The Knights Of Abel With Rounds To Spare

18/07/2012 14:05

The Knights Of Abel With Rounds To Spare



They`re Cain, and they`re not Abel,

They kill routines and bore all scenes

With piece work implacable.



They ate, smelt there, and frowned a lot,

Their kind is hand and sperm a lot.

They`re knights of the dead Abel,

That lowly curséd Abel

In olden times with nursery chrymes

That didn`t quite sink Abel.



They`re Arthur sad in come a lot,

The vas deferens between a wife, and Lot.

Sodom`s Addam; Kuwait assault at Abel,

Eve her unquench she Abel,

`Neath the guests` `Last Supper` quests:

 `O Thou Arthur

- transubstantiate Abel.`


She's a busy wife, Sir Lancer Lot,

Bush burning, it did sprake a lot.



- sing to the tune of `Knights Of The Round Table` by Monty Python from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)