
`I am Spartacus!`

18/09/2017 18:24

`I am Spartacus!`


Jesus Christ, where `Christ` means `the chosen` among God`s `chosen people`, the Jews, was killed by the Roman Empire, and the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for his dissident teaching against the Roman occupation of Palestine. The Jewish fathers accepted the Torah and Talmud, that is, the law and history of what came to be known as the Old Testament of the Christian Bible after Jesus` preaching, which came to be called the New Testament: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem and nailed to a cross of wood where he died. The method was commonly employed by the Empire of Rome against freedom fighters. Jesus` teaching was perceived as a threat to Roman Imperialism, because it suggested that the future for Jewish foreign policy was as an independent nation on good terms with its neighbors, rather than a vassal state in thrall to Rome. The slave army of Spartacus was crucified by the Romans along what was called the Appian Way, named for a Roman censor, Appius Claudius Caecus, who began its construction in 312 B.C. Known as the `queen of the long roads`, it linked Rome to Brindisi at what`s commonly known as `the heel of the boot of Italy`. It was at Brindisi where Rome`s legions embarked and disembarked. Traditionally, a victorious Roman general would take the Appian Way with his army, and be awarded a triumph by the Emperor in Rome. In the Hollywood version of the story of the leader of the slave army, Spartacus (1951), the army of the slaves was crucified along the Appian Way, that is, each was nailed to a cross of wood there, as Jesus had been on the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem, because they refused to reveal the identity of Spartacus. When asked, Kirk Douglas, the actor in the movie role of Spartacus, said immediately: `I am Spartacus.`1 Then there was a tumult of voices; all saying the same thing: `I am Spartacus!` As a result, all were crucified, and the Romans knew who Spartacus was.



 Although the scene in the movie seems typical of romantic Christian Hollywood, in fact it`s typical of the way paganism treats children. According to the Gospels, which were the corroborative accounts of the life of Jesus Christ, written by his disciples, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Jesus experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death, which is why each individual among Spartacus` army of slaves, said, `I am Spartacus.` They were children, because they wanted to be crucified and have Resurrection and Ascension to heaven; like Jesus. In pagan Scandinavia, female Valkyrie took the slain from the battlefield, after the fashion of God`s winged angels in Christian iconography, to the Valhalla of Norse mythology. There the slain arose each day to fight again and die. Although Christians weren`t taught they`d have Valhalla, their assumption was that dying meant resurrection. Consequently, Spartacus` rebel army wanted crucifixion after its defeat, which was acceptable to slavery. In short, Christians were taught to die, rather than be slaves, which was also acceptable to slavery. In the modern era, Christians were taught that they had to fight to live, because life was a struggle, and a battle each day, whereas that`s paganism after the Valhalla model. Jesus was killed. He didn`t want to die. He couldn`t live, because he was nailed to a cross of wood and left to die. Christians, who`re taught resurrection through Jesus` cross, are children in danger of accepting being killed. In Islam, `accept`, the Moslem (accepting) nations believe in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), which also contains a life and history of Jesus, who isn`t crucified, but rather walks into heaven, so the people of the Koran don`t believe that life is a struggle to live and that they lose the battle and die before going to heaven.



 The declaration by Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi of an Independent State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the early 21st century was a perversion. Based on the false theological perception that Moslems should fight in order to die and go to heaven, ISIS` moon symbol perverted the sun symbol of the ancient Egyptian goddess of resurrection, Isis, whose brother, Osiris, was the incarnation upon Earth of the sun god, Ra. Isis resurrected Osiris as the `sky god`, Horus, by reassembling all of his parts dismembered by his evil brother, Set, and giving him a new penis, a symbol of life, which the sterile moon didn`t symbolize. The moon of ISIS is, properly understood, a Set symbol, that is, of the television set in modern terms, which is the medium of transmission for the virus of war that, judging by the cratered lunar surface, may previously have been transmitted to the moon. Just as the sun isn`t the moon, so schizophrenia is symbolized by dismemberment. If children are taught to fight in order to die and go to heaven, that`s schizophrenic, and that`s the virus that TV transmits. Those who believe in fighting to die in order to go to heaven are parts dismembered from the body of the whole population infected by viral `TV set` transmissions and, as a virus, schizophrenia is explicable with reference to HIV/AIDS.



 The World Trade Center in New York city was attacked on September 11, 2001, by the Al Qaeda terrorist group, `the base`, as a symbol of global `rough trade` which, defined at least since ancient Greece, as that `brutality and violence` deriving from the enslaving of the host wombs of women for homosexuality in pederasty for war, ultimately resulted in the rise of that global cabal`s biological terror weapon, HIV/AIDS. As the sexually transmitted `incurable killer disease` (STD) of the late 20th century, HIV/AIDS, rose from the base of the spine to kill the brain, individual ego-consciousness fragmented. The attack on the World Trade Center by Al Qaeda, `the base`, was expressive of the emerged viral paradigm`s continuing dominance in the 21st century. Just as Al Qaeda, `the base`, perpetrated 9/11, the preceding and succeeding wars in Eastern Europe (Bosnia, 1992-5), Africa (Libya, 2011) and the Middle East (Kuwait, 1990-1), were manifestations of a general fragmentation. Though Al Qaeda, `the base`, was clearly conscious of its role, the United States of America (U.S.A.) and its allies reacted as brains infected, so demonstrating the validity of the `killer virus` paradigm. As the brains of the nations unconsciously succumbed to the infecting virality, they collapsed as the organs of the body of an AIDS victim dismembered. As the brains of its victims lost consciousness, war reigned upon the dismembered body of an Earth it`d made schizophrenic.



 Al Qaeda operated under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, and it was toppled by the US army by December 2001, while Iraq, whose dictator Saddam Hussein, who`d expressed support for Al Qaeda, and its Saudi Arabian leader, Osama Ben Laden, `live on TV`, wasn`t invaded by the US until March 2003. Subsequent to Saddam Hussein`s execution by the US army on December 30, 2006, Iraq`s Baghdadi declared himself Caliph of a new Islamic Caliphate, which claimed territory as far away as Spain, and the war with ISIS had begun. What wasn`t generally understood was the role of sex differentiation within the viral paradigm. Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is symbolized in Christian iconography crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot. Satan was the angel of God, according to the Old Testament, turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Adam, the first man, and Eve, the first woman, were created by God, and placed in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden by God. The serpent, Satan, is depicted as tempting Eve to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) If Eve and Adam`s descendants were born into ephemeral ignorance, war would reign. Although Adam is thought of as being a man, like men after him, Eve is depicted as emerging from the side of Adam, because Adam was a futanarian woman with a penis of her own that she could use to self-fertilize herself. Consequently, God explains to Eve that her `seed` will have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` of Satan, who thereafter will be deemed men, although Eve`s human futanarian `woman`s seed` will be redeemed: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` will escape to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above the Earth, because she has better brains than the `serpent`s seed` of unredeemed men, whose viral paradigm has been the bane of human civilization, as Jesus` disciple, John, wrote in his apocalyptic prophecy of the future, Revelation: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was breed the futanarian species of `woman`s seed` as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes as men and women in `TV` transvestism for the entertainment of the `serpent`s seed` of Satan in war against the human race.



 Because human evolution didn`t properly begin until 220 million years ago, in the Jurassic period of Earth`s history when the hominids appeared, saurian evolution, which had been dominant since the Mesozoic period 248 m.a., produced the `winged` angels of God who, according to the Bible, dwell in heaven, that is, amid the planets among the stars, although the `serpent`s seed` of Satan correspond to the `fallen angels`, who`re the host womb slavers of the human futanarian species of Eve and Adam`s `woman`s seed`. Because the `serpent`s seed` of Satan are the slavers of the human race, they`re homosexuality in pederasty for war and HIV/AIDS is their `biological weapon` lying dormant in the apes of the African Congo as the simian immune-deficiency virus (SIV) until the discovery of the human immune-deficiency virus (HIV) mutation that resulted in acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS), organ collapse and brain death. Because HIV/AIDS was spread by men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` mode of sexual reproduction, it`s likely a saurian infection transmitted to apes. The argument against miscegany would be that Africans are closer to the apes, but that`s how the saurian virus spread.



 As the paradigm for the 20th century became that of the virus, nation`s disintegrated in war, because it was the `TV` medium of entertainment for the alien: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Called `Babylon`, because of the capital city of the Persian Empire (c. 4000 B.C.), the ruins of which could be seen by Iraq`s Saddam Hussein from his summer palace at Hillah, the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, in the west coast state of California, U.S.A., effectively banned human sexual reproduction between the futanarian species of `woman`s seed` from ever being known of when the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, established the `Hays code` (1930): `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`2 From 1933, German dictator, Adolf Hitler`s National Socialist (Nazi) Party pogromed upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews. It was Abraham`s son, Isaac, that had founded Judaism, while Moslem Islam`s Iraq was the Nazi`s ally. Isaac was born from Abraham`s wife, Sara, who was barren thereafter, so gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who founded Islam through his descendant Mohamed, who received the Koran from the angels of God, according to Islamic tradition. Christianity perceives Ishmael as illegitimate, because born from a woman unmarried, while the four wife families of the Moslems are perceived as a retroactive attempt on the part of Islam to legitimize, whereas the Islamic family affords the possibility of human futanarian `woman`s seed` reproducing with each other. In Judaism, Jews can only be born from Jewish women, that is, women are Jews, because they`re `woman`s seed`. Consequently, the Nazi pogroms were a saurian move against the human race and, based on the viral saurian paradigm, so were ISIS` wars.

 Jesus` teaching was that women were a single species unmarried that would colonize the planets among the stars of heaven through their superior brainpower for the development of immortality conferring medical science and starship technology: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) When Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death, it prefigured that of `woman`s seed`. If men were to be born in heaven, they`d be born of the futanarian human species of women from their own `woman`s seed`. Or, in simpler terms, women were God`s men. Eden was the paradise on Earth that God expelled Eve and Adam from for rejecting immortality, that is, the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was a metaphor for their acceptance of the `serpent`s seed`. In ephemeral ignorance, humans would always be children for pedophiles to abuse in homosexuality and pederasty for war against the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Or, in other words, the human race was kept in ephemeral ignorance by a bored alien to ensure the species of `woman`s seed` enslavement in war against itself, so that the alien would be entertained upon the board of the Earth where its `war games` took place. If the children of the Earth lived long, they`d escape pedophilia, so the alien encouraged ring slavery in monogamy. HIV/AIDS was the `biological weapon` of the `serpent`s seed` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to ring slavery, while the wars against Moslem Islam were an attack upon `woman`s seed` within the human family. The alien was killing the Earth`s child: `The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth; to devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) When the `remnant` of `woman`s seed` was extinct, the alien would begin extinguishing itself in the flesh, which was what the biological terror paradigm of the virus meant. As a metaphor, HIV/AIDS explained the alien`s plan. A schizophrenic human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` would be unable to defend itself against its `TV war` program, while the winged saurians prepared to bumb.

 Because the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` had all of the reproductive capacity of the race, the argument was that monogamy kept the population level upon the Earth low enough to prepare for colonization amid the planets among the stars where she`s be free to reproduce. Socio-economic history argued against that interpretation, however, because of the emphasis that the `serpent`s seed` placed upon incest. As a single unmarried race, women were incestuous from the perspective of the slaver, that is, a single unmarried woman having sex only with herself. Consequently, her independence of monogamous ring slavery was presented as immoral. When a woman was brought before Jesus allegedly caught in adultery, Jesus said: `Let he who is without sin cast the first stone against her.` (John: 8. 7) For Jesus it was ludicrous that an alien creature should be explaining to the species it adulterated that it was an unfaithful host womb slave, but that was how the alien maintained its power. The Greek dramatist, Sophocles, in Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) had his protagonist, `swollen foot`, kill his father unwittingly and unknowingly marry his mother, queen of the Egyptian city of Thebes, because preventing incest is the lame brained activity that men engage in. Made to feel horror at what he`s done by the alien taboo against incest, Oedipus blinds himself, because the alien doesn`t want the `remnant` of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to see that the natural state for a single unmarried species is freedom from ring slavery, which forces adultery upon it, while incest for such a race is so remote a possibility that it`s reducible to the alien`s fear that the woman might self-fertilize herself and so escape a ringer. Or, in simpler terms, the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` was made largely extinct by the `serpent`s seed`, because of an unannounced alien taboo against women, living in rejuvenated immortality, having unrecognized sex with their mother by some unforeseeable happenstance.

The human race for the planets among the stars was reducible to a joke for the alien, who perhaps couldn`t laugh, while understanding that the futanarian species of `woman`s seed` could have, but it was now predestined. Consequently, the spear of the Roman guard, Longinus, that he used to pierce the side of Jesus upon his death at the crucifixion was known as the spear of destiny: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Jesus` teaching was that the Holy Spirit would teach after him, so Longinus` spearing of the side of the `Second Adam`, after Eve`s emergence from the side of the first Adam in Eden, was an attempt to prevent the birth of the `Second Eve` from the side of Jesus, who was `woman`s seed`, because born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. In Judaism, the `spirit of God`, the female Shekinah, dwelt in the temple, so corresponded to the Holy Spirit as the `Second Eve` of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` that Jesus said would teach after him, through those who could read the true meaning of the Bible, which was that `woman`s seed` was destined to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above the Earth. Longinus` spearing of Jesus` side was designed to kill the Shekinah, rather than effect a caesarian birth, which was why it was adopted as an emblem by the Nazi pogromers of the `chosen people`, who`d been destined, as the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, to colonize the planets among the stars, but not if she remained ignorant in ephemerality. As a symbol of Nazi power, Longinus` spear of destiny represented misogyny`s will that women wouldn`t escape host womb slavery for homosexuality in pederasty`s wars against her children, who were born to die in ephemeral ignorance; plagued to death by pedophiles.


1 Douglas, Kirk Spartacus, Bryna Productions, 1960.

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Old Heads On New Bodies

27/08/2017 15:24

New Heads On Old Bodies


Irish writer Bram Stoker`s novel, Dracula (1895), was a seminal text in the history of the horror genre. Based on the actual life history of 15th century Prince Vlad Dracul of the Eastern European country of Wallachia, who impaled his adversaries on wooden stakes after a battle, and gave rise to the legend of the immortal vampire creature that lived by drinking blood from its victims, Stoker`s Dracula could only be killed by means of decapitation, or a wooden stake through the heart, which differed from the model for the character, Vlad Dracul, who lived by killing his enemies. Stoker`s Dracula extrapolated from the theory that men lived; because they killed their opponents. However, that didn`t give rise to the idea of the hero immortalized after dying in battle. In the Norse mythology of the Scandinavian countries, Valkyrie maidens carried the heroes to Valhalla, the delight of heroes, where they fought with each other, and died again each day, before rising again the next, to fight and die again. Vlad Dracul`s immortal draco was evil, whereas the heroes of Scandinavian myth were only some of its stupid victims.

 The method for killing a vampire is illustrative of Jesus` message in Christianity, which arose after the Jewish Messiah, Christ, `the chosen`, in Roman occupied Palestine during the reign of the Emperor, Tiberius, was accused of dissidency. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood, and died before experiencing Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, according to his life`s history known as the New Testament. Christianity viewed Jesus` teaching as superseding that of the Old Testament of the Jewish `chosen people`, that is, their history and law, which is the Talmud and Torah in the Jews` language of Hebrew: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Born uncontaminated by men`s semen, Jesus was birthed by his mother, the Virgin Mary, who was depicted crushing the head of the serpent in Christian iconography, because women`s futanarian species with penis and semen of their own are known as `the foot`. Because male semen has replaced the brains of the human race of `woman`s seed`, humanity is decapitated. Moreover, if women`s penis` `seed` were Resurrected it`d be a stake in the heart of the vampire men that effectively have continued to live immortally as a non-species by having drunk woman`s blood.

