because it was a misogynist homosexual religion actively waging war against women, and `woman`s seed`, and based on the worship of parasitoid devouring through warfare waged against the human race as an evil alien nature infecting a host species.

 Although the term `spy` was employed as a term descriptive of those who wanted to see, in fact spies were employed by international organizations to kill people so that they couldn`t, which was another symptom of the parasitoid`s desire that the human race should remain unconsciously ignorant as a slave. Because human futanarian sexual reproduction between women, as `woman`s seed`, was necessary, if the `remnant` of the race was to produce sufficient brainpower to escape the parasitoid evil, a propaganda war was waged against  human sexual desire in favor of the sterile valence of homosexuality. Consequently, although Judeo-Christianity perceives the founding of Islam through Mohamed, the descendant of Ishmael, the son of Hajer, concubine of Abraham, as illegitimate, while Judaism founded by Isaac, son of Abraham`s legitimate wife, is legitimate, Sara`s giving of Hajer to Abraham, after she was barren subsequent to the birth of Isaac, legitimizes Islam. Despite Judeo-Christian propaganda that Ishmael`s birth is illegitimate and so Islam amongst the Moslem peoples is illigitimate too, the four wife families amongst the Moslems are an extension of the principles of Judeo-Christianity, that is, human futanarian sexual reproduction of brainpower between women through `woman`s seed` to escape enslavement to the parasitoid devourer, which is homosexuality in misogyny and pederasty for war against the human host.

 Irrespective of belief, the Koran (610-30 C.E.) given by the angels of God, who`d been told that the human host was to be greater than the angelic, to Mohamed, was used to support polygamy, which affords an organic escape route for futanarian humanity based on spiritual religious faith in human sexual reproduction. In the West women are ubiquitous as naked penisless `babes`, because they are. In Islam the women wear the one-piece coverall of the burka to hide themselves in public from the prying eyes of the alien parasitoid devourer, whose concern it is that futanarian humanity shouldn`t sexually reproduce the brainpower `woman`s seed` needs to escape Earth to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above through technologies of her own devising. Without human futanarian sexual reproduction in the West, homosexual brain death could ensue, and the virus will spread from the `rape camps`, built by Serbian Christian militia during the Bosnian war (1992-5) in Eastern Europe, where upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women were raped in order to male brain, and so brain damn, a generation of the `remnant` of `woman`s seed` to prevent her race from being able to sexually reproduce brainpower to escape from the enslaving parasitoid evil nature of the misogynist homosexual in pederasty for war waged against her sisters.



 Sudden spates of sexiness amongst supposed heterosexuals fueled by drugs, like ecstasy (MDMA),6 at `rave parties`, where gender and infectiousness are deemed of no consequence, belie the main program, which is the progressive extinction of the human host by a parasitoid alien devourer. At least since the days of the Persian Empire, with its capital city of `Babylon` (c. 4000 B.C.), named for `a woman` of the Bible, men and women have been manufactured as a single male brained transvestite creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism, and long before the invention of the television machine for the broadcasting of `TV` pictures was invented by John Logie Baird in 1926 as a `home entertainment theater` equivalent to the Roman `circus`. `TV wars` could be watched by the parasitoid for its enjoyment, and as an adjunct to the building of cinema theaters inspired by the movie capital of the world since the first film made there in the district of Hollywood, Los Angeles, by director D. W. Griffith, Old California (1910), in the west coast state of California, the United States of America, which was labeled `Babylon` for its espousal of supposedly heterosexual imagery that, in reality, was a promotional propaganda for homosexuality in pederasty`s forthcoming `TV wars`: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Although men and women were described quite accurately as the `beasts` of Revelation, because they`d been manufactured in Satanism as a `TV`, sexually subjugated `woman`s seed` was genuinely heterosexual, whereas men and women`s `TV` valence was an aspect of the alien that they embraced as inescapable: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) What has puzzled biblical commentators is `the number of the beast`: `Let he that has wisdom understand. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) 666 is 66.6% repeated, which is all that`s left of the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` after women`s sexual subjugation, so that the 33% missing futanarian component can`t restore the brainpower of the human species to facilitate its escape from enslavement to the devouring parasitoid.



 Although men and women`s defining of themselves as heterosexuality bears examination, it`s accurate to argue that the sexual subjugation of human futanarian `woman`s seed` biblically corresponds to that preference for bestiality that God specifically condemns as evil, because it proves so: `Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.` (Lev: 18. 23) When Jesus encountered the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, and a woman they`d reputedly court comitting adultery, Jesus said that the first person there amongst them without sin must cast the first stone, and no one could, so he told her: `Where are your accusers?` (John: 8. 10) Because men are the contaminant of `woman`s seed`, women can`t commit adultery, because men aren`t their species, which is under extermination. Consequently, `TV war` is the product of bestiality, that is, without `woman`s seed` the `remnant` of humanity remain unredeemed in damnation, because men represent the brain damning of women, whereas sexual edutainment is the liberator `Babylon` can`t accept. In Hollywood, Babylon, for example, `woman`s seed` was banned from being seen on the `big screen` as early as 1930 when Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), established the `Hays code`: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`7 Although it seems accidental that the war against German Imperialism (1914-18) continued against Hitler (1939-45) coincided with the establishment of the `Hays code`, American fascism is well established, for example, the fasces is the emblem of the speaker in the `House of Representatives` in the heart of US democracy on capital hill in Washington, D.C., where California, capital of the global media industry, has approximately one tenth of the votes cast by all 50 of the states comprising the USA.



