Eating The Blind Woman

06/07/2013 14:11

Eating The Blind Woman

The developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) said that individuals had to overcome what he termed the `projection making factor`, which derived from the soul or anima and corresponded to the image of the woman that the perceiver found to be desirable in emotional terms. Jung`s thesis was clarified by his description of the shadow, which was the negative or inferior aspect of the personality that the growing individual hadn`t developed enough to want and so it received projection onto the other person who was seen as evil because of it. But the notion that the chemical reaction induced by the emotion of love between man and woman was something to be overcome wasn`t so evident. Jung observed that, in alchemy, the goal of the opus was knowledge or wisdom symbolized or represented by the stone of the wise or lapis philosophorum, which he identified as the developed ego-consciousness of the awakening individual. According to Jung alchemy was both the basis for chemistry and psychology, because it recognized the connection between health and projections. One of the more curious manifestations of the alchemical procedure was the appearance of the figure of the hermaphroditus with the gender attributes of both male and female, which has psychological import because of the hypnotic quality of the relationship between young men and women striving to achieve union.
 For girls snakes are hypnotic, whereas for a boys` penis girls are. In Eden the serpent persuades Eve to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` because the serpent isn`t human and neither are men after Eden, who emerge from the host wombs of women to enslave and devour her civilizations, cultures and art in war. God warns Eve in Eden that her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` but promises she`ll `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) Earth. Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from the Virgin Mary as the first of `woman`s seed` to whom God promises a `new heaven and Earth` while the `serpent`s seed` receive perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, as a punishment from God. Homosexuals are hypnotic for girls, because they`re not interested in the penis when they see girls. Greek society was based on institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs in homosexual pederasty to spread war and its contagiousness, and the Greeks were able to do this because they weren`t interested in girls, which explains how Eve was deceived into eating of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` in Eden. She met a snake who wasn`t interested in girls and she was used to Adam`s penis being interested in her.
 Jung`s psychology of projections indicates that the task of humanity is to overcome the picture presented as a given since Eden that men are human, because women with a penis of their own as `futanarian` are `woman`s seed` and have their own semen and self-reproductive capacity, and that means a socio-economic valence for future independence designed to liberate women as the human species from men as their parasites. As Jesus observed, at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion and death, when he gave the `bread and wine` in fellowship to the disciples, as tokens of his `body and blood`, a good guest is grateful to the host, which translates as the `Son of Man` doesn`t devour its mother after it emerges from her host womb.
 Jesus was a hero because he overcame his projections to arrive at the truth, which was that women`s host wombs had been taken over by a parasite that was devouring her. His mother the Virgin Mary was a self-reproducing woman, because humans are. In Revelation Jesus is born a second time while the `red dragon` grown since Eden waits in vain to devour him. The story of the hero and the dragon is archetypal. God sentences the dragon and the `serpent`s seed` to hell after `war in heaven` against those who seek to maintain the enslavement and devouring of the human species ad inifintum. `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth` (Rev: 16. 5) is the archetype of the woman enslaved in pederasty and war, and in 21st century Los Angeles, Hollywood is called `Babylon` by the cognoscenti  because men are devils who`re engaged in making pictures without the human species. Action heroes devastate large swathes of the Earth and its peoples while the screen heroine remains safely held in their arms to foster the delusion that the human species is being protected. Because women have their own penis as `futanarian` and men`s genitalia is hidden in mainstream movies because of the taboos, there`s never any possibility of genuine human interaction between women who are also designed for only three things; eating, drinking and ejaculating during sexual intercourse with each other.
 By the late 20th century men had been able to create the HIV/AIDS virus by mixing blood, shit and semen during sex with each others anuses, while developing a viral approach to technology. At the dawning of the computer age men immediately began creating viruses to destroy computers. Just as the Greeks feigned friendship for Troy in order to hide inside a huge hollow wooden horse and emerge to enslave the host wombs of the women to spread war and its contagions further, so the Al Qaeda terrorists on 9/11 2001, posing as harmless guests of the USA, hijacked civil aircraft and crashed them into the World Trade Centre of New York to reestablish the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty and war`s contagiousness. The HIV/AIDS virus gains access to the body`s immune system by pretending to be the white cells that are defending it, before killing it. The paradigm is of the host and the parasite. Having produced technological advances by means of her host womb, women`s parasites emerge to waste her.
 Although Babylon is a woman in the Bible representative of men`s enslaving of women for pederasty and war`s contagiousness, Babylon is the former capital city of the Persian Empire, which consisted of what is now modern day Iraq, which was responsible for the invasion of its unwilling host Kuwait and the first Gulf war (1990-1) and the second Gulf war (2001-11) after its President Saddam Hussein declared his support for Al Qaeda and offered the terrorist group territory in Iraq for further bases. As Hollywood, Babylon, made the movie World Trade Centre (2005) about Al Qaeda`s crashing of hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of New York, it was preparing to be the cinema host for the Iraq, Babylon, show, which Hollywood`s movie history had been wetting the appetites of moviegoers for at least since the defeat of Japan at the closing of WWII. The USA had then dropped H-bombs on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima to summarily end hostilities. Hollywood then began a spate of movies with such aging screen legends as John Wayne acting the part of 18 year old boys, like those who planted the US battle flag on captured Japanese islands in movies of the type of Sands Of Iwo Jima (1949).