 After the election of Adolf Hitler in Germany in 1933, the National Socialist (Nazi) Party accepted his dictatorship and began to implement a pogrom against the Jewish `chosen people` beneath the fasces symbol of ancient Rome borrowed from nearby Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, elected in Rome in 1922, a `bundle` with an ax in the center. Stacking the bodies of the Jews like logs outside the incinerators in the `death camps` the Nazis built, the fasces` `bundle` with an ax in its center was a symbol of fascism`s aim of beheading the human `remnant` of `woman`s seed`, and putting a brave face on it: `The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In the Bible the `red dragon` is a symbol of the `seed` of the male penis grown into a ravening monster of war, because men without `woman`s seed` are psycho-pathologically imbalanced psychotic schizophrenia lying in wait to devour the child that is the race waiting to be born: `The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth; to devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) As `woman`s seed` is stronger and she has all of the wombs, together with her futanarian penis` `seed`, her destiny is to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above the Earth through developing advanced immortality conferring medical science and starship technology to take her there.

 The German Empire of Kaiser Wilhelm fought an unsuccessful First World War (1914-18) in an attempt to enslave the Earth, and Hitler`s Second World War (1939-45) was similarly fought to prevent the `chosen people` of `woman`s seed` from escaping. Because Iraq was the fourth nation after Japan and Italy, to support Nazi fascism, the Gulf wars that began with the US` army`s being called upon to evict Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein`s army from Kuwait (1990-91) represented the reestablishment of Nazism. Under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Afghan Taliban regime, the terrorist group, Al Qaeda, `the base`, hijacked civil airliners to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city on September 11, 2001, so reestablishing global `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty for war against the `remnant` of `woman`s seed` since ancient Greece institutions made that the `democratic model` for the west: `Let he that has wisdom have understanding; the number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) If men and women without `woman`s seed` are 66.6%, they`re the `beast` to the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`, which is the absent 33.3%. Consequently, the Earth is ruled by aliens.

 Men and women have been manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism since ancient times, although it wasn`t until the invention of the `TV` television machine that it became obvious that men`s `seed` was being used simply to broadcast the extinction of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` as `TV` entertainment for aliens. Jesus Christ explained that men were women`s ring slavers, and that humanity didn`t marry, but that single race`s were unowned: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Women are destined to bear children to `woman`s seed` during the colonizing of the planets among the stars, and as an unenslaved single race. Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was followed by his death by crucifixion, and subsequent Resurrection and Ascension, which prefigures the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed` after a long period of suppression in slavery.

 In the Old Testament of the Bible, God turns the angel, Satan, into a serpent, and places it in the paradise of heaven on Earth, which was Eden, because Satan rejected God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. In Eden, God had created the first woman, Eve, and the first man, Adam, who is described in Judaism as the hermaphroditic anthropos, that is, Adam was futanarian `woman`s seed` able to self-fertilize, and so Eve`s birth is euphemistically described as from Adam`s `rib` or side. Satan corresponded to what humans have been taught are men, because he was a representative of saurian evolution that took place 248 m.a., while hominids didn`t appear on the Earth until 220 m.a., which meant that saurians had time to develop the technology to colonize the planets among the stars and be God`s `angels` in heaven before humans. That`s why Satan is depicted as a serpent and a dragon. God warned Eve that her `seed` would have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, because the saurains were the hominids womb slavers: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The descendants of God`s `rebel angels`, that is, the saurian slavers, will attempt to prevent the `remnant` of human futanarian `woman`s seed` from leaving the Earth to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven, because there God`s angels aren`t slavers.

The danger is alien encouragement of xenophobia in humans towards those extraterrestrial intelligences in heaven that the aliens hate, and who`re God`s `angels`, because they pose a threat to Earth`s continued slavery; as Jesus did. Discovered by his disciple, Judas, being `anointed` by a woman with `spikenard`, Judas` `spy canard` was that the `perfume` should be sold to raise money, although Jesus demurred: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas` response to Jesus` refusal to sell the woman into slavery was to sell Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who hated him for rejecting his father`s joinery trade, and unorthodox preaching, for `thirty pieces of silver`, which resulted in Jesus` crucifixion on a cross of wood to remind him of his disobedience to his father, and to abuse him for claiming that God was a superior father to Joseph, the carpenter. For Jesus, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, it was obvious that God was his father, and he told Joseph, the carpenter, and the Pharisees that, which was the reason for his execution.

 Jesus was killed by the Jewish fathers, who refused to accept `woman`s seed`, although Jesus preached repentance from their evil sin of misogynist slavery of the futanarian human host womb of `woman`s seed`, and conversion through metanoia or brain transformation, which was men`s only possibility of Redemption in the absence of the possibility of being born from the single race of unmarried women destined to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above the Earth. Men`s response was to demonstrate the carpentry skills of Jesus` putative father and nail him to a cross of wood where he died, but for God the Father`s resurrecting him. As Adam was a futanarian woman with penis` semen of her own, so God is more accurately describable as a `fatherer`, that is, women are God`s `chosen people`, which is why the emblem of fascism, the Nazis` swastika cross, was an even more crooked symbol than Christianity`s first.



 In Judaism, it`s traditional that a Jew can only be born from a Jewess, that is, women are Jews. Christianity, although it has the meaning of Jesus` life story and teaching, doesn`t preach `woman`s seed`. When a woman was brought to Jesus, allegedly caught in adultery, Jesus said: `Let he that is without sin cast the first stone at her.` (John: 8. 7) None were able to, because the anecdote is an allegorical description of a species adulterated by a creature not of its own race. The futanarian `woman`s seed` of humanity isn`t adulterous, but rather adulterated by the `serpent`s seed` of unredeemed men`s evil nature as her host womb enslaver. Concerns about adultery underpin human slavery because, if women knew they reproduced with each other as an independent single race, men wouldn`t be able to explain that pornography, which is accused of encouraging adultery, is deemed immoral, and in some places illegal, because they don`t want the adulterated species of women to guess that men are an alien adulterate poisonously taunting the human species as its sex-slave for the production of war to entertain itself with women`s extinction.

 Many have wondered at the nature of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which the serpent, Satan, gave to Eve in Eden, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Obviously it was poison, because it was death, and Eve rejected God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, in order to have the power of gods for herself and Adam, because their descendants would be ignorant in unconscious ephemerality, and war producers to the `serpent`s seed` of men in host womb slavery of the human race to entertain their alien god, Satan. The poison was Eve`s boy sons, and the `serpent`s seed` were her boy sons` poisoners, that is, boys` owners in homosexuality in pederasty for war against the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`. Although little credence is given to it in western society, written three hundred years after Jesus, the Koran (610-30 C.E.) of the Moslem peoples in Islam contains references to the djinn, who emerge from djinn bottles in fantasies like the 8th century collection of short stories, 1001 Nights, where the framing device is India`s Shah Jehan, who beheaded his wife, falsely accused of unfaithfulness by him. Scheherezade is the woman who tells tales that persuade him to marry her, rather than take a new wife each day and behead her each evening, which has become his evil practice, and so Scheherezade saves the women.

 The meaning of 1001 Nights is that women are an older race upon the Earth, which correspond to djinn. By making her race extinct, men replace her head with theirs, which is their stopper of her bottle. In western society, the motor car fueled by oil corresponds to the lamp in Scheherezade`s tale of China`s Aladdin. A djinn emerges when the lamp is rubbed to perform miracles. It`s a metaphor for the machine, which appears miraculous to primitives. Similarly, a woman is a djinn bottle to men, because she`s an older race, which was more advanced than theirs. To subjugate her, men had to exterminate her race`s capacity to sexually reproduce its own brainpower, which was equivalent to decapitation. Having drunk her blood in war against her, they`re her vampires. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what unredeemed men are. The flying carpets of 1001 Nights aren`t former djinn, but far machine, that is, future technology, which men have stoppered through genocide, and replacing her head with theirs. So to make slaves of `woman`s seed`, rather than that humanity be free through technological advancement; for example, immortality conferring rejuvenation science, a cure for the late 20th century `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, and starship construction.

 The disease is endemic, but was prophesied by Jesus` disciple, John, in his apocalyptic Revelation of the future as `blood plague`: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was reject redemptive `woman`s seed`, which could have restored psychological balance to the human `remnant`, that is, women`s mode of sexual reproduction between themselves, but rather mix blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, as the ancient Greeks did, spreading the `incurable killer disease` of HIV/AIDS as a `biological weapon` functioning as a means of keeping women in fearful faithfulness to their ring slavers in monogamy. Although Judeo-Christianity was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham, his wife Sara, barren thereafter, gave Hajer her maid to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who founded Islam, `accept`, through his descendant Mohamed, who received the Koran from the angels, according to Moslem tradition. Although Christianity views Islam as illegitimate, because Ishmael was born of a woman unmarried, that`s what single unowned species do. Consequently, the four wives of the Moslem, `acceptance`, afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between women within the human family, which accords with Jesus` teaching, whereas Christianity`s ring slavery doesn`t.

 When the US B2 `Spirit` bombers were dropping their bombs on Iraq after the March, 2003, invasion to depose dictator, Saddam Hussein, it was an attempt to force the Moslem people in Islam to accept monogamy (B2), although Jesus` teaching of the Holy Spirit doesn`t support it. When the Roman guard, Longinus, pierced Jesus` side with his spear, it was because the Romans feared a `Second Eve` born from the side of the `Second Adam`: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) For the Empire of the Romans, the Emperor Tiberius was their god, so Jesus was being told he should have accepted the Emperor as his father, although his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed` gave the lie to that. In Judaism, the `female spirit of God` is the Shekinah, who dwells in the temple, so Jesus` Holy Spirit is the teacher of her `woman`s seed`, that is, futanarian humanity, and not the US B2 `Spirit` bomber, which predecessor was called `bones` and B1, although it more properly corresponds to the `first beast` of Revelation: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.' (Rev: 13. 15) The B1 `bones` is a manifestation of the US` Military Industrial Complex (MIC) continually `revived` by `TV`, and the MIC`s perceived need to improve its destructive capability to satisfy the parasitoid devouring appetite of that earlier `big screen` medium of the movie theater, that is, the B1 `beast` was improved until its `bones` were resurrected as the B2 `Spirit` of ring slavery, because `TV war` addicts, encouraged for decades by the movies about war made by the US` movie industry in the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, on the west coast of the state of California, wanted it `live on TV` too.

Airfix Kits

26/08/2017 12:37

Airfix Kids


The crashing of the civil airliners hijacked by the terrorist group, Al Qaeda, `the base`, into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, `live on CNN`, and other televised news networks, looked to TV watchers as if it was a Hollywood, `Babylon`, film made with models. Making films with models was a basic staple of movies made in the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, on the west coast of the state of California in the United States of America, after the first movie was made there by director D. W. Griffith, Old California (1910). Although the terrorist attack seemed to have nothing to do with World War Two (1939-45), Iraq was the Islamic country in the Middle East that supported the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party`s extermination of the Jewish `chosen people` of the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, their Torah and Talmud, which is their history and law, and that the Christians believe was superseded by Jesus` teaching: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews were killed by the Christian Nazis throughout Europe and the world, in the `death camps` constructed for that purpose, where the bodies of the Jews were stacked like logs; before incineration in furnaces beneath the fascist ideological symbol of ancient Rome`s fasces` `bundle` with an axe in the center.



 The fasces was the symbol of the Roman Empire that occupied Jewish Palestine during the period of Jesus, `Christ`, `the chosen`, who was taken to the hill of Calvary as a `dissident` and nailed to a cross of wood where he was left to die, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Although Jesus` crucifix looked like a child`s model airplane, the holes made in his hands and feet by the nails attaching him to the cross were more in keeping with the holes made in puppets for strings, so that the figure could be attached to the `control`, which is in the shape of a crucifix. The terrorist group, `Al Qaeda`, `the base` operated under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, which the US` army toppled in December, 2001. Saddam Hussein`s Iraq was invaded in March, 2003, ostensibly because the Iraqi dictator had pogromed the Kurds living in his country using gas in the same way that the Nazis had pogromed the Jews, but most people saw his deposing as due to his publicly announcing support for Al Qaeda, `the base`, `live` on TV, when he offered bases to the terrorist group after 9/11. However, if Jesus was the model for stringing humans as puppets, the Al Qaeda group were puppets, and the planes, in the shape of a crucifix, were a symbol of manipulative control. It`s traditional for bones to be made into glue, and airplane glue is what kids use to make model airplanes, for example, those manufactured by the UK`s Airfix company since 1939, and the US` Revell company from 1943, so it could be argued that the Jews were rendered because they didn`t want to make airplanes for the manipulative controllers to put children into as puppets to make war with. Or, in other words, the Nazis didn`t want Jews for their kids, they wanted airplanes. Consequently, Saddam Hussein`s Kurds in Iraq were the equivalent of his kids, but he wanted airplanes for them, not Jews. After the `chosen people` were made into bones, kids would need to be made into glue for airplanes, because the Nazis didn`t have Jews, and they`d want to rise as far as they could to heaven in order to protect their soles.



 The believers in the Koran (610-30 C.E.) call themselves Moslem, `acceptance`, and the conglomeration of nations that are Moslem is called Islam, `accept`. In Islam, four wives are permitted, which is interpreted as polygamy by western Christian nations, who believe in Jesus` teaching of the New Testament of the Bible. When the US` B2 `Spirit` bombers were dropping their bombs over the Middle East prior to the deposing, and execution of Saddam Hussein on December 30, 2006, it was because the Moslems didn`t accept monogamy (B2). Christianity had falsely associated the Holy Spirit, which Jesus said would teach after him, with the `second beast` of Jesus` disciple John`s apocalyptic prophecy of the future, Revelation, which describes how warmongering TV revived the Hollywood film industry: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.' (Rev: 13. 15) Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, birthed Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, so his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured that of `woman`s seed`. In Christian iconography, the Virgin Mary is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot`, because futanarian `woman`s seed` produces better brainpower. Consequently, the puppet controllers don`t want her to have the brains she needs to fulfill her destiny of developing advanced immortality conferring medical science and starship technology to take her to colonize the planets among the stars, which is what her prolific race with all of the host`s wombs is for.