 Lauded for its defeat of Japanese fascism after the sneak attack by fascist Japan on the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, which the US ultimately repsonded to by dropping atomic bombs destroying the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, US` assistance in defeating Italian and German fascism disguised its own embracing of the fascist position illustrated by its establishment of the `Hays code` banning human sexual reproduction from being actively disseminated by the world`s media to prevent `woman`s seed` from producing the brainpower she needs to escape her imprisonment and womb slavery by the parasitoid devourer in war and Satanism. Presented as the epitome of the Greek `model of democracy`, the US in fact represents that 66.6% reign of the `beasts` in subjugation of the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`, that is, the `beast`, 666, which has devoured, as its parasitoid, the 33.3% `woman`s seed` that would sexually outproduce men, who can`t reproduce with each other, and by `outproduce` is meant the colonization of the planets amongst the stars of heaven above, which is what `woman`s seed` is for. There is Resurrection and Ascension through the womb of man, which Jesus, as the `son of man`, represents in his prefiguring of the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed`.



 The enslaved live upon the Earth in male brained brain damnation and educable ignorance for the purpose of waging war for the mass media edutainment industry to promote as `TV` for the parasitoid to enjoy as the human species` alien killer. Men and women consistently explain the alien as an invader, while constantly invading each others` countries. They project the alien invader through the film edutainment medium, as `bug eyed monsters` (BEMs) from the `red planet` Mars in the film treatment of science fiction writer H.G. Wells` 1895 novel, The War Of The Worlds (1953), for example, which was ostensibly made by a US fearful of invasion by `red` Russia, or the arachnoid `bugs` of the post 1990-1 Gulf war with Iraq, in the movie treatment of science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein`s 1959 novel, Starship Troopers (1997), while aiming ICBMs, that is, intercontinental ballistic missiles, armed with nuclear warheads upon the nations of the Earth. That children`s eyes see BEMs everywhere is beyond hyperbole as the acronym ICBM illustrates to science fiction writers used to dealing in the depredations of `icy` BEMs. The human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` is the alien that the parasitoid wants to extinguish, so all intelligence is an alien with `bug eyes` to the ICBM `TV` manufactory, and depictions of the ravening maws of invented extraterrestrials ensure that fear of what`s `out there` maintains slavery upon the Earth to whatever parties are currently raving.



 In accordance with the `beasts` democratic dictatorship on behalf of the devouring alien parasitoid majority, agog `TV` watchers await the next fabulous instalment of human extinction by proxy serving. People can only see what they`re shown, which amounts to consumption of meals by means of voyeuristic `TV` fantasy. Fascism was the principle that the Jews wouldn`t see anything, which modern fascism extends to the principle that the human race won`t see itself being extinguished by the alien. In short, what humans see is the proxy server, that is, the shadow of their greater extinguishment by the alien parasitoid devourer, who`s blinding them by killing their race, so that it can`t sexually reproduce even its own eyes:  '"And Amen to that," said one grizzled old sergeant, gritting his teeth while gingerly flexing the leg he thought of as his 'good' one - the leg that was his, that is.`8 The irony of science fiction is its support for war against humanity on behalf of the alien parasitoid devourers already born upon the Earth, and waiting to live again as reincarnated `TV` repeats fighting for Satan against.

1 Ovid, Metamorphoses, Bk III, 8 AD.
2 `Princess Diana Killed in Paris Car Crash: Prince Charles to accompany Body to Britain`, CNN World News, August 31, 1997, 11:35 a.m. EDT (1535 GMT), .
3 Furstenberg, Mui von `Britney Spears Almost Drops Sean Preston`, Socialite Life, May 18, 2006, 6:47 pm, .
4 Vineyard, Jennifer `Michael Jackson Calls Baby-Dangling Incident A "Terrible Mistake"', MTV News, 11/20/2002, .
5 Wickramasinghe, Chandra `Bacterial Morphologies Supporting Cometary Panspermia: A Reappraisal`, International Journal of Astrobiology, 10 (1), pp. 25-30, 2011.
6 .
7,php/Main/FootPopping/ .
8 Usher, Robin `Sas` (transl. Robin Bright) in Oszirisz Országa, Cherubion Press, Debrecen, Hungary, 1996, pp. 191.

Saved By The Blood Of Jesus

21/11/2016 07:39

Saved By The Blood Of Jesus

Christian Salvation hasn`t been criticized on the basis of its simplistic biblical maxims, for example, that `Jesus is the redeemer` and `the blood of Jesus` which was shed at his crucifixion, `saves`.  The `blood of Jesus` was shed by `the crown of thorns` placed mockingly upon his brow as `king of the jews`, and the nails that pierced his hands and feet, which held him to the wooden cross erected upon the hill of Calvary by the Roman representatives of the Empire then occupying Jewish Palestine, and where Jesus died, before his miraculous Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Just how Christians are to understand that Jesus died, so that they might be saved by his redemptive role, is difficult to separate from the simpler understanding that Jesus was a human sacrifice, which is the blood of the savior that Christians believe redeems them from sin, that is, the cause of death, so they have immortality through Jesus` sacrificial act of Redemption. However, Jesus` wasn`t a sacrificial act. He was killed by a Roman occupying force that saw him as a `dissident` rebel Jew.

