Handicap Race
09/11/2013 15:18
Handicap Race
In horse racing, the `handicap race` is based on the previous performance of the horses, or `form`, on the race track. In betting terms, the wagerer calculates the winner of the race based on the additional weight borne by the horses to render them more equal, which is their `handicap`:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The term `whores` is synonymous with the term `horse`, because of the sound emanating from the riding whores and the ridden penises within brothels where women ride the men as their employment. In the Bible the whore of Babylon is `a woman` enslaved to ride the penis of men to produce the Earth`s abominations, which are depicted as war and plague. In ancient Greece institutionalized homosexuality and pederasty imposed sexual enslavement upon the host wombs of women to spread men`s contagions of war and plague. In the 20th century what the Bible terms `blood plague`, that is, the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS, had emerged as a `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to men`s misogyny and pederasty. Men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen through anal penile penetrations mocking the act of sexual reproduction with women had created HIV/AIDS as an `abomination` from the host wombs of women because men aren`t human, but the race`s parasites and her `handicap`.
In the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus of Nazareth, the founder of Christianity, was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, and offered `bread and wine` to his disciples at the `Last Supper`, as symbols of his `body and blood`, which the disciple Judas Iscariot would betray to the local authorities, so Jesus would be crucified as a dissident. Judas` treacherousness towards the host that fed him was a betrayal of the host womb of the human species by one of its more infamous parasites because Jesus` teachings were of `woman`s seed`. In Eden God tells Eve she`ll have `perpetual enmity` between her `seed` and the `serpent`s seed` because women who were to be born from her host womb would have their own penis` semen as `futanarian` humans, but the serpent tricked her into accepting `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which sin was death, according to God`s prohibition, who wanted Eve and Adam, her husband, to eat only of the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality. The couple were expelled from paradise for accepting the fruit of knowledge, but Jesus` teachings were of Redemption and Resurrection for `woman`s seed`. After his torture upon the cross by the `serpent`s seed` of the authorities of Imperial Rome, who were the occupying army in Palestine, Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was the proof of his teaching, but the concept of `woman`s seed` wasn`t properly comprehended:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
The `angelic host` are described as being in direct correlation to the human `host`, which begins with the `host` wombs of human women. Because human women have their own penis` semen, as `woman`s seed`, they`re one species family, which is why they wouldn`t marry in heaven, because they`re a single biune unity of spirit and body made up of `futanarian` women with, and `futanarian` women without, a penis, that is, human women. Jesus` teachings of Resurrection and Redemption for `woman`s seed` was an attack on Greaeco-Roman civilization, culture and art, because its viral aspirations were the enslaving of `woman`s seed` to further war and plague. Jesus` perception was that men and women were neutered animals who didn`t want sexual reproduction, because men were the `serpent`s seed` who were the brain damaging parasites of women`s potential human species that had taken over her host womb and stolen her penis` `seed` to contaminate her psyche.
In the story of Oedipus by the Greek dramatist Sophocles about the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes, Oedipus Rex (429 BC), the central character is told that a man walks in the evening of his life with a cane because he`s blind. Oedipus blinds himself because he breaks the incest taboo against sexually reproducing with his mother, Jocasta, but Jocasta represents the human species of `futanarian` woman without her own penis` semen, but if she were `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen all women would be her selves. The incest prohibition is designed to prevent the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` from sexually reproducing as a biune unity of a single family, which Jesus` teachings describe as heaven because of the absence of parasites. Oedipus is blind because the `futanarian` women can walk quite well without men`s contamination of their human brains with their `serpent`s seed`.