 Hollywood was labeled `Babylon`, after the ancient capital city of the Persian Empire, which Saddam Hussein could see from his summer palace at Hillah in Northern Iraq during the Gulf wars. A `woman` of the Bible, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) was perhaps among the first Empires to enslave the human futanarian host of `woman`s seed` for war, which is why Hollywood, capital of a global mass media Empire promulgating images of violence as entertainment, was labeled `Babylon`: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) In ancient Greece the picture was clearer. The Greeks institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty for war through the host womb slaving of women. As a result, people were manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism for the entertainment of the pogromer; millennia before the first television (TV) machine was invented in 1926; to broadcast images promoting death as entertainment. Although the Nazis were condemned for rendering the bodies of the `chosen people`, because they wanted glue for airplanes, rather than Jews, the US was equally fascist. In 1930 Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), established the `Hays code` effectively banning humans from the mass media, because women`s mode of sexual reproduction between themselves was banned: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 Because there aren`t any images of humans, but rather images of war in the mass media, the logical supposition is that the Jews were `woman`s seed` symbolically rendered into airplane glue: `Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God`s.` (Matt: 22. 21) For the Nazis, their leader, Adolf Hitler, who`d borrowed the fasces` symbol from Italy`s dictator, Benito Mussolini, elected in Rome in 1922, was `Caesar`, a title conferred upon Emperors. As Jesus was made a model for control by the puppeteer Emperor of Rome, Tiberius, so God`s `chosen people` were rendered into glue by the Nazis to make airplanes, a modern symbol of the puppet controllers.



 Saddam Hussein`s Kurds were the equivalent of kids. Surrounded on all sides by the countries of Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, the Kurds were bombed even by US` B2 `Spirit` bombers ostensibly attacking the forces of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi in Syria, the putative Iraqi successor to Saddam Hussein in the capital, Baghdad, and who`d declared a new Moslem Caliphate for Islam that claimed territory as far away as Southern Spain, so provoking the US` B2s again: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden, Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, were created by God, and Satan, the angel, was placed there after being turned into a serpent by God, for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Although Adam is thought of as being God`s `man`, Adam in Judaism is described as the hermaphroditic anthropos, that is, Adam`s futanarian `woman`s seed`, which is the reason for Eve`s birth euphemistically described as being from Adam`s `rib` or side, because Adam` was a self-fertilizing woman. Consequently, Satan was what humans have been taught to think of as `man`. Giving Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death for the human race in ignorance and ephemerality`s wars for the entertainment of the `serpent`s seed`, Satan said: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God told Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, but Redemption would occur: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Symbolically, the Kurds are the kids, who remain after the heads of the humans have been replaced by the `serpent`s seed`. Or, in other words, the kids are the new glue that their parents need for making airplanes to bomb them with, because the human race to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above the Earth will never occur without the brains the species of `woman`s seed` needs to be immortal through medical advancement and build starships to take her there. As the `serpent`s seed` don`t want immortal humans, they`re pedophiles, who need kids to be the bones for the glue of their airplane manufacturing, so that they can kill them, because that`s how they play. The first `beast` of Revelation was the US` B1 bomber, called `bones`, which gave rise, in a parody of Resurrection, to the B2 `Spirit` bomber; used to try to persuade Moslem families to accept Christian mongamy: so giving them less kids to play with.

 In Judaism, a Jew can only be born form a Jewess, that is, women are Jews, because they`re the `chosen people` of `woman`s seed`. Judaism was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham, whose wife, Sara, barren thereafter, gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham. Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran, according to tradition, from the angels of God. Christianity views Ishmael and Islam as illegitimate, because he was born from an unmarried woman, whereas Jesus` teaching was that unmarried women of `woman`s seed` belong in heaven, where they reproduce with each other the human race, so men aren`t necessarily there: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) As a single species unowned in ring slavery, women and the Moslem people in Islam, whose marriages afford the possibility of sexual reproduction for `woman`s seed` within the Islamic family, are legitimate in Jesus` terms, so the bombing of `woman`s seed`, and her Kurds/kids, by the B1 `bones` and the B2 `Spirit` bombers, has no legitimacy: `The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14) Until it developed wings, of course, which obviously required a lot of airplane glue and Kurds/kids. Apart from the fasces, the symbol of ancient Rome was the eagle, and so was that of Nazism, while the Presidential Seal of the United States is also an eagle. In Revelation, the `last trump` is blown by an angel before the evil are judged by God to deserve eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, before a `new heaven and Earth` is given to the good by God, and President Donald Trump was the latest advocate of bombing `woman`s seed` in the Middle East and the kids/Kurds. Ostensibly, Saddam Hussein was toppled for using bio-chemical weapons against the Kurds, but the US allowed Turkish airplanes to bomb them. The Kurds haven`t borders of their own, but live in the midst of five nations, Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. The Turks bombed them on July 24, 2015, from a US air base in Turkey, Incirlik, a quarter of the city of Adana,2 close to the Syrian border, and that bombing didn`t warrant biblical support from believers in Jesus Christ, whether they call themselves Christians, and believed in the last trump or not.

 The World Trade Center was attacked by the Al Qaeda terrorist group, `the base`, as a symbol of global `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence` which had represented `model democracy` since ancient Greece enslaved the host wombs of its women for homosexuality in pederasty for war: `Let he that has wisdom understand. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) 66.6 % is the number of men and women in a democracy that relies on their manufacture as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in TV transvestism for the transmission of the virus of war as entertainment in the absence of the banned 33. 3% human `seed` of women`s. As a consequence, men`s spreading of homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` resulted in the creation of their `biological weapon`, HIV/AIDS. Spread through mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, the `incurable killer disease` acted to keep women in fearful faithfulness to monogamy`s ring slavers: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was turn the Earth into a glue factory for making airplanes to drop bombs on their kids/Kurds, so that they`d have no immortals with memory and saving technology to deal with, but always kids to make glue for airplanes to play with. As the airliners fly overhead in their cruciform shape, those below who can`t afford a ticket are expected to understand that they`re the damned, and doomed to perdition by the sign of the cross of Jesus, while the B1 `bones`, and the B2 `Spirit` bombers, are sure they`ll stay that way.


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2 Bulut, Uzay `Turkey Uses ISIS as Excuse to Attack Kurds` July 26, 2015, 5: 00 am, .



Pay Gun

18/08/2017 09:57

Pay Gun


Although Christianity is depicted as being against all things pagan, the story of the Jew, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, is a pagan history lesson, where Jesus` crucifixion is that of the nearest pleasing man: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) The Romans were the pagan Empire occupying Jewish Palestine, where `pagan` means the tools used by the Emperor in Rome to subdue the people of the nations they occupied. Consequently, when Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, and nailed to a cross of wood where he died, the cross was a pagan instrument used to subdue the Jewish `chosen people`. Called `chosen`, because they were, according to their Talmud and Torah, that is, their law and history, selected by the creator, God, to fulfil God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic host, the Jews were the Old Testament for the Christians, who believed in Jesus` New Testament teaching. Unfortunately, Christianity didn`t, because Jesus` teaching was the acceptance of `woman`s seed`. Born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death prefigured that of `woman`s seed`. His mother, the Virgin Mary, was depicted in Christian iconography crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot`, because futanarian women have their own penis` semen for the reproduction of human brainpower superior to that of the animal. In simple terms, the Roman Empire and others were based on the subjugation of humans as slaves by their interbreeding of the `remnant` of humanity with animals: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Fully grown serpent`s are dragons, which is why the `red dragon` of war appears in Jesus` disciple John`s apocalyptic prophecy of the future, Revelation, because Jesus and Mary`s futanarian `foot` is still having trouble crushing its head through human sexual reproduction between women: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Angels, because women will produce `man` as colonizers of the planets amongst the stars if they`re able to leave Earth, which is why God says to Eve, the first woman: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The Empire of pagan men in slavery won`t let go. Unfortunately, because Christianity didn`t understand Jesus` teaching, it won`t let go either; so it`s pagan.

 Although guns weren`t invented in Roman times, paying the gunman is endemic in modern times, that is, the pagans won, because they were the guns that were paid. During the period of the Roman Empire in Palestine, Jesus wasn`t a male figure of the same stature as the Emperor, so his crucifixion was designed to appeal to women who hated men for being their slavers. Jesus` torture and death was a picture of what the Emperor wanted women to do, because they couldn`t kill him, which is where Jesus` human sacrifice by the Roman pagans is reassessed by Christianity as a `sacrificial act` on the part of the sacrificed. In other words, Jesus` cross is an icon for women who want to kill men, and the crucifixion scene is sanctioned by the powerful male, like the Emperor, who perceives that he can`t be killed, but others may be sacrificed to assuage women`s hatred. Consequently, as a purportedly celibate `woman`s seed`, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus epitomized the ineffectual male, who could be killed by women as a human sacrificial victim on the altar of paganism to whatever might free them from slavery. Naming what they sacrificed to, `God`, it furthered the divine plan, which was to have women sexually reproduce in heaven with each other. Because Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured that of `woman`s seed`, human sacrifice was legitimized for women in the case of weaker men, who were perceivable as `heaven bound`, while their deaths satisfied the blood lust of those who hated men for keeping them as slaves. The Jews had been slaves in Egypt before escaping to Palestine, so slavery was perceived as their enemy, and the symbol of the Roman Empire was the fasces `bundle` with an ax in its center that was adopted by the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party that, after its democratic election in 1933, oversaw the pogroming of upwards of 20, 000, 000 of God`s `chosen people`, whose tradition it was that a Jew could only be born from a Jewish woman, so for Christianity Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, had given birth to the `perfect man`, uncontaminated by male semen. The Nazis` pogrom was in keeping with what the Roman Empire wanted, which was the extinction of `woman`s seed` as a form of self-hatred on the part of a humanity that didn`t want to be a slave to more powerful males. In simple terms, Jesus was killed, because he was weak, and the fascists used the Christian belief in heaven for the peaceful to kill the weaker and implement a program of fitness, whereby only the strongest males survived. Christianity was pagan and the weaker paid the gun.

In Islam, `accept`, the second son of Abraham, whose first, Isaac, founded Judaism, was Ishmael, whose descendant Mohamed received the Koran (610-30 C.E.), according to tradition, from the angels of God in heaven, and who was born from the wife of Abraham`s maid, Hajer, who was an `Egyptian woman`. Sara, Abraham`s wife, gave Hajer to him, after the birth of Isaac, and she became barren. Because Hajer was Egyptian, Ishmael`s birth was seen as illegitimate by Judeo-Christianity, that is, he represented slavery for women. The Moslem, `acceptance`, belief in Islam was based on the principle of four wives, which Judeo-Christianity viewed as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael`s birth from an unmarried woman, while also legitimizing `Egyptian` slavery through polygamy, whereas it afforded the possibility of sexual reproduction between women within the Islamic family. In simple terms, Islam offered Redemption from fascism, where acceptance of `woman`s seed` redeems men from male braining for war against humanity. Although not well documented, Iraq was a supporter of German fascism during World War Two (1939-45), the German Empire`s second attempt to enslave the Earth, after its first attempt in World War One (1914-18), which ultimately resulted in Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein`s invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and the rise of fascism in the Middle East through his successor, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed leader of an Islamic Caliphate arising amongst rebels in Syria, and Iraq. After the US invasion there in March, 2003, and subsequent execution of Saddam Hussein on December 30, 2006, the Independent State of Iraq and Syria waged war to obtain control of territories as far away as Spain and North Africa. Because fascism seeks the extinction of `woman`s seed`, Saddam Hussein and Baghdadi were anathema to Islam, which legitimized the sexual reproduction of humans between women within Moslem families.

 Despite the US army`s removal of the Iraqi army from Kuwait, it wasn`t until Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, declared support for the Al Qaeda terrorist group, `the base`, operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan and led by Saudi Arabia`s rich business heir, Osama Ben Laden, that the Gulf wars properly began. Al Qaeda hijacked civil airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city, a symbolic `rough trade`, which is that homosexuality in pederasty associated with `brutality and violence` deriving from ancient Greece`s supposedly democratic institutionalization of homosexuality in pederasty for war; through the host womb slaving of the human species of futanarian `woman`s seed`. Although that terrorist act on September 11, 2001, precipitated the invasion of Afghanistan, and the toppling of the Afghan regime by December 2001, the invasion of Iraq by the US was a symptom of `rough trade`. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men do with the human host. In simple terms, Jesus was parasitoid food, and women understand Christianity as instructive with regard to weaker males. They`re to be killed to see if they resurrect and have Ascension to heaven, because they`re closer to `woman`s seed`. It was Jesus` disciple, Judas, that perceived the threat to the male brained Empire. Spying Jesus` anointing by a woman, Judas suggested the perfume, be sold, but Jesus said: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) If Jesus had lived, `woman`s seed` would have been resurrected, and ultimately would have produced enough brainpower to escape male braining for war in host womb slavery of the human race. Colonization of the planets amongst the stars would have been Ascension to heaven for humanity. Consequently, women had to be convinced that the killing of weaker males was in the interest of the human race to the stars, so Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was used to encourage them to kill the weaker male in the midst of the powerful male, which of course was counter-productive, because it meant the death of the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`, although it satisfied women`s hatred for men. In short, Jesus` human sacrifice wasn`t a self-sacrifice, but a ritual pagan killing designed to encourage women to kill their own species` `seed` in the delusion that they`d have heaven.

 By the late 20th century, homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` had produced its `biological weapon`, the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV), which resulted in acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS), a sexually transmitted disease (STD) resulting from men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of women`s human mode of sexual reproduction: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was find a way of killing the human brain through injecting semen at the base of the spine through the anus, which is why Al Qaeda means `the base`, because precipitating global `rough trade` is what homosexuals in pederasty for war against the human race are for. In simpler terms, humanity has been at war with an alien consciousness for millennia: `The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev:12. 4 ) Because `woman`s seed` is the human futanarian race, it can`t be born; if it`s unable to reproduce. In the United States of America, there are even laws to alter a child`s gender, so that it`s either male or female: `The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) Without `woman`s seed`, only two thirds of the human potential is present, that is, 66.6%, which means that democratic institutions are parasitoid. Because the human species of `woman`s seed` should invariaby choose its own race to reproduce with, they`d outproduce men. Producing out amongst the stars in sufficient numbers to colonize the planets is what they`re for, but in slavery male braining is the evil Empire of Satan based on war`s parasitoid devouring of the human race before it can walk. Proverbially, a child has to learn to walk, before it can run, but children can`t ever walk, because they aren`t taught human biology through the mass media, which requires three gender programs. Although the television machine wasn`t invented until 1926, men and women had been manufactured for millennia as a single male brained creature wearing each others clothes in transvestism to entertain the alien parasitoid in `TV` war, which might have been averted indefinitely; if the district of Hollywood, `Babylon`, the film capital in the city of Los Angeles, on the west coast of the USA`s state of California, hadn`t banned `woman`s seed` from being seen on movie screens. In accordance with global fascism in 1930, the `Hays code` of the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, was implemented: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 Left without what society labels `pornography` to educate humans in human biology, through mass media representations of a three gendered society, the lop-sided male braining of men and women causes them to hemorrhage to war`s standstill above a pile of their own skulls: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) The capital city of the Persian Empire, `Babylon (c. 4000 BC), was named for `a woman` of the Bible, because it was an early instance of `TV`, and that`s why Hollywood was labeled the `Babylon` of the west, while Saddam Hussein could see the ruins of the ancient Babylon of the east from his summer palace at Hillah, because that`s what `TV` is for. Eek! Quality pogroming for film and TV audiences inured to misogyny. Pederasty`s child killer`s parasitoid alien invader has been the ruler of the Earth it conquered since `TV` was invented by Satan in the paradise that was heaven on Earth in Eden.