 Jesus` unusual birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, made of him a figure to follow and believe in. In Judaic tradition a Jew can only be born from a Jewess, that is, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, birthed a Jew unaided, because that`s what human women do. In Judaism, the first man, Adam, was the anthropos, who was a hermaphrodite, that is, although the first woman, Eve, is depicted as created by God from Adam`s rib, hermaphrodites are human futanarian `woman`s seed`, and self-fertilization is a species` survival trait. Consequently, Eve and Adam were `woman`s seed` beset by Satan, the angel, who rejected the creator God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic, and was turned into a serpent where God placed him in the paradise of heaven on Earth with Eve and Adam. Satan gave Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) To be the womb slaves of the parasite, Satan, the human host would have to be kept artificially childlike, that is, Eve and Adam`s descendants would have to be ephemerals instructable in obedience to their enslaver, which is what human resistance to Satanism is concerned with.

 Although not explicit, the power Eve and Adam exchange immortality for, with its attendant knowledge of how to guard against being enslaved, is war: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war against the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Jesus` disciple John`s apocalyptic Revelation of the future that ensues upon the Earth because men didn`t convert from their sin of obedience to their enslaver, is explicable in term of parasitology, where the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, that is, the host womb enslaver of the species of `woman`s seed` is a parasitoid devourer. However, God told Eve: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` will breed stronger brains than Satan. It will escape to the planets and stars of heaven above the Earth through technology, so Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigures that of `woman`s seed`, which is Redemption. Consequently, Jesus` blood saved the species of human futanarian `woman`s seed`, because Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, after he was killed, was the Satanical Romans` unplanned illustration of the unchained power of the human `foot` race to run and escape from Satanism to freedom. However, what Christianity has been taught, and teaches, is that human sacrifice is Redemption, because the sinner is saved by the blood of those who accept the teaching of Jesus: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) What they haven`t understood is that sinners are parasitoid, which is what evil is. In short, saving the blood of `woman`s seed` isn`t shedding it, that is, Christians have been taught their children are saved if they fight and kill, or are fought and are killed, because their blood is shed in fighting their enemies, whereas humans are `woman`s seed`, so it`s her they`re fighting whenever there`s a war.



 The Christian perspective is that those who don`t believe in the blood of Jesus are unredeemable `sinners`, whereas `parasitoid` is the definition of an evil sinful nature, that is, whatever emerges from the human host womb to kill it. Consequently, the German National Socialist (Nazi) Christian government elected in 1933, with Adolf Hitler as its leader, built `death camps` in which upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews were poisoned with gas before being stacked like logs and incinerated in furnaces, because that`s what parasitoids do. The Jewish `chosen people` of the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the history and law of the Jews, that is, the Torah and Talmud, were Jesus` `blood`, so the Christian Nazis expected to be redeemed. Jesus` redeeming New Testament is held by Christianity to supersede the Old Testament in which Judaism was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham and Sara, who was barren after Isaac`s birth, and so gave her maid Hajer, to Abraham. Hajer bore Ishmael, founder of Islam amongst the Moslem peoples through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God, who`d been told that the human host was to be greater than the angelic. Although Christianity sees Islam as antithetical to Judaism, and the four wives permitted in Islam, amongst the Moslems, as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael`s birth, Islam is an extension of Judaism`s tradition of futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, Islam`s four wives afford the possibility of sexually reproducing human women`s brainpower within the family. Christianity`s wars against Judaism and Islam suggest that it has embraced Satanism`s aim of extinguishing `woman`s seed`, while in the Bible it`s expressly stated that the parasitoid evil will experience eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, as God`s punishment for persisting in their sinful nature unredeemed and unrepentant.



 The prototypical anti-Christian symbol is the vampire, which legend purportedly began in Eastern Europe`s Wallachia with Prince Vlad Dracul (1431-76/7), who was known as `the impaler`, because of his impaling, on wooden stakes, victims after a battle. Although the legendary draco, Dracula, owes his name to Vlad Dracul in the novel Dracula (1895) by Bram Stoker, the premise of the vampire myth, subsequently perpetrated by novelists and movie makers, is that the vampire is killed by piercing his heart with a wooden stake, whereas impalation was rather the method employed by Vlad Dracul against his victims. Consequently, the legend of the real-life `vampire`, Dracul, contradicts the myth built in fiction, which is that it`s the vampire that`s impaled, whereas it was the vampire, Vlad Dracul of Wallachia, who was the impaler of victims. Because it`s the legend that the vampire becomes immortal by drinking the blood of his victims, Eastern European Christianity has confused Salvation, `through the blood of Jesus`, with slaughter, that is, Vlad Dracul is conceived as a Christian, because he lives by killing. During the Bosnian war (1992-5) the Serbian Christian militia built rape camps in which upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women`s children were male brained to damn `woman`s seed`. Consequently, the vampire`s stake is explicable as a transposed penis. If `woman`s seed` produces stronger brainpower, the draco damns or kills it to maintain its position. Consequently, in the hand of a woman, for example, actress Sarah Michelle Gellar in the television series about `the chosen`, that is, a US college girl who is the elect slayer of vampires, Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003), the stake is a symbol of the brainpower of `woman`s seed`. In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, symbol of human futanarian `woman`s seed`, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot, because it`s the equivalent of the stake in the heart of the draco that`s drinking the life`s blood of her race in slavery for war against her species.