Men have handicapped women`s human race with media blackout, censorship, and actual racial extinction through pogroms, which is why Jesus` advocation of `woman`s seed` includes Resurrection through acceptance of the `host` womb of the human species, which in the Catholic Communion service appears as the `bread and wine`, in token of the `body and blood`, and is called the `host`, because Jesus was the first of `woman`s seed` from his mother, the Virgin Mary, who represents the `host` womb of the human race. Jesus envisions the extinction of man, but the Resurrection of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen through the host womb of her species and the Redemption of mankind by the same means, but men have to accept the host, whereas HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` suggests they won`t:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Jesus` perception was that the human race is handicapped by its `beast`, `let he that has wisdom understand, the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six`, because if women were two thirds of the human race to begin with, that is, women with and women without a penis, she`d be 66.6% of humanity at the starting gate of the race. The notion of a 50/50 chance is a handicap bet, because men aren`t 50% of the human species, but only 33.3%, even if given the benefit of the doubt that they`re not women`s parasites. Jesus` insight was to see that the human species lived as a brain damaged infant, because the `serpent`s seed` of men, who had exterminated the human `futanarian` penis` semen of women, didn`t want adults.
Church mummery masking as mysticism and spiritual ineffability has obfuscated and occluded its parishioners since the early days of Christianity in the 3rd century, because priests refuse to proselytize on the meaning of `woman`s seed` and disseminate the truth to the congregations. In the United States of America feminist `political correctness` has been adopted as the cornerstone of society, where `lesbian` women are identified as an abherration, but categorizable as `homosexual`. In fact `lesbian` women with normal `futanarian` feelings for their own human species of women with their own penis` `seed` to sexually reproduce their own brains` power are made `schizophrenic`, because acceptance that political correctness is homosexuality is a handicap imposed by pederasty so the whores` race can`t be won by the human `futanarian` woman with penis` `seed` of her own to cure the brain damage given to her by `the beast`. Men don`t want women to realize 50% men and 50% women is a handicappers` racing certain bet on her extinction. She`s ahead by at least 33.3% because of her mother, the other 33.3%. If her fatherer is a human `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen as well, she`s 100% of the race and has won before she gets to the paddock.
The Bible says God`s `chosen people` is a `safe bet`. In Judaism it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless from a Jewish mother, which means that the `chosen people` are mothers. The `futanarian` race of `woman`s seed` is the handicapped `futrace`, because men don`t want her to leave her enslavement, so the human `soul` and `spirit of God` in her can continue to be used for the devouring of her human race by means of men`s `perpetual enmity` for the Earth and its humanity in their ceaseless wars against her civilization, culture and art, which is what she`s kept as a brain damaged breeding slave for.
Although the Jews and the Moslems are perceived as separated by religion, they`re both the people of Abraham, because Isaac and Ishamael were the sons of Abraham from whom the lines of the Prophet Mohammed and Jesus derived. The holy book of Islam, the Koran (610-30 CE), was dictated to Mohammed by the angels of God after the death of Jesus. In the Moslem religion four wives are permitted in a marriage allowing of greater freedom in sexual reproduction. Women with `futanarian` penis` `seed` of their own can breed their own species` brainpower concealed within a marriage and remain discretely public beneath their black one piece coverall, the burkha, which conceals everything but the eyes so others can`t perceive the `seed` of God.
In Western Christianity the female form appears to be indiscretely known everywhere in the form of pornographic representations whereas it`s simulated sex with homosexuals because there can be no future for the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` `seed` if she remains fooled by homosexual pederasty`s pornographic sex simulations that feign interest in human sexual reproduction while actually concealing what a real woman with her own penis` semen looks like. In Hollywood, Babylon, the rule at the studios from 1934 onwards was that women had to keep a foot on the floor during romantic scenes because of its salaciousness. The truth is that men don`t want the `futanarian` aspect of women`s human race to get off the floor because God`s promise in the Bible to Eve is that she`ll:
`... crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3.15)
If Hollywood admitted the existence of women`s own penis` semen into the movie industry, it`d mean equality for the actresses, who`d outnumber men on the basis of egalitarianism and democracy in `the home of the brave and the land of the free` by 66.6% to 33.3% to begin with. The name for the `brutality and violence` attending homosexual pederasty`s activities of war and plague is `rough trade`, which explains the attack of the terrorist group, Al Qaeda, `the base`, that is, `the beast`, upon the World Trade Centre of New York. Hijacking `civil` planes at Boston airport, Massachussetts, and flying the flag of the moon, Al Qaeda`s `beasts` crashed them into the Twin Towers of Manhattan island, New York state, on Spetember 11, 2001. It precipitated the global conflict, or `rough trade`, of the Gulf War (2001-11) with Saddam Hussein, the dictator who`d offered bases to Al Qaeda in Iraq.