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Christianity Is Evil, Not Pornography

12/06/2017 12:55
CChristianity Is Evil, Not Pornography

Christianity Is Evil, Not Pornography


Pornography is usually depicted by Christian moralists as a human evil, whereas humans don`t seem to have any legitimate reason for believing that depictions of human sexual intercourse, or even simple nudity, is humanly evil, which suggests that humans need to look elsewhere for the source of the evil, and there is somewhere to look. Christian morality is based on adultery, that is, adulteration, which is usually represented as poison, for example, a woman whose children aren`t thought to be hers has `boy sons` who`re the consequence of her marriage being adulterated. However, the correlations between `poisons` and `boy sons` isn`t merely linguistic. In the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden, God, the creator, placed the angel, Satan, who`d rejected God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic host. In Eden were the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, created by God, while the angel, Satan, was transformed into a serpent, who gave Eve `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God expelled Eve and Adam from Eden for preferring death for their race in ephemeral unconscious ignorance, and so the power to make war, rather than that they had accepted God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, although God promised Eve Redemption for her `seed`, despite the `enmity` she`d have with the `serpent`s seed`, which had given her and Adam the poison fruit symbolic of the `boy son` that Eve would perforce bear in the future: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In fact Eve`s son, Cain, killed his brother, Abel, because of the poison fruit, that is, Cain remained a `boy son`, whereas Eve`s other son, Abel, who developed cooking, rather than fruit picking, was killed by the less able boy son, because Abel was an adult.



All those who were like Cain were boy sons, whereas those who didn`t have `the mark of the beast`, were adults. Christian morality is based on the belief that Eve was adulterated by the serpent`s poison, so that she bore a `boy son`, who wasn`t able, so wasn`t an adult, which is what Abel, the son killed by Cain, symbolizes. In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because human futanarian `woman`s seed` is futanarian, that is, women are capable of sexually reproducing their own brains` powers to crush the head of the war maker: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` teaching was based on the observation that women were neighbors of each other. Consequently, when Judas, Jesus` disciple, discovered a woman with the Jewish Messiah, Judas suggested that the perfume be sold, but Jesus argued: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Accepting `thirty pieces of silver` from the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, Judas made sure that Jesus, `Christ`, `the chosen`, was given to the Romans then occupying Jewish Palestine in the name of the Emperor, Tiberius, who took Jesus to the hill of calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, where he was nailed to a cross of wood, and died there, because Judas didn`t want Jesus` `woman`s seed`, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, to reproduce the brainpower needed to crush the head of the parasite upon the human futanarian host womb of `woman`s seed` to end its Empire of slavery, which was the adulterous evil that Christianity should define as immoral: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved for homosexuality in pederasty for war, so `Babylon`, `a woman` of the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the history and law of the Jewish `chosen people`, that is, their Talmud and Torah, lent her name to the capital city of the Persian Empire, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), because host womb slavery in homosexuality and pederasty for war is the basis of the adulteration of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` and so is evil.



The Jews are the `chosen people`, because of their tradition that a Jew can only be born from a woman, that is, Jesus was the `Perfect Man`, as he was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, whose `foot` on the head of the serpent in Christian tradition indicates that her `seed` is Eve`s futanarian `woman`s seed`, so any adulteration of the `seed` and womb of Eve is evil to God`s `chosen people`, whose numbers were reduced by upwards of 20, 000, 000, by the German National Socialist Party of Christian Germany, in `death camps` during the second world war (1939-45), because it was thought that they might sexually reproduce and constitute a threat to German Empire. During the first world war (1914-18), Christian Germany fought against the Christian Empires of Europe, largely from trenches dug in the ground opposite each others` armies, and `foot rot` was their lot while they waited to die, because the absence of `woman`s seed` form the gene pool results in lame brained activity on a grand scale when humans are reduced to the level of beasts. The `foot rot` disease was the correlation of the late 20th century `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, which spread through men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of women`s mode of human sexual reproduction, because it was an instance of a `biological weapon` being created to keep women in fearful faithfulness to men`s ring slavery of women in misogynist host womb parasitism for lame brained war against her species on the part of an alien consciousness. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`. Consequently, Christianity`s espousal of pornography as evil and immoral is `parasitoid`, because it condemns the penis as alien, and not because it`s men`s, but because it`s futanarian women`s `foot`, which isn`t lamed: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Jesus` disciple John`s prophetic apocalyptic Revelation of the future in Jesus` New Testament of the Bible depicts the serpent of Eden grown into a dragon of war through its host womb parasitism upon human futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, its adultery is evil, whereas the woman allegedly caught in adultery by the Jewish Pharisees couldn`t be adulterous, because women`s is a single species that doesn`t marry an owner in ring slavery: `Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.` (John: 8. 7) None could, because all were adulterate, which produces war`s lame brained evil.



Pornography is a slaver`s description of how the alien parasitoid monster enslaves the human host womb, because it features pictorial descriptions in stills and moving pictures of the supposed act of human sexual intercourse. Of course, so-called `soft porn` prepares the ground for general acceptance of the supposedly `adult` material, although few people probably get beyond admiring photos of `topless` 17 year old girls in newspapers, and graduate to full frontal nudity of girls in magazines, like Playboy (1953-), which actually banned nudes from March 2016 to March 2017, on the basis that women had been `exposed` too much for the jaded sexual appetite of the magazine purchaser to be aroused any longer at the sight of girls without clothes, so Playboy put them back on for a year in which the formerly naked women appeared coquettishly décolleté; presumably to appease the homosexuality in pederasty for war against women`s `seed` lobby that were petitioning the publisher - Hugh Hefner - for support in their campaign against economic growth through inflation. When the terrorist group Al Qaeda, `the base`, operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan crashed hijacked civil airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city, U.S.A.,  on September 11, 2001, it was an attempt to establish `rough trade`, which is that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty for war against human nature. Or, in other words, the economics of deflation is slavery, because new erections follow from war, which destroys what`s been erect before. Most economists agree that inflation is necessary to growth, which suggests that the ban on female nudity at Playboy between March 2016 and March 2017 was against inflation and erections, that is, it was an aspect of homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`. However, if women aren`t visibly inflated in the mass media and porn industry, there won`t be any erections indicative of socio-economic growth, because futanarian `woman`s seed` is the basis of human society, which has been adulterated by the evil alien parasitoid`s devouring wars against her `seed`.



Pornography between women is largely depicted schizophrenically in what might be described as the `Snow White`1 mode wherein the wicked queen in the folktale looks into her mirror and asks which is fairer, Snow White, or her? When the answer is Snow White, the queen doesn`t arrange a sexual liaison in which she and Snow White debate over whether either of them need to wear a condom to prevent sexual fertilization of ova from penis` semen, but has a poison apple delivered after the fashion of the serpent, Satan, in Eden, who didn`t want Eve`s `seed` to thrive, and Snow White subsequently attracts  a `boy son` Prince, because it`s the premise of the parasitoid devourer of `woman`s seed` that women don`t reproduce. However, as futanarian `woman`s seed` can sexually reproduce with her own species of women, women`s mirrors don`t tell them the truth, that is, their masturbatory fantasies are all about the handsome Prince, who`s a parasitoid alien. Traditionally, the vampire can`t be seen in the mirror, although it`s there. The East European myth of the draco arose through the novel Dracula (1895) by Bram Stoker, based on the historical vigure of Prince Vlad III of Wallachia (1428/31-76/77), who impaled his victims, although driving a stake of wood through the heart of the vampire, who is immortal through drinking the blood of his victims, transposes Prince Vlad Dracul`s actual historical impaling of his victims into the observation that parasites, who emerge from the human host womb of futanarian `woman`s seed` to kill her humanity, will eventually be a forever parasitoid collective consciousness. In fact, the woman`s penis` semen is the stake in the heart of the draco because it will die if she lives, that is, the stake in the heart of the vampire that kills it in the myth, is a transposition of the woman`s penis, which she can`t see in the mirror, although the vampire is there and, when she can see her penis in the mirror, she`ll have killed the vampire, because it won`t be anywhere to harm her race to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth through her species` own brains` power to develop the technology to bestow immortal youth and take her there.



Men`s mirror reflects their self hatred of their evil parasitoid alien nature in their ceaseless warring against each other, and the women who just happen to be underneath the B2 stealth technology of their 1, 000, 000 US $ each `Spirit` bombers during the Christian wars against Moslem Islam in the Gulf and elsewhere, because of the possible presence of `woman`s seed` amongst the four wife marriages permitted by the Koran (610-30 C. E.), which was received from the angels of God by Mohamed, who was the descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham, whose first son, Isaac, was the founder of Judaism. Because Christianity`s perception is that the four wives of the Koran are an attempt to retroactively confer legitimacy on Ishmael, born of a woman, Hajer, `the Egyptian woman`, because Sara, Isaac`s mother, was barren after his birth, and gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, the four wives are a sign of Moslem Islam`s illegitimacy, and a basis for war against it. However, the four wives of Moslem Islam afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between `woman`s seed` within marriage, which is the reason for Christianity`s waging war against it, because Moslem Islam presents a model for the human futanarian species of women to produce brainpower to escape slavery to adultery in evil. Pornography is entirely an adult good, because harmless, insofar as adultery is what the evils of slavery are, and depictions of sexual intercourse, though a parasitoid alien slaver`s diagram of how to infest a species` womb, are educative for the human race; especially, and more so, if futanarian `woman`s seed` figures instead of men`s. Christianity is based on faithfulness to ring slavery, so unfaithfulness to ownership through monogamous marriage rings is treacherous adultery, and a moral evil to the parasitoid alien devourer of the human race, because it wants an exclusive meal. Wars are its ways of dining out, rather than at home, although accusations of cannibalism are false, because an infected species isn`t a cannibal, but rather a parasitoid. Humans aren`t cannibals, although parasitoid activity is often defined as `cannibalism`, whereas it`s symptomatic of infection by the alien species` killer. Pornographic representations of women engaging in sexual intercourse with women are normalizing so far as humanity is concerned and the absence of so-called pornography from mainstream culture and mass media is a sign that the alien parasitoid devourer is in control. The Earth is at war with an alien, or it`s has beens.


1 Aarne-Thompson grouping 709, Germany.

1 Aarne-Thompson grouping 709, Germany.hristianity Is Evil, Not Pornography
Pornography is usually depicted by Christian moralists as a human evil, whereas humans don`t seem to have any legitimate reason for believing that depictions of human sexual intercourse, or even simple nudity, is humanly evil, which suggests that humans need to look elsewhere for the source of the evil, and there is somewhere to look. Christian morality is based on adultery, that is, adulteration, which is usually represented as poison, for example, a woman whose children aren`t thought to be hers has `boy sons` who`re the consequence of her marriage being adulterated. However, the correlations between `poisons` and `boy sons` isn`t merely linguistic. In the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden, God, the creator, placed the angel, Satan, who`d rejected God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic host. In Eden were the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, created by God, while the angel, Satan, was transformed into a serpent, who gave Eve `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God expelled Eve and Adam from Eden for preferring death for their race in ephemeral unconscious ignorance, and so the power to make war, rather than that they had accepted God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, although God promised Eve Redemption for her `seed`, despite the `enmity` she`d have with the `serpent`s seed`, which had given her and Adam the poison fruit symbolic of the `boy son` that Eve would perforce bear in the future: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In fact Eve`s son, Cain, killed his brother, Abel, because of the poison fruit, that is, Cain remained a `boy son`, whereas Eve`s other son, Abel, who developed cooking, rather than fruit picking, was killed by the less able boy son, because Abel was an adult.
 All those who were like Cain were boy sons, whereas those who didn`t have `the mark of the beast`, were adults. Christian morality is based on the belief that Eve was adulterated by the serpent`s poison, so that she bore a `boy son`, who wasn`t able, so wasn`t an adult, which is what Abel, the son killed by Cain, symbolizes. In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because human futanarian `woman`s seed` is futanarian, that is, women are capable of sexually reproducing their own brains` powers to crush the head of the war maker: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` teaching was based on the observation that women were neighbors of each other. Consequently, when Judas, Jesus` disciple, discovered a woman with the Jewish Messiah, Judas suggested that the perfume be sold, but Jesus argued: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Accepting `thirty pieces of silver` from the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, Judas made sure that Jesus, `Christ`, `the chosen`, was given to the Romans then occupying Jewish Palestine in the name of the Emperor, Tiberius, who took Jesus to the hill of calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, where he was nailed to a cross of wood, and died there, because Judas didn`t want Jesus` `woman`s seed`, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, to reproduce the brainpower needed to crush the head of the parasite upon the human futanarian host womb of `woman`s seed` to end its Empire of slavery, which was the adulterous evil that Christianity should define as immoral: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved for homosexuality in pederasty for war, so `Babylon`, `a woman` of the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the history and law of the Jewish `chosen people`, that is, their Talmud and Torah, lent her name to the capital city of the Persian Empire, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), because host womb slavery in homosexuality and pederasty for war is the basis of the adulteration of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` and so is evil.
 The Jews are the `chosen people`, because of their tradition that a Jew can only be born from a woman, that is, Jesus was the `Perfect Man`, as he was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, whose `foot` on the head of the serpent in Christian tradition indicates that her `seed` is Eve`s futanarian `woman`s seed`, so any adulteration of the `seed` and womb of Eve is evil to God`s `chosen people`, whose numbers were reduced by upwards of 20, 000, 000, by the German National Socialist Party of Christian Germany, in `death camps` during the second world war (1939-45), because it was thought that they might sexually reproduce and constitute a threat to German Empire. During the first world war (1914-18), Christian Germany fought against the Christian Empires of Europe, largely from trenches dug in the ground opposite each others` armies, and `foot rot` was their lot while they waited to die, because the absence of `woman`s seed` form the gene pool results in lame brained activity on a grand scale when humans are reduced to the level of beasts. The `foot rot` disease was the correlation of the late 20th century `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, which spread through men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of women`s mode of human sexual reproduction, because it was an instance of a `biological weapon` being created to keep women in fearful faithfulness to men`s ring slavery of women in misogynist host womb parasitism for lame brained war against her species on the part of an alien consciousness. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`. Consequently, Christianity`s espousal of pornography as evil and immoral is `parasitoid`, because it condemns the penis as alien, and not because it`s men`s, but because it`s futanarian women`s `foot`, which isn`t lamed: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Jesus` disciple John`s prophetic apocalyptic Revelation of the future in Jesus` New Testament of the Bible depicts the serpent of Eden grown into a dragon of war through its host womb parasitism upon human futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, its adultery is evil, whereas the woman allegedly caught in adultery by the Jewish Pharisees couldn`t be adulterous, because women`s is a single species that doesn`t marry an owner in ring slavery: `Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.` (John: 8. 7) None could, because all were adulterate, which produces war`s lame brained evil.
 Pornography is a slaver`s description of how the alien parasitoid monster enslaves the human host womb, because it features pictorial descriptions in stills and moving pictures of the supposed act of human sexual intercourse. Of course, so-called `soft porn` prepares the ground for general acceptance of the supposedly `adult` material, although few people probably get beyond admiring photos of `topless` 17 year old girls in newspapers, and graduate to full frontal nudity of girls in magazines, like Playboy (1953-), which actually banned nudes from March 2016 to March 2017, on the basis that women had been `exposed` too much for the jaded sexual appetite of the magazine purchaser to be aroused any longer at the sight of girls without clothes, so Playboy put them back on for a year in which the formerly naked women appeared coquettishly décolleté; presumably to appease the homosexuality in pederasty for war against women`s `seed` lobby that were petitioning the publisher - Hugh Hefner - for support in their campaign against economic growth through inflation. When the terrorist group Al Qaeda, `the base`, operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan crashed hijacked civil airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city, U.S.A.,  on September 11, 2001, it was an attempt to establish `rough trade`, which is that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty for war against human nature. Or, in other words, the economics of deflation is slavery, because new erections follow from war, which destroys what`s been erect before. Most economists agree that inflation is necessary to growth, which suggests that the ban on female nudity at Playboy between March 2016 and March 2017 was against inflation and erections, that is, it was an aspect of homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`. However, if women aren`t visibly inflated in the mass media and porn industry, there won`t be any erections indicative of socio-economic growth, because futanarian `woman`s seed` is the basis of human society, which has been adulterated by the evil alien parasitoid`s devouring wars against her `seed`.
 Pornography between women is largely depicted schizophrenically in what might be described as the `Snow White`1 mode wherein the wicked queen in the folktale looks into her mirror and asks which is fairer, Snow White, or her? When the answer is Snow White, the queen doesn`t arrange a sexual liaison in which she and Snow White debate over whether either of them need to wear a condom to prevent sexual fertilization of ova from penis` semen, but has a poison apple delivered after the fashion of the serpent, Satan, in Eden, who didn`t want Eve`s `seed` to thrive, and Snow White subsequently attracts  a `boy son` Prince, because it`s the premise of the parasitoid devourer of `woman`s seed` that women don`t reproduce. However, as futanarian `woman`s seed` can sexually reproduce with her own species of women, women`s mirrors don`t tell them the truth, that is, their masturbatory fantasies are all about the handsome Prince, who`s a parasitoid alien. Traditionally, the vampire can`t be seen in the mirror, although it`s there. The East European myth of the draco arose through the novel Dracula (1895) by Bram Stoker, based on the historical vigure of Prince Vlad III of Wallachia (1428/31-76/77), who impaled his victims, although driving a stake of wood through the heart of the vampire, who is immortal through drinking the blood of his victims, transposes Prince Vlad Dracul`s actual historical impaling of his victims into the observation that parasites, who emerge from the human host womb of futanarian `woman`s seed` to kill her humanity, will eventually be a forever parasitoid collective consciousness. In fact, the woman`s penis` semen is the stake in the heart of the draco because it will die if she lives, that is, the stake in the heart of the vampire that kills it in the myth, is a transposition of the woman`s penis, which she can`t see in the mirror, although the vampire is there and, when she can see her penis in the mirror, she`ll have killed the vampire, because it won`t be anywhere to harm her race to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth through her species` own brains` power to develop the technology to bestow immortal youth and take her there.
 Men`s mirror reflects their self hatred of their evil parasitoid alien nature in their ceaseless warring against each other, and the women who just happen to be underneath the B2 stealth technology of their 1, 000, 000 US $ each `Spirit` bombers during the Christian wars against Moslem Islam in the Gulf and elsewhere, because of the possible presence of `woman`s seed` amongst the four wife marriages permitted by the Koran (610-30 C. E.), which was received from the angels of God by Mohamed, who was the descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham, whose first son, Isaac, was the founder of Judaism. Because Christianity`s perception is that the four wives of the Koran are an attempt to retroactively confer legitimacy on Ishmael, born of a woman, Hajer, `the Egyptian woman`, because Sara, Isaac`s mother, was barren after his birth, and gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, the four wives are a sign of Moslem Islam`s illegitimacy, and a basis for war against it. However, the four wives of Moslem Islam afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between `woman`s seed` within marriage, which is the reason for Christianity`s waging war against it, because Moslem Islam presents a model for the human futanarian species of women to produce brainpower to escape slavery to adultery in evil. Pornography is entirely an adult good, because harmless, insofar as adultery is what the evils of slavery are, and depictions of sexual intercourse, though a parasitoid alien slaver`s diagram of how to infest a species` womb, are educative for the human race; especially, and more so, if futanarian `woman`s seed` figures instead of men`s. Christianity is based on faithfulness to ring slavery, so unfaithfulness to ownership through monogamous marriage rings is treacherous adultery, and a moral evil to the parasitoid alien devourer of the human race, because it wants an exclusive meal. Wars are its ways of dining out, rather than at home, although accusations of cannibalism are false, because an infected species isn`t a cannibal, but rather a parasitoid. Humans aren`t cannibals, although parasitoid activity is often defined as `cannibalism`, whereas it`s symptomatic of infection by the alien species` killer. Pornographic representations of women engaging in sexual intercourse with women are normalizing so far as humanity is concerned and the absence of so-called pornography from mainstream culture and mass media is a sign that the alien parasitoid devourer is in control. The Earth is at war with an alien, or it`s has beens.
1 Aarne-Thompson grouping 709, Germany.

