What`s That Penis Looking At?
15/11/2013 15:52
What`s That Penis Looking At?
In the modern age the perception is of a harried social body driven by demons into an early death, reincarnation, or the hell of eternal unendurable pain, which is the `perdition` that God has set aside in the Bible as a punishment for those who don`t convert from their sins and accept Jesus` Redemption through his teachings for the benefit of mankind after his betrayal at the `Last Supper` by his disciple, Judas Iscariot, as a Palestianian `dissident` during the period of the Roman Empire. Jesus Christ was the first born of `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, which the Communion Service of the Catholic Christian church remembers as the `bread and wine`, given by the host Jesus to the disciples at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, as symbols of the `body and blood` of woman`s host womb:
`Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

In the modern period the `pains` and `sores` are HIV/AIDS, which is further decribed in Revelation as `blood plague`, because blood feud and warfare are the legacy of homosexual pederasty, which was institutionalized in ancient Greece through the enslavement of women`s host wombs for the spreading of the plague of war and pederasty further to their neighbours. One of the basic teachings of Jesus` Redemption is forgiveness, because blood feud or vendetta is a plague as virulent as the homosexually spread virus of HIV/AIDS in rejection of the host womb of `woman`s seed` resulting in a sterile preference for death and ephemerality through the `killer disease`. The paradigm of men`s virus is treachery towards the host. In Greek history the huge wooden horse that was left outside the gates of the city of Troy as a `friendship gift` was taken within the walls by the Trojans and the Greeks emerged from inside the Trojan horse to enslave the host wombs of the women for pederasty and to further war`s contagions. In the modern era `geeks` with machine code known as `Trojan horses` reinforced `Greek` homosexuals transmitting of viruses through the host wombs of the human species and began infecting the machine brains the humans had developed in technology to assist them against the brain damage of the `serpent`s seed` God had warned Eve would have `perpetual enmity` for her `seed`, although she would:
`... crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)

The `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen is the `futrace`, which God tells Eve will triumph technologically and result in the human species` leaving for the planets and stars of heaven in starships of her own devising. Because she has socio-economic independence as a race if she can sexually reproduce her own brains` power without male semen, which is what Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen prefigures. However, it would be necessary for women to be able to see their penis, whereas the appearance of nubile young women in briefs but without blouse or bra is carefully monitored to ensure that no sign of the woman`s penis is discernible. Sex education devolves upon the parents, so the interested parties are invariably directed to the top shelf of the newsagent`s where totally naked nubile young women may be discerned in magazines like Playboy and Penthouse but again without the penis being visible. Because boys` penises are indubitably attracted to the nubile form of the young women it is evident that fathers don`t want the penis to see or be seen:
`Penis envy in Freudian psychoanalysis refers to the theorized reaction of a girl during her psychosexual development to the realization that she does not have a penis. Freud considered this realization a defining moment in the development of gender and sexual identity for women - the parallel reaction in boys to the realization that women do not have a penis being castration anxiety.`1

In fact women do have a penis so, in accordance with the theory, boys wouldn`t feel castrated if they knew. The `father of psychoanalysis`, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), was actually the father of repressive psychology. He suggested boys were beset by what he called the `Oedipal complex`, after the drama Oedipus Rex (429 BC) by Sophocles, the ancient Greek playwright, in which Oedipus defined `man` as `walking on three legs in the evening` because old men use a cane. Oedipus is metaphorically blind throughout the play because he unwittingly kills his father and unknowingly marries his mother. Because of the incest taboo he blinds himself in guilt. Imposed by the fathers upon the sons, Oedipus` blindness is symbolic of the fathers` desire that the boys don`t see, which means man `walks on three legs in the evening` because sons are blinded by their fathers and need a blind man`s cane to help their progress.

In Eden Adam and Eve are the original human pair husbanded by God who produce Cain and Abel after sexual union, but Cain kills Abel because he wants the able man to be blind, so he`s Abel`s Cain. God had expelled Adam and Eve from Eden, that is, Paradise, for accepting the temptation of the serpent. The `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` rather than the `fruit of the tree of life` is death rather than immortality, because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` is a child of Adam and Eve and the third `foot` of the human species, which is the real reason for man `walking on three legs in the evening`. The human race of `futanarian` woman, with her own penis` semen, is a `futrace` of man, woman, and the `futanarian` semen of woman, that is, the third `foot`, if the species of humanity is to progress. Adam and Eve accepted slavery to the serpent and the `serpent`s seed` for the `woman`seed` with her own feminine `soul` and `God`s spirit` for the future child of the human race, that is, the woman with her own penis` `seed`, which meant pederasty and the contagions of war were `the wages of sin which is death` for unrepentant humanity. Because, in farming terms, there is only husbanding for food and brains, it is only germane whether the humans are husbanded for consumption or intelligence.
In the Gulf war (2001-11), Al Qaeda terrorists, led by Osama Ben Ladan, the Saudi Arabian `lion`, posed on September 11, 2001, as guests of the host, the United States of America, to hijack `civil` aircraft and crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York to precipitate global conflict with Saddam Hussein, the dictator, who`d promised bases to Al Qaeda in Iraq. The planes functioned as betrayers` `Trojan horses` employed against the host to ensure the reestablishment of `rough trade`, which is defined dictionarily as the `brutality and violence` of homosexual acts. that is, the terrorists chose the World Trade Centre because the reimplementation of the `rough trade` of pederasty and war was necessary to maintain institiutionalized` Greek` homosexuality as the basis of societal and economic activity. Because war is consumption of resources, it isn`t intelligent, which indicates bad husbanding. If woman with her own penis` semen is concealing her womanhood beneath the skirts of the statue of Liberty in New York harbour, the torch of freedom borne aloft by her is the symbol of the intelligence of the human species that isn`t visible. The penis of Liberty isn`t seen and can`t see because women live in occlusion, censorship and media blackout preventing her from breeding her own brains` power through her own husbanding of resources wasted in warfare and spreading its contagions.

