19/07/2013 10:16
Christian marriage isn`t usually set against Satanist marriage as a contrast, but there is a comparison to be made. Perceptions of Christianity are moral and relate to notions of freedom and limitation. Those who want freedom don`t want slavery, but genuine freedom is not wanting slavery for others, which is the issue. In feminism `political correctness` perceives that there are two types of women, lesbian and other women, where lesbianism is viewed as a form of self-love that may result in a sexual relationship between women, but isn`t reproductive. However, women who have their own penis` semen as `futanarian` can reproduce with women, which makes lesbians a normal aspect of a biune species.

Because men can`t reproduce independently of the biune species of women, which is sexually attractive to itself, they`re sterile enslavers of a host womb for its parasite. Christian marriage is denial of the woman`s penis, which is called `woman`s seed` in the Bible where God tells Eve her `seed` shall have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`. Marriage in Christianity is superficial, because the woman is giving her penis` seed in slavery to a `butcher`. Deductive reasoning tells us that if the seed of woman isn`t visible but exists then it`s being secretly farmed, and because she remains `hidden` there`s only meat as a product to suggests her existence. Women`s biune species would breed herself for brains, but men would breed for meat, so men are her breeders, because she`s biune and so should live but doesn`t. As self-reproductively biune, woman is the human species, while men are its parasitical devourers.

The Satanist marriage might either embrace the concept of men as the enslaving parasitical devourers of the human species, or represent the `woman`s seed` as the breeder of herself and her own brain power to escape from the `serpent`s seed`, which would make the human species Satanist, because Christian marriage represents men`s slave ring. The attractiveness of Satanism depends on its regard for freedom, particularly in sexual matters, where sexual permissiveness is perceived by many as the main reason for becoming a Satanist. Because `woman`s seed` is a single biune species the `Satan is sex` reasoning is accurate. There is no `giving or taking in marriage in heaven`, according to Jesus Christ, and that`s because woman is a single biune species when not preyed upon by a parasite.
Breeding only for itself and its own socio-economic independence from parasitism by self-producing its own brain power, biune woman is the future of humanity, because God promises `woman`s seed` a `new heaven and Earth` while the `serpent`s seed` receive eternal unendurable pain as a punishment from God for enslaving and devouring her in its wars of `perpetual enmity`, which periodically destroy the civilization, culture and art her host womb is able to produce despite her parasites depredations:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 16. 11)
The `mystery` is how Babylon, `a woman`, which is how she`s described in the Bible, gave up her biunity for enslavement in pederasty and war. In ancient Greece the enslaving of women`s host wombs in institutionalized homosexuality was the basis of the Greek model of society to further war and spread its contagiousness, which explains the mystery. Hollywood, Babylon, is so called because there`s no sign of the biune human species of `woman`s seed`, where the enslaving and devouring parasites have the `love guns` disease rather than woman`s penis:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Mixing blood, shit and semen in anal intercourse men had produced the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS from their `love guns` by the late 20th century. As a `biological weapon` it kept women in fear and faithful monogamy to her enslaving and devouring parasite, while Hollywood, Babylon, made `blockbuster` movies, such as World Trade Centre (2005), based on actual promotions for `rough trade` violence and brutality, that is, the Al Qaeda terrorist attack of 9/11 2001, where hijackers of planes at Boston, Logan, airport crashed them into New York`s World Trade Centre to precipitate global conflict. Parallels with the movie Logan`s Run (1976) and the `sandmen` who killed all those who reached the age of 21 were obvious and attributable to the influence of Hollywood, Babylon, on the world`s movie audience. The ensuing Gulf war killed a lot of 21 year olds before they reached their 21st birthday and the expense incurred in defeating Al Qaeda`s Middle Eastern supporter, Iraq`s President Saddam Hussein, killed the 21st century for `woman`s seed` at birth:
`Make love not war!`1
The catchphrase of the 1960s for the `love generation` of `peaceniks` against the United States` involvement in the Indo-China war (1946-79) to prevent Communism from spreading, represents the perception of biune woman that the aim for her human species is to achieve impregnation by means of her own penis` seed and so become a single brained species devoid of a parasite to prey on it and her mind`s viison. In the biune weltanschuung of the human species the aim is to breed brains, whereas the aim of the parasite is to devour human brains and their products.

Communism was `from each according to his abilities and to each according to their needs`, which was perceived by Western Capitalist societies as dictatorship because, although the baisc Communist principle was `workers control the means of production`, the state dictated what was produced. Capitalism produced what the people wanted to pay for, which devolved into `bread and circuses`, that is, manufacturers produced what was economically profitable, but pre-prepared meals and entertainment was what the public wanted. Communism in Russia`s Soviet Union and Empire in Eastern Europe (1922-91) collapsed because the people wanted Hollywood, Babylon`s depictions of the male parasite`s enslaving and devouring of the products of women`s host wombs and MacDonalds `fast food` consumption.

In the Bible story Cain kills Abel because he can cook and Cain prefers to pick fruit. Western Capitalism promotes `fast food` restaurants like MacDonalds or Burger King and the idea is that noone has to be able to cook but, if the principle is applied, noone will be able to cook, or make anything else, which is the disabling aim of Cain. Simply, if the able produce, the devourer will consume, and there are always people who want to be Abel for the consumer in Capitalism because they don`t want to be thought of as Communists, who don`t want Hollywood, Babylon and its pictures of enslaving and devouring parasitism as visual fare, and want their people to be able to cook.

The real problem with Communism was the removal of God from a humanist system. Karl Marx`s premise in his Communist Manifesto of 1848 was that men were human, whereas `woman`s seed` is the biune single species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` seed and socio-economic future valence for a human species independent of its parasite with its own bred brains` strength to live rather than be enslaved and devoured by its consumer:
`Be fruitful and multiply.` (Gen: 1. 28)

As a single species woman is a collective of individualities, which isn`t directed by any urge other than to reproduce and live by its own brains, whereas marriage is both Communism and Capitalism insofar as `ownership of the means of production` is `centralized` and she`s still able to cook and be entertaining while she`s eaten.

People who are taught to be frugal and deduct rather than to be fruitful and multiply have an enslaving and devouring parasite in their lives, but that`s basic economic theory. The goal isn`t to grow and progress in an ensaving and devouring parasites` system, which means the humans in the system can`t escape to the `new heaven and Earth` of the planets and stars promised `woman`s seed` by God. If she doesn`t embrace the absolute and reject parasitism as an absolutist in God.
1 Allyn, David Make Love, Not War: The Sexual Revolution: An Unfettered History, 2001.