One Man, One Woman, Or One Species, One Woman
08/07/2013 12:17
One Man, One Woman, Or One Species, One Woman
Most science fiction bans the treatment of sexual themes on moral grounds because its readership is juvenile or not perceived as adult, and pornography is restricted to those brave enough to be interested because of societal taboos relating to the notion of adequacy and inadequacy. Why would anyone want science fiction and fantasy when there is the real world to consider? Why would anyone want pictures when there are plenty of `real` women? It denotes inadequacy or deeper psychological problems, according to the moralists, requiring psychiatry rather than masturbation. Unless development is the goal of the human species and not women`s ensavement to the kitchen sink as a slave.

Any brief student of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, notices that God has a down on the `serpent`s seed` (3. 15), which he tells Eve to beware of because it has `perpetual enmity` for her `seed`. Looking ahead, the serpent that gives Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` represents HIV/AIDS through the mixing of blood, shit and semen in anal sex by men who don`t want women. According to the Bible `the wages of sin are death` because Eve`s accepting of the fruit from the serpent and giving some to Adam is a metaphor for human enslavement on a level of technology low enough to maintain the species but not high enough to facilitate its escape from its enslavers, that is, the `serpent`s seed`, which amongst other devices uses HIV/AIDS to keep women faithful in fear and monogamous union with her parasite.

Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, prefigures the birth of the human species uncontaminated by male semen, which requires `woman`s seed`, and God tells Eve she`ll `crush the head of the serpent before she leaves` Earth for the stars and planets God has promised her in `heaven`. Ancient Greece was founded on institutionalized pederasty so that the contagion of war could be spread further:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (17. 5)

Women who give their wombs over to enslavement are the hosts of the human species` parasites. Jesus explains it to the disciples at the `Last Supper` where he complains about his Roman hosts who are about to crucify him, that is, torture him to death on the cross, so he gives the disciples `bread and wine` as tokens of his `body and blood`, because he doesn`t want to be devoured by his parasites but wants a good host for the human race, like his mother, the Virgin Mary, so that it can escape. The solution is the woman with her own penis, or `woman`s seed`, who has her own socio-economic valence as a self-reproducer and so represents God`s future for humanity.

Science fiction is the genre perceived as containing aliens, and not humans, but if humans live in science fiction, the aliens are the parasites enslaving their species on a low level of technological development, which means the enslavers of the humans would want its monkeys to return to the trees and a false Edenic paradise if they rebelled, which is where the humans are now living in terms of the science fiction and pornography we`re told isn`t for children or adults. Because of the societal taboo against the penis it`s impossible for less than a trained researcher to know that women have a penis of their own as `futanarian` and so represent the delayed possibility of species` independence for humanity from its parasitism masquerading as consumerism.
The 20th century was most noticeable for the United States of America`s North American Space Administration (NASA) space rocket missions` manned Apollo moon landings and the development of the `automatic washing machine` as one of the basic fruits of space technology. However, if women`s host wombs are used by her parasite to emerge from in order to devour her product of civilization, culture and art in its ceaseless wars, `consumer durables` like the automatic washing machine are an aspect of her devourer`s parasitism because, tied to the kitchen sink without a machine to wash its own clothes, the woman`s host womb is enslaved by her parasite as `consumer`.
The NASA space program was delayed while President Ron `ray gun` Reagan ringed the globe with missiles as a `Strategic Defense Intitiative` (SDI) of the United States to ensure that the `woman`s seed`, that is, the human species, didn`t escape through her developing of advanced technologies by means of her own socio-economic valence for independence before men had created robots of the Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator (1984) movie type to facilitate her imprisonment, slavery, and extinction if she became too troublesome. In the Bible Jesus is depicted as being born a second time as the `New Redeemer` while the devouring `red dragon`, grown since its days as the `serpent of Eden`, waits in vain to devour him. In Eden Adam and Eve were naked before they noticed their need for clothes, because they perceived that they were vulnerable to the devourer, which they`d accepted as `owner`, which is why God expelled the pair from the garden of Eden, so they could learn wisdom.