Human Species Eaten By Alien Thinking Donald Trump Is A Good Looking Woman

21/04/2017 07:50
Human Species Eaten By Alien Thinking Donald Trump Is A Good Looking Woman
Misogyny is usually explained as woman hating, whereas an accurate reading of the first book of the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the history and law of the Jewish `chosen people`, that is, their Talmud and Torah, tells a different story. In Judaic tradition the first man created by God was hermaphroditic, that is, a woman with a penis, who`re called futanarian humans. Consequently, Eve`s appearance from the side of the anthropos, Adam, created therefrom by the creator, God, is a description of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` mode of species` survival through self-fertilization. The story continues with the addition to the plot of the angel, Satan, transformed into a serpent for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Although the serpent, Satan, is often descried as a penis symbol tempting Eve, Satan is actually in the role of the species` slaver of the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` because he ensures that the descendants of Eve and Adam are ephemeral rather than immortal by persuading them to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it is death to taste, so causing the original pair to lose the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, when God expels them from Eden, the paradise of heaven on Earth, for preferring death in ephemerality to eternal immortal life.
 God tells Eve her `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` will end when her species leaves to colonise the planets amongst the stars through the sexual reproduction of her own futanarian race`s brainpower: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In terms of misogyny, the penis which belonged to the woman, as the original species of `woman`s seed`, is hated by the alien enslaver, because it produces human brainpower to assist the enslaved race in its desire to escape from the evil creature that, somehow untold millennia ago, inveigled itself into the host womb of futanarian `woman`s seed` to steal her penis and kil her human children. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`. Consequently, the seprent, Satan, represents the former saurian evolution that began during the Mesozoic periof of Earth`s history 248 m.a., whereas hominid evolution began around 220 m.a. in the Jurassic period.
 Although God`s angels are depicted as remaining in heaven, Satan and the `rebel` angels are represented as enslaving the human race, which is a reminder that xenophobic hatred of other extraterrestrial races is anathema to God, whose angels are identifiable as saurian also. Because Satan is often depicted as a winged dragon, it`s likely that saurians are what the New Testament of the Bible, which is based on the teaching of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, meant by those rebelling against God`s plan: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In fact the `red dragon` is represented as waiting to devour the child of the human race: ``The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) Although the child is depicted as male, a human futanarian woman with penis` `seed` of her own might be descried similarly, that is, misogyny is penis hatred after the parasitoid alien has abrogated the human futanarian species` womb. Or, in simpler terms, the alien enslaver and killer of the human race hates `woman`s seed` so much it`s prepared to hate the penis it stole in order to kill the human more thoroughly.
 Jesus` teaching was: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) As a single species independent of her host womb enslaver, women`s penis has been made relatively extinct, and sexual repression of her race, rather than love for herself as her neighbors, has prevented humanity`s `seed` from reproducing the futanarian brainpower she needs to escape the parasitoid devouring alien invader. From the alien perspective, men are women, because they have the species` penis` semen, which originally belonged to the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, Donald Trump is an attractive woman from the perspective of the alien parasitoid devourer of the human race who could plunge the globe into `Armageddon` thereby making Donald an even more attractive woman from the alien`s perspective. Armageddon is the modern term for the final battle between good and evil prophesied in the Revelation of Jesus` disciple, John, and taking place on the plain of Megidoo near the port of Haifa in Northern Israel.
 Although good and evil seem simple to understand, a species that`s been bred as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes for `TV` transvestism, and the broadcasting of wars` horrors to entertain its alien parasitoid enslaver, mightn`t be able to think so; for example, without women in the battle, the good might be perceived as stay-at-homes. However, the host womb mothers of the combatants might be seen to correspond to the biblical `Babylon`, `a woman`, whose name appears in that of the capital city of the Persian Empire (c. 4000 B.C.), which is vilified in the Bible: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) A willing host womb to a parasitoid devouring alien is an `abomination`, which means that the women who produce war as stay-at-homes aren`t good. In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were institutionally enslaved for homosexuality in pederasty for war, and by the late 20th century the Greek `model` of democracy had resulted in the `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS being spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, and which effectively ensured women`s faithfulness to misogynist ring enslavement: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to rpeent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was have humans equate evil with their own race`s `seed`.
 Although Jesus` teaching explains what`d occurred, there wasn`t anything he could materially do, apart from appeal to the `spirit` of humanity: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Because Satan and the rebel angels correspond to God`s first saurian evolution and God`s angels remain in heaven, Jesus` teaching is an anti-xenophobic appeal for humans to understand that their futanarian species of `woman`s seed` doesn`t have `enmity` with the saurians per se: `Let he that has understanding understand. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) In physical terms, the human species of futanarian `woman`s seed` is absent by 33.3 % from the human equation, which consists of 66.6 % of the race bred by the alien parasitoid devourer as men and women with a single male brain wearing each others` clothes for the broadcasting of `TV` war for the entertainment of the blood-drinking draco vampire without a stake in its heart. Consequently, the `beast` is `666` recurring, that is, reincarnated, rather than the human species of `woman`s seed` resurrected, which is Jesus` teaching.
 During the Roman occupation of Jewish Palestine, agents of the Roman Emperor, Tiberius, had Jesus taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem where he was nailed to a cross of wood and left there to die as a `dissident`. Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, who was depicted iconographically by the early Christian church as crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot, because she was a type of the `seed` of futanarian women, who don`t need male semen to reproduce their own species. Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, after his crucifixion, prefigured the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven above, that is, colonization of the planets amongst the stars, through the brainpower her `seed` would sexually reproduce outside of slavery to the parasitoid devouring dragon of the `serpent`s seed` of war against her human race. In human terms, men`s interactions with women are women`s death scene, which is what the mass media doesn`t want its viewers to know.
 Before the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party was elected in 1933 and began incarcerating the Jewish `chosen people`, who`d be among the 20, 000, 000 killed in `death camps`, the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, had established the `Hays code` (1930), which effectively banned women`s mode of sexual reproduction from mainstream media, so ensuring the slow extinction of the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed`. Thereafter humans were conditioned to accept only male semen, that is, the `serpent`s seed`, after the film industry in the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, in the west coast state of California, United States of America, prohibited women being seen to be able to sexually reproduce with each other: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 By keeping women`s futanarian foot on the Earth, the `serpent`s seed` ensure host womb slavery of the human race in ignorant ephemerality and war`s parasitoid alien entertainment. The alien re-records itself as a reincarnation of what has gone before, whereas Jesus` teaching and example is that of the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed`. In simple terms, the alien manufactures men and women as its `snuff film`, which is an ilegally recorded killing for entertainment.
 Snuff movies are named for the way in which candles are `snuffed`. Although the song `Candle In The Wind` (1973) was written about Hollywood, Babylon, sex symbol, Marilyn Monroe, who was found dead in the nude in 1962, it was re-released in 1997 after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, whose car crashed in the Pont D` Alma tunnel in Paris, France, while it was being pursued by paparazzi photo-journalists on motorcycles looking to shoot a few rounds of film off at her: `Your candle burned out long before; your legend ever did.`2 Dodi Fayed, heir to the Harrods` store in London, was Diana`s Egyptian suitor killed with her, so the British royals` connection with Moslem Islam was too strong for the killer(s). Diana`s car was crushed, and Saddam`s name means `crusher`, that is, because Diana and Dodi were `car crushed`, Hussein, whose army invaded Kuwait in 1990, was implicated.
 Saddam `crusher` Hussein was a Moslem in Islam, which arose after Jesus` teaching when Mohamed, the descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham, received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels. Judaism was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham and Sara, who was barren after Isaac`s birth, so gave her `Egyptian maid`, Hajer, to Abraham, who bore Ishmael, whose descendant Mohamed founded Islam, which permits four wives. Judaism is futanarian insofar as a Jew can only be born from a woman, like Jesus from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. In Islam four wives are permitted, which affords the opportunity for women`s mode of sexual reproduction between each other to facilitate their escape from slavery to men of the unredeemed `serpent`s seed`. As an Egyptian, Dodi Fayed was a Moslem of Mohamed`s Islam, that is, a descendant of Ishmael, and some Christians believe that Moslems are illegitimate because Hajer wasn`t Abraham`s wife.
 Iraq was subsequently invaded by the US in March, 2003, resulting in Hussein`s execution on December 30, 2006. American actress, Koo Stark, who made the pornographic film, Emily (1977), labeled `softcore` because such films don`t feature actual sexual intercourse, was touted as a possible marriage partner for England`s Prince Andrew, and history suggests Koo`s wait was over when Kuwait was invaded by Iraq`s `crusher`, that is, the American`s failure to marry into the British royal family resulted in Saddam Hussein`s being able to invade Kuwait, because the USA was denied influence in the Middle East through the British royal family`s connections with Arabian royals, for example, the Emirates, and particularly the Emir of Kuwait, during the first Gulf war (1990-1). Although Koo`s career in `softcore` porn was lampooned and resulted in her ultimate rejection by the British royals, the absence of `woman`s seed` in pornographic films and mainstream mass media culture explains her developing a role within a medium censored to prevent women from knowing about human sexual reproduction.
 The `other woman`, Diana, was ambassadress for  the United Nations` (UN) before her death. Her self-imposed remit had been to deal with the threat posed by unexploded anti-personnel mines menacing traditional communities after the wars in Eastern Europe subsequent to Russia`s withdrawal, which`d occupied territories there since its defeat of Nazism in WWII (1939-45). During the Bosnian war (1992-95) Christian Serb militia set up `rape camps` in which upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women were raped in order to ensure the male braining of a generation of `woman`s seed` in Islam. Diana`s relations with Egypt`s Dodi Fayed was seen as an attachment to Moslem Islam in the same way as Abraham`d been attached to Hajer, `the Egyptian woman`, which was seen in Judeo-Christianity as resulting in illegitimacy, that is, Ishmael was illegitimate, and therefore so was Mohamed`s Koran, because slavery for war didn`t want futanarian `woman`s seed` sexually reproducing within the four wife families of `the Egyptians` the brains needed to escape the pogroming of the `serpent`s seed` of irredeemable male nature. Consequently, Koo and Diana were `political assassinations`, because the parasitoid alien devourer wanted male brained war. AP mines exploded when a foot trod, so they were a metaphor for men`s lame braining of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` through slavery to ephemeral ignorance in war.
 After the execution of Saddam `crusher` Hussein, Iraq`s Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi declared an independent Levant, and as the symbol of the Republican Party in the USA is the elephant, Donald Trump`s role was to respond to the trumpetings of that Levant, which began as the Independent State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) because of opposition to the rule of Syria`s President Bashar Assad within Syria`s borders and opponents of the US backed regime in Iraq. Claiming to be a caliph in Islam, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi claimed territories as far away as Spain for his Moslem Caliphate, which resulted in wars that toppled the dictatorships of Ben Ali in Tunisia, Gadaffi in Libya, and saw the removal of Egypt`s President Mubarak as the Judeo-Christian powers, with their allies amongst the Moslem royals in Islam, moved against ISIS and the Independent Levant (IL). The first trumpetings of ISIS` Levant was discernible on September 11, 2001, when the terrorist group, Al Qaeda, `the base`, operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan, hijacked civil airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city.
 In Egyptian mythology Isis is a sun goddess, whose role it is to remember the incarnated sun god, Ra, dismembered by the evil god, Set, after Ra`s incarnation as Osiris, and who Isis restores as the `sky god`, Horus, symbolized as a hawk, because its eyes see everything on Earth below heaven above. Although Isis restores Osiris, she can`t find his penis, and so gives him a new one, which suggests Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed` where humans will be born from sex between futanarian women. Consequently, the ISIS` Levant of misogynist Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi`s Islamic Moslem Caliphate is a perversion of the Egyptian myth, because Isis` remembering of Osiris is a remembering of her own race of futanarian `woman`s seed`. Because Judeo-Christian tradition has it that the last trump will be blown by God`s angel to announce the day of judgment upon the evil who will receive eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, whle the good receive an new heaven and Earth, US President Donald Trump is expected to be a part of what that nation calls its `Manifest Destiny`.
 Destiny is largely associated with the spear of used to pierce the side of Jesus by the Roman guard, Longinus: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Jesus always called himself `the son of Man`, because he was the child of his mother, the Virgin Mary, so futanarian human `woman`s seed`. Jesus` teaching was that a Holy Spirit would teach after him. so Longinus` spearing of his side was aimed at the spirit of Eve. The first Eve emerged from the side of Adam, according to the Bible, and Jesus was known as `the Second Adam`, so the Romans expected the Holy Spirit to emerge from his side as `the Second Eve`, which they wanted to kill, because she was the spirit of human futanarian nature. In other words, from a misogynist perspective, that is, a penis hater`s, Donald Trump and Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi are a couple of good looking female elephants, who won`t be going to heaven if they don`t accept Jesus` teaching about `woman`s seed`.
 The Gulf wars, with their slow-moving US A10 `flying pigs` armed with armor-penetrating cannon, were often deemed to be about oil, because Iraq was the fifth largest oil producer, for example, and the US` automobile industry needed it. However, doomed to oinkoil as the `serpent`s seed` wending its way along the roads between the canyon walls of its slave cities, the Gulf warriors bore more than a resemblance to those pigs driven by demons to run off a cliff and drown after Jesus cast the demon, `Legion`, out of the body of a man he met on the road near the town of Gadarene. A metaphor for the legions of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine, the passing of the demon, `Legion`, into the pigs, who then drove off a cliff and drowned, is a figurative illustration of the role of men`s armies with regard to motor oil. Damned by men`s addiction to the eternal combustion engine, the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` can`t reach the stars to colonize the planets, but oinkoils ceaselessly in its alien parasitoid desire to kill for entertainment the human host that bores it.
 Like a timepiece, in which the wheels and the cogs go around, men in their wheeled automobiles are the `remnant` of the cocks of `woman`s seed`, revolving while the misogynist penis hating parasitoid alien killer of the human race has its revolutions and its `Legion` uses its revolver to exterminate the species: `Oooh! It's a killing machine. It's got everything. Like a driving power; big fat tyres - and everything!`3 The track, `Highway Star` (1972), from the album, Machine Head, by the British rock group, Deep Purple, is about a drac. Dracula (1897) was a horror genre novel written by Iriish writer, Bram Stoker, popularizing the vampire myth, which began with Vlad Dracul, Prince of Wallachia (1431-76), whose practice it was to impale his victims on stakes of wood. Although the vampire legend is of creatures that are immortal, because they drink human blood and can bestow their gift on their victims, they`re monsters killed by a stake through the heart, which is confusing for those who know that, historically, it was Vlad`s victims that were killed by a stake through their hearts.
 By transposing the human futanarian penis of `woman`s seed`, the stake in the heart of the vampire becomes the women`s penis, because her `seed` will kill it. The legend of the vampire, draco, is a description of the human host`s sexual repression by an alien parasitoid to pervert humanity`s understanding into accepting the damning of its brainpower to prevent it learning that human sexual reproduction through `woman`s seed` is the secret to escaping enslavement to the devourer. Instead of explicating how the penis` semen of the human species of futanarian `woman`s seed` is the stake in the heart of the vampire, the draco is depicted as conferring immortality on nubile young women by sinking its serpent`s fangs into their necks and parasitically drinking their blood. Its extinction by impalation is depicted as being for beautiful young women, while the vampire is represented as a Christ-like figure conferring eternal life, whereas its success as a long-lived parasite is dependent upon the extinction of humanity`s `seed`. God`s plan is that the penis` semen of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` produce liberating brainpower and immortality through medical science and bio-rejuvenation technology, which is the stake in the enslaving parasitoid alien draco`s heart. As the vampires cock the hammers of their revolvers against their victims, and the wheels of the machine heads go around upon the Earth in their revolutions, the vampire draco dooms `woman`s seed` to produce its undead corpse`s shell in slavery to the parasitoid war of the alien against the human race`s desire to colonize the planets amongst the stars above.
1,php/Main/FootPopping/ .
2 John, Elton and Bernie Taupin `Candle In The Wind`, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, MCA, 1973.
3 Blackmore, Ritchie, Ian Gillan, Roger Glover, Jon Lord, Ian Paice, `Highway Star`, Deep Purple, Machine Head, EMI, 1972.