In socio-economic terms, women`s independence as a `futanarian` human species with her own penis` semen would be assured if the statue of Liberty in New York harbour were to raise her skirts and show her penis, because that would give her `suffrage` in true `political correctness` and 100% of the human vote. If women were to breed her own brainpower, technology would belong to her own human species` `seed` and she could vote herself starships to take her to the planets and the stars rather than watch the human pogrom of men`s `serpent`s seed` upon her human race disappearing as quickly as is humanly possible on television and in the cinemas. Because the terrorist events of 9/11, 2001, were viewed on the small screen of television, `live on CNN` and elsewhere, collusion between Babylon, Iraq, the ancient seat of the Persian Empire, and Hollywood, Babylon, to promulgate homosexual pederasty`s aim of keeping women in slavery to its devouring, seems proven. The theme of the 20th century was media blackout and censorship of the `futanarian` penis` `seed` of woman in order to prevent her from ruling democratically:
`She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.` (Rev: 12. 5)
By keeping the`futanarian` human penis out of the movie industry, Hollywood, Babylon, maintains women in schizophrenic acceptance of homosexual pederasty, that is, men, rather than her own species, which is manifested in reality as warfare and plague filmed as `action movies` by the movie studios. Films supposed imitation of human behaviour denies the reality of `futanarian` penis` `seed` productive of women`s own brains` powers, which are human by definition and 100% of the race`s capacity to make democratic decisions. But without knowledge of `woman`s seed`, due to media blackout and censorship, women can`t sexually reproduce enough of their own brains` intellectual ability to rule through their own `futanarian` penis` semen`s capacity to self-fertilize their species.
Western democracy and socio-economic theory is based largely on events succeeding the defeat of Germany in the First World War (1914-18) when suffragettes, like Emily Pankhurst in England, won the right for women to vote in their respective democracies. In the Second World War (1939-45), Chancellor Adolf Hitler`s democratically elected German Nationalist Socialist Party (Nazi), aided by Italy and the red sun of the flag of Japan against the United States, Germany began to impement a global fascist programme for human enslavement amid a complimentary pogrom for the extermination of Jewish mothers through conquest in order to prevent the `futanarian` human penis` `seed` of women from gaining a democratic toehold in the West:
`... a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.` (Rev: 12. 1)
The flag of the European Union, after the defeat of the axis powers of Germany and Italy in Europe, has `a crown of twelve stars`, while the `woman` is also represented by the statue of Liberty in New York harbour. Clothed in the flag of the red sun of Japan, which had sneakily launched a preemptive attack on the US Pacific fleet at Hawaii`s Pearl Harbour on 7 December, 1941, the statue of Liberty in New York harbour represents the United States` victory over the Japanese in the Second World War, and with the moon at her feet in her birth waters, after the yellow moon of the flag of Al Qaeda`s terrorism had flown to New York from its bases in Afgahanistan and the Middle East, the statue of Liberty is the United States` symbol of women`s refusal to allow homosexual pederasty`s contagions of war and plague to reestablish `rough trade` through her:
`The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4)
By preventing women from knowing her own species` self as the human `seed` through her own penis` semen`s capacity for reproducing her own brains` power, the `serpent`s seed` of men would obtain 50% of the vote over the future of the human race. Concealing the truth by means of a lie that looks genuine, that is, voting for pornography, rather than genuinely human sexual reproduction, and so for a future for Eve`s `futanarian` daughters with their own penis` semen, the `serpent`s seed` only wear the mask of egalitarianism. The human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, beneath the skirts of democracy in New York harbour, constitutes humanity`s readying her democratic parties to give her 100%, because freedom is for human women and not aliens employing her womb to be the host of their devouring parasitism:
`We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.`1
In Revelation the `red dragon` is depicted waiting in vain to devour the child of the woman, but the fact of the absence of women`s penis` semen from media and education suggests men have killed it over the generations, because their imbecilism prefers brainlessness to intelligence for themselves as well as the women of the host wombs they`ve enslaved for their parasitical devourings of her civilization, culture and art, in war as well as through the brain damaging plague of the contaminating semen of their `serpent`s seed`:
`You wanna live fancy? Live in a big mansion? Party in France? You better work, bitch.`
21st century pop diva Britney Spears lyrics for her single song, `Work Bitch`, from the album Britney Jean (2013), suggests the bitches will have to fight for the beaches of France, like the British army against the Germans at Dunkirk in 1940, if they`re going to defend and not surrender freedom. But women will first have to work for what the German economist Karl Marx called `ownership of the means of production`, that is, their own brains and their own host wombs, which will give women socio-economic freedom by means of their own technological advancement as well as through their having 100% of the human voting electorate.