The vernacular has the expression `fucking your brains out`, which is used to describe the sex act between male and female, but if women`s males are parasites she doesn`t have any brains because she`s producing parasites who don`t want her to have the intelligence to leave Earth. Away from the planet amongst the stars women as a species with their own penis would have their own brains independent of her devouring parasite, which explains the phrase `fucking your brains out`, because the humans would have the bigger brain to defeat the `red dragon` in the `war in heaven` that, accordng to the Bible, will end with perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain for the `serpent`s seed`, who have endeavoured to keep the human species as its endlessly devourable slave.

Like pornography, `bad words` are viewed by moralists as societally taboo, but the simplest truths are often couched in vulgar expressions. Those who don`t want sex in literary `scifi` and want taboos against pornography`s depiction of the sexual activities of humans, as opposed to their male parasites` pictures of themselves enslaving her, are killing the human species` capacity to survive the devouring `red dragon` and its devourer`s aim of extinguishing her because humans eat, drink and reproduce, which is what Jesus` teachings of the good `host` represent.

In the Catholic Communion service parishioners receive the `wafer and wine` from the priest`s `cup`, in symbolic token of the `bread and wine` Christ gave to the disciples as symbols of his `body and blood` before his death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. The priest is being a good `host`, directing the congregation not to devour each other, in the `perpetual enmity` Christ observed the parasites having for the humans species from his vantage point upon the cross, but to be a good `host`, like Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary. Because woman is the human species, and without men she can reproduce independently of parasites, through her own penis` `seed` and valence for socio-economic freedom.

Jesus could see the mockery of God from the cross, where the Roman guards placed the sign INRI, meaning `King of the Jews`, in further mockery of his mother, the human species, because Jews are women. They have to be because you can`t be born a Jew unless your mother is a Jew, which means that Jews are women, and that`s why they`re God`s `chosen people` because they represent the furthering potential of `woman`s seed`. It`s virtually impossible for the woman of the Earth to escape from her parasites, because the devil, men, want to be in every picture, which is how they enslave her for their devourings. If men are in the picture with the species of woman, she can`t escape.

The developmental psychologist, Carl Jung (1875-1961), observed that people lived by projections, that is, their relations with the world were coloured by what they could see. Men are the devouring imago of the human species, but women are blind to that because men don`t want her to see. So sex is taboo and technology is science fiction. In simple terms, eating flesh and drinking blood is what the human species has been taught to do in its wars of `perpetual enmity` against her, whereas what women as a species need to do is `fuck her brains out`, so she`ll have some.

In emphasizing `consumption`, rather than human reproduction, men have created themselves as the devouring `red dragon` of Revelation, which would eat the woman and her child, the `New Redeemer`, but God won`t let it. Adam and Eve`s story`s a simple one. Something wanted to direct the production. Because men want to be in the picture with the naked woman to eat her, that movie is ended.

God`s plan is for women with their own seed to continue without men and their contaminated semen. The `war in heaven` will be about men`s refusal to accept their divorce from the human species as its parasitical enslaver and devourer. The Bible says God wins and its students are its pupils. Researchers` eyes are black, because that`s the colour of the retina, and black magicians are evil, according to tradition, because they`re the devouring imago of men living in and through the eyes of the human species.
`Puppet masters - the free men are coming to kill you!`1

Jesus` `sword that came out of his mouth` in Revelation is the `Word of God` to the heroes who support `woman`s seed`. American science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein was handicapped throughout his career by evil people who didn`t want adult stories of the future because they didn`t want the human species to escape from death by consumption. HIV/AIDS is a form of cancer, often called `consumption`, created by pederasty`s black magicians in mixing blood, shit and semen in anal sex to promote women`s enslavement in fear of unfaithfulness to her devouring monogamist, and corresponds to the `blood plague` sent by God in Revelation to convert men from their sin:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sires but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

One man, one woman is the Western tradition of enslavement, because women are the hosts of the human species, which means one woman is one species with its own brain. In Revelation Jesus` `bride` is the church, but there`s no giving or taking in marriage in heaven because people will be `as the angels`, according to Christ`s teachings. If `woman`s seed` is promised by God a `new heaven and Earth` she`ll be independent of her enslaver and devourer in monogamy because she`s a species and so won`t need her parasite in `wedlock`.