 At what is known in Christianity as `the Last Supper` before his death, as the human host, Jesus gave his disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, because he wanted to convert them from their evil sinful parasitoid nature towards `woman`s seed`. However, the disciple Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon by Jesus, saw a woman anointing Jesus` feet with expensive perfume, `spikenard`, and suggested it be sold to raise money, but Jesus demurred: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Because he didn`t want Jesus` `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce, he sold Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for `thirty pieces of silver`, and the Pharisees gave Jesus over to the Romans for execution. In short, the `serpent`s seed` live by killing `woman`s seed`, and have taught the `remnant` of humanity to fight and kill each other in order to have Salvation and Redemption through bloodshed, which of course is impossible and Satanical. The Romans attempted to present Jesus` crucifixion as the death of a vampire, because Jesus offered `bread and wine` to his disciples as his `body and blood`. Consequently, Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension was conceived by the Empire of Rome as that of an arisen undead vampire who proselytized on the virtues of blood drinking in order to preserve the body immortally.



 The crucifix itself was conceived by the Romans as a puppeteer`s control, that is, Jesus` hands and feet were pierced so that strings could be put through the holes and attached to the wooden cross as a control to be used by a puppeteer: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) The Roman guard Longinus` words reiterate the mockery of the Romans who believed that the Emperor, Tiberius, was `a god`. Crucifixion was a Roman method for offering controls to their supposed `gods`; as though they were `puppeteers`: so Jesus` Resurrection was that of a puppet with a controller `god` from a Roman perspective. In other words, Jesus didn`t want strings, but the Romans wanted Jesus to be a puppet manipulated by their `gods`, which is why they attempted to control him. Jesus` Ascension to heaven is a symbol of `woman`s seed` escaped from the gods` controls, which is why Jesus` `blood` is depicted as that of the `redeemer`. However, the Romans` description of Jesus` sacrifice to a controller condemns him as a vampire. Immortal through blood drinking, he needed to be controlled from the Empire`s point of view, so the control of the Roman gods was sought in the shape of the wooden cross upon which the Jewish Messiah was nailed preparatory to his being strung as a puppet eternally.



 Christianity`s is a history of pogroming Jesus` `chosen people`, while waging war on itself, for example, in world wars against German Imperialism`s (1914-18) reemergence in fascism`s ambition to enslave (1939-45), and upon the Moslems in Islam after Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein`s invasion of Kuwait in 1990.  Christinaity`s wars are an indication that it believes in blood drinking, that is, slavery for `woman`s seed`, as a means to live an elite lifestyle, which it labels Salvation through Jesus` redemptive `blood`. The principle of killing the enslaver in order to be redeemed through `blood` is a clear laudable aim, but what`s absent from the picture of Redemption is `woman`s seed`. What Satanism has done is convince Christianity that killing `woman`s seed` is redemptive. In Islam the women wear the black one-piece coverall of the burka, because they don`t want Western eyes to pry. Edutainment in the West is based on penisless `babes`, that is, women who`re the brainless `remnant` of `woman`s seed`, whereas Moslem women in Islam`s four wife marriages are futanarian. Consequently, Western images depict the death of `woman`s seed` because that`s what Satanism has achieved there, and Nazism is a prominent indication of Christianity`s embracing of it.



 According to the Romans, Jesus was one of `the little people`, fabled in myth and folklore as being smaller than humans, which is evident from the idea of Jesus` cross as a `control` for a `puppeteer`, that is, `a god`, who isn`t of the `little people`. In Byzantine Christian art, which is the iconography of the church of the Eastern Empire of Rome centering upon Constantinople, that is, Turkey`s Istanbul, Jesus is depicted as being a man full grown at the breast of his mother, the Virgin Mary, though he`s of the stature of `the little people`. Consequently, Salvation in the East `through the blood of Jesus` is parasitoid, that is, the imagery of Byzantine art is that of producing `little people` with the blood of `woman`s seed` to consume like ogres for the power they contain, which is what Eastern European vampires want `the blood of Jesus` for, because they`re anti-Christian. What the Romans did was explain that they were `little people` with `gods` as `controllers` who strung them like `puppets` and devoured them like ogres for the power they contained, for example, Jesus` ability to turn water to wine, and walk on water, was what made him precious amongst the `little people`, so the `big people` wanted to breed more of enslaved `woman`s seed`. Devouring the smaller like ogres, metaphorically `big people`, that is, richer or stronger, could imbibe mana,1 a term used amongst early Austronesian societies for power found in nature that`s ingestible.



