Reading Jesus` Guards

16/07/2013 14:29

Reading Jesus` Guards

Jesus Christ is believed by many to have been one of the very few individuals on Earth to have broken the wheel of karma, but it`s simple. Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as the `first of woman`s seed`, after Eve, who appeared from the side of `the first man`, Adam, in Eden, an event described in the Bible as God`s creation of the `first woman`. God tells Eve she`s `woman` seed` and will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` before she `crushes the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) Earth for the `new heaven and Earth` God will create for her.
 In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the unconscious mind contains the engines of the human species in the form of images that inspire humanity to progress. The wheel is one such archetype and the wheel of the car is a manifestation of the archetypal engine`s appearance in the physical world of human reality. The automobile hasn`t changed since 1908 when model T-Ford cars first began to be mass produced, and the human species hasn`t changed since babies began to be reproduced after Adam and Eve`s expulsion from Eden for accepting the serpent`s proposal that they eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`:
`You shall be as gods.`
 The `serpent` is the imago of the devourer, which Adam and Eve accept into their psyches, when God had given them the `tree of life`, that is, the archetypes of the engine of humanity. Adam is told he must work, which Jesus translates into the work of Redemption in the New Testament, where acceptance of the host womb is the message of his `Mission`, while Eve is told by God she`ll have pain in childbirth, which is true if she knows that the
civilization, culture and art she`s able to produce will be devoured in the serpent`s seed`s depredations of ceaseless wars against her.
 In Arabia women are prohibited from driving cars, which have remained pedal cars since their inception, because men don`t want women to have better technology so that they can escape from their parasites. God`s archetypes are the engines of the brain and, unless `woman`s seed` is able to reproduce without  men, she won`t be able to develop the technology by means of her own brain power and leave for the heaven that God has envisioned. If a woman gets into a car with a woman with a penis of her own, that is, a `futanarian` woman socio-economically independent of men`s enslaving and devouring of her host womb parasitically, she`s broken the wheel of karma, which is what Jesus` story represents. His was a virgin birth and so she didn`t need a man.
 Jesus read the guards in the same way that an astrologer reads her cards. Judas Iscariot was the disciple that betrayed Jesus to the Jewish police, the Pharisees, who handed Christ over to the Roman guards as a dissident, and Jesus was crucified, died, was resurrected and had Ascension to heaven, because he cold read his guards. The human species wasn`t there. All that was left were the cards to be read, which is what the guards are. Jesus understood that the human race had been run and, if he wanted to be released from the prison, he shouldn`t ask the guards about the future, because then he wouldn`t be appealing to God.
 Jesus understood that he wouldn`t be appealing to the humans, because they weren`t there. His mother, the Virgin Mary, was a self-reproducer, which is what `woman`s seed` is, because she`s `futanarian` and has her own penis` seed. Enslaved by the `serpent`s seed` of men she`s self-begetting and devouring, which is represented in Jungian psychology by the imago of the tail-eating ourobouros serpent:
`... [Friedrich August Kekule] discovered the ring shape of the benzene molecule after having a reverie or day-dream of a snake seizing its own tail (this is a common symbol in many ancient cultures known as the Ouroboros or Endless knot).`1
 Benzene is a basic constituent of petrol, so the ourobouros is a symbol of women`s enslavement and devourment by a flesh pedaller, but not a human, because it doesn`t want the woman to drive a better vehicle, it wants her to believe in the flash, while bedazzling her with the mysteries of her own footwork, because it`s her own `futanarian` nature that`s developed the pederast thus far:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 The enslaved and devoured woman is the pet `trull`.
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