Suiciding The Infant
20/06/2013 13:04

Suiciding The Infant
The terrorist hijacked planes that crashed into the Twin Towers of New York`s Manhattan Island on 9/11, 2001, were an attack on the Earth`s socio-economy directed at the World Trade Centre because `rough trade` is fostered by homosexuals so that pederasty can maintain its grip on the human species:
`... brutality or sadism, or such homosexuals collectively.`1
Usually war and agression is perceived as human nature, but such historical events as the rape of the Sabine women by the Romans and the siege of Troy by the Greeks, which was documented by the Greek poet Homer in his epic poem, The Iliad (710-760 BC), about the `towers of Ilium`, argue for a reinterpretation of `human`. In ancient Greece women were enslaved as `host` wombs for the spreading of homosexual pederasty, war, and its contagion, plague. The Greeks employed a huge hollow wooden horse as a `friendship gift` for the Trojans who took the horse into the city of Troy where they were betrayed as the Greeks emerged to enslave the `host` wombs of the women and spread their contagion further:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`2

In the 21st century Homer`s `towers of Ilium` were transposed into the Twin Towers of New York and Arabs posing as friends used `civil` airplanes as `Trojan horses` to spread the `virus` of `rough trade`, that is, a systemic attack in computer `geekspeak` terms, across the globe. By attacking the World Trade Centre homosexual pederasty precipitated the second Gulf War (2001-11) and US President George W. Bush`s proclaimed `War On Terror` (2003-), which put the human citizens of the planet under the watchful guards of the secret intelligence networks.
At Hawaii`s Pearl harbour in 1941 it was the sucide pilots of the Imperial airforce of Japan with the red suns emblazoned on the bodies of their aircraft that suicidally crashed their planes into the ships of the US Pacific fleet in a surprise attack equivalent to the Greeks` surprising Troy after feigning friendship.

The `false friend` was the paradigm of the 20th century because of HIV/AIDS and the `killer disease` itself feigned friendship for the white cells of the body`s defense system before disabling it. The `blood plague` of Revelation, which is sent by God to convert men from their `sins` (16. 11) in the Christian Bible, is HIV/AIDS, because homosexual pederasty is suicidal.

In Revelation `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer` while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him. If the sun is the red sun of Japan at Pearl harbour and the moon is the symbol of Al Qaeda, `Liberty` in her birth waters at New York harbor is `the woman` of Revelation, because 9/11 demonstrated that suicide was the spirit of homosexual pederasty that the `Second Coming` of Jesus as the `New Redeemer` would be expected to defeat. If so, woman would be the target of homosexual pederasty on 9/11, that is, men would be attempting to suicide her.

As man born uncontaminated by male semen from the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ was the religious figure accepting of woman as the `host` of the human species, whereas men were perceived as parasites using women as their `host` womb from which to emerge and destroy. The Virgin Mary produced Jesus from her `host` womb by `immaculate conception and so he was `perfected`. Because women have a penis of their own as `futanarian`, they can reproduce without being contaminated by male semen, which identifies them as the `woman`s seed` of the Bible.

God says `woman`s seed` shall be given a `new heaven and Earth`, while the `serpent`s seed`, that is, unredeemed men, receive unendurable eternal pain as their punishment for enslaving her to destroy what she is still able to produce from her `host` womb in the way of civilization, culture and art. WIth her own penis woman would have an indpendent socio-economic valence and so 9/11 was an attempt to `suicide` her by refocusing the planet on the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty, war, and its contagion, plague.

WIthout money to invest in medical research women would remain ephemeral and conditioned to accept men`s breeding of themselves through her womb as a `host` for their parasitism. Longevity and rejuvenative treatments to maintain women`s bodies as youthful would ensure her awareness of herself as an independent species with her own penis and socio-economic valence, but money spent on the armies and weapons of pederasty and `rough trade` to destroy her Earth won`t cure the `killer disease`.