The Coerced Of Eve

16/04/2017 19:16
The Coerced Of Eve
Original sin is something that has taken up a lot of the time of theologians over the centuries. In the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the history and law of the Jewish `chosen people` of God, that is, the Torah and Talmud, the first woman, Eve, created by God from the rib/side of the first man created by God, Adam, was tempted by the former angel Satan. He`d been transformed into a `serpent`, and left in the paradise of heaven on Earth by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Eve was persuaded by Satan to `eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good an evil`, that is, death, rather than `eat of the fruit of tree of life`, which was immortality: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Consequently, `original sin` is the conferring upon her descendants enslavement in ephemerality to the god of war against the human race. According to the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, broke the curse of death when he was nailed to the a cross of wood by agents of the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine and experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. In short, Eve was coerced to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, which resulted in her ephemeral descendants being coerced as slaves into waging war to confer power upon their enslavers. In other words, Eve was accursed because she was a coerced victim of the serpent, Satan, which resulted in humanity being cursed/coerced by/after the original sin, which was the serpent, Satan`s. God told Eve her `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` would end: `You shall crush his head with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because the head denotes brainpower, Eve`s `foot` is the futanarian human species of `woman`s seed`, that is, women with penis` semen of their own, who can sexually reproduce their own species` brainpower to escape from slavery to war. In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen and so represented the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`. He called himself the `son of Man` because the Virgin Mary was his mother, who was the foot of Eve destined to crush the head of Satanism through her human race of `woman`s seed` reproducing brainpower stronger than men`s to take her to colonize the planets amongs the stars of heaven beyond the Earth.
 Humanity`s imprisonment upon the Earth is the result of being coerced, that is, cursed by slavers. In the late 20th century one of the most popular science fiction movies was Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977) featuring a `Death Star` that was put into orbit around planets by the evil Empire of Palatine to kill them. On March 23, 1982, US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan announced a `strategic defense initiative` (SDI), that is, a ground and space based missile system, which when fully implemented and operational would mean that no one could leave Earth without the US` permission. The German National Socialist (Nazi) Party elected in 1933 had built `death camps` in which to kill 20, 000, 000 Jews, because they didn`t want them to escape the alien pogromer either. In ancient Greece men had institutionalized host womb slavery for the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` in homosexuality and pederasty for war against her species. By the late 20th century, men`s `biological weapon`, that is, the `incurable killer disease` spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, HIV/AIDS, was keeping women in fearful faithfulness to their slave rings: `Men cursed the god of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done is hinted at in the biblical descrition of the founding of the city of Babylon, capital of the Persian Empire (c. 4000 B.C): `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Hollywood, district of the city of Los Angeles, USA, on the west coast of the state of California, was labelled `Babylon` because it became the unofficial capital of the global mass media entertainment industry and responsible for ensuring that human brainpower would never lift its foot from the Earth to the planets; despite the North American Space Administration`s (NASA) success in putting astronaut Neil Armstrong of Apollo 11 onto the moon` surface on July 21, 1969 (UTC: 2. 56): `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` In 1930, before the Nazi pogroming of the Jews, Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), established the `Hays code`, which effectively made human sexual reproduction illegal, because women`s mode of sexually reproducing human brainpower between themselves as the species of futanarian `woman`s seed` is human, whereas men`s is alien: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 Hays` prohibition against the futanarian `foot` made human sex taboo and the extinction of human brainpower a likely consequence of making women`s mode of futanarian sexual reproduction illegal in mainstream mass media.
 A human foot would never be raised on a planet further than Earth`s and there it`d be extinct, while the alien pogromers continued to raise theirs to stamp on her face: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In evolutionary terms, the `serpent`s seed` of Satan corresponds to the saurian species that was dominant upon the Earth 248 m.a. in the Mesozoic period, whereas hominid evolution began 220 m.a. in the Jurassic period. If saurians reached the planets amongst the stars during their evolutionary period, they`d correspond to God`s angels, and Satan with his rebel angels `fallen` to Earth to engineer the permanently `fallen` state of ephemeral human nature would be the enslavers. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges to kill the host is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men`s semen diluted by saurian `seed` results in, that is, war upon the Earth against the `remnant` of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` made essentially brainless by breeding with the alien. Although sexual reproduction between the futanarian host of `woman`s seed` would constitute Resurrection and Ascension to heaven through humanity`s own brains` powers for devising starship technologies, for example, and which the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, prefigures, reincarnation is a `snuff movie` in which a single male brained transvestite creature wearing each others` clothes, which is what men and women are, will continue to be manufactured by the alien parasitoid as its `TV` to watch extinguish its own race in wars against itself for the entertainment of the alien enslaver of the human host womb: `Let he that has understanding understand. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) Held to be `the model of democracy`, ancient Greece institutionalized host womb slavery of women in homosexuality and pederasty for war against her futanarian race of `woman`s seed`, that is, men and women were 66.6% of the enfranchisable vote, because 33.3% of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` were disenfranchised as non-existent. As all women lactate to provide nourishment for their womb borne infants, and futanarian women can fertilize their species` host wombs, they`re the human race, while men can`t bear children: `The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) Consequently, men`s sterility as a parasitoid born from a host upon which it is parasitically dependent for its evil existence is reflected in their sexual repression of `woman`s seed`. That theoretically absent 33.3% of futanarian `woman`s seed` denied human status and enfranchisement is capable of sexually reproducing enough species` brainpower to populate the planets amongst the stars forever, whereas that 66.6% men and women is the `beast`, `666`; recurring to prevent humans from being born with the brains to escape its `snuff feature`.
 Although US President `Ray Gun` Reagan`s `SDI` was labeled `star wars` because of the `Death Star` left to orbit planets that the Emperor Palatine in the movie Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), the war to colonize the planets amongst the stars waged by the humans against the parasitoid alien born from the host womb of the species is evident from the wars waged by the alien parasitoid against the human race upon the Earth almost incessantly. During the Bosnian war (1992-5) Serbian Christian militia built `rape camps` for a generation of Moslems to be male brained. Although Judeo-Christianity seems to be about `woman`s seed`, that is, a Jew can only be born from a woman, which is why Jesus is a Jew born uncontaminated by male semen, Moslems descend from Ishmael, the son of Hajer, the `Egyptian woman`, who was given to Abraham after his wife, Sara, bore Isaac, founder of Judaism, because she was barren after the birth. Ishmael`s descendant, Mohamed ibn Abdullah, received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels, according Islamic tradition, which permits four wives within a marriage, so affording the possibility of futanarian sexual reproduction between women within the Islamic family. In short, the Christian militia during the war in Bosnia raped the Moslem women because they wanted to make sure that no humans were born there. Or, in other words, the slavers didn`t want human brainpower, because that might conceivably result in humans escaping from the Earth to colonize the planets amongst the stars through the development of advanced technologies. Without brainpower humans are just ephemeral candlelight to be snuffed out by aliens in their `snuff movie`, that is, reincarnation is the illegal recording of the largely unconscious remains of humanity to be killed for the entertainment of the parasitoid alien. Ray Gun`s `star wars` is what men`s evil alien parasitoid nature is for, which is why Jesus taught that Redemption lay in repentance and conversion from sin: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) At what came to be known as the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, the representative of the human host, Jesus, gave his disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, which the Christian church, founded on Jesus` teaching, adopted in its ritual of transubstantiation, whereby the petitioner received a wafer and a sip of wine from the officiate`s cup, because they wanted to be human, like the host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus, and not devour whatever the human host bears as the evil alien parasitoid nature of unredeemed men are wont to do. Although humans are xenophobically taught that alien invasion from outer space is what they should fear, for example, in the perhaps deliberately ironically titled movie, Independence Day (1996), in which the aliens are defeated by a virus, and much in the same way as the aliens of science fiction writer H.G. Wells` The War Of The Worlds (1895) succumbed to the `common cold` virus, news reports of alien invasions on Earth occur daily, because that`s what men`s wars are. It`s more likely that extraterrestrial intelligence, which humans would define as `angelic`, would provide at least a partial solution to the menace posed by the actual alien parasitoid devourer rampaging upon the Earth, wearing the clothes it has stolen, and as a viewers` guide to what`s coming up next in `TV` warfare.