The human species is being driven to destruction by its demon, which doesn`t want slow, intelligent thought. The orgasm of women can take many hours to achieve, and the period of gestation for a child producing pregnant woman is nine months, whereas the role of men in sexual reproduction is over in seconds. In socio-biological terms, women are slower, which means that their lives aren`t about finalities, whereas men`s hiding of the woman`s penis from her own eyes seems part of a `final solution` contemplated by the National Socialist Party (Nazi) in Germany during the Second World War (1939-45) when the `chosen people`, that is, the Jewish mothers, because it`s only possible to be born a Jew from a Jewess, were being secretly pogromed in `concentration camps` while people in the surrounding areas of such places as Dachau, Auschwitz, Belsen and Treblinka remained unconscious of what was transpiring in their midst. The concept of intelligence and security as being concerned with preventing people from seeing became the paradigm for such research tools as the internet by the beginning of the 21st century, whereas intelligence is concerned with sight and the invisibility of the woman`s penis indicates that taboos against sex education are blinding her humanity to its future.
In the drama Oedipus Rex, the incest taboo is imposed on Oedipus by his father(s), because `woman`s seed` is a species, that is, the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` is, together with woman without a penis, family, which men as her enslavers don`t want to sexually reproduce. So the incest taboo reinforces the parasite`s monopoly of the human host womb and disguises the probability that `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen has been killed already by men. In the drama Oedipus` daughter, Antigone, becomes the guide of her blind father, so removing her from the possibility of seeing herself, that is, growing away from the blinding father to perceive her own human species `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`.

Although men seem blinded by the importance they subscribe to their own penis, the average size is less than six inches according to statistics in the United States, while the amount of ejaculate is 10 cubic centimetres on average. Some `futanarian` women`s penises are of a size and dimension that makes them appear as a third foot, which probably relates to Oedipus` asseverating that a man `walks with three legs in the evening`. Though `futanarian` women represent physical slowness, a largeness of size that slows is a species` trait and not a socio-economic `straitjacket` on thought and intelligence. In simple terms, women are physically slow because they want to see, while men are demon slave drivers that don`t want her to, which is borne out by taboos against their boys` penis seeing or the penis itself being seen, because then the women would have leisure to remember their own:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
It seems that the penis size of the male has shrunk over the eons in proportion to men`s desire that it shouldn`t see or be seen. Its reduced status is commensurate with the extinction of the human race of `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed`, that is, men`s pogrom of genocide against `woman`s seed` is directly related to the taboo against the penis` visibility and reinforced through censorship, media blackout and occlusion by means of poor medical treatment resulting in ephemerality rather than longevity of memory and physical form that would allow women to pass on their race`s knowledge and experience to their daughters. The incest taboo in Sophocles` drama, Oedipus Rex, against family sex, because women are a separate independent species, suggests death by killing is the form of blindness for the human race that men have adopted for women as a part of the genocidal pogrom against humanity by the `serpent`s seed`.

Because Al Qaeda, `the base`, attacked the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre at the `Big Apple` of New York state, and the `apple` is a euphemism for the `third eye` situated at the pineal gland, or `ajna chakra` in the Hindu system of mapping the developmental level of intellectual and spiritual achievement of the individual psyche from the `base` of the spine at the Muladhara chakra, to the Sahasrara chakra at the `crown` of the head, the crashing of the planes into the Twin Towers on Manhattan island was the equivalent of HIV/AIDS, which has as its aim the `brain death` of the human individual. Initiating global `rough trade`, the events of September 11, 2001, restored war and the `blood plague` of vendetta as the basis of men`s belief in themselves, which meant they`d accepted the `serpent`s seed` rather than God`s `seed` and Jesus` teachings of Redemption though forgiveness.

Because the `pineal gland` of the `third eye` is connected to the libidic energy produced by the penis` `seed` during erectile functioning, and the transformation of libido into spiritual and intellectual endeavour is the basis of vision and envisioning, according to developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), penis activation is necessary for technological progress, which means humanity won`t be able to see if the `futanarian` penis of women with their own potential for socio-economic independence is removed from the scene by unintelligent alien agencies. More intelligent, she`d like to see more, while ambling slowly along, thanks to the labour-saving, and liberty-bestowing advancements of her own brains` powers for developing technologically, without being driven by demons displaying their inferior equipment, like those European settlers on May 24, 1626, who purchased Manhattan island from the red indians for a few worthless baubles.
1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penis_envy .