Schizophrenic Earth
03/07/2013 20:41
Schizophrenic Earth
Most people in Western societies have encountered the idea that the divisions within Islam are schizophrenic. Moslem societies are divided into two basic types. Suni Moslems who accept the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed as dictated to him by the angels and written as the Koran (610-30 CE) while the Shi`ia Moslems became a branch of Islam after the death of the Prophet and the belief that his son-in-law Ali was the representative of God on Earth after Mohammed, which took away some of the direct authority of the Koran. The schism within Islam devolved from the desire to place socio-political power in the hands of its leaders rather than rely wholly on the spiritual power of ncontthe Koran and the divisiveness within Islam has grown deeper. Women are taught to cover themselves in public beneath the black one piece covering of their burkah, while the men wear the white full length thob. The men`s faces can be seen whereas only the eyes of the women are visible. Islam has been pejoratively labelled `schizophrenic` by Western society for this reason but, although the label is widely accepted, the explanation lacks cogency.
In Christianity Jesus is born uncontaminated by male semen as the first of `woman`s seed`. Although Jesus is a teacher in Islam and his story appears in the Koran, he is the Christ of the Western Bible because his mother, the Virgin Mary, is `futanarian`, that is, she`s a self-reproducing woman. God tells Eve she`ll `crush the head of the serpent` as she leaves Earth but shall have `perpetual enmity` between the `serpent`s seed` and her `seed`. Because `seed` means semen and Jesus was the first of `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen, that is, the `serpent`s seed`, the Virgin Mary prefigures the self-fertilizing independent human species of woman with her own penis` `seed`, that is, her own semen, which is what `futanarian` women have. Beneath their black burkhas Arabian women are `futanarian` and don`t want to be seen because, according to the parasitilogy of Christianity, males are the parasites upon the human species` host womb of woman:
`The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.` (Rev: 12. 6)

The woman has given birth to Jesus, in his `Second Coming` as the `New Redeemer`, while the `red dragon` of Revelation grown since its days as the serpent of Eden waited in vain to devour him. As the Messiah Jesus would be the herald of the new human species of `futanarian` woman corresponding to `woman`s seed` given a `new heaven and Earth by God while the `serpent`s seed` receive eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, as a punishment for their enslaving and devouring of the human species from its own womb as its devourer in ceaseless wars of `perpetual enmity` against the civilizations, cultures and art that women are able to produce from their wombs in spite of their parasites` depredations.

Ancient Greece provided the foundations of Western civilization before Jesus` teachings, and institutionalized homosexual pederasty ensured the spread of war and its contagions through the enslaving of women`s host wombs for the parasite`s devourings and further emergings and enslavings. In Revelation God sends the `blood plague` to convert men from their sin:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

The `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS produced in the witchery of mixing blood, semen and shit between brothers in evil is the `biological weapon` of pederasty launched against women`s host wombs to ensure their slavery in fear to faithfulness. In Islam the `faithful` are the true believers, while the `Islamic brotherhood` was the new socio-political force amongst the Moslem peoples during the `Arab Spring` revolutions deposing Gaddafi in Libya, Ben Al in Tunisia and Saleh in Yemen in 2011. In psychopathological terms, schizophrenics believe they have a brother but they aren`t responsible for what they do. Islam is the belief that all men are their brothers and so are collectively concerned with what Christianity calls Salvation:
`Am I my brother`s keeper?` (Gen: 4. 9)

Cain`s attempt to avoid explaining to God his slaying of his brother Able, because he could cook, and so was more able than Cain, who was a fruit picker, is typical of the psychopathic schizophrenic. The enabled doesn`t want to be more able but wants the other to be unable, which is how the concept of the `ape of God` arose. Ape men ape the enabled to get close enough to slay them for the fruits of their endeavours. Or, in simpler terms, they don`t want to cook, that is, they don`t want to build but they want to live in the house, which is what schizophrenic psychopaths are. Abel`s path was towards civilization, culture and art, whereas Cain`s was the path back up into the trees. Men don`t have brothers. What they have are parasites.

Although Christianity preaches `brotherliness`, Jesus` recognizes men are parasites. At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, he gave the disciples `bread and wine` as tokens of his `body and blood`, because he didn`t want to be devoured in death, while the disciple Judas sold him for `thirty pieces of silver` and they abused a woman for anointing Jesus` feet with a too expensive perfume, because it was money wasted on Christ, who was to be crucified the next day:
`Leave her alone.` (Mk: 6)

The disabling of the able to make more unable is what `brotherhood` actually means amongst `hoods`. The schizophrenic perspective is the disabled aren`t responsible for their crimes, so the `big apes` disable the more enabled to fake what Christianity calls `brotherliness` amongst the disabled and the bigger apes. The apes might be bigger but the trees remain the same size and, in the final analysis, a return to the trees is predestined, because the reduction of the human to ape is what the `serpent`s seed` represent.