 Some people have noted the similarities between 9/11`s terrorist attack on the `Big Apple` of New York and the HIV/AIDS virus` way of insinuating itself from `the base` of the spine, which is what `Al Qaeda` translates as, to the brain, where the Sahasrara chakra is at the `crown` of the head with the Ajna chakra just below at the brow. The throat chakra that contains the Adam`s apple is the place of the voice, and Al Qaeda, `the base`, would then represent the Muladhara chakra at the base of the spine where HIV/AIDS obtains egress through the anus. So 9/11`s attack on the World Trade Centre was Al Qaeda`s driving of the USA to declare war in reimplementation of the `rough trade of pederasty.
 In Judaism the `tree of life` is the Sefiroth with its roots above the Earth and its leaves below, which is a curious picture for those who don`t understand. in Jungian psychology instinctual libido or sexual energy is transformed through work into spiritual and intellectual endeavour, but the usual view is that the penis is below while the brain is the organ of intellectual work and spiritual development of man. If women are the human species, with their own penis and latent `futanarian` socio-economy, the serpent and the `serpent`s seed` wanted the `futanarian`, that is, the `foot of God upon the Earth`, to die, and she`s the brains of the human species, according to Jung`s developmental psychology, because civilization, culture and art emerge from the transformation of the penis` desireful libidic instinct for its mate. The penis of the woman is the brains of her species, so the roots are in heaven, but the devil men have taught that the sexual instincts are hell and the undeveloped brain is spiritual and not a transformer of libidic instinct into those intellectual endeavours which can save the human race. If the `futanarian` aspect of women as a species independent of its parasite is extinguished, she and the humans will be the brainless and eyeless victims of their parasitical devourers and enslavers.
 In the Bible God says `woman`s seed` is bound for the planets and stars of `heaven`, which means the roots of the `tree of life` or Judaic Sefiroth are woman`s, but `futanarian` woman`s either invisible or men have killed her as a form of species` lobotomy. The concept of the devil is then explainable as men`s devilling of human development, so that the woman can`t escape but has to blossom here upon the Earth and have her fruits of her host womb, that is, civilization, culture and art, appropriated by the parasites for their devourments.
 Jesus` teachings of the Holy Spirit is his recognition that his mother, the Virgin Mary, is the `futanarian` seed of the human species of women able to reproduce without its parasite. In Eden Eve emerged from the side of Adam and, after Jesus` crucifixion and death, the Roman centurion Longinus pierced Christ`s side with a spear, presumably to see if his woman would emerge from his side. As the `Second Adam`, Jesus` invisible `self` would be the Holy Spirit as the `Second Eve`, and what she taught was that `woman`s seed` was the `futanarian` future. Revelation describes the woman who is `hidden` after giving birth to Jesus` `New Redeemer`:
`The woman herself fled into the desert where she had a place prepared by God, that there she might be taken care of for twelve hundred and sixty days.` (Rev: 12. 6)
 The Earth`s mythology and religion says that woman is hiding in the invisible realm from men who are the devils that would kill her, because her roots are in heaven and her leaves are upon the Earth. The picture of the Earth is the devil`s painting in which men are devils and can be seen everywhere as the parasites living upon the dying corpse of the human species of woman`s `futanarian` hopes for the future, and she doesn`t even know because they`re devilishly clever enough to blind her through incurable `killer diseases` like HIV/AIDS to conceal the truth from an otherwise long-lived species that would know because it was old enough to be wise and could disseminate the truth to its daughters and ensure the `futanarian` species of woman`s progress outward from the Earth and away from its enslaving and devouring parasites.
 The old adage is that masturbation makes blindness and there`s a grain of truth in that insofar as the nude female body is hypnotic to the eyes attached to the desireful human penis, and so pornography is bewitching. But sexual desire is how human behaviour is recognizable. The penis` desire for the body of the woman induces a hypnotic unconsciousness that Carl Jung calls `participation mystique`. Jesus` parasitology observes that men would devour the woman as the host if they weren`t bound in a hypnagogic `dream time` keeping dormant their parasites` instinct to devour her.
 Without men`s blinding of her to their real desire to enslave and devour, women would be able to see their civilization, culture and art was produced only to be consumed in pederasty and war at periodic intervals designed to cull the human species and prevent her progress to the stars and the planets where God has promised she is destined to live. So men must find a way of blinding her so that she is unable to recognize herself as the human species as self-reproducers of women while making devil pictures upon the Earth of men engaged in non-penis related activities with their parasites` unsuspecting victims is the method they`ve chosen to adopt in the mass media and sociologically. There aren`t any humans on the Earth visibly, because the devils have either killed them or forced them into hiding and are busily painting over their crimes in preparation for species genocide. Meanwhile they`re eating the poor blind woman who feels safe in the presence of lavishly guarded installations such as the supermarket and the bank where rugged security personnel watch over her to see that she doesn`t steal anything from her womb without paying for it heavily.
 Doubtless there are action heroes of the Hollywood type, who haven`t yet won through to the freedom of understanding that the woman of the Earth with her own `futanarian` penis and seed is the man they`re looking to protect but, without acceptance of Jesus` teachings of respect for the host womb of woman, and the action hero`s return to role model staus as teacher of the young, Hollywood, Babylon`s expensive devastations will continue to illustrate the parasites behaviour towards the mother of the Earth and the real human species will be expected to accept that. Jesus is a man because he`s `woman`s seed` and knows that the `red dragon` of pederasty, enslavement and devourment of the self-reproducing `futanarian` human species is his enemy. The `father of lies` is so steeped in sin it`s almost impossible to penetrate the disguise to uncover the truth of the Earth doomed to be consumed in the `perpetual enmity` of its devil men for the soon to be extinct human species.