 Jesus` Ascension was ostensibly due to a power apart from Rome`s gods, that is, God`s, but the Eastern church after Jesus conceived of `little people` as a source of God`s power through its eating of them, which is a phenomenon known as `god-eating`2 amongst South American peoples, for example, Aztec Indians. Although parasitoids aren`t cannibals, that is, the parasitoid emerges as a parasite from the host womb to kill the host species, it has the appearance of being a cannibal, whereas it`s an alien draco breeding `little people` as its sustenance, whether literally or in socio-economic terms. Bigger people are `little` peoples` slavers, because it`s what the bigger parasitoid wants the smaller humanoid for, although the physically smaller will slave those who`re physically bigger; if it`s nature is parasitoid. Consequently, despite Jesus` offering his `body and blood` symbolically in the shape of the `bread and wine` to his disciples, it was a part of his teaching that people should convert from their evil cannibalistic parasitoid nature, that is, the enslavement and consumption for power of the lesser by the greater. Otherwise, consumption will be the end result, that is, species` extinction through self-devouring. In socio-historical terms, the Eastern Byzantine Roman church`s depiction of Jesus as one of the `little people` born to a `big` woman, the Virgin Mary, and the legend of the vampire, that is, the blood drinker, Vlad Dracul, who lives through killing, represent aspects of an anti-Christian belief system, which is presented as Christianity, but is terminally parasitoid. Although the Roman Catholic Christian church endeavored to present Jesus` efforts to convert people from cannibalisic practices through the `transubstantiation` ritual,3 whereby those who took a sip of wine from the church officiate`s chalice, along with a sliver of wafer, were transformed in acceptance of `woman`s seed`, evil parasitoid nature remains sinfully ogreish and, in the absence of genuine teaching about `woman`s seed`, parasitoid contamination by the alien enslaver of the species` host womb continued to produce the consumer society of women`s consumed.

1  Greenhill, Simon J., Ross Clark, and Bruce Biggs `Power, Effectiveness, Prestige`, Polynesian Lexicon Project Online, .
2 Frazer, Sir James George `Eating The God Among The Aztecs`, The Golden Bough: A Study In Magic And Religion, Ch. 50, 2, `Eating The God`, 1890.
3 Dix, G. The Shape Of The Liturgy, London, 1945, Ch. 6.

Jesus Was Killed For Defending A Woman

16/11/2016 07:44

Jesus Was Killed For Defending A Woman

The Jewish Pharisees were the religious police during the period of the Roman occupying Empire in Palestine, when Jesus was teaching the `chosen people` of the Jews what became the basis of the Christian church that emerged after his death: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` teaching was equated with adultery by the Pharisees, and an accused woman was brought to him, which elicited this response from the Jewish Messiah: `Let he that is without sin cast the first stone.` (John: 8. 8) No one was able to throw a stone at her, whereas stoning was a traditional Jewish punishment for adultery, that is, people threw stones at their supposedly adulterous victim until that person was dead. Jesus said to her: `Has no one condemned you?` (John: 8.10) The accusers had left. Jesus told her: `Then neither do I condemn you.` (John: 8. 11) It`s an interesting incident, because Jesus was born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. In Christian iconography, the Virgin Mary is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because the serpent is male semen productive of male thinking from male brains, whereas futanarian  `woman`s seed` is from women who`re able to sexually reproduce their own brains` powers independently of men. In the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the history and law of the Jewish `chosen people`, that is, the Talmud and Torah, the first woman created by God, Eve, is given the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` by the angel, Satan, transformed into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic: `You will be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) It was death to taste the fruit because memoryless ephemerality is the basis for slavery. Or, in other words, Satan was the host womb slaver of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`.

 Although the first man, Adam, is represented as being in the image of God, in Judaism the anthropos is hermaphroditic, that is, a woman with male and female parts. Consequently, the birth of Eve from the rib, or side of Adam, is a euphemism for a self-fertilizing birth, which is a species` survival trait of `woman`s seed`. The birth of Jesus, whose teaching comprises the basis of the New Testament of the Bible that Christianity believes supersedes the Old Testament of the Jews, was foretold by God to Eve. Her `seed` will have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`: `You will crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In short, Jesus was the fulfilment of the promise that women would escape from slavery through the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for the devising of technologies to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by the Romans, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and left there to die as a political `dissident` against the Empire, but his subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was a prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. Jesus` disciple, Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, suggested that the perfume a woman was anointing Jesus` feet with should be sold to raise money, but Jesus demurred: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas didn`t want Jesus` `seed` to reproduce as a threat to the male braining, and so brain damning of `woman`s seed` by the Empire of Rome, so he sold Jesus for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Jewish Pharisees who handed Jesus over to the Romans for crucifixion. In short, Jesus was killed for defending `woman`s seed`, which is the meaning of his role as redeemer. Redemption for humanity is the sexual reproduction of human brainpower between women through `woman`s seed`, whereas unredeemed men have to wait for Resurrection and Ascension to heaven above the Earth on the colonized planets amongst the stars through the host wombs of `woman`s seed`. Otherwise it`s reincarnation, that is, repetition of what`s gone before in terms of war.