In the Bible Adam and Eve eat the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` (Gen: 3. 15) offered them by the serpent, whereas God has given them the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality. Knowledge of good and evil isn`t wisdom, but wisdom through knowledge is Redemption. Pederasty through enslavement of the host womb of the human species so the parasite can spread through war and its contagions is the `serpent`s seed`, which is power through the `knowledge of good and evil` represented by the serpent in Eden, but the `wages of sin is death`, as Adam and Eve discover when God expels them from Eden for accepting the serpent`s offer:
`You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)

Adam is told he must work and Eve is told she`ll have pain in childbirth, which is hopeful from her point of view because she does produce civilization, culture and art from her host womb for the parasite to devour in its ceaseless wars of `perpetual enmity` against her and God`s promise to `woman`s seed` suggests her `futanarian` offspring, that is, `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own, will prevail despite her labour pains.

Christianity`s belief in `brotherliness` and Islam`s belief in `brothers` presupposes sisters, whereas sisters who have parasites don`t have brothers and, if Jesus was the first of `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen, his experience with the disciples `brotherly` treachery and stupidity suggests Christian `brotherliness` is a deliberately unrealizable ideal designed to keep the parasites busy while the women plot their escape to the planets and stars as the human species with its own penis in delayed socio-economic independence from its parasite.

Psychopaths want you to be afraid of their brother, who is more evil. Saddam Hussein was the prototypical daddy of the women`s prison and, in the second Gulf war (2001-11), after he`d parasitically invaded his unwilling host, neighbour Kuwait, in the first Gulf war (1990-1), Baghdad was the goal because it was where dad was `bagged`, that is, he was made to wear the hood of the criminal when hung by the neck until dead by the Americans. In Iraq`s capital city of Baghdad he`d been the `bag daddy` of the women`s prison where, robed in their burkhas, the Iraqi women wore the `black bags` for their daddies. Believing in freedom for Iraq, they`d conceal bombs beneath their burkhas to suicide as `Islamic martyrs` fighting against the invader in support of their brothers, whereas in the women`s prison they should be fighting for freedom for themselves.

In terms of the second Gulf War, George Bush was the good brother and Saddam the `evil one`, but the events leading up to the declared `War On Terror` (2003-) are revealing. Al Qaeda`s demolishing of the World Trade Centre by hijacking planes to crash them into its Twin Towers in New York was a reimplementing of `rough trade`, which is the slang term for pederasty, and war and its contagions. Although Al Qaeda`s leader, Osama Ben Ladan, was killed in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, by US Navy Seal Team Six, Al Qaeda`s bases were in Afghanistan and, although Saddam Hussein offered Iraqi territory for Al Qaeda bases to operate from after 9/11 2001`s terrorist attack on New York`s island of Manhattan, the USA invaded Iraq rather than Afghanistan, because it cost more. Wasting lives, money and property is what pederasty is for. Kick-starting the economy of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is the devouring parasite`s self-perpetuating cycle of production and reproduction through `wage slavery`, which is what brothers are for.

In Egyptian mythology Set dismembers Osiris who is reborn as the `sky god` Horus who defeats Set, which is what brothers do. 9/11`s terrorist hijack of planes to crash into the Twin Towers `live on CNN` was television set and the `TV war` that ensued was the USA as the `sky god` with its satellite guided precision bombing of Iraq, and the war of the brothers continues, because that`s what devouring parasites emerging from the host wombs of women are for.

The psychopathology of schizophrenia is that women and men are divided because men aren`t a species. Incapable of reproduction they`re a parasite attached to a host womb. Presumably after killing the original species of woman with its own penis and means of self-reproduction. The penis is still attracted to the woman but the parasite isn`t. Women are taught lesbianism is abnormal, whereas it denotes attraction to her own species. Made schizophrenic by men, it`s men`s psychopathology women shouldn`t know their parasites` aim, which is to devour her human species` remembering of her own `futanarian` penis and socio-economic valence for independence so she can`t escape from the Earth but is doomed to have her humans devoured by the parasites` schizophrenic `brotherliness`.