Clubbing The Seal
25/06/2013 10:38
Clubbing The Seal
In the Tarot deck of divinating cards wands are reduced to clubs as one of the four suits in an ordinary pack of playing cards used by gamblers, for example. The Tarot is thought to be a portable Torah or book of Judaic law and the twenty-two major arcana, which distinguish it from the average gambler`s cards, correspond to the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet.

The corruption isn`t due to time. The Knight of Wands has a different meaning to the night clubber. One of the more famous `girlie` magazines of the 20th century was Club International (1972-) which featured the symbol of the club from the suit of playing cards as its leitmotif. Nude women were the focus of the pages, but a woman with a penis of her own isn`t usually to be found in Club or any other `adult` magazine for those over 18 years old and unknowing, whereas Jesus Christ himself was born from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen, which made `futanarian` woman with her own penis the self-fertilizing `woman`s seed` promised a `new heaven and Earth` from God in the Bible while the `serpent`s seed` receive unendurable eternal pain for keeping women in slavery and ignorance.

The Great Seal of the USA is an eagle and, according to Revelation, the woman who gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, while the `red dragon` grown since its days as the serpent of Eden waits in vain to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming`, is given the wings of an eagle to take her to a place of safety, which means that she is sealed. Because the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` might be presumed to have given birth without her hymen being broken, which means that the US` sealing of her accords with Jesus` prophecy of the Holy Spirit being sent to teach. At his crucifixion and death, before his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus` side was pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus:
`Surely this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54)

In Eden Eve emerged from the rib or side of Adam and Jesus is described as the `Second Adam`, which suggests that the `Second Eve` emerged from the side of Jesus after his side was pierced by the spear of Longinus, which afterwards was known as the `Spear of Destiny` for that reason. The US believe in `Manifest Destiny` for their nation, so the `hidden` woman with the Great Seal placed upon her is the woman who gives birth without sign, and so she corresponds to the Holy Spirit.

Although Eve is born from the side of Adam she is the teacher, and Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would teach after him, so she again emerged from the side of the `Second Adam` as the invisible teacher. In Christianity the baptised are described as `born in the spirit`, because they`ve accepted Jesus` teachings through the Holy Spirit, so in his `Second Coming` Jesus is born from the Holy Spirit because she`s the teacher and he`s the taught.
Her central teaching is `Liberty` or freedom and the evil of suicide and of suiciding others. She is the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` because she`s `Liberty` after the defeat of the red sun of Japan in 1945 when their kamikaze suicide pilots crashed their mitsubishi zero aircraft into the decks of the unsuspecting US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor in 1941 and again she is `freedom` in her birth waters at new York harbor after 9/11 and the suiciding terrorists of Al Qaeda whose symbol`s the moon and who crashed their hijacked civil airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on Manhattan island:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

Both incidents were suicidally designed to precipitate the USA into global conflicts, that is, World War II (1939-45) and Gulf war II (2001-11) that had as its parasites` goal the suiciding of as many nations and peoples as possible. In ancient Greece the `host` wombs of women were enslaved in institutionalized pederasty to further homosexuality`s war against the human species of woman. The `mystery` of the woman Babylon is that she`s their breeder, because enslaved in ignorance without the teachings of Jesus to guide her out of her bondage to homosexual pederasty. That Western civilization has grown out of the Greek model of society is evident from the rise of the `killer disease` HIV/AIDS, which is produced through mixing blood, shit and male semen, and is described in Revelation as the `blood plague` sent by God to convert men from their sin:
`Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

Sex became a form of Russian roulette in the 20th century in which women were forced either into suicidal relations with strange men or enslavement through fear in faithful monogamy to a devouring parasite not even of her own species, so that it could devour the products of her womb, that is, civilization, culture and art, in the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` against `woman`s seed` that God had forewarned Eve of in Eden when he told her she`d leave and `crush the head of the serpent` (Gen: 3. 15) as she went.

In the Tarot deck the Grail or cup from which Jesus ate and drank at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion is devalued into the suit of hearts in the gambler`s pack of playing cards. Jesus` offering of `bread and wine` as a sign of his fellowship towards the disciples is set against his offering it in token of his `body and blood`, because he wants to live and doesn`t want to be suicided by parastites, which is what the disciple Judas does when he sells Christ for thirty pieces of silver to the Jewish police, the Pharisees, who give him to the Romans to crucify as a social revolutionary.

The suit of spears becomes spades in the corrupt deck of cards, because it`s a grave digger`s suit. Gambling is suicidal and encourages the perception that wrecklessness is heroic, which is why playing cards are a corruption of the Tarot devised by Judaism as a mnemonic for the law of the Torah. The fourth suit is pentacles in the Tarot, which are diamonds in the players` deck, because their vision is narrowed upon money.

A pentacle is a star, because the stars and planets of the heavens are promised by God to `woman`s seed`, and wands are the symbol of her penis. Although the cup and the spear are symbolic of redeemed man and woman`s sexual fertility, the wand and the star are the symbol of `woman`s seed`, that is, woman with her own penis and socio-economic independence from the `serpent`s seed` as God`s future for those chosen to continue the human species in heaven.

In the developmental psychogy of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) some importance is given to the Tarot because of the four suits` correlation with the four functions of consciousness; Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Intuition. According to Jung the functions are unconscious and have to be differentiated as the individual grows in awareness. In undifferentiated form they correspond to ears (Thinking), eyes (Sensation), nose (Intuition) and mouth (Feeling), and to the wand, pentacle, spear, and cup of the Tarot deck.