 In ancient Greece, which predated the Empire of Rome, women`s host wombs were enslaved in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty for war, which was the undemocratic model for civilization, whereas Greece is often held as the `model of democracy`. Although described as `a woman` in the Bible, `Babylon` was the name of the capital city (c. 4000 B.C.) of the Persian Empire, because host womb slavery of women`s host wombs for homosexuality in pederasty for war was endemic: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Consequently, civilization and culture based on the Greek demographic model is undemocratic and enslaving of `woman`s seed`: `Let he that has understanding have wisdom. The number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) 66.6 recurring is the percentage of the human race needed to ensure repetition and reincarnation of what has been before in terms of war. Without the 33.3% human futanarian `woman`s seed` to balance the picture, men and women are bred as a single male brained transvestite creature wearing each others` clothes. The `TV` manufactured by the Roman Empire, for example, was watched killing itself in huge amphitheatres constructed for that purpose, before the invention, by John Logie Baird in 1926,  of the home entertainment television `TV` machine, to watch recorded people kill each other.

 In parasitology, a parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men`s wars are. `TV` is men and women as the `beasts` of Jesus` disciple John`s prophetic Revelation breeding an unbalanced psychopathology: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) The description of the `beasts` is of a parasitoid creature that refuses to allow human futanarian `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce a more balanced picture, because the slaver wants host womb parasitism for `TV` war. A prototypical `TV` and movie image of the 20th century was that of the screen vampire that is immortal through the drinking of human blood. The fictional basis for the character is Bram Stoker`s Dracula (1897), which was based on the real life historical figure, Prince Vlad Dracul III of Wallachia (1436-76/7), whose bloodthirsty rule was characterized by impaling. Wooden stakes were set into the Earth and the victims pierced upon them. In the vampire myth the creature is killed by impaling its heart by means of a sharp wooden stake often driven home by a hammer, which is why the British horror movie studio which produced several vampire movies, was called Hammer. The incongruity is that Prince Dracul killed humans, whereas the vampire is represented as being killed. The reason is that the vampire represents the continuing threat to `woman`s seed` which has been killed to prevent her from sexually reproducing human brainpower to escape from host womb parasitism to her species` enslaver. Consequently, the vampire has decapitated her, which in the vampire stories is depicted as the way in which vampires can also be killed, that is, decapitation. Moreover, without her own penis` semen, `woman`s seed` can`t reproduce her own brains` powers as a race, so the stake in the hand of the `chosen`, Sarah Michelle Gellar, in the TV show Buffy The Vampire Slayer, (1997-2003) is a transposed woman`s penis, because she has to decapitate the vampire so that her human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` can live. By killing the vampire its collective brain loses power, that is, it`s decapitated, and so decapitation is emphasized as a means of removing the vampire threat. Sarah is `the chosen` because, in Judaism, a Jew can`t be born unless from a Jewess, that is, the Jewish `chosen people` were born uncontaminate, like Jesus, from his mother, the Virgin Mary, because they`re the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, Sarah is amongst the `chosen`, because she`s a dragon slayer: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In the Medieval period of human history vampires were draco, that is, dragons, because men make war in order to enslave, that is, they drink human blood to prevent the race from developing brainpower through peaceful sexual reproduction, which will help them to escape from enslavement. Because the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` has been killed, what`s left are the `remnant` prey to the draco. The Christian belief that they`re made immortal by the blood of Jesus, in despite of Satan, is confusing: `They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.` (Rev: 12. 11) In Christian allegory, Jesus is `the Lamb`, whose blood was special, because it conferred immortality, so Christians believe that, if they accept Jesus` teaching and convert from evil, they`ll be washed in the blood of Jesus and need`t fear death, because they`ll also have Resurrection and Ascension. However, in order to have immortality, medical science must be developed. Eve and Adam were expelled from Eden with the promise of Redemption, that is, a restoration of their immortal state, but Adam must labor, while Eve would experience labor pain, and so the birth of Jesus uncontaminate prefigured the fulfilment of God`s promise of an escape for `woman`s seed` through the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for the development of immortality conferring medical science. Otherwise homosexuality in pederasty for war would produce what the late 20th century called the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, spread through men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses as the fulfilment of the ancient Greeks` development of a `biological weapon` to keep `woman`s seed` in fearful faithfulness to her ring slavery: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was accept homosexuality and pederasty for war as the system for humanity, that is, misogynistic extinction of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` and its `remnant`, and called that `washing in the blood of the Lamb` (Rev: 7. 14) In short, Salvation has been perverted into a belief in profit through enslavement.