Men have handicapped the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` `seed` for the sexual reproduction of human brainpower so they can bet on themselves being the winners. But humans would have to be brain damaged and occluded to be `chips` in the `game`, because if they knew they were disabled, just to see if they could win through against all odds, there would be a revolution. Such gambling against humanity constitutes `Russian roulette`, in global conflict terms, where Western and Eastern hemispheres of the world constitute the human brain. During the `Cold War` (1947-91) obtaining between the West and Communist Russia and, later, between Saddam Hussein and the United States, the Earth was managed by brain damaged infants who didn`t know `the game` of homosexual nihilism played against God`s `seed`.
Islam forbids the left hand to be used and so the right hand is stronger which means that the left side of the brain is stronger. Because the left side of the brain is more rational, it`s equivalent to the Eastern hemisphere of the brain being controlled as opposed to the Western hemisphere, represented by Christianity, where no sanctions against the left hand exist, which is mediated by the creative right side of the brain. Conflict between the Eastern and Western hemispheres of the Earth is programmed into the human system because conflict between the hemispheres of the brain is programmed into the system religiously by homosexual pederasty`s thirst for `Russian roulette`, which is the loading of a gun with a single bullet, on the understanding that, if the barrel of the gun is spun, which holds six bullets normally, pulling the trigger with the gun self-pointed at the head won`t result in brain death.
In religious terms men bet on reincarnation rather than Resurrection and Redemption, because they don`t want `woman`s seed` but to continue in parasitism as her enemies. This biblical `perpetual enmity` can only obtain if men maintain a 50/50 relationship with the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, because she constitutes 100% of the humans, while reincarnated or even newborn men constitute an ever diminishing 33.3% of possibly legitimate male births from women`s `host` wombs if she`s breeding as the human species should. In gambling on a 50/50 relationship with humanity, the `serpent`s seed` of men have bet on the enslavement and devourment of `woman`s seed` as a means of maintaining themselves in parasitism, which gives the race a much less than 50/50 chance of surviving it. And that`s the `Russian roulette` that the parasite is playing with the human race.
The first parasite was the serpent in Eden who gave Adam and Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` which was symbolic because, when the first `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen was born, she`d be either free or enslaved by men, which is what God warned Eve of. God`s advice to Adam, after his expulsion from Eden for accepting the serpent`s offer, `You shall be as gods,` was work, while Eve would experience pain in childbirth. Psychological pain if her own species of `futanarian` woman, with her own penis` `seed`, were enslaved into the husbandry of men`s enslaving of her. Although the biblical story seems allegorical, `the wages of sin is death` because ensalvement by a parasite necessarily means that it`s not in the interests of the evil ones to have their slaves live long. That`s why there aren`t very many women with their own penis` `seed`. Because 100% human births from human women`s penis semen`s fertilization of human women`s host wombs constitutes rebellion against the slave ring of men`s `serpent`s seed` and so she`s been killed by them in disobedience to the law of God. The parasitical Edenic serpent`s offer to make Adam and Eve `gods` is dependent on their accepting enslavement and devourment of the `futanarian` human woman and her `seed`, which is why Revelation predicts `war in heaven` between `woman`s seed` and her enslavers. The result is eternal unendurable pain for the evil and heavenly immortality for the good, because that`s God`s punishment and reward. Amen.
1 Churchill, Winston House Of Commons, June 4, 1940.