In Christian terms, the wand is the penis and, because it represents the brain related by the ears, yearning for the voice and mouth (kisses, speech, fellatio) of the woman is what it denotes. The woman corresponds to the pentacle, that is, the encircled sun star of the Earth, who in Revelation giives birth to Christ once more while men wait in vain to destroy him:
`... and on her head a crown of twelve stars.` (Gen: 37.9-11)

In socio-political terms, the European Union, as the largest economic bloc of states since the Soviet Union, not founded on colonial empire as the British Commonwealth was, began as 12 independent economic units as nations before it began to grow and so symbolizes the hope of a socio-economic future for women in Western civilization, culture and art, who have their own independence as a species with their own penis and self-reproductive nature separate from unredeemed men who don`t constitute the human species from a biblical perspective:
`In 1973 the Communities enlarged to include Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom.`1

1958`s founding members were Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Holland, and West Germany. Greece joined in 1981, Portugal and Spain in 1986 to make twelve states corresponding to the number of stars on the flag of the EU and to those of the woman of Revelation. As a part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) with the USA and others, the EU had a role within the largest combined global military force ever conceived at the commencement of the 21st century.

Signs of the apocalyptic events of Revelation included the break-up of the former Yugoslavia amidst `ethnic cleansings` (1991-2001) in which Moslem and Christian militias instigated pogroms upon each other in places such as Kosovo and Srebrenica. In Sudan`s Dharfur black West African natives were pogrommed (2003-) by hereditary Arabian overlords from the Gulf region in an entirely Moslem struggle. 9/11, 2001`s terrorist attack by Al Qaeda on the USA resulted in Saddam Hussein`s declaration of support for Al Qaeda and his deposition by coalition forces in Iraq`s Baghdad during Gulf war II (2001-11) following his ill-conceived invasion of neighbour Kuwait in 1990 and that had precipitated the removal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait in Gulf war I (1990-1) and which led to the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 where the misogynist rule of the Taliban posing as `fathers of Islam` had provided bases for Al Qaeda`s attack on the USA.

Known terrorist supporter Colonel Ghadaffi of Libya was overthrown with help from Europe and the USA while the `Arab spring` continued in its removing of governments antithetical to humanity in 2001 in Egypt (Hosni Mubarak), Tunisia (Ben Ali), and Yemen (Saleh). President Bashar Assad in Syria remained engaged for a while in civil war while it was recalled that his original family name `Wahash` meant `beast`:
`Many of the Internet-savvy youth of these countries have, increasingly over the years, been viewing autocrats and absolute monarchies as anachronisms.`2

The upheaval was described as `youthquake`, but the label doesn`t identify the problem, which is keeping women at an undeveloped level in order to regard them as children and prevent them from knowing they`re the species on the planet. Denying advancement in medical science through the promulgation of expensive conflict is one of the ways in which homosexual pederasty spreads its contagion of devouring death to the human species, because she can`t live long enough to see through the obfuscatory material to perceive the truth that women are presently engaged in a war for survival with humanity`s parasite.

The basic tool of perception is sight, but the parasite`s aim is to prevent the eyes of the woman from being able to escape from seeing it. Because `futanarian` woman has a penis of her own as the human species` socio-economic independent valence to which God promises a `new heaven and Earth` due to the fact that she`s `woman`s seed`, she wants herself and doesn`t want to see the devouring parasite at all.

In terms of the Tarot deck of divination, the function of `Sensation` is associated with the eyes and the encircled star of the pentacle, which represents the heavens men don`t want women to divorce them and leave for. Blinded to her true nature, she`s kept in ignorance by censoring, and false pictorial imagery of men as heroes, through a mass media projecting its protection of her while destroying her in her own environment. Without medical treatment to assist her education and retain wisdom through longevity of memory she`ll face extinction.

Although the wand of the Tarot deck represent the magical aspects of the woman`s desireful penis for herself and escape to the stars represented by the enclosed sun star of her pentacle, the degenerate gambler`s club relates to the `hidden` woman of Revelation with the `eagle`s wings` of the USA`s Great Seal to protect her after the birth of the `New Redeemer`, Jesus, in his `Second Coming`. If women are to be kept as brainless slaves, there`ll be periodic seal culls so that the new daughters with their sealed hymens are `born to be child`, which produces the uncomprehending `wild child` of adolescence because that`s what the abuser wants:
`Yeah darlin' go make it happen.
Take the world in a love embrace.
Fire all of your guns at once,
And explode into space.`3

Seal clubbing is what men are for who want to maintain the `host` wombs of women as enslaved producers of civilization, culture and art to be devoured by their parasitism. Soft porn magazines like Club International represent the triumph of the male pederast who displays women without their own penis in celebration of all those young men she`ll produce for homosexuality to devour after her species has been `clubbed` into memory loss so that she`ll produce younger seals for the parasites to penetrate with their spears:
`Love your nighbour as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 29-31)

Jesus` exhortation reflects upon youth`s need to recognize that the woman is you, which means Christian self-abnegation based on Jesus` own redemptive self-sacrifice upon the cross. Observing that women have their own penis as a self-reproductive economic independence is a cause for celebration and marvelling if Jesus` teachings are accepted because she`s you.

Navy Seal `Team Six` was credited with being the US unit that killed Al Qaeda leader Osama Ben Ladan in Pakistan in 2011. If there`s a relation between the Great Seal of the US and its Navy Seals, the `hidden` woman of Revelation is theirs in Christianity. However, if seal clubbing is what war is designed to achieve through the preservation of homosexual pederasty and its contagions, that is, HIV/AIDS and other diseases that maintain women in degenerate infantilism as corruptible new seals with hymen to be speared, the Middle East`s labelling of the USA as the `Great Satan` will have been earned.
3 Steppenwolf `Born To Be Wild` from Steppenwolf, 1967.