Logan`s Run, the Boston Marathon, and Red for Stop in Arabia
26/06/2013 15:54

Logan`s Run, the Boston Marathon, and Red for Stop in Arabia
Because the 9/11, 2001 Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked their civil planes at Boston`s Logan airport it was an attempt to kill the 21st century in the same way that `runners` were killed in Logan`s Run when they`d turned 21 years of age. The sign of their demise was a glowing red palm which notified the sandmen of their being eligible targets. At the Boston Marathon in 2013 the `runners` were stopped by a terrorist who didn`t want the human race and so he`d decided that the palms of his victims were read as to their future.

Date palms are naturally to be found in Arabia where a traffic light system of green, orange and red is used in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere to denote whether or not a company has its quota of Saudi employees (green), an insufficient number (orange) or not enough and so meriting closure (red) of the concern. At the most prestigious Universities in the Middle East, for example, educationalists from all over the world are subject to the same scrutiny with regard to their acceptability in terms of performance criteria that could summarily affect their lives if they`re failed as `reds` because a Ph.D or M.A. in linguistics isn`t deemed a credible teaching qualification for ABC English language learners:
`The required minimum percentage of Saudi workers depends on a business’s size and industry. For example, a company in the insurance and business services industry that employs 50 to 499 workers is assigned to the Red group if Saudi nationals make up 0-4% of its workforce, the Yellow group if 5-19%, the Green group if 20-54% and the Premium group if 55% or more of the workforce is Saudi.`1

The more Saudis there are in a company, the more foreigners they can have, but if the visitor becomes a `red` they`re dispensable in terms of human resources. If the imagery and symbolism of 9/11 and the Boston Marathon is applied, that is, stopping Logan`s run, traffic light red is a death sentence from the Saudi `sandmen`, whereas Westerners have been conditioned to believe the people of Saudi Arabia are their friends, because they formed part of the coalition to remove Saddam Hussein`s invading army from Kuwait In the first Gulf war (1990-1) and assisted in toppling him from power in Iraq after the Arabian terrorists hijacked airliners at Boston`s Logan airport on 9/11 to crash them into the World Trade Centre on Manhattan island, New York, to precipitate the globe into a second Gulf war (2001-11) because they didn`t want a green to forego terrorism, which is what the US offers to its agreeable visitors, but the Arabian terrorists had decided that the palms of the future were understood as already red with the blood of the innocent.
1 https://totallyexpat.com/global-immigration-news/saudi-arabia-businesses-employ-minimum-number-saudi-workers-obtain-work-visas/