HIV/AIDS was the incurable `killer disease` of the late 20th century which destroys the brain`s capacity to function by means of consumption. Men`s preferring to indulge in pederasty`s `perpetual enmity` in its interminable devourings of the civilization, culture and art that woman has been able to produce from her host womb despite her parasite`s depredations, was highlighted on 9/11 2001 when Arabian Al Qaeda terrorists crashed hijacked airliners into the World Trade Centre in New York to reestablish `rough trade` and to renew the war of the Gulf (2001-11) between men and women in the desert sands of Arabia where men wear white and women wear black to highlight the contrast for those more used to black and white television wars.

Transvestites are called TVs in mockery of the human species of woman who has her own penis and reproductive capacity, and the devouring parasites of black magic`s imago in the eyes of those watching television are tuning in to see what`s left of the human race as it attempts to run and hide. Only an Arabian woman knows what`s beneath her black abiyah, but it`s possible for a man to marry four women in an Arabian marriage, which has psychological implications.

In Jungian psychology the archetypes or collective impulse engines of humanity appear in dreams, imagination and art to facilitate human progress. One archetype is fourness because there are four functions of consciousness with a central linked ego corresponding to the four wives with a centre in Arabian marriage. According to Jung the four functions are `Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Intuition` and are associated in undifeferentiated form with `ears, eyes, mouth and nose`, which means women would have to be blind if men were to continue as her enslaver and devourer. Pictorial and media representations of actual `futanarian` women with their own penis and capacity for reproduction and socio-economic independence are taboo.

Transvestism is a surgical travesty designed to promote TV wars. The notion is that the human species is a TV wearing each other`s clothes, which relates to Jesus` distillation of God`s law as `love your neighbour`, because your neighbour is yourself. Unable to recognize that the human species is nearing extinction because the parasites want to watch a transvestite killing itself because they don`t want the human species of `futanarian` woman to live, the remnant of the human race goes on killing itself in `TV wars`.

Born from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus recognized the human species as self-reproductive woman with her own penis` `seed`. After separating the `futanarian` human species into its penis and vagina components, the parasites are busily exterminating her for their TV entertainment and the `mass media` of Hollywood, Babylon, is facilitating the human race`s extinction, with its penis taboos focusing the humans on its goal of eating, drinking and killing, which is the same thing from the point of view of the devourers. Unless the human species is directed away from its prurient distaste for depictions of human sexuality, the Arabian archetype of fourfold marriage with a woman at its centre will have been maintained by the heroes of Arabia to no purpose. If humans continue to believe that technology is science fiction for devourers, women will never escape her microwave oven. She`ll be microwaved instead of gassed in the oven, which was the Nazis method at Belsen, Auschwitz and Dachau, etc., in World War II (1939-45) before the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` became invisible to the `naked eye`:
`When the dragon saw that it had been thrown down to the earth, it pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle, so that she could fly to her place in the desert, where, far from the serpent, she was taken care of for a year, two years, and a half-year.` (Rev: 12. 13-4)

The male child is Jesus, the `New Redeemer`, who was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, in his `First Coming`, but a `futanarian` child could be perceived as male, because she has her own penis and `seed`, which would fulfil Jesus` promise of decontamination from men`s `serpent`s seed` and prepare the future for God`s plan for `woman`s seed`. Although the eagle is the symbol upon the `Great Seal` of the United States, which may refer to the protected hymen of women`s future, the eagle is a typical symbol for many nations upon the Earth, including Germany and Iran, which was all but declared the enemy in war of the USA at the close of the first decade of the 21st century.

The eye of the parasite is active if it has limbs, that is, humans are meat to the `naked eye` of the devourer. If the eagle only watches, the woman will be extinct, which is what human television trains us for. The Gulf war was delusory insofar as it made men feel like heroes, whereas it was only a black and white `feel good` TV show for the advertisers of parasitism`s devourment for the human species. The eye may be naked but the limbs are volitional. The woman may be nude, but the brain of the perceiver is directable by its humanity. First a hero, then a teacher, is Jesus` message, because heroism is perceiving the devourer and exterminating it.

In the Bible Jesus is the archetypal dragon slayer, but he orders its killing. Jesus is a hero because he sees the truth and teaches. When he`s killed by the parasites, he has Ascension to heaven, because the dragon is dead that would have devoured his wisdom. Traditional heroes are muscley blokes with a big sword, but that`s what devourers are. In his `Second Coming`, Jesus speaks to command with `the sword that came out of his mouth` because he`s a real hero and not a slaver.