 If the Christians can promote the `final battle between good and evil`, like a House of Horror film made by Hammer, according to Christianity it`s `destined` to take place on the plain of Megidoo, near the Northern port of Haifa in Jewish Palestine. Called `Armageddon` by sensationalists, after many people die there the war profiteers will profit `washed in the blood of the Lamb`, which is how thy interpret it. Genuine Christianity perceives that war is evil because it`s waged against the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`, and it`s traditional that women don`t take part. Consequently, war is a blood drinking in which the species is killed to prevent it from developing brainpower, which is why so much money is spent on so-called defense, for example, $ US 1 billion to keep a B2 `Spirit` bomber active. During the Gulf war (1990-1) to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi invaders, the B1 bomber was the `beast`, and during the war to depose Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, the B2 was the second  `beast`, whereas it was labeled `Spirit` by March 2003`s invading American army, because Jesus said a Holy Spirit would teach after his death. However, although the Roman guard, Longinus, pierced Jesus side with his spear upon the Jewish Messiah`s death, the Holy Spirit didn`t appear, according to the Bible, as Eve had appeared from the side of Adam in Eden: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) According to the Old Testament the `spirit of God`, the Shekinah, who is `tranquility` amongst the Moslem people in Islam, dwelt in the synagogue and was female. Consequently, the spirit that taught after Jesus, the `Second Adam`, was the spirit of human futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, the `Second Eve`, seeking Resurrection and Ascension to heaven through the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers enslaved and brain damned by the `serpent`s seed` of men`s sexual repression and subjugation of the human race of women. Or, in other words, the US B1 and B2 `Spirit` bomber represents the bombing of the human spirit by Satan. Although Judaism is deemed antithetical to Islam, the founder of Judaism, Isaac, was born from Abraham`s wife, Sara, who barren thereafter gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God, who`d been told that the human host was to be greater than the angelic. Consequently, the four wives permissible to Moslems in Islam is a continuation of the Judaic belief in the sexual reproduction of human futanarian `woman`s seed` within the family, although Christianity perceives it as a retroactive legitimization of Ishmael`s birth, because Hajer wasn`t Abraham`s wife. Jesus explains it to Christianity, but it isn`t taught: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Because `woman`s seed` is a single human race whereas unredeemed men are the admixture of the `serpent`s seed` in adulteration with a species not its own in order to enslave and kill it as an evil parasitoid nature.



 The practical aspect of a belief in `woman`s seed` is that good and evil are clearly distinguishable. Evil is that which doesn`t want `woman`s seed` and good is that which does. Consequently, the mass media edutainment system of global dissemination is evil if it doesn`t disseminate imagery of `woman`s seed` within a positive educational framework for humans to accept the `third alternative`, which is of a traditional male and female list of `TV` characters whose social interaction is improved by the addition, through positive discrimination, of futanarian women. Although the mass media presents `TV` transvestism, and trans-sexuality, that is, sex-change through gender surgery, as an acceptable aberration, natural futanarian women aren`t a part of the implicit misogynist perception that `woman`s seed` is ridiculously comic, so ignorable as `too difficult` for the watchers of men and women killing each other as a male brained transvestite wearing each others` clothes in `TV` wars against the `remnant` of the human species devoured by its parasitoid enemy. If the women were clear that it was their species that they were defending, it`d be helpful for the viewer to be able to understand the difference between good and evil, because the defense of `woman`s seed` would indicate who was evil and who wasn`t. However, the late 20th century edutainment medium of the big and small screen of cinema and TV made it difficult to see who was good and who was evil, because the distinction was blurred for those who wanted to be entertained and didn`t care what it was that was entertaining for them. Nightmare On Elm Street (1984), for example, was a horror movie starring actor, Robert Englund, in the role of a psychopathic killer, Freddy Kruger, who became a cult hero because he was perceived to be an unfettered representation of belief in liberty for the individual. In Scream (1996) the character, `Ghostface`, was a masked psychopathic killer of women with a knife, and was similarly celebrated, which wouldn`t have been possible if `woman`s seed` had been defended by the mass media edutainment industry promoting positive images of human futanarian sexual reproduction between women as the species of `woman`s seed`. Although it seems unbelievable, humanity is in the last throes of a race war waged against it by a parasitoid nature not its own, which promotes images of evil perpetrated against women, because women are the humans whereas, if Christianity educated people in `woman`s seed`, evil would at least be recognizable for the good, who`ve been taught to cheer the psychopath unreflectively as fun, without perceiving that the point of view of the victimized woman should be theirs.



 If it`s presupposed that women should be defended, everyone who is killed in warfare is ostensibly killed defending women. However, `woman`s seed` isn`t men`s species, which means that all wars are waged against her futanarian race by her assailants, that is, no women are defended, because war is a misogynist activity designed to kill those who would defend `woman`s seed`, before they are even aware of what women are. Jesus was the redeemer of Christianity, because he defended the woman as `woman`s seed`, that is, the woman accused of adultery was an instance of how women`s progeny are adulterated by men`s `seed` in damning through male braining, which means that women aren`t unfaithful to their own species, they`re raped for host womb slavery, so that the parasitoid devourer can wage war against her race to extinction, while appearing to be defending it. To eyes born dim, and made blind through the dissemination of propagandist imagery equivalent to what a species might expect of an evil alien intelligence looking to slave its host womb for progeny to devour as a parasitoid, war is for defending women, whereas a more careful analysis reveals it to be a ruse for exterminating the `remnant` of her human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` devised by an alien parasitoid nature, which the Bible calls `Satan`. Jesus` disciple, Judas, had Jesus killed, after Jesus told Judas to leave the woman anointing Jesus` feet alone, because Jesus was `woman`s seed` and Judas didn`t want women to escape their damnation in male braining. Although Christianity`s subsequent development seemed based on fighting the species` enemies, in fact it was brain death. Its history is the extinction, or attempted extinction of other races, ostensibly on the moral grounds that they wouldn`t convert to Jesus` teaching, whereas Jesus` teaching is of the human race`s futanarian `woman`s seed`, which must be allowed to sexually reproduce in peace if the brainpower needed to escape slavery to the unredeemed `serpent`s seed` is to prevail. In order to brain damn North America for war, the indigenous inhabitants` food resource, that is, the 60, 000, 000 herd of buffalo, were killed by 1880 so that the North American Plains Indians starved to death, which is the basic pogroming technique of Christianity to ensure that God`s male brained spirit can`t liberate itself from homosexuality in pederasty`s misogynistic race war against the human `remnant` of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth. During the second global war to damn the `chosen people` of the Jews, after the 1914-18 war waged by the German Empire to enslave the Earth, the elected Christian German National Socialist (Nazi) Party of Adolf Hitler pogromed ipwards of 20, 000, 000 `chosen people`to ensure that Gods spirit was damned.