Men Born Of Women

14/04/2017 08:34
Man Born Of Women
Many have wondered how it is that Jesus is called `the son of Man` in the New Testament of the Bible, which is the teaching of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, `Christ` `the chosen`, after the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the Torah and Talmud, that is, the history and law of `the chosen` of God`s people, the Jews, who introduced monotheism into the collective consciousness after Moses, known as the `law giver`, led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt during the reign of the Pharaoh, Thutmoses III, and received the Ten Commandments of the creator, God, atop a mountain on tablets of stone that represented the foundations of a civilization that abhorred the taking of life by killing, theft, or whatever was discernibly forbidden by the law. Jesus` teaching was a distillation of the law of God: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus represented a prophylactic against the HIV/AIDS virus` `incurable killer disease` spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses which became a global plague after it was diagnosed in the 1980s as a virus originating in the African Congo derived from the simian immuno-deficiency virus (SIV). Although Jesus` remedy is perceived by Christianity, which was the religion arising through Jesus` teaching, as celibacy, in fact what Jesus` life represents is woman as `Man` and Jesus as her `son`, that is, Judeo-Christianity is about the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed`, who`re `Man` born of women. Futanarian women have their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of human women, as a species independent of men, with their own brains` powers` capacity for liberation. Jesus was killed by the Empire of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, whose legions were then occupying Jewish Palestine, because he was a `dissident` against slavery. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and left to die, but he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed` destined to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth.
 Jesus` celibacy was enforced by his relationship with the disciple Judas, who finding the Messiah with a woman anointing his feet with expensive perfume, `spikenard`, raised his traitor`s `spy canard`, which was that the perfume, that is, the woman, should be sold to raise money. Jesus demurred: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas` response was to notify the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who gave Jesus over to the Romans after giving Judas `thirty pieces of silver`. Judas didn`t want Jesus` `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce brainpower posing a threat to Roman host womb slavery of the human futanarian species of women, which had produced men`s entertainment of war long before the founding of the Persian Empire`s city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) and its documented role in Judeo-Christian tradition: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) An abomination of the Earth is HIV/AIDS, which resulted from nations like ancient Greece institutionalizing the host womb enslavement of the species of futanarian women for homosexuality in pederasty and war`s contagiousness. In other words, Jesus` role is to divorce `woman`s seed` from that of the serpent, who was the angel, Satan, transformed by God and placed in the original paradise of heaven on Earth for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. When God created the first man, Adam, who was a hermaphrodite, according to Judaic literature, that is, a woman, the serpent, Satan, tempted Eve, who emerged from the rib of Adam created by God, with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`. Eve was born of the human futanarian species` survival trait, that is, self-fertilization, and although God told her and Adam to eat only of `the fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, she accepted the serpent`s offer: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Eve and Adam were expelled from Eden by God for rejecting immortality for ephemerality in slavery to the `serpent`s seed` of Satanism, which promised power through war.
 By the late 20th century Satanism`s war against the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` had become biological through the spread of the plague, HIV/AIDS, which Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was the fisrt step towards combatting. Because the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` wasn`t homosexuality in pederasty for war against her own race, women born of women were the solution, which is why Jesus said men had to repent of their sinful evil nature and accept Jesus` teaching about `woman`s seed` if they were to have heaven: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was extinguish the human race in the name of the `serpent`s seed` of Satan, and HIV/AIDS was the launch of their `biological weapon` from ancient Greece: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war against the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Grown in size and virulence since its days in Eden, the `serpent`s seed` of Satan is described in the prophetic Revelation of Jesus` disciple, John, as preparing to wage its final war against the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` through HIV/AIDS` biological warfare, which kept women in fearful faithfuness to men`s ring slaving misogyny well into the 21st century. In parasitology, which is the science of the study of parasitical behavior, parasites that emerge to kill the host are termed `parasitoid`, which is what men do. Consequently, the serpent, Satan, represented an earlier form of planetary evolution in which saurians, who were the dominant form of nature on Earth 248 m.a., developed advanced space travel technology to colonize the planets amongst the stars to become `angels of God` in heaven above before `the fall` of Satan, and the `rebel` angels who began to enslave the hominids, who`d become the humans, and whose evolution began 220 m.a., while the reptiloid Satanists plotted `the fall` of man into slavery and pogromed extinction as an independent race unviable for anything except `snuff movies`.
 Manufacturing men and women as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism, the alien parasitoid warmaker aligned the television machine invented by John Logie Baird in 1926 with the the video cassette recorder (VCR), first made commercially available in 1965 for home use in the USA through the Sony Corporation of Japan`s $695 CV-2000, to provide itself with `live` broadcast and recorded killing of the human race for its entertainment. The capital of the mass media entertainment industry, district of Hollywood, in the west coast city of the United States of America, Los Angeles, was labeled `Babylon`, because of the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, who established the `Hays code` (1930) effectively prohibiting `woman`s seed` form ever being able to be seen to sexually reproduce on the screens of mainstream cinema theater, a ban that transmitted to `TV` when it became popular, so extinguishing the possibility of humans escaping to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven through their own brains` powers: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 The censorship is a reference to Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, who`s depicted in Christian iconography with her foot crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, because the brainpower of `woman`s seed` represented by Jesus, `the son of Man`, resurrected and ascended to heaven, is her futanarian `foot`, which Hollywood, Babylon, sought to keep from sexually reproducing its brains` powers on Earth to rise to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven and crush Satanism for enslaving the futanarian race of women`s humanity.
 In short, `reel men` have been engaged in an unannounced and largely unconscious species` slave war against the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` in which the aim is to be `Man` born of women as Jesus was `the son of Man`, that is, his mother, the Virgin Mary, representing the fuanarian species of `woman`s seed`, whose `foot` is destined to crush Satanism. Consequently, humans must decide whether to accept the `serpent`s seed` and slavery in host womb parasitism for parasitoid devouring in war against women`s nature, or defend her, which is Jesus` law: ` ... and out of his mouth doth proceed a sharp sword, that with it he may smite the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, and he doth tread the press of the wine of the wrath and the anger of God the Almighty.` (Rev: 19. 5) Jesus` teaching is that `woman`s seed` is heaven bound and so must be protected by those who would seek to be `Man` born of women`s single independent species unfettered by ring slavery for host womb parasitoid devouring in war`s entertainment provided for aliens: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Jesus isn`t a racist xenophobically decrying the evolved saurian race of unfallen `angels` amongst those formerly colonized planets amongst the stars. He`s for the Resurrection and Ascension of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to take her place beside those others of God`s creation, while crushing the head of the Satanist slavers of humanity in Satanism upon the Earth, but faithfulness to host womb parasitism through misanthropic marriage with the `serpent`s seed` isn`t his plan for the independent species of women. Known as `the father of lies`, Satan`s legions perpetrate the theory of alien invasion, whereas the aliens are the men who`re already in control of the planet Earth, slaving its host womb species of `woman`s seed` for their parasitoid entertainment of `live` killing for their constantly re-recorded `snuff movie`, which is what the reincarnation of the `serpent`s seed` upon the Earth without Resurrection for `woman`s seed` is.
1,php/Main/FootPopping/ .
2 Sony CV Series Video, .


The Dead Child At The Back Of The Womb Surrounded By The Men Of The Cave

13/04/2017 11:14
The Dead Child At The Back Of The Womb Surrounded By The Men Of The Cave
Sounding institutional, the word `religious` connects with ritual, or `established` in the sense of `establishment`, whereas `spirit` is a relational attitude corresponding to inner belief, or mental outlook, definable in terms of distrust of, or disregard for, materiality, wherein the individual discerns that which entraps or deceives the mind, so as to involve the body in activities likely to result in decay or degeneration. Religious activities, in the form of ritualized observance of rules and modes of behavior, are designed to ensure the safety of the body and/or mind in relation to what has been called, `the world, the flesh, and the devil`,1 that is, religion observes God`s laws as helpful in maintaining the body/mind duality, while the spiritual individual is someone who has accepted that the world of the spirit is a source of aid when encountering the possible pitfalls and entrapments posed by wholeheartedly agreeing to engage with the external physical reality, without reflection, and unaided by religious ritual or spiritual attitude. The epitome of religion strengthening morality is Moses` Judaic law, which is a prohibition against taking the life of others in different ways, for example, murder and theft, and supports the concept of fathers and families based on the socially acceptable ideology of defending women and children against oppression.
 Defining `spiritual` is more often than not simply a matter of equating it with `good`, and steering well clear of descriptions of religious ritual and observance, although there are some aspects which are non-contentious. Religion presupposes a supreme divinity, called `God` in the West, and `Allah` more often than not in the Middle East. Judeo-Christianity arose in Palestine, through the teachings of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, and became the New Testament of the Bible, after the history and law of the Jews, that is, the Torah and Talmud, called by Christians the Old Testament of the Bible, which was historically followed by the Koran (610-30 C.E.) of Mohamed`s Moslems in Islam. The Koran is a history and law of the descendants of Ishmael, the second son of Abraham, whose first son, Isaac, founded Judaism, which called God variously; `Jehovah`, `Eloah`, `Yahweh` (there are no written vowels in the Hebrew word, YHWH, so the pronunciation of the tetragrammaton is traditional), etc. `Allah` and `Eloah` are homonyms suggestive of synonymity, although it`s testing the bounds of cultural sensitivity to suggest identity. Textual analysis of the Koran and the Old Testament is revelatory of more similarity than difference, which would be expected if the naming of the supreme deity was equivalent to an understanding of that being`s actual nature.
 Traditionally understood as given to him by angels, that is, beings assisting the supreme deity, the Koran of the Prophet Mohamed ibn Abdullah is seen in human terms as legitimizing Ishmael`s birth from a woman not Abraham`s wife, Sara, that is, her maid Hajer, given to Abraham by Sara after the birth of Isaac, her son, because the birth had made her womb barren. Judaism espoused monogamy, while Islam embraced a maximum four-wife polygamy, and although Christianity favors monogamy it accepts Jesus` simple teaching on the nature of promoting peaceful relations: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31). Sometimes erroneously used to mean `religious` and/or usage, because `spiritual` could be applied to Jews, Moslems, and Christians, spirituality isnt related to belief, and believers aren`t religiously identical. Consequently, the word `spiritual` isn`t as contentious as `religion` when communicating with different religious backgrounds, so it`s use is more advisable in open discussion, because less likely to provoke accusations of cultural insensitivity. Moreover, `spiritual` is closer to morality than religious dogma because it affords the individual spirit the opportunity to decide for themselves what is moral. In the Koran Khidr is described meeting Joshua and Moses by the Red Sea after Joshua loses a fish that he`d been keeping for his and Moses` meal. The fish escapes into the sea, and just as early Christians used the sign of the fish as a symbol of Jesus, which the developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) interprets as a recognition by the collective consciousnsss of an unconscious content of the psyche becoming alive to consciousness, so Khidr`s appearance, as a guide to Moses and Joshua upon the disappearance of the fish into the sea, denotes the emergence of a needed psychic content into consciousness.
 Jesus was crucified by agents of the Roman Empire of Tiberius and experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, according to what are called the Gospels of the four Evangelist disciples (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) of the Jewish Messiah, that is, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, which are corroborative narratives of the extraordinary life of the miracle working healer and proselytizer, Jesus, but in the Koran Jesus isn`t crucified, and rather enters into paradise as an Islamic teacher. In Judaism, Jesus` name doesn`t figure at all, and the narrative of the Patriarch Abraham, his son Isaac, and descendant Moses, `the law giver`, who according to the Old Testament received the Ten Commandments of God from a mountain top on tablets of stone during the Jews` exodus from their period of captivity as slaves in Egypt in the reign of Pharaoh Thutmoses III, which are the prohibitions against life-taking by which Jews live, figures more highly. What`s often ignored is the meaning of Jesus` birth, which is that of a human uncontaminated. Born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus is uncontaminated by male semen, because his mother represents futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, women with penis` semen of their own for the sexual reproduction of their own species` liberating brainpower. Consequently, Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven above is a prefiguration of the leaving of `woman`s seed` for the planets and stars through humanity`s own brains` powers, and the recognition that women are human nature.
 In the Koran Khidr tells Moses that he will guide him but Moses won`t be guided, because Khidr is wise and isn`t bound by Moses` Judaic law, which is designed to ensure that humanity`s role remains that of fathers with children. Khidr begins his period of instruction with Joshua and Moses by rebuilding a wall beneath which treasure will be found but he says that the uncoverers aren`t ready for the discovery. The incident is significant because Moses was the leader that took the Jews out of slavery in Egypt and through the Red Sea, which God parted for them to pass through into the `Promised Land` of what would be the future Palestine, and then closed again over the pursuing chariots and army of the Egyptians, so drowning them. Although the concubine of Abraham was Hajer, an `Egyptian woman`, who bore Ishmael, whose descendant was Mohamed, who founded Islam after the Koran was given to him by the angels of God, according to Moslem tradition, antipathy remains between Jews and Moslems in Islam for this reason. Moses died before the Jews reached Palestine but brought the law of God from the mountain top before Joshua fought the first battle to take the city of Jericho. According to the Bible, the walls were brought low by trumpet blasts, but it`s clear from Khidr`s rebuilding of the wall to recover the treasure that the Jews` invasion of Palestine was perceived as intrinsically reductive, that is, metaphorically there wasn`t any treasure beneath the walls of Jericho, because Judaism is based solely on patriarchism, whereas the four wives of the Moslems afford the opportunity for women to sexually reproduce their own futanarian species` brainpower for liberation within the Islamic family.
 Judeo-Christianity, as it`s been taught, prohibits knowledge of `woman`s seed` in favor of sexual repression in which girls and boys are told that `mummy-fuck` isn`t allowed, because girls can`t have sex with their own species, and boys are educated in the belief that sex is permissible only with women, but only if they`re the mothers of their children. Although that perspective maintains the family structure of fathers with children, it kills the futanarian child, because girls and boys aren`t taught `mummy-fuck`, which is that all women are mothers in nature as the human race is single and futanarian, rather than owned in ring slavery through wedlock, that is, sex with the maternal is human nature, whereas society teaches that the single women of the single independent species of futanarian `woman`s seed` aren`t permitted to have single sexual congress with their own race. Because patriarchy tells its girls that mummy-fuck is impossible, it produces a perverted alien system. As human futanarian women are potentially a single independent species, preventing the dissemination of that knowledge to girls, through the human education system, is alien to humanity. It`s unlikely that boys or girls would want to have sex with their birth mothers within a human system. Moreover, an independent single futanarian species wouldn`t have to seek permission of fathers for its fatherers. In short, patriarchal morality isn`t spiritually moral, and a human species would be free of its evil child: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) A truly independent futanarian human race wouldn`t have to answer patriarchy on its `moral ground`, because futanarian fatherers would all be potentially mothers, so the concept of sex within the human maternal family of `woman`s seed` would be universal, and indeed normative.
 Human sex is actually forbidden by the aliens` system to ensure the death of humanity`s unborn child, which Jesus represents. In Al-Khaf, `The Cave` chapter 18, or `sura` of the Koran, Khidr is depicted killing a child because it`s evil, which is symbolically the alien child produced by a Judeo-Christian system. In its insistence upon women`s inability to sexually reproduce their own brains` powers for liberation as the human futanarian single independent species of the planet Earth Judeo-Christianity is insisting that all women are its womb`s whores` slaves for producing the `serpent`s seed` of the men of war to further enslave the human race and keep its lamed foot upon the Earth`s floor across which it drags its lame brained excuses attached to their brain damaged animalized flesh. In `The Cave` narrative, Khidr makes holes in ships before taking an undamaged ship to escape, because he says that slavers are in their wake. When Moses protests at Khidr`s actions, Khidr says that he and Moses must part, because Moses can`t accept Khidr`s instruction, that is, the Judeo-Christian patriarchy of Moses will father evil. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to devour it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what the alien host womb enslaver is in its warlike relations with the human race of `woman`s seed`. The alien system is evil, because it`s only for producing children, which is what pedophiles, who want to play games of torturing the innocent to death, want, that is, for the alien parasitoid, women`s wombs are for producing children for its pedophiles to torment. Consequently, in the Bible, the first woman, Eve, and the first man, Adam, are expelled from the original heaven on Earth, that is, the paradise of Eden, for eating the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which they were forbidden, and so rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, because it`s rejecting eternal life for children, is pedophilia: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Without brainpower humans remain infantile, which is why the alien doesn`t want a single independent human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to produce its own brains` powers for liberation and life. Consequently, `woman`s seed` has been repressed and/or killed by rich pedophiles, who want infantilism, so that they can torture ephemerals, who conceivably would use human brainpower to confer longevity and immortality upon themselves through rejuvenative science and so escape their gods.
 As God told Eve, she`d have `enmity` with the serpent, who`d given her the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, war and slavery for her ephemeral children. However: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Women`s brainpower will take her to the stars despite men`s sexual repression of her race to colonize the planets with her prolific `seed`. In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent, who`d been the angel in heaven transformed by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, because Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, after his crucifixion, prefigured that of `woman`s seed`, whose brainpower would be bruised by pedophilia, so causing her race to limp for a while, but she`d leave nevertheless. God`s angels remain in heaven, while the serpent of Genesis probably refers to saurian evolution in the Mesozoic period of Earth`s history 248 m.a., which may`ve produced starships, while hominid evolution began 220 m.a. in the Jurassic period, and so human evolution to the planets amongst the stars is thwarted by saurian nature: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Because saurians don`t want humans to disturb their Empyrean, the Bible predicts war in heaven between Satan and his angels and humanity, so the ages of pedophilia are an aspect of Satanism`s war upon the Earth against the independent single species of futanarian `woman`s seed` destined to colonize the planets amongst the stars.
 Jesus` disciple John wrote Revelation, which is attached to the Gospels in the New Testament of the Bible as a prophecy of the future of humanity: `And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her child as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) The pssage sits well with Jesus` comment on marriage: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) The alien parasitoid will devour human nature unless `woman`s seed` is able to sexually reproduce to repair the lame brained done to the species` brain by men`s confusing monogamy with monotheism and thereby elevating male fathering to the plane of godlike action so that the race limps to the edge of the cliff before falling into the abyss: `Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.` (Mk: 5. 12) Jesus` casting out of the demons from the man he encountered near the town of Gadarene calling themselves `Legion` wasn`t simply a metaphor for the Roman legions then possessing the Earth in the name of Emperor Tiberius. The demons asked Jesus to allow them to inhabit a herd of pigs instead, which then ran off the cliff and drowned, which is what men`s serpentine oink-oiling in the decapitated segments of the demon driven race is doing with the planet`s resources as the Military Industrial Complexes (MICs) of the various nations spend billions on snakily progressing ground attack, and dragon-like winged air cars, to invade each other`s body politic, while a cure for the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, remains undiscovered since the infecting virus transmitted between homosexuals was diagnosed as being spread from their mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction in the 1980s.
 In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved by men in institutionalized homosexuality for war, which by the 1980s had resulted in the spread of HIV/AIDS to the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`. Although ancient Greece was held to be the model of democracy, the human race was effectively disenfranchised. Consequently, John`s Revelation says: `Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) Without human woman`s seed, men and women are only 66.6% of the human race denying brainpower from the womb of the species to all of humanity, that is, men are keeping humanity as an animal collective in order to maintain it in its infancy for pedophiles and bestiality appealing to `animal lovers`. Although television wasn`t invented until 1926 by John Logie Baird, men and women had been manufactured as a single brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism for ages before Baird`s machine invention for the broadcasting into homes of the `TV` action, which from Hollywood, Los Angeles, capital city of the mass media Empire of the world in the United States of America, and so labeled `Babylon`, consisted largely of re-runs of films from the cinema theaters modelled after those of the Greco-Roman Empires where millions of people were killed for the entertainment of the parasitoid lame brained crowd. News footage showing the decvastations inflicted by war `live` on `TV` underlined the parasitoid nature of men`s breeding program. Pornographic representations of sexual intercourse between men and women is designed to depict animal breeding and training through such sex related activities as bondage, domination, and sado-masochism (BDSM) because men and women are bred to be a `snuff` film by parasitoid aliens who don`t want the slaves to rebel.
 Emotional songs like pianist Elton John`s `Candle In The Wind` (1973) are lauded despite celebrating the snuff movie ethos, that is, the recording and manufacture of the human race for killing as `live` entertainment for the aliens: `Your candle burned out long before; your legend ever did.`2 John`s song about Marilyn Monroe found dead in the nude in 1963 followed upon rumors of her having an affair with US President John F. Kennedy killed `live` in Dallas, Texas in 1962, and her subsequent affair with US Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, who was killed in 1968, looked like a `snuff film` sequence, which the reviving of John`s song to ostensibly commemorate the death of Princess Diana in the Pont D`Alma tunnel in Paris, France, chased by camera wielding motorcycle riding paparazzi trying to get a shot, did nothing to ameliorate in the public imagination. The nursery is another war theater in which the alien parasitoid lays its plans and endeavors to tug human heart strings to divert attention away from its pogroming the race:
`Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet;
eating her kurds and whey.
Along came a spider,
who sat down beside her;
and frightened Miss Muffet away.`3
 The Kurds are a dispossessed nation in the heart of Europe without borders. The US gave the reason for its March 2003 invasion of President Saddam Hussein`s Iraq as his pogroming of the Kurds within Iraq, but when Turkey, which had been repressing the Kurds within its borders since 1925, began again its pogroming of the Kurds within its borders the US remained indifferent despite Kurds still constituting 20% of the Turkish population in 2008 and the Kurds` Democratic Society Party (DSP) party representing 5.7% of the vote for membership of the European Union in 2009. In short, the US `muffed` its opportunity when asked to be `spiritually moral`, rather than attempt to prevent the `spider` of people devouring nations from devouring the Kurds on religiously `moral grounds` supportive of the Turks and censorious of the Iraqis. The Kurds simply shouldn`t have been devoured, although the `Little Miss Muffet` (1805) nursery rhyme programs the collective nursery environment with the pogromer`s intention, which is that the spider will devour the Kurds in accordance with the alien parasitoid planner`s plague aims. Pulling on the heart strings of children, and conditionedly sentimental older people, is how the alien parasitoid fakes social concern, while going on about its business of `TV` snuff movie manufacture and making babies for its monsters to torture in an ephemeral infantilism that doesn`t threaten its slave ring imprisoning the human race upon the Earth to prevent its escape to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above.
 The prototypical alien parasitoid society was National (Nazi) Socialist Germany, which killed 20, 000, 000 Jews in `death camps` constructed for that purpose after the 1933 election. Jewish tradition is futanarian `woman`s seed`, because a Jew can only be born from a Jewish woman, that is, women are Jews. Consequently, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is the woman of the `chosen people` of God, who bore Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, as the perfect Jew uncontaminated by male semen, that is, he was of the `remnant` of the species of human futanarian `woman`s seed`. The pogroming of the Kurds is but another instance of the supposedly human extinction of the species, which the race is expected to accept because of its alien parasitoid`s vampiristic sentimentalism and conditioning by its pedophiles terrified of losing an infancy to torture to death in homosexuality for pederasty`s bestial wars against human nature. Socio-historically the parasitoid alien`s wars against `woman`s seed` is more than evident. The French Revolution (1789-99) saw the beheading of the aristocracy,4 whose women were known for wearing bustles, perhaps to conceal the `remnant` of women`s erect status, and which the ante-bellum period of the Southern United States seems to have reprised beneath the voluminous skirts of the women before men`s Civil war (1861-5) to ostensibly free them from enslavement, while the French Revolution accounted for between 16, 000 and 40, 000 civilian executions perhaps related to the reducing of the erect of women`s God to men`s simian levels of knuckle dragging across her deflated penis and the corpse it was attached to. The Russian dictator Joszef Stalin`s (1922-52) `labor camps` accounted for 1, 053, 829 `disappeared` between 1929 and 1953. Cambodian dictator Pol Pot`s dislike of intellectuals depopulated his country by between 1-3 million during his four-year premiership (1975-9), that is, by 25%, and the wars of `ethnic cleansing` in an Eastern Europe fragmented into largely Moslem and Christian enclaves by the withdrawal of Russia from the late 1980s of Yugoslavian territories they`d occupied since the defeat of Nazism in 1945, were another symptom of the evil alien parasitoid`s aim to extinguish the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`. In the Bosnian war (1992-5) Christian Serb militia set up `rape camps` to ensure that a generation of Moslem children would be born male brained and so continue the pedophilia and bestiality that homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` engenders.
1 Bernal, J.D. The World, The Flesh And The Devil: An Enquiry into the Future of the Three Enemies of the Rational Soul, 1929.
2 John, Elton and Bernie Taupin `Candle In The Wind`, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, MCA, 1973.
3 `Little Miss Muffet`, Ruud Folk Song Index # 20605, Songs For The Nursery, 1805.
4 Matusitz, Jonathan Symbolism in Terrorism: Motivation, Communication, and Behavior, Rowman and Littlefield, Maryland, 2014, p. 19.

