The Cup and the Spear, the Phone and the Gun
22/06/2013 11:50
The Cup and the Spear, the Phone and the Gun
At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus offered `bread and wine` to his disciples as tokens of his `body and blood` , which represented his awareness that death was a devouring for men and fellowship at table was a solution to conflict. The custom was to eat and drink from the same vessel, and Jesus` bowl became sought after as a holy relic known as the Grail. In the Catholic Communion service the cup or chalice of the priest contains wine and the parishioner drinks and eats a wafer in a ritual acceptance of the `host`. Because Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen her womb is the `host` of the human. As Jesus had the Holy Spirit he was also the `host` and, as the first man born of woman alone, that was his teaching.
In Revelation God gives a `new heaven and Earth` to `woman`s seed` because `futanarian` woman has a penis of her own and can self-fertilize and self-reproduce, which was what the Virgin Mary prefigured when she gave birth to Jesus uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` God warns Eve will have `perpetual enmity` (Gen: 3. 15) with her `seed`. God sends a `blood plague` corresponding to the 20th century`s HIV/AIDS to convert men from their sin:
`Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Although `political correctness` says homosexual pederasty is merely a sexual abherration, history tells us that men have enslaved the `host` wombs of women to further their contagion of war and spread it further. The computer term for virus is a `Trojan horse`, because the Greeks `feigned friendship` for Troy when they left a huge hollow wooden horse outside the city`s walls which the Trojans took inside. The Greeks emerged like a virus to capture the city and enslave the `host` wombs of the women for homosexual pederasty and spread their plague further.
Homosexuals are directly associated with systemic collapse, whether it be societal, psychological, physical, or technological. Their HIV/AIDS `killer disease` produced by mixing blood, shit and semen in the witchery of anal sex with each other even feigns friendship for the body`s white cells of the immune system. Just as the Greeks pretended friendliness before Troy before their virus emerged to kill the humans.
If women are defined as the `host` of the human species and men are her parasites emerging to destroy what she is able to produce of civilization, culture and art despite their depredations upon her Earth, marriage with the human species is their invasion mode. Courtship is the main feature of knightly behaviour based on the fellowship of Jesus` disciples at the `Last Supper`; especially in the legends of King Arthur of le table ronde where the Holy Grail features as an almost unattainable achievement. Sir Perceval attains to the Grail because his name means the piercing of the veil of occlusion and the lance or spear is the symbol of the knight that permits his penetrating mind to grasp the meaning.
In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the Grail or cup is viewed as representing the `Feeling` or heart function, which accords with traditional delineations of the Tarot deck of divinatory cards into four suits; cups, spears, wands and pentacles. Because there are four functions of consciousness, according to Jungian psychology, and the spear is representative of `Intuition`, so the individuated or developed personality would need `Intuition`, that is, the spear, to understand why courtship is important. Because Jesus was a man born of a virgin uncontaminated by men. The Grail is the wisdom born of the knowledge that women are self-reproductive, which means that men are either parasites or human; depending on how they behave towards women.
In Jungian terms, the wand and the pentacle correspond to `Thinking` and `Sensation`, because the spear and the wand are the male and the female penis, so the cup and the pentacle are the vagina of the woman and the vagina of the `futanarian` woman with a penis. According to tradition the Tarot deck was a portable Torah or book of Judaic law which emerge from the burning of the library at Alexandria in antiquity. Used by divinators to predict the future, the major aracana of twenty-two cards correspond to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, but the pictorial symbolism focuses almost entirely on the division between male and female opposites, which isn`t Christian because Jesus` teachings are of the ascendency of the `futanarian` woman and `woman`s seed`.
Jungian psychology associates `Feeling` with the mouth because it speaks for the heart, while `Intuition` is associated with the nose or smell because the invisible spirit informs. `Thinking` is associated with the ears, because thought is influenced by speech, and `Sensation` is linked to the light of the sun and the eyes, because you can`t touch what can`t be perceived or spoken with. Divining what isn`t visible is what seers use the Tarot for, but the deck is self-limiting, because traditional packs deal only in male and female rather than man and human, while women with their own penis constitute an indpendent branch of the human species with its own socio-economic future.