 The Middle East`s wars against the Moslem peoples` nations can be seen as a further attempt to damn `woman`s seed` where the four wife families of Islam afford the opportunity for `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce and escape the damning of the `spirit of God`, which though she`s called `Shekinah` amongst the Jews, is `tranquility` there. Because Christianity perpetrates brain damning, while proselytizing the conversion of the sinner as its legitimacy, it`s Satanic. When the Spanish colonized South America, for example, it was during the period of the Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834), which tortured people to death because they weren`t perceived to be Christians, and often the tortured victims would be killed if the torturer remained unconvinced, which was often enough to indicate that the death of resisters was the object of the Inquisition, and not the tortured`s conversion from putative sinfulness. When the English king, Henry VIII, separated the Christian church in England from the Pope`s authority in Rome, who had traditionally been the spiritual ruler of Christianity since Jesus` disciple, Paul, the Spanish Inquisition proceeded to implement a program of torture upon the `rebels` as well as the Jews, etc., because the aim was to establish brain damning with Spanish `seed` prevailing in Latin America and elsewhere where Spain`s Imperial colonies were established amongst the usual Christian pogroming of the indigenous populations, which was repeated globally. Most notably in Australia, the aborigines were hunted like animals by the European Christian settler minority, and although India, where Australoid immigrants settled in the Indus valley with the basis of the Hindu religion, the Vedas,  successfully resisted colonial Christianity to gain independence in 1948, Hinduism`s warning against reincarnation as the repetition of male semen in brain damning goes largely ignored, because Christianity wants a single male brain wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism to watch killing itself as entertainment for its worship of the evil parasitoid nature that possesses it.



 Although the Christian rationale is that it improves the human condition through technological progress, it doesn`t. It spends money on war against the human futanarian `remnant` of `woman`s seed`, because the possessing evil spirit of the parasitoid devourer wants brainless slaves, which the capacity of `woman`s seed` for liberation and escape from host womb slavery to parasitism threatens to afford women the possibility of running a race to freedom, so first her penis` semen has to be removed. Scientists argue that a space borne virus could have originated life on Earth,1 but it seems more likely that a viral parasitoid life form somehow millennia ago inveigled itself into the host womb of the human futanarian race to steal her penis and kill her as it emerged. Its emergence is the history of the human species, which is its host womb slave, and periodically it engages in war to ensure brain death for humanity and the re-establishment of its pogrom. Although the hijacking of civil airliners on September 11, 2001, to crash into the Twin Towers of New York city`s World Trade Centre precipitated global war, no one associated the event with `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`, which needs to recur in order to maintain humanity in unconsciousness of its enslavement by the parasitoid devouring it. Consequently, although the terrorists operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan were Moslems in Islam led by Saudi Arabia`s Osama Ben Laden, the aim of promulgating war against human futanarian `woman`s seed` was likeable to the US, where the ubiquitous nudity of penisless `babes` in brainless acceptance of misogyny was endemic. In short, Moslem misogyny in Islam was working together closely with Christian misogyny in order to maintain slavery for the human race in unconscious ignorance of the truth, which is that men worship a parasitoid devourer in Satanism in order to maintain their ascendancy over the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` as her alien conqueror.



 The Christian belief is that the dead have Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, if they convert from their evil sinful nature, which they carefully haven`t defined as a  parasitoid devourer preying upon the human race from its futanarian host womb. Consequently, those who aren`t dead aren`t brave Christians, that is, the brave are dead, whereas the cowardly are alive, and ought to be dead from a Christian perspective, so that they`re redeemed through waging war upon the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`, which of course isn`t Christianity, but it is Satanism. 66.6 recurring is the percentage of men and women in reincarnation`s repetitiousness, without the 33.3% of futanarian human nature needed to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth, which is why men and women`s single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism is depicted in the Revelation of Jesus` disciple, John, as `beasts`. If the `beasts` reject the sexual reproduction of the human `seed` of futanarian women`s race, the planets amongst the stars won`t be colonized in the name of God, and Jesus` teaching of the Holy Spirit, which is the `spirit of God`, that is, the `Second Eve` of Christian tradition emergent from Jesus` side after it was pierced by the spear of the Roman guard, Longinus, and who is Shekinah in Judaism, and the `tranquility` of `the peace of Islam` amongst Moslem women, will remain damned in Satanism`s host womb slaving of the human species for parasitoid devouring in war against her in worship of the alien invader.

1 Wickramasinghe, Chandra, `Bacterial Morphologies Supporting Cometary Panspermia: A Reappraisal`, International Journal of Astrobiology, 10 (1), pp. 25-30, 2011.

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