Women Are Male And Female

28/02/2017 16:21
Women Are Male And Female
If women are male and female, which is which? Not the one that wears the trousers. The male is the woman without the penis, that is, the female woman is the futanarian with the penis` semen for the sexual fertilization of her own species` host womb for the production of her race`s human brainpower to take her to the planets amongst the stars of God`s heaven above the Earth. The male woman is the one that knows she`s male, because the female woman with the penis` semen of her own is the male woman`s sexual counterpart that has the species` host womb too. In other words, both aspects of the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` have host wombs for the reproduction of their species, but the female has penis` semen of her own too. Although it`s difficult for men to accept, women don`t need them, and Jesus` teaching began the work of persuasion: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus, who was `Christ`, `the chosen`, amongst the Jews of Palestine occupied by the Roman Empire, who were `the chosen people`, according to their law and history, that is, the Talmud and Torah of the Old Testament of what the Christian believers in Jesus` New Testament call the Bible, also said: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Unless men accept `woman`s seed`, they can`t be born amongst the planets of God`s starry Empyrean in heaven: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Jesus` disciple, John`s prophetic Revelation of the future events subsequent to Jesus` crucifixion by the Romans as a `dissident` comments on the betrayal of Jesus by the disciple, Judas, who found Jesus with a woman. Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon by Jesus suggested to him that the `expensive perfume` be sold to raise money. Jesus replied: `Leave her alone.` Judas sold Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees for `thirty pieces of silver` because he didn`t want `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce the brainpower needed to escape host womb slavery to men. Both Jesus and the woman were `perfume` to Judas.
 The Pharisees gave Jesus over to the Romans who took him to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem and nailed him to a cross of wood where he died but experienced the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven he preached of in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. Born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was uncontaminated by male semen and therefore `woman`s seed`, that is, he was a female man, whereas a female woman is a futanarian woman with penis` semen of her own, and a male woman is a woman with a host womb, like her futanarian female sexual counterpart. The meaning of Jesus` life is that men have to repent from their evil sinful nature and accept women as `Man`. Jesus` disciple John explains that the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) of the future is the `incurable killer disease` of the late 20th century, HIV/AIDS, spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction, which is what women practice togeether as `Man`, and Judas didn`t want Jesus` teaching to spread lest the Empire of Roman slavery of the host womb of the human race collapse: `Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) Men and penisless women constitute 66.6% of the possible voting franchise in what is a `Greek` democracy. In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were institutionally enslaved for homosexuality in pederasty for war against her race. Without `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce her own brainpower democratically, 33.3% of the possible voting franchise is excised from the democratic process through sexual repression of the human species. Or, in other words, humanity is enslaved by an alien: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 17. 5) In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men do. They emerge from the host womb of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to kill her, and HIV/AIDS is their `biological weapon` in the making since ancient Greece to keep women in fearful faithfulness to their ring slavery.
 The biblical story of Eve and Adam is curious for several reasons, but the main feature is the mystical appearance of Eve from the side of Adam, the first man created by God. Misogynists use this as the basis for their hatred of women, because the Bible specifically says that Adam was created in the image of `Man`, which misogyny uses to define men as God and women as their host womb slaves. However, In Judaism the first man is described as hermaphroditic, that is, the first man was a futanarian woman with penis` semen of her own, so the birth of Eve from a self-fertilizing female woman is a human species` survival trait and Eve`s birth from the side or `rib` of Adam is a euphemism for self-ferilization and birth. The other character in the drama is Satan, the angel, who rejected God`s plan that the human host be grater than the angelic. God turned Satan into a serpent, and God told Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, because the `seed` of the `serpent` are men: `You will crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` will sexually reproduce her own brainpower to escape host womb slavery to men of the `serpent`s seed`, God promises. Consequently, in Christian iconography Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot, that is, she`s human futanarian `woman`s seed` and Jesus, `the son of man`, is born uncontaminated from the `Second Eve`. Although Jesus said that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, and the spirit of God is described in the Bible, that is, the Shekinah, who is `tranquility` amongst the Moslems in Islam, the Roman guard Longinus` spearing of Jesus` side upon his death wasn`t an attempt to birth the `Second Eve` by caesarian section, which is how the Romans thought that their `god` Emperors were birthed: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Jesus wasn`t the god son of the Emperor, Tiberius, and the Holy Spirit of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` awaiting Resurrection and Ascension to heaven through the sexual reproduction of the brainpower of her own race to escape host womb slavery to the parasitoid devouring alien represented by Rome`s men of the `serpent`s seed` was the `Third Eve`, the `spirit of God`, the Shekinah.
 In the paradise of Eden that was heaven on Earth the serpent, Satan, persuaded Eve to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, although God had given Eve and Adam `the fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality. Thereafter Eve and Adam`s descendants were doomed to be host womb slaves of the parasitoid `seed` of Satan. In terms of the history of the Earth, saurians were the dominant evolved life form in the Mesozoic period 248 m.a. before hominids began to emerge in the Jurassic period of Earth`s history 220 m.a., so God`s winged angels were saurian, and according to the Bible they live in heaven, despite the fall of the rebel angels with Satan who wanted to enslave the human futanarian host womb of `woman`s seed` to wage war for their entertainment. In simple terms, ephemerality for the human race meant short-term memory and an inability to preserve knowledge despite technological advancement in the face of the warlike nature of the parasitoid alien that untold milennia ago had somehow inveigled itself into the host womb of the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` to steal her penis and replicate itself as her parasitoid devourer. Knowledge of the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, was good knowledge, and evil knowledge was stupidity, because it indicated a preference for slavery unto death. For the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` was poison, that is, `boy sons`, because ephemeral men with short-term goals wage war against the human host, which is what Satan wanted, so that the race for the planets amongst the stars would be thwarted and the Earth`s human species would remain slaves in ephemerality and death without the brainpower to develop the medical science and advanced technologies to confer upon their species immortality and a good life escaped from host womb enslavement to their parasitoid alien devourer.
 Because Eve and Adam were male and female human futanarians, they were man and woman although, as the man, Eve had a host womb, whereas Adam had both host womb and penis` semen, and so was the woman. Satan was the `seed` of the `serpent`, according to God, that is, men were his `seed`, whereas `Man` was what Jesus was, because Jesus was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen: `And then at last, the sign that the Son of Man is coming will appear in the heavens, and there will be deep mourning among all the peoples of the earth. And they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.` (Matt: 24. 30) Mourning for their ignorance because `Man` is a human futanarian woman with penis` semen of her own and the men of the `serpent`s seed` pogromed her. In Judaism it isn`t possible for a Jew to be born unless from a Jewish woman, that is, women are Jews, so Jesus` mother`s birthing of Jesus as the `perfect man` uncontaminated by men`s semen as the `Christ`, `the chosen` amongst `the chosen people` of God, is because he`s uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` of men. Moreover, Christians are taught that Ishmael, founder of Islam, `accept`, whose believers call themselves Moslems, `accepters`, through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) dictated by the angels of God, was illegitimate, and therefore Moslem Islam is illegitimate too. Judaism was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham`s wife, Sara, who barren thereafter gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham. Hajer bore Ishmael, and Christians argue that the four wives permitted Moslems is an attempt to retroactively legitimize Ishmael and Islam because Hajer was an unmarried concubine. However, the four wife marriages amongst the Moslems in Islam afford the possibility of human futanarian sexual reproduction of liberating brainpower amongst `woman`s seed` within the Islamic family, which is in the Judeo-Christian tradition. In short, war between the Jews, Moslems and Christians is provoked by `the father of lies`, Satan, whose parasitoids have enslaved the human race to wage war upon itself for the entertainment of the aliens.
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