Jesus is born from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` in his `Second Coming`, because the USA is `Liberty` and she defeated the red sun of Japan by unleasing the power of the sun in A-bombing the nation of Japan and the moon of Al Qaeda after 9/11 2001. Both the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor in 1941 and the terrorism of 9/11 were suicide attacks designed to precipitate global conflict. Suicide is the precipitator, which is the tool employed by the devouring parasite to precipitate humanity into suicidal activities such as A-bombing nations and Earth`s wars. Jesus` self-abnegation gave him the status of redeemer because his death, Resurrection and Ascesnion to heaven was illustrative of the parasites` aim of suiciding the human species.

The statue of `Liberty` in New York harbor, retrospectively looks back to the red suns of the Japanese mitsubishi zero fighters suicidally crashing their planes into the decks of the aircraft carriers of the unsuspecting US Pacific fleet at Hawaaii. But `Liberty` looks forward to the future after 9/11`s `dark night of the soul` of her Earth and the moons of the flags of Al Qaeda. She`s the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who pederasty wanted to suicide before she was able to give birth in her waters there at New York harbor after 9/11.

Males are taught `brotherhood` and belligerent defence of other males rather than defending the woman as the human species` host womb because they`re led in blindness and ignorance as to the true nature of the `futanarian` human race, which is woman with her own penis and socio-economic valence for independence. Men`s many arms are a blind abomination, which can`t see that it`s a guest of the host it`s destroying, because it`s a parasite and it doesn`t want to. That was Jesus` understanding, so Christ set out to save the woman, while offering the possibility of acceptance of the host and Redemption for those of mankind capable of such heroism.

In the 1930s the Germans obeyed the Nazis orders to place women in `concentration camps` for `extermination` without question because they were enslavers and devourers and not Christians, whereas the wings of the eagle were adopted by the creators of the German Reich to protect `woman`s seed`; if we accept the intention was from the Bible. Before the deposing of the Shah in 1977, the eagle was the emblem of Iran, and the US` eagle was a friend. By the 21st century Iran`s President Ahmedinejad was the leader of a fundamentalist Islamic state, and the United States had just defeated Moslem Iraq after Saddam Hussein declared his support for Al Qaeda. The eagle was in danger of becoming a devourer.

The `naked eye` is important because women can`t see their own species naked due to penis taboos, which means that eagle`s eyes need to be trained to see and not devour, because arms are abomination if they`re for blinding the humans so they can`t see, and abominations are what a-bombing nations are. `Masturbation makes you blind`2 is almost a proverb, but equating desire for human sex with blinding is to cut off the arms as an abomination when the eyes that love the human form are needed to compel the limbs to act in defense of the species.

The `nudie magazine` may be education enough from the parasites` perspective but, without further knowledge of `futanarian` woman as a self-reproducing species, the individual remains blind, which is the intention of the devourers of `woman`s seed`. The encouraging of masturbation has as its aim blindness, because the masturbator is persuaded to feel guilt and that truncates the growth process, which requires the human to be discovered, that is, the `futanarian` woman with her own penis, who constitutes `woman`s seed` and humanity`s furthering future:
`Our ... [further] who art in heaven ...` (Matt: 6. 9)

Because `masturbation makes you blind` is a popular concept, the blinding of the masturbator isn`t entirely a fiction. If women can`t see their human `futanarian` selves, they`re blinded by masturbating men, who want their own penis and not the woman`s. Equally, the male masturbator who is in love with their penis and the pictorial representations of women, is blind if he doesn`t know what women really look like. The `futanarian` woman, who has both her own penis and vagina, is God`s `chosen people` and Jesus was the first of `woman`s seed`. Because she can see to teach and correct others` vision. Those who don`t want humans to have knowledge, on the grounds that it`s secret, are simply planning to exterminate us secretly.
1 Heinlein, Robert A. The Puppet Masters, Doubleday, 1951. The final statement in every published version.
2 `... the hypothalamus which makes oxytocin and ADH if over activated can cause you to lose sight when they press on the optic nerves. Sex causes an increase in oxytocin so if you have an increase in oxytocin you will have at least partial blindness.`