The Tarot is understandable as the Judaic book of the law of God because `woman`s seed` is the future discernible in what constitutes the deck. Jung gave alchemy as the precursor of medicine and psychology greater attention. The alchemical philosophers sought the `stone of the wise` and the `elixir of immortality`, and their visions of chemical processes involve the production of the hermaphrodite. If men want to maintain women as an enslaved species for their devourings in warfare against her, longevity through medicine isn`t what they want for her. She`d remember her own penis and leave for the planets and stars of God`s heavenly Empyrean irrespective of whether men wanted her or not. Alchemy, like the Tarot, is indicative of knowledge suppressed because it would mean the liberation of the repressed human species, that is, woman and woman with her own penis, if women`s future were directed by themselves.
Jungian psychology argues that overemphasis upon the masculine Logos at the expense of Eros, that is, logic over relationship, doesn`t take sufficient account of woman. The knowledge of women as having a penis of their own as a species independent throws old light on men`s wars and aggression towards her and her Earth, which belongs to her by virtue of her being the human species and everything that`s human emerging from her womb thereupon.
If the future of woman were deducible from the Tarot deck`s divinatory powers, the cup and the spear would represent the penis and vagina, while the wand and the pentacle, which is a star within a circle, would point to the future of women as `woman`s seed` with her own penis amongst the stars in heaven, while she remains `hidden` beneath the sun star of Earth:
`When the dragon saw that it had been thrown down to the earth, it pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle, so that she could fly to her place in the desert, where, far from the serpent, she was taken care of for a year, two years, and a half-year.` (Rev: 11. 13-14)
The woman has given birth to the `New Redeemer` while the dragon waited in vain to devour him. In Revelation `the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six` (Rev: 13. 18). Because the future is determined by the telephone numbers of those who are in contact with you. Associated with the `Thinking` function or ear, when cupped to the ear the phone is associated with the heart or `Feeling` function, which Jung associates with the mouth and the speech coming from the heart`s feelings.
Because the cup and the spear of `Intuition` belong together symbolically, the concept of the phone as a communicator between man, that is, the penis as spear, and woman, that is, the cup as vagina, is evident. But the spear is a primitive gun, and so the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty is represented in the modern era as the phone and the gun.
The most mystical of the suits of the Tarot is the pentacle, which is associated with the function of `Sensation`. As a symbolic star the pentacle represents sight and seeing, which is why Jung associates it with the eyes. Because the speech of lovers has become the phone and the gun due to an overweighting in favour of Logos, that is, male technology, the closing of the eyes of its victims in homosexual pederasty is what the devouring `beast` of Revelation represents.
Christianity is a further example of what the Greeks termed enantiodromia. Asked to accept the Holy Spirit, the individual who affirms his or her acceptance will invariably be told by the male priest that they`re not sure if the parishioner has truly taken Jesus into their heart. The men of the church have to be accepted by the parishioner because the churchgoer won`t be acceptable until the men are convinced that the male spirit has been accepted.
Because women have their own penis they`re definable as `lesbians` by the Christian church, so that the priests` normalization program can prosper. If all women are perceived as lesbians, and men have to be accepted by the individual parishioner to be `normal`, Christianity is the homosexual pederasty it`s accused of in the newspapers and other mass media; men preying on other men and boys while the women help to convert the human species` `futanarian` spirit of the woman with her own penis to their way of thinking:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Women who willingly give their `host` wombs to further homosexual pederasty, war and its contagions, are themselves harlots and abominations. Christians hide behind the liars` truth. A lesbian who goes to the church and is told she`s abherrant has her life path trammelled. Those who are spiritually arrogant tell her it was for her own good that they didn`t reveal to her that women have a penis of their own and so she`s `normal`. They`ve ruined a woman on the understanding that they`re heroic because they`ve risked going to hell for lying to her and she`s not to blame, so she won`t be going and they`re consequently heroes. But that`s false spirituality and God has decreed perdition, that is eternal unendurable pain, for liars who plot to murder the woman on the phone and pretend they`re speaking for God.