In Genesis God tells the first woman Eve that she`ll `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` Earth (3. 15), which suggests men will try to keep what British fantasy writer C. S. Lewis presciently described as the `daughters of Eve`3 here as their slave. Promoting suicidal tendencies in women as the human species is what the parasites are about. In feminism lesbians and homosexual pederasts are deemed equal, and that`s accepted as `political correctness` in the USA but, from a woman`s perspective, it`s political suicide to deem the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war as an equal to the repressed human species of woman with its own penis and socio-economic future amongst the stars and planets of God`s heavenly realm.

Most biblical commentators use the patriarchal figure of Abraham as the basis for a belief in the immortality of men, but God tells the founder of both Judaeo-Christianity through his son Isaac, and of the Moslem faith of Islam through the lineage of his son, Ishamael, that his `seed` shall be as numerous as the `dust of the Earth` and the `stars` (Gen: 13.16). Immortality is reserved for `woman`s seed` and men have to ask to be redeemed from their sins if they are to have any chance of going to heaven with the human species of woman. In Revelation there`s to be `war in heaven` with the `serpent`s seed` of men who won`t relinquish their enslaving of woman before a `new heaven and Earth` is given to her and hers.

Catholicism`s focusing upon the `host` as the `bread and wine` offered to the disciples in token of Christ`s `body and blood` at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, signifies the `host` womb of Jesus` mother is that of the human:
`... the son of Man has the authority on Earth to forgive sins ... ` (Mk: 2. 10)

In his Second Coming Jesus has a `double-edged sword out of his mouth` in Revelation, because he`s upon Earth to discriminate not forgive. He`s there to make it clear that the evil shall experience perdition if they don`t convert from pederasty and the enslavement of the human species` host womb of woman for their devouring parasitism:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.`

Human is definable as what gets along with humans, which is what Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` as his `body and blood` means. He knew he`d be betrayed by Judas to the Jewish Pharisees, and the Roman judge Pontius Pilate would sentence him to death as a dissident for his teachings, which meant that he and his mother, the Virgin Mary, that is, the human species, were on the devourers` menu and he wanted to make it clear to the future of Christianity that the human species weren`t for eating.

Fellowships such as the legendary knights of Le Table Ronde of King Arthur of the Britons and their ladies were conceived as disciplined groups similar to those of the disciples, and persist as an ideal in the shape of such organizations as the Rotary Club of `dinner guesting` in which an association of diners give out invitations to desirable companions at table. Erstwhile men have been perceived as the humans, whereas women with a penis of their own as well as the womb of the hostess, as it were, can self-reproduce, while her parasite can`t.

As Jesus indicates at the `Last Supper`, human is as human does, which excludes the behavioural mode of parasitical devourment as `natural` to humanity. While such characters described by Dr `Bones` McCoy as `pointy-eared`, Mr Spock, a Vulcan, and Klingon Lt. Whorff, are familiar to the public on the deck of the Starship Enterprise in the US TV series and movie franchise Star Trek (1966-), what isn`t perceived by men as `Man` may still be human because humans behave humanly, that is, as humane actors with regard to `other intelligent life forms`, whereas men still haven`t yet been able to be human with the species of woman, who perforce remains as their reluctant hostess upon her own Earth:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

Those women who willingly give their wombs as hosts of the alien enslavers and devourers are whores, and perdition awaits them as well as the parasites they harbor. The events of Pearl harbor where the Japanese `zero` pilots suicidally attacked the US to spread war and its contagiousness, and New York harbor where `Liberty` in her waters saw Al Qaeda`s suicidal terrorists crash their hijacked planes into the Twin Towers, represents the birthing of a human spirit through woman`s `host` womb that will reject her harbouring of a parasite that suicidally seeks to suicide her along with its programmed self-annihilation as humanity`s `killer disease`:
`Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.` (Matt: 28. 19)
2 Virgil, The Aeneid, Bk II 19 BC.
3 Lewis, C. S. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe from The Chronciles Of Narnia, Part One, Ch.7-8.